Start North America 1400: nation building

Chapter 116 [115] The Eve of Recovery Day

Chapter 116 [115] The Eve of Recovery Day
Outside Hohokan.

The 800 slaves who arrived for the first time were taken aback. Many of them knew the strength of the Hohokan people. This city-state is also the commercial center of trade in this area.

Strong and invincible.

Inherited for a long time.

Some elderly elders couldn't help sighing, "My grandfather's grandfather was a slave who escaped from Hohokan City. He once built city-states and canals for them. Such a giant family is the master of the land..."

After listening to the young people around, they were shocked at first.

But in the end, it was a wry smile and no words.

Master of the earth?

Their eyes fell on those red-armored warriors, and the answer was self-evident.

In front of this group of red-armored people, the luxuriously dressed elders of the Hohokan people also looked so humble, showing fear in their expressions.

And what about the face of the red armored man?

But extremely calm and calm.

Inside a tent.

Niushi and all the young guards gathered around the soft couch, and the women among them had already woken up, and the blood was restored on their faces, and they were no longer dying.

At this time, the woman also restrained her hostility.

She knew that these people had saved her life and fed her and her children.

Her husband is dead and she now needs to live for her child.

"Teacher, this is my record."

Tiaoyu presented the notes, which were written in not-so-pretty but neatly arranged words, and recorded the changes in dressings and injuries according to the previous requirements of the bullshit.

The cow dung uncovered the gauze, and observed the wound while the woman gasped in pain...

There is still pus oozing out, but it is no longer yellow pus, only a faint transparent color overflows.

"She should be saved, but we can't be careless. The dosage of the small blue pill is halved, and the medicine will continue to be changed once a day."

After hearing this, everyone showed joy.

They all remembered the tragic situation of the woman three days ago, but they didn't expect to come back to life so easily.

"Teacher, is this the law of medicine? Can it bring people back to life?"

Niushi nodded firmly, "We have not yet started, but the real medical principles can definitely bring the dead back to life. This is a magical technique bestowed by the Lord God!"

"Like my elder sister, the great witch, Snow Maiden, she once suffered an eternal sleep, but was brought back to life by the great resurrection technique of my lord."

Talk to here.

A group of people showed envy, with piety, and praised, "Praise my Lord, praise balance."

The girl next to her saw all this. She had already hung the necklace given to her by cow dung around her neck, and she often heard the praises of those red-armored warriors these days.

She picks up the strange but rhythmic pronunciation, "Praise...balance."

This scene caught the attention of Niushi and the others.

Everyone looked at each other and smiled.

"She's inspired by Kinkou!"

"Yeah, this is a child favored by our lord true god!"

"Perhaps, her mother was able to come back to life because of my lord's constant gaze!"

A group of guards left soon, and they still needed to join the hunting team to hunt bison for tonight's Resurrection Night celebration.

Cow Shit sat cross-legged and continued to teach the girl Pinyin, and at the same time asked her for the pronunciation of Utah Aztec.

At first, the two didn't have a good understanding, but as the relationship deepened, the girl gradually understood that the burly boy in front of her was learning from herself.

At noon, cheers came from outside the account.

The bullshit got up and went out, the girl followed him, and he could see the cavalry who went out to hunt, using a temporary trailer, carrying countless bison carcasses, and returning with a full load.

When selecting the balanced cavalry, a group of skilled craftsmen were deliberately selected.

It is convenient to set up temporary shelters, create road signs along the way, and a simple and practical wheel tool.

This can also be passed on to various tribes for use during migration.

At this time, both the Hohokan people and the more than 800 slaves were shocked when they saw the vehicles carrying heavy loads.

The Hohokan people have mature construction techniques, otherwise it would be impossible to build city-states and aqueducts.

They have multiplied since 300 B.C., and the canals they built have a total length of 250 kilometers, covering the surrounding city-states like cobwebs.

The scene in front of them subverted their cognition.

How could a rolling round wooden frame carry such a heavy bison?

Why did they never think of such an invention?
The elders were amazed, and immediately ordered the servants around them to rush back to the city, and soon recruited several craftsmen to start researching on the wheels...

Not far away, Niushi saw this scene and frowned.

Feeling helpless.

He could feel that the Hohokan people had no intention of returning. They looked at Jijin with alienation in their eyes, and hoped that the uninvited guests of the Kinkou battle group would leave as soon as possible.

Just as he was frowning, someone tugged at his sleeve.

The short and thin girl swallowed her saliva and rubbed her stomach again, "Jijilala."

Cow Shit froze for a moment, then laughed, "Hungry? Is it Jijilala?"


He nodded, and imitated the girl again, stroking his belly, "Hungry."

The girl understood, and followed the pronunciation: "Hungry."

"Come with me."

Cow Shit led him to the area responsible for cooking, first found some food for the girl, and took some with him to the place where the slaves were imprisoned.

He yelled without embarrassment, "Jijalala?"

Hearing this shout, everyone's expressions changed, and some people's eyes glowed green, but they dared not approach.

The girl next to her was chomping on the beef, her mouth dripping with oil, and she saw a few children of the same age shrinking behind her elders not far away...

She hesitated, and shouted at them: "Jigirala, Gugulala."

The children were unmoved, except for one unattended little boy, who probably couldn't help being hungry, staggered forward and even fell in the process.

The girl broke apart the beef and handed it over.

The boy was about to stretch out his hand, but she retracted it again.

Bull Shit didn't quite understand, but just watched quietly.

The girl said, "Jijalala?"

The boy was at a loss and nodded slightly.

"Hungry, Jijalala, hungry." The girl repeated, and passed the beef over again.

The little boy reached for it again.

The girl frowned and patted him, rubbing her belly, and said, "Hungry, hungry, Jijilala!"

Finally, the two reached a resonance in frequency.

"Hungry," the little boy yelled.

The beef was offered, and this time the girl didn't take her hand back.

The fatty beef was warm, and the boy stuffed it into his mouth in one bite, with a shocked expression on his face.

He ate it. The beef was boiled in salt water, which was the most luxurious food in the tribe he lived in.

The boy quickly finished his beef.

The girl opened it a little more, "Gujijilala?"

The boy stared at the beef in his hand, nodded like a pounding garlic, "Goo!"



So, he got another piece of beef.

This scene was watched by everyone, and those adults still hesitated, fearing the red-armored warrior standing not far behind the cow dung.

But a group of children couldn't bear it anymore.

They came running, without the girl to guide them, they stretched out their hands one by one, shouting, "Hungry, hungry!"


The girl didn't share her food any more, but grinned at the cow dung with a mouthful of crooked yellow teeth.

Bullshit has an emotion.

He suddenly felt that this situation and this scene were so familiar, like deja vu.

Six years ago, when he and his elder sister followed my master to learn the law of Chinese, didn't my master teach him this way?

The girl in front of me is probably the same as the self in the eyes of my lord at that time, right?
Bullshit was moved for a moment.

Recalling the past when I was a child... being enslaved and imprisoned by the Tushi tribe, the witch and the patriarch's missing teeth died tragically.

My sister piously called and prayed, and was finally moved by the coming of our Lord, the true God.

If there is no balance of my lord.

Perhaps, like these slaves, they were starving due to the bitter cold, perishing due to the attack of foreign enemies, unable to be civilized, let alone the vastness of this world.

"Praise balance!"

Teenagers are always gentle.

He couldn't help getting wet eyes, and wiped away his tears before distributing the food he brought to these children.

The girl tilted her head strangely, not knowing why he was crying...

He also used a pair of oily hands to caress the sleeves of cow dung.

"Haha, dirty!"

"I finally understand, when my sister and I were young, why my lord was sometimes angry with my sister, because my sister always soiled my lord's couch and clothes!"

The situation gradually got out of control.

The cow dung made the guards go forward to calm down, and arranged to distribute food to these slaves——

"You all saw it just now!"

"Teach them to learn the four words 'praise balance'! As long as they can say it, they will give food!"

"Today is the most important festival for the people of Balance. On the eve of Recovery Day, we should show the kindness of Balance!"


The order is communicated, and the work of bullshit is done.

Just as he was about to take the girl, go back and continue learning each other's languages.

Somewhere in the temporary station, bursts of loud exclamations and shouts suddenly came out.

The sound of the commotion quickly swept through like a wave...

"what happened?"

The surrounding guards panicked.

The joyful mood just before the bullshit also suddenly froze.

He immediately rushed to the camp where his father climbed the mountain. The little girl was ignored by him, but she followed closely.

Kankan came outside the account, and climbed the mountain and others were already alarmed.

"what happened?"

"How dare the Hohokan people make trouble?!"

"Where are the Hohokan elders?"

Their eyes shifted, and they saw the Hohokan people standing in front of the carriage with craftsmen not far away, also looking over.

The eyes of the two sides once touched.

Climbing the mountain shouted angrily, "No matter what happens, blow the whistle and put on armor! The whole army is mobilized! Anyone who dares to rebel and make trouble, today I will feed on their flesh and blood!!"



With the sound of a piercing whistle, countless balanced cavalry in the station blew the whistle given by our lord.

The Hohokan people and the more than 800 slaves were completely terrified.

They saw the armored warriors in red armor draw out their steel knives and quickly gather in a formation.

Those who have not yet put on armor will return to the account as soon as possible.

When it appeared again, it was already fully armed.

Thousands of people acted in unison, with great momentum and killing intent.

Those Hohokan elders knelt on the ground completely, raising their hands in submission, for fear that the butcher knife would fall and decapitate themselves.


Just as he was climbing the mountain and waiting for his armor to finish, he was about to issue a battle order.

Distant sky.

There was a loud booming sound.

At this time, more than a dozen fast horses were seen sprinting forward. They came to the leaders of the battle group, tightened the reins, braked the horses' hooves, and raised their front hooves.

As they lifted their visors, the men shouted—

"Equilibrium comes!!"

"It's my lord, true god descending!!"

"Then, that is the Balanced Holy Artifact Rin Kong!!"

Climbing the mountain and others were sluggish.

But the warriors assembled around shouted at the first time——

"My lord! It is my lord who descends!"

The cold fighting spirit on their faces melted like ice blown by the spring breeze, everyone was filled with joy, and there were endless praises.

The leaders of the battle group were still a little unbelievable, "My lord is really here?"

"My lord is above!"

"This is the favor of our lord true god to us!"

Bullshit also came in armor at this time, and he immediately said: "Patriarch, leaders, we must not neglect at this time! We need to gather an army of iron cavalry to welcome the coming of our lord! Dedicate our sincerity and humility!"

"you're right!"

"All war regiments listen to orders and gather in parade battle ranks!"


"As ordered!"

A group of people ordered and prohibited, and immediately began to mobilize the army.

And until now.

The elders of the Hohokan people only realized it later.

"The gods descend..."

"Just like the miracle three years ago..."

"Is there really a god in the world?"

"Shut up! Don't blaspheme the true god! Tell the city immediately and get ready to meet the god!"

Saying that, they chased away in a hurry, wanting to admire the honor of the gods.

at the same time.

More than 800 slaves are left unattended.

They saw the strange shape of the sky, and saw the Hohokan elders running away, but they couldn't help but follow behind.

When the army gathers.

The balanced sacred weapon in the distant sky has already reached the sky above the station and slowly descended.

The holy artifact, which was originally small in the air, really showed its huge size when it came to the front.

The 19-meter-long giant set off a hurricane, flying sand and rocks.

at last.

The holy artifact landed.

After the propeller stopped, the smoke and dust gradually subsided.

Only when all the dust settled, the plane door opened.

At this moment, Climbing raised his fist and shouted——

"The whole army obeys!"

"Raise your arms!"

Thousands of warriors in red armor stomped their feet and raised their arms, slapping their arms on their breastplate, making a deafening crash.

When the roar fell, these thousands of warriors bowed down in unison, showing their piety and humility.

The uniform movements made the Hohokan people and 800 slaves who were watching not far away feel their hearts were hit hard, as if they had experienced a baptism.

I felt a sacred and solemn atmosphere shrouded in this world.

Zhou Weiguo was the first to step down from the sacred vessel.

Early this morning.

My lord took the witch and him, boarded the sacred vessel and set off, only to find out during the flight that they were coming to review the army of iron cavalry.

Just before landing, he turned on the camera and started recording.

At this time, he immediately ran to a distance, found a good angle, put down the bracket, and knelt down immediately.

Then the figure of Xuenv appeared.

She was wearing a snow-white robe, but it was actually a long white down jacket. The outer fabric of the down jacket reflected the midday sun, giving it a somewhat holy brilliance.

When she also knelt down in front of the cabin door, the wireless headset she was wearing was connected to the aircraft's loudspeaker equipment, making her voice shroud the world——

"Under balance, everyone is a citizen!"

"We should praise His holy name and grace, and bestow blessings and glory on the people of Balance!!"

Then, thousands of people shouted——

"Praise my lord, praise balance!"

"Balance exists among all things!"

(End of this chapter)

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