Online game super god animal trainer

Chapter 393 Pirate Conference

Chapter 393 Pirate Conference (Please Subscribe~)

There was silence on the beach, and Finley silenced everyone.

After a while, the player posed a question to Finley:

"Does the pirate group need a ship?"

"Who said that I can go out to sea riding Momoo?" Finley touched Momoo and said, "There is a giant pirate group that goes out to sea on a plesiosaur."

"Is the pirate group of those two people also considered a pirate group?"

"It's definitely counted. More than one person can be called a group." Finley said, "It's not just me and Spore, Momoo is also a member of our team! By the way, Spore, you can take 3 more people to sea. , 4 people can sit on Momoo."

As soon as the words came out, the player's eyes lit up. This is a task related to artifacts. Although the final reward may not be artifacts, it sounds very powerful.

They looked at Su Ming expectantly.

The system has given Su Ming a task reminder, and Su Ming of the Pirate Assembly knew about it. In fact, he was going to participate in the auction held by the Great Emperor's Guild, but he happened to bump into Finley and took over the task.

Seeing that everyone's expectations are so high now, Su Ming poured a little cold water:

"The task rewards are not very good."

With that said, Su Ming shared the task in the guild channel.

The mission rewards are only experience, gold coins, and a book signed by Finley...

Although it seemed like a spoof mission, everyone's enthusiasm was still very high, and they all said that rewards were not important, as long as they could go to the Pirate Conference for free.

"Okay then, I'm going to bring one nurse and two back row DPS. Let's choose people based on the contribution of the guild." Su Ming said.

Soon, the candidates will be decided.

Those who joined Su Ming's team were Guardian, Hunter, and Curse Master, and their names were "Falling into the Ordinary", "A Lonely Man", and "Lonely Moon".

These three players contributed the most to the guild among the players present. They were all level 45, and their equipment was not bad. After they were selected, they were very excited.

After joining the team, Suo Pingfan asked Finley worriedly:

"You say you are a pirate, do others admit it?"

"Of course I will admit that, to be honest, I have a certain reputation among pirates." As he spoke, Finley took out a book with "Those Years I Was a Pirate" written on the cover. Finley said, "Many pirates have read According to the book I wrote, some murlocs were influenced by this book and became pirates... The influence was not very good, and this book was banned."

Everyone fell into silence again. This guy Finley was unpredictable, and he didn't know how much he was bragging.

"Then when shall we set off?" Su Ming asked Finley.

"If you are ready, you can start now. The Pirate Conference will start in two days." Finley said, "They are held in Treasure Island. Do you know Treasure Island?"

Without waiting for other players to talk, Finley asked and answered by himself:
"Treasure Island is an island floating on the sea. It only stays in one place for one week every year. It's not easy to find it. But Momoo will take us there."

Now that Finley said so, Su Ming looked at the three players who teamed up with him and asked:

"I can leave at any time, do you want to prepare?"

"I do not need."

"Me too."

"plus one."

"Okay, then let's go straight away."

Four people plus a murloc rode on a manatee and went directly into the sea. Only players dared to do this...


At about the same time, a luxury cruise ship rented by the Great Emperor's Guild also left the pier and sailed into the deep and dark sea.

On this ship, there are thousands of powerful and financially rich players on board, and the ticket money they paid alone has already made the Great Emperor Guild a fortune.

late at night.

The lights of the five-story cruise ship are bright, and the waiters in the singing and dancing hall are in a hurry. They hold the wine tray in one hand and walk through the crowd.

In addition to the players, there are also many NPC celebrities in the venue. From the clothing, the NPCs and players can be roughly distinguished.

Most of the NPCs wear formal clothes, but the players wear everything, which is weird, and will suddenly disappear or appear (offline and offline) from time to time...

Of course, among these gorgeously dressed and elegantly behaved NPCs, there are also some outliers.

For example, in the hall, there is a bandage monster who eats a lot. It is strange that no one notices it because it eats in such a shapeless way—whether it is a player or an NPC.

"This group of human beings will really enjoy themselves. Gulu Gulu." The bandage geek drank a bottle of wine, hiccupped, picked up a fish, ate all the fish in one bite, and then threw the fish bone back to the dinner plate, muttering: "A fish can be eaten in a hundred ways. I really don't know how their heads grow."

"Master Meimi always said that human beings are smart, but in my opinion, they are only smart when it comes to eating, and they are stupid to death in other aspects. I have been on the boat for so long, and I haven't found me yet, haha."

"I thought it would be difficult to find Treasure Island, but with this group of humans, it has become easier. I may be the first to bring back the 'Shard of the Heart of the Ocean', and I will definitely get Mei at that time." Master Mi's commendation has greatly improved his strength, trampled the other three under his feet, and became an existence below Master Mei Mi and above the others, hahaha.

Hiccup~ I'm full, let's take a rest. "

The bandage freak finished his fantasy time and was about to leave the hall when his eyes suddenly met a person with scarlet eyes and pale skin.

The person who saw the Bandage Man was none other than the Great Emperor.Holding a red wine glass, he was discussing things with a hunchbacked NPC old man. After seeing the bandage weirdo, he was also stunned for a moment.

He didn't remember that there was such a No. [-] person on board, and besides him, no one else seemed to see this strange NPC.

The emperor was not in a hurry when he saw the bandage man running away. He calmly spoke to the old man in front of him:

"Sorry, Mr. Gobrey, I have something to deal with, so I'm sorry."

"Go and get busy."

The emperor nodded, put the wine glass aside, and walked out.

When other members of the Great Emperor's Guild saw their boss in action, they asked what happened in the guild channel specially opened for members who had boarded the ship.

"It's fine for you to continue to maintain order over a small matter. There may be a fight later, but there's no need to make a fuss. I'll take care of it. Ah Kuang, Zongzi, you two are with me."

Ah Kuang is naturally Kuang Jian. After experiencing those strange things in those few days, although his level has fallen, his skills have improved a lot, and he has a new understanding of the game. He ranked among the top three, and commentators from all walks of life were surprised by Kuangjian's progress.

Zongzi is the chief blessing teacher in the Great Emperor Guild. Like Die Xiyu, he has never fallen out of the top three in the weekly list of Blessing Masters. He and Die Xiyu, and a player named "Starlight", have been taking turns being the first, second, and second. Three... stable like a triangle.

Among the three of them, Die Xiyu is good at team command, Xingguang is good at PK, and Zongzi has done his job as a blessing teacher to the limit. He is very good at milking people, milking people in various senses...

(End of this chapter)

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