Start North America 1400: nation building

Chapter 170 [169] The whole army wears armor! !

Chapter 170 [169] The whole army wears armor! !

Mexico is constantly shaking, and the Pacific Rim seismic zone is not just a joke.

Sometimes 365 days a year, it can shake more than [-] times, but only a few can be noticed.

Naturally, Zhou Li'an couldn't have imagined that such a coincidence happened when he climbed the mountain to ask for help.

But life is like a play, and mistakes happen from time to time, which makes people feel the strangeness of fate.

A large part of the superstition of the ancients is due to this kind of blunder.

Today, it is also crowned with a balanced belief, which can be said to complement each other.

1000 riders restrained their horses, and some horses were frightened by the earthquake and fell to their death under the hillside.

Whether it is the leader of the battle group such as climbing the mountain, or the new cavalry army, they are extremely sad.

This is the creature of our Lord's creation.

Even though the No. 9 Ayutthaya Racecourse now has [-] good horses, the people's love for horses has not diminished in the slightest.

There used to be no animal power, which made them cherish it even more.

Climbing the mountain and looking at the horse carcasses collected, he gritted his teeth and made a decision, "Take the horse meat and dry it for storage and carry it with you, and boil a pot of hot soup for the viscera to serve to the warriors!"

The leaders were stunned, "Grand patriarch, is it wrong that this is a creature created by our lord?"

However, the cultivator of the law expressed his approval, "The language law has words, and things can be used. If you just bury it and make the cavalry hungry, you will not obey the oracle."

The leaders stopped talking.

You cultural people make sense.

Kill the horse, take the meat, and skin it all in one go.

While it was warm, the leader enjoyed a horse heart sashimi.

The meat is baked into jerky, a lot of salt is added, and the leather is also cherished and restrained.

Cowhide is common, but horsehide is rare.

In the past 12 years of equilibrium, there have been very few horses that died, and more often they were sacrificed for the war horses that helped the iron cavalry to conquer.

In fact, for the aborigines, even the old dogs that they have raised for many years can still be eaten because of the shortage of supplies.

But horses are different. The appearance of animal power has epoch-making significance, and because of the balanced creation of our Lord, it is different.

After dinner, the army marched southeast.

This line is several days and nights.


River Valley.

Didymar appeased the Sin King, and then pointed to the direction of the river, "Sin King, you go to wash up in a while, play with the children pretending to be in the water, and swim to the other side when the time comes."

The Sin King nodded after hearing this, but he didn't see any further words, and worried: "What about you? What should you do?"

"I'm coming to the queen, you don't need to worry."

"..." The Sin King was silent, and the young man was sad again.

Seeing this, Didymar added, "I will try my best to chase after you. Without my following, it would be very difficult for you to survive in this wilderness."

"But if I didn't come, remember what I have taught you these days, how far you can go, and if you can really meet with Hengheng, dedicate your godly heart on my behalf."


"Don't cry! Go, do as I say!"

One master and one servant looking at each other is the final parting.

But the sinful king still said, "You must come! We will succeed. I promised you that I will give you a city."

Didymar didn't speak, but pushed him and motioned him to leave.

The Sin King got up and didn't look back. He was nervous, knowing that this was a matter of life and death. Even though it was difficult to control his emotions, he gradually entered the drama.

Come to the river and play with the children.

Didymar didn't stop thinking, took a deep breath and turned around.

He had already sensed that the situation was not right, and started preparing for this escape as early as half a month ago.

Turning around and going to the resting place of the two, he kept putting the dried fruits he saved in his arms into his arms, and took a dagger for self-defense.

The situation here is far more dangerous than that night.

Without the natural barrier of night protection, a master and a servant will become living targets.

There are no hostile forces to provoke and cause chaos.

But what he wanted was surprise.

everything's ready.

He found that the sin king had already entered the water, so he leaned over, holding the clothes in his hand as a gesture of washing, and always paying attention to the movement.

The Sin King also saw him appear by the river.

Seeing that the distance from the shore was widened, and the sand and mud of the river bottom gradually disappeared under his feet, he gritted his teeth, dived into the water, and swam desperately to the opposite bank.

The children by the river just clapped their hands and applauded.

Didymar looked around, but no one was watching, and stepped into the river with a few steps...


Stretch your arms!

At the same time, he heard loud yelling and shouting.

At this moment, I can't take care of so much, I can only run away desperately and swim to the other shore.

There was another sound of arrow feathers breaking through the air and entering the water, and he ducked underwater to avoid being hurt.

He didn't dare to surface until his breath was exhausted.

"Quick, come!"

"Didymar, they're coming!"

The Lord of Sin has reached the other side, calling out to him.

Didymar yelled, "Run, you run first!"

Unmoved, the Sin King picked up the rocks on the river beach and threw them at the people in the water, trying to cover Didymar.

See the truth in adversity.

Didymar was moved, and it was worthwhile for him to follow all the way without giving up.

Otherwise, if he is willing, he can live in peace by relying on his knowledge and ability to join any tribe.

But he has faith in his heart, not only worshiping the only true god in the world, but also caring about the Aztecs.

If he does not save, who else?
His feet had already touched the ground, and he was ecstatic in his heart, getting closer to the shore.

at this time.

The Sin King's face twisted and he shouted: "No!!"

Almost at the same moment, Didymar felt a sharp pain in his leg, and fell into the water.

He rubbed subconsciously, and found that an arrow had pierced his thigh.

But the pain was not as cruel as imagined.

He got up again, and continued to flee without slowing down.


The king of sin came to help.

"Run, run together, I'm fine!"

Going ashore and running away, the sound of shouting and killing came from behind.

The pain finally began to dissipate, and the blood on Didymar's face faded at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The Sin King also noticed that his speed had slowed down, "Don't give up, I beg you, don't give up!"

Didymar looked back.

The enemy is still far away.

But looking at the road ahead, there is no hiding place in this damn barren dry land, only the opening of the valley in the far distance, which seems to be a door representing vitality.

Whoosh whoosh.

He did his best to follow in the footsteps of the King of Sin.

But in fact, the speed has begun to slow down.


Bows and arrows landed in front of and behind the two of them.

"Ah!!" Didymar let out a cry of pain, and fell down again following the sound.

He was shot again, the arrow piercing his calf.

"Diddimar!" The Sin King wanted to pull him.

"Let's go, let's go! I can't do it anymore! As long as you run far enough, they won't chase you alone. I'm enough to calm their anger!"

He took out the dagger and the remaining food and handed it to the Sin King, "Flee, Sin King, this is a test of redemption, if I can exchange for the continuation of the Aztecs, I am very satisfied."


Didymar pushed him away.

The juvenile crime king was sobbing, but he still started to run, turning his head three times.

Didymar stopped paying attention.

He gritted his teeth, broke the arrow on his leg, stood up forcefully, and roared at the pursuers! !
There is no specific language, just to attract the attention of those people and buy time for the sin king.

He also felt ashamed in his heart, after all, he had cheated so many tribes.

But if they didn't do this at the beginning, they might not be able to go so far.


The sin king no longer dared to look at him, his tears flowed in long lines, soaking his neck and skirts.

Finally, he came to the Taniguchi.

When he turned around, Didymar was already in the hands of those people, and several of them lifted him above their heads.

The Sin King is all too familiar with this scene.

Killing a person is the most meaningless thing, it is better to sacrifice his flesh and blood, and even with the cruelty of the Aztecs, sometimes when people are alive, they will take out their internal organs to share food.

In the Valley of Mexico.

Most of the city-state alliances disdain the Aztecs and regard them as barbarians.

In fact, the Aztecs were natives who came out of the deep mountains, and these customs and habits have the same origin as the eradication of these barbaric natives.

It can even be said that the methods of some tribes are far more bloody than the Aztecs.

Another example is that the former Tushi tribe really used living people to sacrifice, so that the corpses of Xuenv's small tribe were piled up into mountains.

at this moment.

Chimal Popoca had a real reflection.

Why the only true god in the world would impose heavy punishment on the Aztecs.

What happened to Didymar now gave him the ability to empathize for the first time.

Human sacrifice is cruel.


He murmured.

But when the pursuers came towards this side, he stumbled and continued to flee.

Coming across the river, he exhausted his mental strength, and his physical strength was exhausted rapidly, making his steps extremely heavy.

It seemed that every step he took would reverberate in the long and narrow valley.

Da-da, da-da.


Diddymar was taken aback by a strange sound of breathing out, his head was swollen and his eyes were dizzy.

Looking up, he saw a figure standing not far away.

He stopped in his tracks, and his body seemed to freeze for a while.

The sight before him was beyond his comprehension.

A person whose whole body is covered in a dark red shell rides a huge beast.

But is this human?
The confusion of thoughts made him unrecognizable.

However, in the hollow gap of the face, a sharp pair of eyes flashed faintly.

Da da.

The ferocious beast kicked restlessly.


The knight drew out his weapon, which reflected a dazzling light under the early morning sun that sprinkled into the valley.


The knight roared and pointed his long knife at him.

The sin king was at a loss, he couldn't understand the other party's words at all.

But right now.

His eyes fell on the chest of the other party, and there was a distinct black and white mark on the dark red shell.

Takes a half-rotational stance.


"This is the sign of balance!"

"It's exactly the same as the pattern on the back of the statue!"

The Sin King couldn't believe it, he found... found the balance?

He shouted and danced.

The person on the beast also showed doubts, and did not move lightly.

Chimalpopoca finally realized that the two sides could not communicate, and he quickly groped for the skin around his waist.

But it was this action that made the other party vigilant and roared again——


Chimalpopoca was so frightened that he knelt down and expressed his surrender, but he didn't stop.

Finally, he took out a wooden carving.

"My lord's real body statue?!"

The knight was stunned, and when he saw the young man in front of him kneeling and kowtowing, he quickly lifted his helmet.

The Sin King finally saw human form.

He shouted, pointing backwards, "Help me, save Didymar!"

"I beg you, I am willing to bear all the punishments..."

Follow his directions.

The knight looked far away from his horseback, and finally found that when the two confronted each other, there were thirty or forty pursuers who had already stepped into the valley.

He let out a cold snort of disdain, but put away the long knife he had just drawn.

He steered the horse to start, and rushed towards the kneeling boy.

At this moment, the sin king was so frightened that he closed his eyes, as if he had been sentenced to death, and completely gave up hope of life.

However, he suddenly felt a tightness in his neck.

The leather upper body wraps the whole body.

Huge force lifted him up from the ground.

"Ouch." He felt a pain in his lower abdomen, his body was exhausted, and he vomited violently.

But he knew that he didn't die, but now he was lifted by the knight and lay on the back of the beast.

His disbelieving sideways glance.

The knight smiled at him, "&%...%..."

Sin King faintly sensed it, imitating that weird accent, "Smashing rice... Huh?"


"Yes, praise the balance! Praise the balance!"

"Smash American dramas, huh?"

The knight nodded and ignored him, his expression suddenly became serious, and he shouted: "Drive!"

The ferocious beast under the two of them suddenly picked up speed and ran wildly towards the depths of the valley.

The Sin King was very anxious and in pain. The bumps made him feel that he might fall at any time, and the crawling posture squeezed his abdomen, which made him even more depressed and nauseous.

But he saw hope again.

"Didymar, Didymar!"

"Wait for me, wait for me to save you!"


Iron hooves roared across the valley.

Not long after, the Sin King saw the way out, and when a broad vision appeared, he saw hundreds of people stationed not far away.

Outside the camp, many figures in armor lined up and patrolled around.

The spears in their hands were cold and cold.

And giant beasts like the ferocious beasts under him can be seen everywhere in this camp. People feed them with green grass, and even sprinkle white fine sand from their skins.

It was definitely not gravel, such a whiteness that he had never seen before, full of a touch of holiness.

The arrival of the two attracted attention.

Soon, a group of shirtless and strong men came.

The knight reined in his horse and turned down.

And the Sin King couldn't hold on any longer, and naturally rolled down, falling to the ground in embarrassment.

Climbing the mountain had already arrived. He frowned at the boy and asked the scouts, "What's going on? Who is this boy? What happened in the valley?"

"Great Patriarch, I was about to step out of the valley when I encountered this young man. It seems that some tribesmen were chasing him..."

"And he took out the statue of my lord's real body!"

Someone laughed and said, "Yo, are you one of your own?"

Another person grasped the point, "Wait a minute, you mean, someone is chasing him?"

"Huh?" Everyone was stunned for half a second, and their eyes collided with sparks.

Shouting almost in unison——

"I would like to lead the army!"

"No, chief patriarch, I'll go!"

"My lord, please pay attention to this group of fox-like cunning people. Last time I clearly said that it's my turn!"

Everyone is ready to move, and they all want to have a good fight and exercise their muscles and bones.

However, the movement of climbing the mountain has attracted their attention.

I saw him stepping forward, raised the boy's chin, and carefully observed something...

It seemed that it was difficult to recognize because of the dirt on his face. He took out the skin bag from his waist, poured a stream of clear spring on it, and quickly wiped it off with his palm.

The boy trembled in fright, letting the rough palms smear his face.

Just after the movement stops.

There was an exclamation from the crowd——


"Look at it!!"

"The King of Sin, he is the King of Sin!!"

The words fall.

Everyone was shocked by this, and they all walked over quickly to gather around the young man and carefully looked at his appearance.


"Looks like it's him!"

"My lord, I can't go wrong!!"

"It's exactly like it was in the movie."

"Enough!" Climbing impatiently reprimanded everyone, forcing everyone to retreat with his eyes, and immediately said: "Ask him, what happened? Why is he in such a mess! He should have come here on a pilgrimage to collect all the ministries along the way, why is there only one person left? Being hunted down?"

Therefore, the monk who can speak Utah Aztec immediately stepped forward and squatted in front of the boy——

"Are you Chimal Popoca? The sin lord of the Aztecs?"

Hearing the familiar language, the teenager somehow touched his heartstrings, and couldn't stop his tears from flowing.

But his expression suddenly became sluggish again, and he shouted in surprise after a few seconds——

"You, you, how do you know my name? And you know that I am the sinner of the Aztecs???"

The cultivator of the law smiled faintly, looked up at the 45-degree sky, and praised, "Praise the Lord, praise the balance!"

"My Lord Balance is the only true God in the world, who sees through everything, and every move of all creatures on the earth is under the watchful eyes of my Lord!"

"My lord sent down an oracle and asked us to receive it."


"Why are you alone? Where's your entourage? It's the bachelor who helped you escape. I've admired his strategy and wanted to meet him!"

The Sin King was trembling all over, and one message after another poured in, making his head dizzy.

But when he heard the "follower", he retorted subconsciously, "That's not my follower! He is Didymar, he is my brother, the person I trust the most..."

Halfway through the speech, his crying sounded again, accompanied by a heavy kowtow——

"I beg you, I beg you, save Didymar!"

"I am willing to give everything in exchange for his life to be redeemed, even... at the cost of my life!"

So far.

The cultivator of the law didn't dare to delay any longer, and his expression became serious after getting up.

Climbing the mountain and waiting for a group of leaders to watch, "What did he say?"

"It should be that the tribe they took back rebelled, and the entourage named Didymar was arrested, and he escaped alone!"

Rebellion... rebellion? !

Everyone is too sensitive to this word!

Those who disobey the balance can only be sentenced to eternal annihilation; with their flesh and blood, they will defend the immortality of the glory of the balance! !

At this moment.

All eyes were on climbing the mountain.

The expression of climbing the mountain was already icy cold, but the roaring roar ignited the blood of countless people, making the blood pulse tense——

"All! Army! Go! Armor!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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