Chapter 98 Level 20

The Breeze Plain outside Wendy City.

Level 20~25 monsters such as the golden bull, the angry silkworm baby, and the flower fairy butterfly are densely distributed.

The players formed groups in twos and threes, moving along the route where the monsters refreshed.

This is the leveling area where Su Ming stayed and has the most players.

It has been four days since Su Ming left the Puer Welfare Institute. In the past four days, Su Ming has been staying here to leapfrog monsters. He is already at level 19 and almost level 20. Zuo Weimen is also at the same level as Su with his "very strong" skill. Ming and Xiao Hei tied.

The reason why Su Ming knew that there was such a treasure land for leveling was because he asked Venus to check the follow-up leveling strategy.

There are many recommended leveling locations. Su Ming chose to come to Qingfeng Plain mainly because Venus was recently active in Wendy City.

According to Venus, because she made some money recently, her father was very happy and gave her a large investment fund (pocket money) to let her watch the flowers.

After taking the money, Venus wanted to expand the store. Wendy City has a pleasant climate and a beautiful environment. It is the top five cities where players "settled", so Venus wanted to buy a store here.

Su Ming came to Qingfeng Plain to level up, and occasionally he could help Venus with her sub-professional tasks.

However, sub-professional tasks are mostly errands, and the number of times to help Venus is also very small, and it doesn't take too much time.

"Master! The elite monsters have been refreshed!" Xiao Hei, who was fighting monsters, shouted.

Among the wild bulls ahead, a golden bull with a bigger body and brighter hair appeared.

Not only Su Ming noticed, but also the nearby players who spawned monsters.

Everyone dropped the monsters in their hands and ran towards the bull elite.

The reason why Bull Elites are so popular is because in Wendy City, there is an NPC who collects the furs of Elite Gold Bulls and gives them a lot of experience.

Under the siege of the players, the poor Golden Buffalo lost blood as soon as it was refreshed, its eyes were red, and it didn't know who to attack...

"Saemon!" Su Ming shouted.

"Here we come!" Zaemon ran wildly to throw away the monster behind him, and a long sword was caught in its mouth.

Zaemon walked side by side with the digital stalkers, and flashed to the side of the elite golden bull. With a little contempt and a little pride in his big pig eyes, he glanced at the players who handed out their daggers.

Too slow, not as fast as Zaemon!

Cold light flashed.

Brake the front hoof, swing the body backwards, and draw a perfect semicircle.

Withdrawing the sword, damage figures appeared on the elite bull's head.

System: You killed the Golden Bull Elite and gained 53 experience points.

"It's that pig again!"

"The speed of this pig is too outrageous..."

"Is it a scar pig? Why are the teeth black?"

"Brother, how did you train? Why does your pig use a sword?"

"It's funny, you're still training, you think it's a must have done a task or evolved."

"Isn't evolution also in Pokemon? Maybe it evolved after special training!"

"I'm convinced. If you think it's from training, go to training... see if your pig will kill you."

Su Ming's Zaemon has also stole the limelight these days.

The speed of blade teeth is faster than that of ordinary stalkers. After spreading in a small area on the forum, some animal trainers began to train their scarred pigs to attack with swords. The Lord runs away.

Su Ming picked up the cowhide and started running to the next area he planned.

The Breeze Plain is huge, and it is very difficult for one person to figure out the refresh rate of the elite monsters. However, how many players are there?Through the summarization of countless information, someone summed up a map of the curvature coordinates of the elite monster refresh.

According to this picture, in a day, you can meet 3 or 4 elite bulls. If you are lucky, you may have a chance to grab one.

But for Su Ming, his control of the timing and Zuoemon's speed meant that he missed one occasionally.

When there were no elite monsters, Su Ming sent Zaemon and Xiao Hei to fight monsters, and he was also fighting monsters himself.

One person spawned monsters, but the experience news in the system channel played as fast as if they were in a team.

Before Zaemon evolved, Su Ming only dared to let Xiao Hei go to kill monsters, because Zaemon was not smart enough at the time, and he would kill monsters according to the principle of proximity, and would steal monsters from other players. Now that he has evolved, Zaemon’s understanding ability has become stronger Many, this would not happen.

"Grab three more skins today, and you can upgrade to level 20. You can go to the temple dungeon." Su Ming saw some good equipment in the exchange, all of which came from the temple, and there are strengthening stones.

Zui Mingyue has become a strengthener, and strengthened Su Ming's owl magic wand once, the use level has become 17, the magic attack power has become 90~130, and 45 points of spirit have been added.

Because it is a rare dual-gem slot equipment, Su Ming inlaid an intermediate physique gem in it, which is not much worse than gold equipment in terms of attributes.

Su Ming didn't plan to replace it. He would use a few enhancement stones to enhance it, and it might last for a while.

In the evening, Su Ming returned to Wendy City, walked around the city, and handed over all the subsequent cycle tasks on his body. He and Xiao Hei successfully upgraded to level 20, and then went to hand over the task of Elite Bullhide. Emon has also reached level 20.

Su Ming's calculation is still very accurate.

"Master, master eats equipment~" Xiao Hei bounced at Su Ming's feet. In the past few days, the evolved Zaemon was showing off, and Xiao Hei felt that his big brother was about to be unable to hold back Zaemon.

Although Zaemon never admitted that Kuro is the big brother...

Xiao Hei, who has reached level 20, can devour white board equipment by 5 pieces, bronze equipment by 4 pieces, silver equipment by 3 pieces, gold equipment by 2 pieces, and dark gold equipment by [-] piece.

The equipment devoured this time cannot be lower than level 20.

Su Ming had contacted Venus early on and asked her to find equipment for him, so as soon as the news was released, a gift package of cheap equipment was mailed over.

In addition to the dark gold equipment, the cheap equipment spree includes all other quality equipment.

As for the dark gold equipment, there is no shadow yet... Naturally, they cannot be bought.

The cheap equipment spree cost Su Ming more than 8000 gold coins. Although it is less than Su Ming's daily income, it is not something that ordinary players can afford.

After devouring the equipment, Xiao Hei's attributes are as follows:
Variation slime (black):
Rating: 20
Loyalty: 100/100
Health: 11600
Mana: 7100
Physical attack: 105~200
Magic Attack: 350~550
Armor: 350
Magic resistance: 350
Movement speed: 340

Viscous liquid (LV8), ejection (LV1).

The life value exceeds [-], which is a value close to that of an elite monster.

After devouring the gold equipment this time, Su Ming still produced two primary energy crystals that can add 20 points of free attributes, and Su Ming evenly distributed them to the two attributes of physique and spirit.

Then the effect of the two "slight mutations" is to shorten the cooling time of the viscous liquid by 1 second.

Viscous liquid would reduce its cooling time by 2 second every time it was upgraded to 1 levels. Xiao Hei's viscous liquid at level 8 reduced the cooling time by devouring gold equipment, and the cooling time was as short as 3 seconds!
Once every 3 seconds, it recovers 15% of itself or 6% when attacking multiple targets. The upper limit is 42% of the maximum HP, and 26% of Xiao Hei's maximum HP is attached as damage, just like a shell.

Su Ming felt that Xiao Hei might not be a Fatan in the later stage, but a magic machine gun.

 Thank you "Jun Xing Zhi Dao Ren" for the 1500 point reward.

(End of this chapter)

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