Start North America 1400: nation building

Chapter 169 [168] 1 way north

Chapter 169 [168] All the way north

Climbing is very exciting, but also a little apprehensive.

Because there is no precedent for such a thing.

At least no one other than Xuenv can communicate with the Lord God and send supplications to Him.

And the bullshit time...

The son didn't tell him the details.

But now the words are rushing to such a point that you can climb the mountain even if you can't climb it.

He is a survivor.

As a witness, he understands better than anyone else the feeling of strolling in front of the "Gate of Rebirth".

All this is due to His grace.


The people gathered around left with one step and three turns.

Some people want to pay homage to the miracles of sacrifices and prayers, but they dare not desecrate the majesty of the coming of the true God.

Equilibrium theocracy is linked to science.

Create a new system where idealism and materialism coexist.

People believe that only scientific laws can create everything and make the Kingdom of God prosperous.

The laws of science are bestowed and educated by the Lord God.

However, Zhou Li'an continued to patch up the theocracy.

The only one who can communicate with the gods is Xuenv.

But our Lord is always watching, and sees the world.

The prayers and blessings of the people can also be heard.

As for whether to respond or not, it depends on whether you are a favored person or not.

in short--

All interpretation rights belong to the master of balance.

Climbing the mountain is to understand the "truth" of it, so his first reaction when encountering difficulties is to place his hope on the ability of the monk of the law.

And the balance along the way has made him understand that only our Lord bestows, not the people take.

If the people do not want to make progress and are lazy, they will be blaspheming the grace of God and encountering "abandoned by God".

Looking back at those years, if it wasn't for the snow girl who sacrificed herself to get the forgiveness and mercy of the balance of the Lord, otherwise where would there be balance today?
Therefore, at this time, mountain climbing knows...

It is grace from our Lord to give a response, and it is their due chastening, if not guidance.

At this moment.

He suddenly had an epiphany, and his mind became clear.

I understand the pressure and dedication my son Niu Shi had to bear during the first expedition.

Bullshit turned the tide many times and remained calm in the crisis.

Isn't this to stabilize the morale of the army?
Whether the bullshit appeal was successful, no one knows.

But one thing is for sure...

"Balance exists among all things!"

"My Lord is always watching over His people!"

My Lord is a support, which just constitutes the sustenance attribute of faith, which makes people move forward without fear of difficulties and obstacles.

Finally, the climbing thoughts settled down.

He took out the "Statue of Our Lord True God" and placed it on a rock.

The high-scale large atlases all over the floor did not restrain themselves, and just served as a foreshadowing, allowing him to step on them with bare feet and kneel on the ground.

Climb the mountain and take a deep breath——

"My lord above."

"Praise you, praise the equilibrium!"

"I, the widow climbed the mountain, I pray to listen to your guidance and admonition, so as to gain the dawn of the lost, and see through the falsehood in front of me!"

"I know that I should not greedily ask for your grace, but the army lost its way because of my crimes, and I am willing to bear all the punishments."

"I only hope that the glory of the balanced iron cavalry will not be compromised, and the light of our Lord Balanced will not be ashamed..."

"Balance exists between all things!!"

The speed of speaking while climbing the mountain is very slow, because the two languages ​​have to be switched and interspersed.

He hasn't mastered the language rules yet, and only remembers some "familiar" vocabulary, mainly in Modoc, praying like jumping words.

It also counts as showing godliness.

At the same time, he also had regrets in his heart.

Why not try your best to learn the laws of language?

Only the divine language can bring us closer to our Lord!
When the words fall.

Blue sky, white sun, barren hills, Yellowstone.

Nothing has changed.

Climbing the mountain and knocking on the head again and again, the forehead gradually turned red, with blood stains faintly appearing.

Out of the corner of his eye, he sometimes looked at the sky.

Looking forward to it, the familiar vibration and roar came from far away.

And behind him.

More and more people gathered, countless eyes staring at him.

"The great patriarch is calling on my lord?"

"Praise the balance! Will the Lord really come? I have never looked at the glory of the Lord so closely!"

"I heard that during the first expedition, my lord came to the iron cavalry several times, and even stroked the shoulders of the warriors, bestowing grace and blessings..."

"The blessed warrior, his wife became pregnant not long after his return, and gave birth to a twin child not long ago, and it was reported in the news because of it."


Someone said lowly, "This is a time to ask for sacrifices, how can you be rude and disrespect the true God!"

The words fall.

Everyone suddenly stared blankly, then knelt down quickly, stared at the great patriarch in the distance, and silently chanted praises together.

Because of this scene, there are more and more worshipers.

In the end, it gathered into a low-pitched sound wave, which echoed endlessly in the mountain.

Climbing the mountain heard the chorus of praise behind him, and his body couldn't help trembling slightly. He tried his best to restrain himself, and he didn't want to let outsiders observe.

The blood in his heart was exhilarated, but he also felt the pressure sweeping through his whole body, which made him kowtow more vigorously.

He has made plans.

Even without the guidance of our lord, it cannot be known to the new iron cavalry army.

As long as he has a balanced mind, he will surely be able to lead the whole army out of the predicament just like his son.

But right now.


A low hiss sounded that was clearly different from the praise behind him, and after a while, the sound turned into a sharp and piercing friction sound.

It was as if the tough iron had collapsed, making the sound of gold and stone distorting.

Climbing his head suddenly, a smear of blood was flowing, blurring his vision.

However, before he waited for him to think again.

boom! !

The earth trembled violently and shook constantly.

People felt dizzy, put their hands on the ground involuntarily, and their breathing froze.

"Earthquake! It's an earthquake!"

Cultivator of Law reacted very quickly and issued a call.

It also happened that the position where the army stopped was already a high ground in the mountains, so there was no need to worry about falling earth and rocks.

"Don't panic, get up, hold the horse steady, don't cause the horse to panic!"

The kneeling people got up with difficulty and quickly tamed the horses, but some of the horses were still shocked, escaped from the control, and galloped away.

The shock came suddenly, but subsided extremely quickly.

Just as the climber wanted to order the army to respond, the earthquake had subsided.

Meanwhile, another thing caught his attention.

I saw the real statue of our lord, rolling off the rocks, rolling and beating on the big atlas.

It was originally an irregular bust shape, but after rolling several times, it stood steadily on the big atlas without falling over.

Climbing the mountain looked at the statue in astonishment, and suddenly realized something.

"This is……"

The place where the statue stands is just above a river in the southeast.


"The mountains are barren, and there is no life for hundreds of kilometers."

"But only rivers can nourish life!"

"My lord once said that the king of sin came to the north on a pilgrimage in balance. Along the way, he attracted the subjects of all ministries and embarked on the road of redemption together..."

"After I balance the cavalry and divide the troops, there are only a thousand people left. The horses can eat grass and plants, but the people have no food."

"All the tribes in the southern land don't have the magical weapons bestowed by our lord, and it's even more difficult to get anything. They must rely on places with abundant water and grass to ensure food and clothing."

Climbing the mountain for a while, thinking clearly.

When he finished speaking, he felt unbelievable, as if his son had possessed a body.

After deduction, people can't pick out the mistakes and omissions, only convinced.

The army needs food and drink, and so do the natives.

And if the Sin King really had to be brought back to the various ministries along the way, there must be a guide to guide the best path.

They will never spin around in the mountains like a balanced cavalry.

"This, this is my Lord's guidance!"

"This earthquake is a revelation!!"

Climbing the mountain exclaimed, goose bumps rolled up all over his body, "Praise the Lord, praise the balance!!"

He wiped off the blood on his face, turned around and shouted, "Master Law, come to see me! Position and measure for me!"

The deep roar brought everyone who was flustered by the earthquake back to their senses.

When everyone found that the earthquake had subsided, they all heaved a sigh of relief, and hearing the chief patriarch's call, several law monks and the leader of the battle group walked quickly.

"Grand patriarch, the earthquake just now..."

Climbing the mountain, they laughed and interrupted them, "The earthquake was inspired by our Lord! I have been guided by the true God of our Lord, hahaha."

Everyone was shocked.

Earthquake is my Lord's guide?
That's right, since the Equilibrium News was published and distributed to each city, it has accurate barometer and earthquake time every week.

Even before the newsletter was published, there was a notification from the Supreme Elder Hall.

It's not just that our lord penetrates all things, it's because of balance, because it is said in "Balanced Book: Genesis" that the stars are also created by our lord.

Everything has its laws.

Thinking of this, the leaders were excited, "Grand Patriarch, what is the oracle of my lord?"

Climbing the mountain held the statue of our lord's real body with both hands, put it on the rock again, and pointed to the place where the statue stood.

"You wait for positioning and ranging, how far is this big river from me?"

"Dahe?" Everyone watched.

Cultivator Law immediately took out the sextant, first made a positioning, and after confirming the exact latitude and longitude, he marked the point on this huge large atlas, and stretched it to the big river pointed by the climbing mountain.

Scale conversion.

Several law monks discussed enthusiastically.

Not long after, their words froze suddenly, and their faces were all shocked.

Seeing their strange expressions, climbers and the others immediately asked in a deep voice, "Is there a result? Why didn't you come?"

The law monks looked at each other.

Only the leader took a deep breath and stunned them with one sentence, "My lord, praise balance!"

"Great patriarch, leaders..."

"This big river is more than 200 kilometers southeast of us. If you speed up your pace and walk through the mountains, you can reach it in exactly seven days."

"If you reach a big river..."

Don't wait for him to finish.

Everyone was excited, "Seven days, seven days!!"

"I wait for rations to last for seven days! When I reach the big river, I can look for prey and even catch fish!"

"Praise balance!"

"This is all guided by my lord's divine grace!"

Their faces were flushed with excitement, and they continued to praise.

And this is not over yet, climbing the mountain continued to point to the big atlas, "This land is mostly highland, and the vast mountains are boundless, only the east and west sides are flat!"

"As you recall, when cow dung made plans for us, they all gave priority to places with abundant water and grass to avoid barrenness."

"Similarly, various tribes will also choose such places to survive and build their homes."

"The King of Sins came all the way in pain, and kept returning to the various ministries along the way. He must choose a guide to guide the way."

"Therefore, this place must also be where the Sin King is!"

Everyone faced each other, with fiery brilliance blooming in their eyes, and the leading monk said: "Today's events must be recorded and presented to the Supreme Elder Hall and the Temple Mount!"

"The elders of all races prayed for balance, and the true god of our lord caused the earthquake and issued an oracle... Such a miracle can be included in the "Balance Book"."

When he finished speaking, the cultivator at the side had already taken out his pen and paper and began to record.

"Balanced Book" is not only a classic, but also entertaining and educational.

The stories of the great army going abroad aroused the great interest of the people in the cities, showing the miracles of our Lord, and made them feel honored to be bathed in the glory of the Kingdom of God.


Rio Grande.

Fifth longest river in North America.

The lower rankings are often overlooked.

Later generations are unknown in the United States because they are not relevant to most people, but for Mexicans in the south, this river is full of bitterness and bitterness.

The upstream originated from Colorado, USA, and was built into a reservoir area to intercept and use it for agricultural irrigation.

The Americans have the resources to use, so they can control the life and death of the downstream.

The downstream passes through Chihuahua State, and the already arid plateau area is getting more and more difficult, and often encounters cut-offs.

Therefore, there is also an anecdote that the Mexicans let the United States "return the water".

The Rio Grande cannot be counted on, and the Chihuahua State only values ​​the tributaries originating in the state——

Conchos River.

It flows from the Pandos Mountains in the northern part of the Valley of Mexico, continues to the northwest, passes through the southeastern part of Chihuahua, and finally merges into the Rio Grande.

This is the largest river in the state.

early morning.

River Valley.

The endless stretches of aborigines stationed and refurbished, everyone's complexion was yellow and exhausted.

There are obviously thousands of people, but there is no noise.

It seems that saying a word will consume a small amount of physical strength, and people are sad, all of them are miserable.

Only the children are tireless, throwing the fishing nets made of straw rope into the river again and again, and the fish they get are no bigger than thumbs, but they are collected by them laughingly, and presented to adults like offering treasures.

Looking at this scene, Didymar became more and more worried.

History seems to repeat itself.

He felt an invisible oppressive force coming, threatening the lives of their master and servant.

Months of hard travel, from full of hope to withered vitality.

The holy land of balance is in the north of the earth.

But the north of the north, and the north.

No one knows where the holy place is.

The further north you go, the drier it gets.

The ministries were not united as one, and there were disputes due to hunting, and even nothing was obtained.

Up to now, even when encountering a herd of bison, the number is astonishing. There are hundreds of them living in herds, and no one dares to invade.

Even if some warriors hunted two or three cattle, the rest of the herd would be frightened away without any catch.

Seeing that the renovation was completed overnight.

Chimal Popoca also finished his daily praise, and immediately came to speak, but Didymar stopped him.

Sin King was taken aback, subconsciously lowered his voice and said: "It's almost time, it's time to set off, the speed is getting slower and slower these days, hurry up!"

Didymar smiled wryly and shook his head slightly, "Sin King, this may be the end."

"The end? How could this be the end!"

"Hush, Sin King! Look around, how many people still have energy, even you and I are getting thinner day by day."

"Although I have picked herbs all the way, once I get seriously ill, I am not sure to cure it!"

"This situation is just like when you and I were imprisoned by warriors from various cities, and all the tribes were short of was a cluster of sparks, which would ignite raging flames, regard us as deceivers, and kill us to vent our anger!"

The Sin King was stunned, and looked around in a panic, feeling a chill all over his body, "Didymar, me, what should we do?"

"You know, we are not liars, and you were watched by the gods with me! You survived the punishment of God!"

"Yes, I know, but the road to redemption does not necessarily succeed, and it is common sense to fail instead."

"This is His test, struggling between life and death, life and death are unpredictable."

The king of sin was struck by lightning, "I'm not pious enough, my repentant heart, he didn't see it?"

"Sin King, I can see your pious and repentant heart, but maybe the crimes committed by me, the Aztecs, are too serious, which is not enough to offset and allow us to be redeemed!"


When the reality came, the juvenile sin king was hanging in his heart, and he let out his last breath, and fell to the ground in a daze.

"Is this the end?"

"I'm not reconciled! I swear to visit His knees. Even if I die, I would like to be judged by the true God. I am not reconciled!!"

Hearing his shout, Didymar quickly squatted down and covered his mouth, "Sin King, keep silent! Don't disturb them!"

"If you still don't give up, then I will try again with you. The tribes can no longer rely on us. We have to go on the road alone."


"Escape from people's resentment and anger, and seek a chance!"

"If you and I die like this..."

"Sin King, this is the end, I have tried my best!"

After hearing this, the King of Sin had tears in his eyes, and he wiped them away quickly.

He tightly held the middle-aged bachelor's hand, "Didymar... my brother! I can't repay your kindness!"

Didymar smiled lightly, and touched his head presumptuously for the first time, "You are my king, you let me see courage, the courage of all ancestors, at least you have worked hard and wanted to serve our people Find a way out!"

"We've done enough and this is the last time!"

Chimarpopoka sobbed uncontrollably, and it took him a long time to calm down before he turned to look around at the thousands of people who had been abducted by them on the road.

This battle was far bigger than the team formed by warriors from various cities back then, and the people's grievances seemed to have become real, crushing towards him, threatening to suffocate him.

"Didymar, what should we do?"

Didymar turned to the west, the river where a group of children were playing, "Cross the river and go to the other side!"

"If you are shot by arrow feathers..."

"Our dead souls will also follow the rushing river, all the way to the north!"

(End of this chapter)

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