Start North America 1400: nation building

Chapter 115 [114] Equilibrium at the end of 5 years

Chapter 115 [114] Equilibrium at the end of 5 years
When the army entered the city, there was nothing to stop it.

So with the momentum of destruction, the defense of the Hohokan people collapsed.

Ancient wars are a collision of flesh and blood, which fully demonstrates the aesthetics of violence.

All of this was recorded by Zhou Li'an...

1 million in 100 minute, as far as it is concerned, it is not expensive at all.

Thousands of people fought in the war, and the group performances were all filled with human lives, with knives piercing into the flesh, and blood splattered everywhere.

Isn't this much better than special effects filming?
When the defeat of the Hohokan people appeared, everything went as bullshit predicted, and people around the city-state began to flee.

Half of the 2000 iron cavalry in the formation were left to guard the war horses, and the remaining 1000 cavalry were divided into 5 teams of men and horses, and began to besiege and sweep, cutting off the way out.

The high wall that the Hohokan people were once proud of has now become an obstacle to life.

In just half an hour, the overall situation was settled.

1000 iron cavalry guard the entrance and exit, and 3000 red-armored warriors have already occupied an absolute oppressive position in the city, driving the crowd to the central altar of the city-state.

The bullshit did not enter the city, and stayed outside the city to judge the situation.

After he made a judgment, he issued an order to the guards: "The order continues, and the 5 cavalry regiments can enter the city step by step, and cooperate with the patriarch's army to expel and gather the Hohokan people in the city-state! They have no power to fight anymore, and they can do more Final finish!"

The faces of several young guards turned red, and they were all excited. Then they put down their helmets, steered their horses, and conveyed the teacher's order.

This is the end.

【Eye of the Void】The arrival is over.

In 34 minutes, 3400 million is gone!
It would be a lie to say that I don't feel distressed, but the effects of these clips cannot be bought by money.

Balanced and invincible!

The people of the earth, the direction of the heart!
Even those tribal people who have been conquered will only feel emotional when they see these images in the future...

Why didn't you surrender to Kinkou earlier and worship our Lord Kinkou?

When they are in the balanced Kingdom of Joy, they look back on the past... as if they were [-] years old, looking back at the stupid things they did when they were young.

I will only sigh how ignorant and ignorant I used to be.

Zhou Li'an withdrew and came to consciousness.

Xuenv is listening to the situation of the station for this month. In the cold winter, all kinds of work and things have not stopped.

But today is December 5, 12 years in Equilibrium.

The New Year's recovery day is approaching, and the people have entered a state of vacation and began to prepare for the New Year.

The cultivation of the atmosphere of the festival has long been in place.

The hunting team goes out frequently to hunt and bring back whole bison. On the recovery day, fresh bison will be cooked in various ways, including the addition of stocked winter vegetables.

During the Chinese New Year, you must eat beef-killing dishes! !

Papanuk's first New Year's Eve didn't know what it meant. For a month, their children went to school and were not allowed to be enlightened temporarily.

But they can probably feel that there will be a large-scale celebration in the equilibrium resident, and everyone's face will be filled with joy.

After the elders left.

Xue Nu begged: "Master, it will be the recovery day soon, this is the festival my lord has set for Xue Nu..."

She didn't finish her sentence, and there was a hint of coquettishness in her prayer.

In fact, I don't want to leave for the time being, so as not to miss the festival.

The Resurrection Day was indeed established for the Snow Girl, but it was also to consolidate theocracy.

All balanced children, the first lesson after the enlightenment of the text, is to learn the "Balanced Book".

They need to know the creation miracle of our Lord Kinkou, and also know the great Snow Maiden, who begged the wrath of the gods for all peoples, sacrificed herself, was blessed by the gods' glory, and finally came back from the dead.

This will become a classic in the future.

Just like a certain Jesus was nailed to the cross, it is widely circulated.

Therefore, the New Year of Recovery Day is extremely important.

It is impossible for Zhou Li'an to miss it, and he must gradually cultivate the New Year's Day of Recovery into the same status as the Spring Festival and Christmas.

"Resurrection Day and New Year's Eve, bid farewell to the old and usher in the new, I shall bless the people! And celebrate with fireworks!"

"Xue Nu, do you have any wish? I can satisfy you!"

Xue Nu was pleasantly surprised at first, and then flattered, "My lord, I praise you! Xue Nu is already very satisfied to be able to accompany the master and serve by your side!"

"This is my reward."

"Hmm... can anything be ok then?"

Zhou Li'an nodded with a smile.

Xue Nu came over and prayed in a low voice.

After she finished speaking, she knelt down again and looked up at the master expectantly.

After hearing this, Zhou Li'an smiled, thought for a while, and finally nodded, "Yes, I will fulfill your wish!"



Except for the warriors who stayed outside the city to guard their horses, the rest of the balanced army entered the city.

More than 3 Hohokan people were driven out of their houses and concentrated in the large square in the center of the city-state.

There were sobs and wailing in the venue.

At least a thousand people died and countless more were injured.

Their blood was sprinkled on those armored warriors, and it was impossible to distinguish whether it was the color of blood or the redness of the armor itself.

Regarding this scene, no one in the Balanced Army relented.

They are determined.

When fighting with all their strength, it's either you or me; if you can't completely suppress them, the force of the rebound will only hurt you, let alone submit to the balance.

If they rebel against and blaspheme the true God, then all these people will be slaughtered, and the balanced army will not feel any guilt.

The heart of faith is supreme.

In the central square, the Hohokan people piled up a two-story high platform, which is used as an altar.More than a dozen red-armored warriors held a group of luxuriously dressed but miserable elders with their long knives to climb to a high place.

The eyes of the Hohokan people under the high platform were all attracted.

They panicked and rioted, and were deterred and suppressed by the surrounded red armored warriors.

Silence was restored on the spot, and no one dared to resist.

The leader of the battle group, such as climbing the mountain, walked up the steps in high spirits, came to the commanding heights, and read out the holy meaning of balance——

"We, the balanced cavalry, have obtained the imperial decree of our Lord Balance, and brought the glory of the true God to you ignorant people. Only when you surrender to the true God, can you have joy and peace..."

Climbing doesn't care if they understand or not.

This move is to express and firmly balance the piety of the people.

Because they know that our Lord is balanced, watching them all the time.

When the voice fell.

Thousands of balanced warriors took off their helmets, looked up at the sky, slammed their arms on the breastplate, and made a roar of collision, which was breathtaking.

And they cried together again—

"Praise my lord, praise balance!"

Tens of thousands of Hohokan people were shocked by this scene, and they felt the sacredness and solemnity in the dark, covering this sacrificial place.

People wept silently, and then looked at the elders on the high platform...

Perhaps, the next moment is to use their flesh and blood to perform some kind of sacrificial ceremony.

But right now.

Climb the mountain and take out the "My Lord's True Body Statue" and display it in front of these elders.

No need for him to say anything...

The elders were already stunned, and then became emotional after a while, speaking anxiously in words they couldn't understand.

Seeing the situation, the people in the audience were commotion again...

Someone gets up.

The guarded balanced warriors immediately drew their swords and faced each other.

At this moment, the bullshit shouted, "Let them go! These people know the image of our Lord."

Those people were free and left in a hurry. When they returned again, they came with a huge wooden statue of a god.

This is exactly the same as the statue in the hand of the climber.

When the idol appears.

The tens of thousands of Hohokan people under the stage all bowed down.

Shout together amidst the shouts of several elders, making a pious sound.

at this moment.

The two parties, who obviously did not understand the language, successfully reached a certain kind of sympathy in consciousness.

Almost at the same time, praise and worship—

One party shouted: "See God!"

One side praised: "Praise balance!"

When the sound subsided, the Equilibrium cavalry put down their spears and steel knives, and the Hohokan people calmed down their panic.

The two sides looked at each other, and there was a certain expectation and curiosity in the atmosphere.

Like two people on a blind date, when they first met at a cafe, they fell in love at first sight.

Keep getting closer, gradually giving birth to ambiguity and charm.

Climbing the mountain was a little flustered, and he didn't know how to deal with this situation for a while.

But at this moment, bullshit came to the rescue again.

He took out his own dagger, turned to the blade, turned the handle of the dagger towards the elder, spread it flat in his palm, and handed it over.

It is an expression of giving.

The aborigines will give selflessly to their closest brothers and relatives, wishing to give all good things to each other.

For example, in later generations, when the aborigines received a gift from the colonizers, the gift would often circulate in the hands of many people and be given to their closest partners.

This process often circulates among a dozen people before it finally falls into the hands of one person.

So, the elder took it with both hands, turned to the audience, and shouted in the language of the Hohokan——

"They are brothers!!"

The sound fell, and the high platform was boiling.

Even if someone died or was injured, none of them felt absurd, and they were all immersed in the joy shrouded in the radiance of the true God.

More than 3 years ago, the gods sent oracles and prophecies from the sky, and an army of gods would come and lead them to the kingdom of the gods.

And now, everything has come true.

Occupying the high ground because of awe, the Hohokan people subconsciously knew very well that there was only one way out before them——

That is surrender!

At night, the city-state of Hohokan revealed a flickering light on the dark land.

Bonfires were lit all over the city.

But this light has nothing to do with joy.

Everyone stayed behind closed doors, and the streets were filled with a strong smell of blood.

The battle situation during the day was cruel, and the haze brought by death came along with the dark night.

And it is impossible for the balanced cavalry army to trust these Hohokan people.

The army was stationed outside the city, as if they were guarding against death, beware of their mutiny and counterattack.

Climbing and other battle group leaders had a discussion with the Hohokan elders.

The language barrier between the two sides made it difficult to communicate in sign language. They even drew pictures and unfolded the map to inform them of the location of the Kingdom of Equilibrium, and ordered the Hohokan people to prepare for the migration.

However, they didn't know whether they couldn't comprehend it, or they were pretending to be stupid, and the initial negotiation fell into a stalemate.

In the middle of the night, the symposium was terminated and a group of elders were sent into the city.

Several battle group leaders were furious, "It's better to kill them all. They know that the Lord, the true God, has come to the world, but they are still pushing and shoving, and they don't obey the divine will!"

"Those who are disobedient and disobedient should be driven to death!"

"I agree!"

A group of big bosses are all short-tempered. Of course, the speech now is more to vent their anger.

If more than 3 Hohokan people can surrender to Balance, what a great achievement this is!
Naturally they don't want to give up.

Afterwards, everyone looked at a boy reflexively, and put the pressure on bullshit.

Climbing the mountain also opened his mouth and asked, "Bullshit, what can you do?"

Bullshit murmured.

The language barrier is flawed and cannot be overcome.

"If they don't respect the will of the gods, then we can only force them to migrate!"

"However, from the looks of those elders, I don't seem to be disobedient to our lord. They have seen our lord come, and there are gods to bless them. They already know that the true god has come to the world."

"But let me ask, more than 3 Hohokan people are migrating, and they have no bottom in their hearts. I can't explain to them that there are rewards from the Lord along the way, which can meet the needs of these 3 people migrating all the way."

"And today's war has just ended, so it's impossible for them to have no grievances at all! We need to proceed step by step and show them balanced benevolence and goodwill."

"If you still can't be persuaded in the end, then you have to force them to migrate. There will be rebellion along the way. At that time, there is no need to hold back. Kill a group, enslave a group, and someone will be willing to surrender, because at that time they have already surrendered." No choice."

After hearing this, everyone nodded in approval.

Climbing the mountain continued: "It just so happens that I can rest for a few days..."

He suddenly smiled, "Everyone, there are still 5 days until the Recovery Day celebration!"

"Is time so fast?"

"I'm going on an expedition, I don't know where to stay..."

"Hahaha, my lord's light shines on thousands of people, and my relatives must be happy and peaceful!"

"I'm really homesick!"

"When I return home, my son must have become a law practitioner like bullshit! He has become a wise man!"

"Do you still want to compare yourself with cow dung? But cow dung follows my lord and is educated by the true god..."

The atmosphere is gradually relaxing...

Therefore, climbing the mountain made a decision to take a two-week break, and let the cavalry army go to a different place to celebrate the New Year's recovery day.

The next day.

As soon as the news was delivered, the whole army erupted in carnival.

The Hohokan people in the city were all frightened and panicked when they heard the sudden shout outside the city.

A group of elders hurried out of the city, wanting to appease the Legion of God, and stop brutally slaughtering brothers.

Climbing the mountain and others made it easier for them to continue to explain what is New Year and Recovery Day.

It doesn't matter if you don't understand.

The carnival celebration started, and they naturally felt the same way.

"Father, we still need to hunt bison and give them to the Hohokan people in the city, show them kindness, and celebrate the New Year together."

"Of course, we, the balanced warriors, can't let our guard down. We need 2000 people to wear armor at all times. If we encounter a counterattack, we can kill them immediately!"

"I plan to bring those 800 slaves here, distribute food, and show a balanced kindness. After all, they will migrate with the Hohokan people in the future."

"At the same time, this is also a deterrent to the Hohokan people. If they refuse to rebel, their people will become slaves and prisoners!"

Climbing is happy with the cow shit arrangement.

On the third day after capturing the Hohokan city-state, he sent 300 cavalry to Yu Niushi, and asked him to lead the team to pick them up.

The rest of the army just stayed and waited, hunting bison in the surrounding area, and stocking up food for the celebration of New Year's Recovery Day.

12 month 29 day.

The guards guarding 800 slaves finally saw the cow dung leading the team back and brought them good news of a big victory.

500 people were ready to set off and march towards the Hohokan city-state.

If you walk faster, you can arrive on the day of the recovery night.

Before departure, Niushi ordered people to build a cart, put the seriously ill woman on the cart, and ordered several slaves to push it in turn.

There are many similar wounded, but as a reference sample for the practice of medical laws, they naturally have special treatment.

And the girl, brought by the cow dung, took out a balanced pinyin atlas for her to read, and taught her to read aloud on the way.

2 days later.

1300 people successfully arrived outside Hohokan.

Today is the last day of the five-year equilibrium; December 5, the eve of Recovery Day.

It's just that the depression inside the city is completely different from the joy outside the city, like two worlds...

As arranged by bullshit, 2000 red-armored warriors are stationed at all times, eyeing the Hohokan people in the city.

If there is a slight change, they will use their flesh and soul to sacrifice to the Lord God at the beginning of this new year celebration...

Cheers to God! !
(End of this chapter)

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