Online game super god animal trainer

Chapter 397 Momoo Was Robbed

A day later, a manatee swam dejectedly up the sands of Treasure Island.

Finley jumped off Momoo's back, squeezed out the sea water in the pirate flag, and taught:

"Momoo, you are so cowardly. A little storm frightened you like this, which delayed us for a day. You should learn more from me and be a brave murloc."

"Moo~moo~" Moomo humbly accepted Finley's teaching.

Seeing that Momoo admitted his mistake, Finley patted Momoo on the head and let him go to the sea to find a place to hide. It was inconvenient to take Momoo with him on the shore.

Finley, who fell into the ordinary and didn't pay attention to playing tricks, was talking about topics that players would be interested in.

"There are a lot of pirate ships. If we go up now, can we bring back something?" Shen Pingfan asked.

He is a proper bandit player thinking, he wants to take things that are not guarded by NPCs...

When Momoo landed, there were already dozens of large and small pirate ships floating on the sea.Among them is a huge cruise ship that is the most eye-catching, and it is known at a glance that it is used by the Great Emperor Guild to transport players and noble NPCs.

The hunter named "A Lonely Man" spoke up:
"It should be possible, but the Pirate Conference was originally a gathering of pirates to trade, and they should have brought all the good things to the island."

Lonely Moon asked:
"Have you brought enough gold coins? This time I brought 10000 gold coins, hoping to exchange for some good dark gold equipment."

When Gu Yue was asking, she opened the system interface and chatted privately with people, and the people she chatted with were all members of the Great Emperor Guild.

The main content of their chat was that Gu Yue reported that Su Ming had gone to the island. Su Ming was helping a murloc with a task related to "mythical equipment", and asked the people of the Great Emperor's Guild to look for it on the island in advance.

Lonely Moon's true identity is actually a traitor arranged by the Great Emperor's Guild to Miracle Wilderness...

"I must have brought it. I brought 2, hehe." Shen Pingfan said, and asked Su Ming curiously, "Boss, how much money did you bring?"

"Hundreds of thousands..." Su Ming had the space-time shell, he could actually take out hundreds of millions of gold coins, and he could basically buy anything, but he was afraid that there would be nothing for him to buy.

"It doesn't seem to be a lot..." said Xiang Pingfan.

"You are stupid, who has so many gold coins on him, what should he do if he is exploded?" Lonely said.

Everyone chatted and moved towards the island.

Suddenly, a group of weird-looking people came along the beach, including those with lame legs, some with broken hands, some with one eye, and some with three mouths. The only normal one was the leading woman.

The woman had a dreadlocked braid, and her exposed arms were very muscular. The hem of her white casual dress was tucked into her brown trousers, and her trouser legs were tucked into her boots, looking very capable.

The woman is the captain of the Giant Beast Pirates, named Sisna.

Treasure Island has a pirate group patrolling the periphery of the island every day to prevent sea beasts or track down their navy to make trouble on the island. Today is the turn of the giant beast pirate group.

Sisna also saw Su Ming and the others, and felt suspicious—a murloc and four strangely dressed guys.

Sisna led people to surround Su Ming and the others, and shouted:

"You guys, sneaky, what are you doing!" …

Finley stood up and said:
"We are the Mermaid Pirates, and we are here to attend the Pirate Conference. Because some things were delayed, we came a little late."

"Mermaid pirates?" Sisna looked around between Su Ming and the others, wondering, "Where are the mermaids?"

Finley unfolded the pirate flag he drew, pointed to the murlocs and people on it, and said:
"Humans and murlocs, referred to as mermaids."

"What the hell, I've never heard of it. Now I suspect that you are pretending to be a navy. If you are sensible, go away, or I will do it!" Sisna made a gesture of showing her biceps, scaring Finley, "You should have heard the name of the Giant Beast Pirates, right?"

"The Giant Beast Pirates? You are the Giant Beast Pirates?" Finley grinned and said happily, "What a coincidence, we are actually a bit like you!"

Seeing that Finley was not afraid at all after hearing their name, Sisna was a little excited, and was a little puzzled. She asked her subordinates in a low voice:

"Do you know this mermaid pirate group? Could it be that I made a mistake? Why is this murloc so confident?"

The subordinates shook their heads, saying that they didn't know, but there was still a clever suggestion:

"Boss, let them talk about how they resemble us."

Sisna nodded, thinking it was a good idea, and asked Finley the question.

Finley put the two orange palm webs into his mouth and blew a very loud whistle. Momoo jumped out of the sea, flapped his flippers, and quickly approached Finley's feet.

Finley touched Momoo, looked up at Sisna and said:
"You go to sea as a plesiosaur, and we go to sea with a manatee, isn't it very similar?"

When Sisna saw Momoo, her eyes were all attracted by Momoo. She squatted in front of Momoo, shook hands with Momoo, and exclaimed:
"What a beautiful manatee."

Sisna liked all kinds of small animals since she was a child, but because she was so tough, the small animals were unwilling to approach her. Later, due to various reasons, she formed the Giant Beast Pirates when she grew up.

Finley was even happier when he heard Sisna praise Momoo, and said:
"According to the manatee's aesthetics, Momoo is indeed a handsome man, with smooth skin, bright eyes, and a particularly round tail."

"Very good. I want this manatee! Come into the island!" Sisna swung Finley away with a big wave of her hand, and carried Momoo on her shoulder.

"Moo~moo~" Moo Moo slapped his forelegs and called out to Finley for help.

Finley stood up, rubbed his bottom, and shouted:
"What are you doing! Momoo is not for sale! This is robbery!"

Sisna and her men laughed, and after the laughter stopped, Sisna said:

"I was originally a pirate, and pirates do robbery. Aren't you a pirate too? You should grab something back if you've been robbed, instead of playing lip service."

"Oh, okay." Finley rolled up his non-existent sleeves, put his hands on his hips, leaned forward, and walked towards Sisna very imposingly and stopped.

Sisna watched Finley with interest.

Finley raised his head, and said to Momoo in a low voice:

"Moo, don't be afraid, I will save you." …

"Moo~moo~" Moo Moo's eyes sparkled with moving tears.

Then, Finley looked up, stared at Sisna and said:
"Although I am not your opponent, if you don't return Momoo to me, my first mate will kick your ass hard!"

The sea breeze rolls over the quiet beach, bringing some humidity...

Sisna burst into laughter and asked:

"Who is your first mate?"

Sisna turned her back and patted her ass:
"Let him come if he dares."

Su Ming coughed twice in embarrassment, stepped forward and said:
"Madam, I won't kick your ass, but please put down Moo Moo, it is also our companion, it is impossible to give it to you."

After speaking, Su Ming summoned his three pets.

Seeing Su Ming's three pets, Sisna handed Moo Moo to her subordinates, squinted her eyes, looked at Su Ming carefully, and saw the silver whistle on Su Ming's neck - the listener.

This brought back bad memories for Sisna. When she was not a pirate, she also dreamed of becoming a powerful animal trainer, but when the listener mentors met her, they all laughed at her, saying that she was too tall. With this appearance, it is impossible to have a pet, and it is impossible to become a beast trainer.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources and switch, read aloud with many timbres, and both Android and Apple are fine. 】

"I hate listeners the most." Sisna twisted her neck, moved her hands and feet, and said, "I see one, hit one!"

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