Online game super god animal trainer

Chapter 398 Occupational Skills Outside the Occupational Skill Tree

Sisna took out a thick mace, and when she was about to attack Su Ming, a subordinate behind her stepped forward and held Sisna back.

The attack was interrupted, and Sisna looked at the men who blocked her so uncomfortably, and asked:
"Is there a problem?"

The pirate recognized Su Ming's identity through the three pets around Su Ming (world reputation took effect), he stood on tiptoe and whispered to Sisna:

"Captain, he is the listener who discovered the ghost pirate ship and fixed the ghost pirate ship on the route. Look at the young dragon beside is exactly the same as the one in the newspaper."

"You still read newspapers?" Sisna remembered that none of her subordinates liked to read books.

"Occasionally..." the sailor showed a wretched smile, "Sometimes there will be pictures of beautiful women on it, hehe."

"Go, go, go back and burn all your newspapers."

Sisna drove away her men, and the attack stopped. She looked at Su Ming again.

The ghost pirate ship is also a legend in the pirate world, on par with the Pirate King, and the listener in front of him doesn't look as good as her, but he seems to be the winner if he can fight against the legend, and he should have powerful means.

Considering this, Sisna did not dare to rush to make a move for a while.

But... Sisna glanced at Momoo on the ground. She really liked this manatee. It had smooth skin, a dull expression, and a round tail. If it could be used as a pillow, it must be very comfortable.

On Su Ming's side, his pets are all in shape - Xiaohei is in front, Eggy and Fake Eggy are flying in the air, Zaemon is also maintaining the posture of drawing his sword, waiting for Sisna to attack. Come here, deal with all of a sudden there is no movement.

Su Ming was afraid that Momoo would be hurt if he did it first, so he could only ask:
"Don't fight?"

Sisna came back to her senses, put the mace on the ground, and said loudly:
"I thought about it for a while. Everyone came to the island to trade. It's really not good for us to grab it directly. You can make a price. I will buy this manatee."

Su Ming persuaded:

"Moo Moo didn't buy it, return it to us quickly. You really like manatees so much, why don't you catch one yourself?"

Su Ming's words hit Sisna's sore spot, and she roared angrily:

"If I could catch such a cute little animal, I would have caught it long ago! You listeners are accompanied by a lot of pets, and you don't understand my feelings at all. That's why I hate listeners!"

After finishing speaking, Sisna lost her mind and threw the mace directly at Su Ming. She followed behind the whistling mace and kicked up a lot of sand.

Xiao Hei immediately stepped forward to resist, and True and False Dandan also began to spray water polo in the air.

The three of them also quickly helped when they fell into the ordinary.

Falling into ordinary life, refill the injection gun head, give Su Ming a healing needle first, and the guardian can give milk in advance and stack the number of layers.

The loneliness of the hunter is to call out the hounds, draw the bow and shoot Sisna, but the accuracy is not very good, it is a very ordinary hunter player.

Lonely Moon directly casts the Curse of Corrosion on Sisna, reducing Sisna's armor and magic resistance.

The head of the giant pirate group - Sisna (LV55, dark gold boss): 2346410/2400000.

When Sisna came in front of Xiao Hei, her HP had dropped a lot. …

The pirates behind her saw that Sisna was on board, and rushed towards the three of them who had fallen into the ordinary, screaming, to share the pressure for their boss.

These pirates are all at the level of silver bosses and gold bosses. Dozens of them rushed over at once, and the three of them really couldn't stop them from falling into the ordinary.

Su Ming hurriedly asked Xiao Hei and Dandan to go back to help, and then shouted to fall into the ordinary:
"Pingfan, you lean on me, we two drag the boss, I let Xiao Hei and Eggy deal with her subordinates first."

"I got it." Xiang Pingfan stunned a pirate with one shot, then with the help of Lonely and Lonely Moon broke out of the encirclement, approached Su Ming about 2 or 3 yards away, and added a milk gun to Su Ming.

Holding a feather shield, Su Ming blocked Sisna's mace attack and liberated Xiao Hei.

With a nanny around, Su Ming is also very fleshy, so if you take a little detour, it won't be a problem to fight for more than ten minutes. These ten minutes are enough for Xiao Hei and Eggy to help Lonely and them solve the battle.Both of them have a lot of group damage, and both have a little control effect.

Sisna is a strong woman, she looks dull, but she is actually very agile. She does not attack in one direction, but moves frequently, looking for opportunities to attack from Su Ming's side and back. The stick kept waving, but every time it was accurately blocked by Su Ming.

Sisna heard the wailing from her subordinates in the distance, frowned slightly, shouted, raised her weapon high, and smashed it down hard.

Although Su Ming blocked the mace, he couldn't bear the huge force and was knocked down in one fell swoop.

Su Ming found that after Sisna knocked him down, his steps became larger, and he didn't intend to chase after him. He thought that Sisna was going to attack and fell into the ordinary, so he reminded:
"Be careful, ordinary, she might attack you."

"okay, I get it."

Sisna didn't rush into the ordinary, but went to help her little brothers-she threw out the mace again, lightened the weight, and accelerated the speed, trying to get between Xiao Hei and Lonely.

But because of Su Ming's reminder, Sisna was very focused, even if Sisna didn't come to look for him, he still shot a hypnotic mark and hit Sisna accurately.

The hypnotic target has a narrow trajectory and is very difficult to hit, but as long as it hits, it will be controlled for up to 2 seconds. It is a very powerful control skill. Even if Sisna is a BOSS, it can reduce the time of being controlled and cannot act in a short time .

Just because the mace rushed into the crowd and Sisna didn't keep up, it didn't do much damage.

"well done."

Su Ming praised, and while Sisna was under control, he ran in front of Sisna and got stuck in her position again. Zaemon also took the opportunity to attack and took away Sisna's blood.

After Sisna woke up, she found that her subordinates had already suffered casualties. She was a good captain who cared for her subordinates. She thought that she had been reckless this time, and she shouldn't have taken action against people who had experienced legendary events so casually. However, who let He "laughs" that he doesn't have a pet... This is a lump in her heart.

Sisna calmed down and communicated with Su Ming: …

"I don't want the manatee anymore, let's stop the war!"

Su Ming blinked his eyes. It was the first time he met such a rational boss, but after thinking about it carefully, Sisna was not infected with magic energy crystals, and it is normal to have reason.

"Okay, let your men back down first."

Sisna immediately yelled orders, and the pirates backed off.

The two sides resumed their confrontation again. Sisna knelt down, rubbed Momoo's head, patted Momoo's buttocks, and said:


Momoo happily slapped her forelimbs, slid across the sand, and hugged Finley.

Seeing this scene, Sisna smiled, and then got up to check the injuries of her subordinates. She probably didn't care whether Su Ming and the others entered Treasure Island.

Seeing Sisna's smile, Su Ming felt that this guy should not be bad. Fortunately, he met him. If he encounters a tougher player in the future, he might not let Sisna go if he gains an advantage.

"Let's go." Su Ming said.

"Okay, Momoo, you'd better go to the island with me, so as not to be abducted in the sea." Finley said to Momoo.


Su Ming and his party were about to leave when they were stopped by Sisna again.

"Wait a minute, please," Sisna said.

"What's the matter?" Su Ming asked.

When Sisna was treating her subordinates just now, her subordinates suddenly gave her an opinion, saying that Su Ming is so powerful that he might be able to teach Sisna to become a beast tamer. Su Ming stopped.

"You are a very good listener. I was wondering... can you teach me how to catch some cute pets?" Sisna lowered her head, her brown skin could not hide the blush on her face...

That shy look made everyone present except Su Ming stupid, and they fell into the ordinary. The three of them made fun of Su Ming in the team channel:

"What's going on here? Just fight and conquer the BOSS?"

"It's a pity that this boss doesn't look very good-looking."

"What a strange luck, haha."


Su Ming felt that Sisna's blush was not a blushing of shyness, but a blush of courage, just like... When he was in elementary school, he went to the teacher for the first time to ask questions, and when he performed on stage for the first time that blush.

People who show this kind of expression usually expect help and encouragement from others.

Moreover, Su Ming also received a system prompt.

System: Do you want to accept the random mission "Sisna's Pet Dream"?
Task introduction: Sisna has liked cute animals since she was a child, but because of her fierce appearance, the animals are afraid of her. Able to learn animal taming skills, took another path.However, Sisna has always had a dream, that is to have a pet that belongs to her. Are you willing to spend a little skill to teach her the skill of "Beast Taming"?
After reading the mission briefing, Su Ming did not expect that Sisna would have such a background story in it. She caught Moo Moo and formed the Giant Beast Pirates, which must have been influenced by this dream.

Su Ming accepted the task, and the system sent a reminder.

System: You have consumed 1 skill point in advance and gathered "Spore's Beast Taming Experience (quest item)". According to your career performance, Sisna has a 99% success rate in acquiring the "Beast Taming" skill through this item . …

In Su Ming's backpack, there is an extra booklet.

Su Ming walked up to Sisna, handed her the booklet, and said:

"This is some of my experience on animal taming skills, I hope it can help you."

Sisna took the booklet excitedly, and she flipped through a few pages. The densely packed words (99%) on it showed that Su Ming was not trying to perfuse her. She said:
"Thank you so much!"

"You're welcome, after you learn it, just catch pets yourself, don't snatch other people's pets."

Sisna nodded desperately:
"Enn, I see. I'm really sorry about this incident."

"Then I'll go first." Su Ming glanced at the system message. The task has been completed. Losing a skill point and gaining a bit of experience must be a loss-making business. Acceptable, this kind of thing is not common.

"Wait a minute." Sisna put the booklet in her pocket, took out another tattered book and handed it to Su Ming, saying: "This is my own little idea, if you don't mind, you can have a look."

Got a windfall?
Su Ming took the booklet and found that it was actually a skill book.

Group charge (skill book): Sisna, the leader of the giant beast pirate group, treats her subordinates as pets and creates skills. Because she and her subordinates are not as connected as animal trainers and pets, it is always unsuccessful, but she I still recorded my thoughts, and looked forward to the day when I became a beast trainer and verified it myself.

Group Charge (LV1): The animal trainer immediately recalls the pet, lines up with itself, and rushes forward 20 yards away, forcing the enemies on the path to be pushed away, ignoring control during the period, causing 2 times (100 10% of maximum health) damage.

Consumption: 200 magic points, cooldown: 20 seconds.

Learning requirements: animal trainer.

Since this skill book is not in the skill tree, it can be learned directly without skill points. It should be a compensation for the skill points put into the task just now.

However, subsequent upgrades cannot use skill points, but need to consume more skill books.

Su Ming didn't know that there were actually prerequisites for Sisna to hand over the skill book.

If the animal trainer who triggers this task usually performs too badly in the game, such as too many deaths, pet damage or insufficient damage (brought up by others), participation in dungeons and task evaluations are too low, etc., Sisna will be reduced The success rate of learning the "Beast Taming" skill.

When the success rate drops below 60%, Sisna will not take out the skill book 100%; when it is 60%~90%, it depends on the favorability between Sisna and the task player; when it is above 90%, Sisna Will definitely give skill book.

The group charge skill has a very powerful point, which lies in the word "force".

With the skills described in this description, you can ignore some huge bosses or skills similar to Iron Guard's "Mountainless" skills. Only facing those mountain peaks and building type bosses may fail.

And the damage data is also exaggerated. All pets add 10% of the animal trainer's health. At the current level, even if it is not Su Ming, it can easily break 10. The damage panel of a level 1 skill is close to [-]. Hitting twice is an excellent skill that integrates control, damage, and displacement. …

However, judging from the current situation, it is unlikely to be able to upgrade the level, which is the only shortcoming.

Seeing that Su Ming was watching seriously, Sisna said a little unconfidently:
"It's some tricks I came up with out of my own imagination. I don't know if it will work."

"It will definitely work." Su Ming has already learned it. He demonstrated it directly, and then his eyes flashed, and he said to Sisna sincerely, "As long as you capture a pet that connects with you, you can use this technique." up.

Sisna, maybe you are a genius on the road of animal tamer! "

Compared with players, NPCs also have their advantages, and the creativity of skills is one of them.

Hearing Su Ming's sincere praise, Sisna couldn't believe it. She pointed at herself and repeated what Su Ming said just now:
"I'm...a genius? Beastmaster?"

"That's right, this skill is very powerful and very helpful to me." Su Ming said, "Come on, believe in yourself."

Sisna nodded and said happily:

"I'm going back to school now!"

After finishing speaking, Sisna left, and her subordinates followed her, shouting that there were still patrol missions, but Sisna ignored them...

Falling into the ordinary, they walked up to Su Ming and asked:
"What's the situation? What did the boss give you just now?"

Su Ming told them what happened just now.

"Boss, your luck is invincible... This can trigger hidden missions."

"What a fierce skill, the more invincible it becomes in the later stage, it's a pity that it can't be upgraded."

"Go to the island, go to the island! I'm going to find some good things too!"

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