Online game super god animal trainer

Chapter 99 Abandoned Temple 1st Floor

Chapter 99 The First Floor of the Abandoned Temple

"In this way... can you become stronger?" Zuoemon was very puzzled when he saw that each piece of equipment was dissolved by Xiao Hei, and Xiao Hei's aura quickly became stronger. It looked at Su Ming, and the iron equipment on the master might be I can't eat it, but there are a few pieces of cloth equipment that seem to be worth trying.

Su Ming felt Zaemon's thoughts, patted Zaemon's pig's head lightly, and said:
"Don't gnaw on the equipment on my body, it will lose durability. This method of becoming stronger is only suitable for Xiao Hei."

Xiao Hei also said:
"Yes, yes, you can evolve just like you can eat that strange stone. Every species has its own unique way of becoming stronger."

Zaemon thought it made sense, even if Xiao Hei ate that black stone, Xiao Hei probably wouldn't be able to digest it.

After level 20, not only Xiao Hei, Su Ming also has a path to become stronger, that is, he can learn skills again.

There are two level 20 skills for animal trainers. Su Ming bought them directly from the exchange. Both skills are for assisting pets.

Listen to the heart (LV1): The animal trainer listens to the pet's heart, understands the pet's difficulties, removes negative effects for it, and increases the pet's movement speed by 30% for 8 seconds.Cost: 120 mana.Cooldown: 16 seconds.

Inspire (LV1): The animal trainer motivates the pet, making the pet rush to the target, causing additional (80+0.8 magic attack power) magic damage to the target, and increasing the pet's attack speed by 30% for 5 seconds.Cost: 150 mana.Cooldown: 10 seconds.

After learning these two skills, Su Ming added points to the skills, the coordinated attack points to level 8 (5+1+2), and the well-trained points to level 3 (passively increase the damage of pets by 14%), leaving 5 skills Point, to prepare for the future point skills.

In fact, Su Ming only added Coordinated Attack and Well-Trained and there were only 5 skill points left.

Compared with the various defensive skills before level 20, listening to the voice and motivation are offensive, and almost must-have skills. They all require 18 skill points, coupled with coordinated attack and well-trained skills, skill points Still very nervous.

After four consecutive days of high-intensity leveling, Su Ming's level has finally caught up with the mainstream, and the activity areas of level 20 and level 25 are not bad.

According to Venus, the second floor of the Dungeon of the Abandoned Temple has also been opened a few days ago, and now the top teams have begun to attack the third and last floor.

However, the mobs on the third floor are very powerful, causing their advancement to be very slow.

"If I can become the first player to clear the third floor, I should be famous, and my sister might see me."

With this in mind, Su Ming took Xiao Hei and Zaemon into the teleportation array and came to Stubbs City.

The white marble building collapsed, only the hundreds of meters high temple in the center of the city, which was eroded by wind and rain, still maintained its original appearance.

Even at night, there are so many players in Stubbs City, the fires and lights are dazzling, and the sound of noisy communication seems to never go away.

Crossing the street, Su Ming came to the temple, and the news of the regional channel was refreshed quickly.

"First-level team fire ++++, if you don't fight the knight commander, there are 5 more times."

"Level 22 iron guard team, armor 500+, bring your own magic potion, don't M for the team that doesn't fight the knight leader."

"5000 gold package 'Knight's Glory Sword', hurry to the team."

"Level 25 Fire Mage, Level 25 Iron Guard, Level 25 Blessing Master lead the team, two bosses who don't need equipment, 400 gold each time."


It's not the first time Su Ming has written a book, but he still heard some new terms, such as packing equipment, there are individual bags, and there are team bags. Su Ming asked someone to ask, and he knew that the equipment was directly paid for. the meaning of.

This price is usually 2-3 times the starting price.

Su Ming saw an NPC in front of the dungeon, surrounded by many players, so he went up and clicked on it, and found that it was an NPC with similar functions to the captain of Bab Lake Camp.

You will get "Glory Points" for clearing the dungeon. Through the Glory Points, you can change to a set of silver equipment with set effects. The incremental set effects of 2/4/6/8 are designed very flexibly. Players can choose according to their incomplete equipment parts. to exchange.

However, these equipment are not tradeable, and can only be used by oneself after exchange.

"On the first floor of the normal difficulty temple, let's have a magic class with a magic attack of 500+ and an armor of 450+ in the front row. The team already has fire magic, stalker, and contracted demon. They have customs clearance experience and speed ++."

A flame elementalist called Old Hen Soup was shouting, and Su Ming tried to add it.

As the leader of the group, when someone applies to join the team, he is qualified to check the attribute equipment. He saw that Su Ming's equipment is luxurious. Although the magic attack power is not up to the standard, as a beast trainer, the almost output can be made up by pets , passed directly.

Su Ming came to the side of the team through the team coordinates.

"Hello." Su Ming greeted.

"Hello, hello, do you have the magic potion ready? Let's fight the knight commander." Old Hen Tang asked.

"Yes." Su Ming felt that this teamfighter was very polite.

"This is the ant killer, the stalker." Lao Hen Tang introduced other teammates to Su Ming: "This is Junyue, she has something offline, she will be back soon..."

With that said, Junyue went online.

"Hey, you recruited people so quickly? Huh? Why are you only level 20?" Junyue is a girl with short hair. She frowned and asked, "First time?"

Su Ming nodded.

"Have you read the strategy? Watch out for fried balls..."


"Chicken soup, kick him out."

At this time, Old Hen Tang was looking at Su Ming's pet, and seeing that Xiao Hei had [-] blood, he was surprised and said:

"What's the matter with you slime? Why is the blood volume so high? This scar pig seems to be more meaty than normal scar pigs."

"The two mutated pets have very strong output." Su Ming boasted that he still didn't want to be kicked, and it was not easy to find a team.

"Xiaoyue, let him stay for a round and see how he performs." Old Hen Tang said.

"Okay." Junyue nodded.

The old hen soup said to Su Ming:
"You can take advantage of the time to look at the strategy..."

While speaking, a qualified iron guard applied for the team, and the old hen soup passed directly. He said embarrassingly:

"Forget it, I'll tell you while I'm calling."

The iron guard who came was called Diamond Crack, and he was already wearing a few pieces of equipment exchanged for glory. He must have played a dungeon, so Junyue didn't ask any questions.

After meeting with the team, Diamond Crack asked:

"How to distribute the equipment? Auction? Roll the dice? Or shake the auction qualification?"

"Roll the dice." The old hen soup said with a smile: "Xiaotuan, there are so many equipments in this dungeon, I can't eat them if I shoot them."

"OK, it's just what I want, let's drive it." Diamond Crack patted Su Ming on the shoulder and joked, "Brother, I'm very lucky. Don't be angry if I rob you of too much equipment."

Only Su Ming, the animal trainer in the regiment, needs more physical equipment, that's why Diamond Crack came to Su Ming to talk.

Su Ming felt that the newly added people were quite cheerful, so he responded with a smile:
"I'm not too lucky."

"Haha, it seems that we are all big hits, and this dungeon will definitely have a good harvest."

During the conversation, the old hen soup talked to the NPC in front of the temple and chose the copy of normal difficulty.

(End of this chapter)

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