Start North America 1400: nation building

Chapter 171 [170] Own Judgment

Chapter 171 [170] Own Judgment

Hearing the roar, Chimal Popoca's soul was stirred.

He has seen the bravest fighters before, but compared with all the people in front of him, there is actually a gap.

It is not simply not fearing life and death.

Instead, everyone's eyes are shining with arrogance, as if they despise everything.

People began to wear armor, and the black and white balance logo was particularly visible on the all red.

And because of the collision sound when worn, it shows its extremely hard characteristics.

Chimarpopoka couldn't keep up with the rhythm, and couldn't help asking, but it was subconsciously whispering, "What are these?"

"Armor, this is a creation bestowed by our Lord Equilibrium. Do you understand iron? Like copper, it is an ore extract."

"You have never practiced the law, maybe you don't know..."

Before he finished speaking, the Sin King said again: "What is a law? Is it a kind of law?"

The law monk smiled: "It's not just laws, everything in the world has its rules, why does the sun rise, why does the river flow...even the continuation of life contains the law of the road."

"The universe was created by the balance of our Lord. He imparted the law and profound meaning, so that we can break through the fog, see the truth, protect us with his glory, and lead us into the kingdom of his joy."

"In Balance, a boy your age must practice the law."

After hearing this, the King of Sin was confused, "Can I do the same?"

"This..." Cultivator Law had difficulty answering, "My lord's oracle gave it to us only to invite us to come here, but it didn't mention the judgment of you!"

When the two were talking, the camp had already been fully equipped.

More than a hundred people were left to guard, and the rest had gathered outside the camp.

The Sin King's eyes were attracted.

He found that not only the warriors were wearing armor, but also the tall and strong beasts were all wearing dark armor.

At this time, climbers and other leaders also came out of the battalion commander.

The people who were already tall, their bodies were taller and taller; the heavy iron boots stepped on the ground, shocking the soul.

Under the helmet, streaks of cold light stared into the distance.

"set off!"

After climbing the mountain, he was the first to step out of the camp.

But at this moment, the Sin King, who was still sitting on the ground, rushed up and hugged the mountain-climbing leg. The cold and hard texture of his hand made him startled.

At this time, he couldn't care less, he shouted loudly: "%¥#..."

Climbing the mountain and taking off his helmet, he looked at Brother Law: "What did he say?"

Brother Law originally wanted to pull people away, but after listening to the words of the Sin King, he pondered for a second before saying: "He said that we don't recognize Didymar, so we need to identify him to avoid accidental injury."

Everyone has seen the movie shown in Ten Cities, and remembered the appearance of the sin king.

But he is the protagonist, on the contrary, the middle-aged man looks ordinary, without much memory.

Before climbing the mountain to open his mouth, the leader of the battle group said: "It's okay to take him, let the sinners in the south of the land witness my invincible balance!"

"You come to guard him, behind the warband."

Climb ordered.

Only then did the monk of the law translate, "Get up, the patriarch has agreed to your begging, if you delay any longer, unless our lord comes personally, no one will be able to revive the dead!"

The sin king let go and was pulled up.

After climbing the mountain and waiting for others to leave the camp, he was led to the end of the team by several law monks.

The law monk who had been acting as an interpreter boarded a carriage, "Sit on!"

The Sin King is already like a puppet, he just mechanically imitates his movements and boards the car, because everything he sees is beyond his imagination.

Why is such a huge beast domesticated by humans and become a mount?
And what is this instrument?was drawn by a beast.


There was a piercing whistle.

Climbing the mountain bears the brunt, driving the horse and rushing out, followed by the iron cavalry behind, stepping out with a shocking roar, flying sand and rocks all over the ground.

The king of sin trembled.

"This is exactly the legion of gods and the army of judgment in the disaster prophecy!"

Seeing his admiration, several law cultivators smiled slightly and waved their whips, "Drive!"

Horses pull the carriage.

The sudden setback caused the young man to fall directly on the frame of the car, and he hurriedly held the car to breathe a sigh of relief...

"What kind of utensil is this?"

However, the cultivator of the law did not answer, focusing on driving the carriage and following the front army.

in the valley.

The iron hooves vibrated and gathered like thunder.

The dust covered the front view like a curtain wall, making the Sin King even more eager to find out what's going on ahead.

But soon, he heard the sound of killing.

It's just that the carriage didn't stop, and after passing through the dust curtain wall, all he saw was a pile of corpses.

Everyone's face was fixed on the last touch of panic before death.

These people were all pursuers, but they perished in an instant.

Finally, the carriage stepped out of the valley.

And the army of iron cavalry has come to the bank of the river, above the tall beasts, gazing coldly at the tribe on the other side.

Thousands of tribal people are also restless because of this, showing panic about the unknown.

"That's right here, Didymar is on the other side!"

The Sin King shouted loudly, and found another problem, "This river is so deep that even this tall and ferocious beast can't reach the bottom."

Just as he spoke, Brother Law had already got off the car, "Get down! Stand aside!"

He was still in a daze, but was dragged off by someone.

I saw the front whistle again.

The soldiers driving the dozens of carriages all moved into action. They triggered some kind of mechanism and easily separated the boards from the frame.

There are raised nails and grooved holes at the beginning and end of the car board, which are spliced ​​with each other and connected end to end.

Another military craftsman took out the nuts and fixed the car boards.

At the same time, the former troops dismounted in an orderly manner and parted ways.

The car boards were connected to the long bridge and were dragged to the river bank.

Sin King didn't know how many times he was shocked, silently followed behind the monk of the law, and came to a group of battle group leaders.

"Can you cross the river?"

"The flow is flat, so it shouldn't be a big problem."

"Go into the water!"

With an order, the assembled Banqiao was pushed into the river beach and entered the water.

When the three planks had reached the river, two cavalry warriors, one in front and one behind, climbed onto the plank, knelt on one knee, and stood in the center, holding both sides of the plank firmly with both hands.

The people behind continued to push.

Due to the weight of the two people, the wooden board was pressed into the water, but it did not sink completely and maintained sufficient buoyancy.

The balanced iron cavalry has been fighting for several years, and there is already a mature plan for crossing the river.

Craftsmen in the army are ready, and balanced road signs must be created along the way to improve road guidance.

Assembling pontoon bridges with horse-drawn carriages is just one of the military skills.

Of course, when encountering a turbulent river, the only way to go around is to find a shoal, but the river here is narrow and the flow is gentle. If it is only for combat and not crossing horses, the temporary pontoon bridge is enough to deal with it.

the other side.

The indigenous tribe finally reacted from the panic, as if they were facing a big enemy.

Someone shouted: "Shoot arrows, kill them! Don't let them cross the river!"

People began to draw their bows.

Seeing this scene, the Sin King wanted to exclaim, but he was so frightened that he held his breath.

The arrows converged into a torrential rain.

However, an incredible scene happened.

The two cavalry on Banqiao just lowered their heads slightly, and remained motionless, letting the rainstorm arrows fall on them.

Ding, ding ding——

Intensive collision sounds slammed everywhere on their bodies, and occasionally a few clusters of sparks bloomed, and they flew out weakly.

There are even some arrows that break directly without hurting a single bit.


The Sin King opened his mouth wide, dumbfounded.

When I looked around again, I found that everyone around me was calm, as if what happened in front of me was a matter of course.

When Banqiao reaches the other side.

The two iron riders jumped down, jumped into the water, dragged the plank left and right and continued to stretch ashore.

The arrow rain came again, and the two of them still turned a blind eye and marched forward against the impact of the arrows.

Finally, they set foot on the ground.

An iron cavalry took off the shield hanging from the back of his back, pulled out the cold light blade, and squatted slightly in a fighting posture.

The other had a hammer and a rucksack hanging from his waist.

He took out iron nails half an arm's length from his rucksack, aimed them at the joints of the planks, swung the hammer, and smashed them into the ground.

The natives rushed up.

One person guarded and fought, while the other turned his back on it and concentrated on fixing Banqiao.

In just two or three minutes, all the iron nails were smashed in, and the man stood up, clenched his fist and held it high!

The order to climb the mountain was finally issued——

"The whole army crosses the river!"

The iron cavalry warriors stepped onto the pontoon bridge, all advancing in a half-squatting position, stabilizing their center of gravity.

Or someone lost his balance and fell into the river, but it didn't cause a riot.

The people in the river no longer move forward, but hold on to the bridges on both sides of the river, not only relying on buoyancy to ensure that they will not be washed away by the water, but also using the heavy armor to stabilize the balance to ensure that the iron cavalry behind can pass more smoothly.


Chimalpopoca sat down on the ground, and the scene in front of him made his hair stand on end. He spoke incoherently and didn't understand the meaning: "What is this? What is this?"

The cultivator of the law can empathize with the state of mind of the sin king at this time.

He was also subdued by the balanced cavalry, and thus surrendered to the balanced.

When I first saw the majesty of this legion of gods, I was shocked and speechless.

"This is the balance!"

"The army of judgment shrouded in the supreme glory of our lord will purify all sins in the world, dispel the fog and falsehood, and illuminate all things in the world..."

"You must remember—"

"Balance exists among all things!"

the other side of the river bank.

The real fight has already begun.

The stone axes and wooden sticks of the natives looked pale and powerless in front of cavalry pawns.

But when the steel knife is wielded, it can easily harvest living beings.

Almost at the first collision after dozens of people landed, the gathered indigenous people quickly began to break up.

Someone is running.

Someone knelt and surrendered.

But the former are only a minority, and more people have relatives and relatives, and they cannot live alone.

"It's over." Brother Law said lightly, pulling the Sin King up, "Cross the river with me, be careful not to fall, if you fall, just hold on to the bridge, and learn the way of those iron warriors to reach the other side."

Hearing this, the sin king immediately cheered up.

He's going to save his Didymar.

The two of them crossed the river very smoothly, and because they didn't wear armor, they looked light.

After passing quickly, someone naturally recognized the sin king and begged him, "Forgive us! We are willing to listen to your guidance, continue on the road of redemption, and worship the only true God in the world!"

The Sin King shouted, "Where is Didymar, where is Didymar?"

The elders of the tribe stood up, "He is not dead, we did not have time to kill him, quickly, quickly bring that wise man!"

At the same time, climbing the mountain ordered the whole army: "Stop the war, disarm, and those who submit to the balance will not be killed. If there is any abnormality, beheaded to show the public!"

The balanced cavalry orders were strictly prohibited, and the camp was quickly sealed off.

There is no need to pay attention to the hundreds of people who escaped, the remaining thousands of people are the focus.

A frail middle-aged man was brought in, and the two lifted him out.

Under the icy gaze of the cavalry, they were so frightened that they quickly let go, causing the middle-aged man to fall to the ground, but he couldn't utter a whimper.

His consciousness has gradually blurred, and his legs are soaked in blood.

"Diddimar, it's me, I'm here to save you!"

Chimalpopoca burst into tears and screamed as hard as he could.

Didymar smiled and said weakly, "Am I dreaming? They, they are..."

The young man said: "They are the Legion of God, the Army of Judgment... We found it, we found it!! The Lord of Equilibrium sent down an oracle to order this Legion of God to come and guide them!"

"Didymar, you can't die, we have to worship the true God together, repent for the sins committed by the Aztecs, and beg His salvation."

"Okay, go back and tell Itzkoatl, I've fulfilled my mission..."

The weak man eventually fell into a coma.


The young man roared madly, and smashed his fists to the ground in pain.

Walking up the mountain, although I don't know what the two of them said, I can also think of the hardships this middle-aged man has walked along the way.

Sin King was able to escape from birth, he made great contributions.

Moreover, his resourcefulness is also well known by the colleges in various cities, which is amazing.

Thinking of this.

Climbing down and squatting down, he drew out a sharp dagger, and easily cut open Didymar's tattered clothes.

There were two wounds, one large and one small.

The small one was the thigh, which was only pierced by the arrow, and the big one was the calf that was penetrated.

It was also infested by water after crossing the river, and now it is swollen and festering, and the shaft of the arrow is about to protrude through the skin.

Several monks of the law had already gathered, climbed the mountain and looked up and asked, "Maybe he can be cured with the precious medicine given by our lord?"

The monks of the law looked at each other, and finally recommended one person to answer:
""The Chronicle of the Holy Book of Balance: Six" says that the wife of the patriarch was seriously injured, and the cow dung followed the guidance of our lord and the witch, and recovered with medical treatment based on the law."


"There is also a relationship with that person."

When climbing the mountain, he frowned: "Of course I know about my wife, but that one? What that one?"

Another person said: "He is talking about the dean of No. 6 Dacheng College, and he dare not mention her name."

Mountain climbing is dumbfounding.

Xiao Hua, her stepdaughter, is indeed a bit majestic, she looks 4 points like Xue Nu.Walking in the highest hall of elders and being respected by the elders, sometimes even he feels a little inexplicably terrified.

There have long been rumors in the Kingdom of God that Xiao Hua is a child chosen by our Lord.

It is because of her pious heart that her mother was resurrected from the near death.

Climbing the mountain and meditating for a while, he said, "My lord's oracle has come down, and we are waiting to be led here. He will cast his gaze, maybe you can give it a try?"

Everyone laughed bitterly and said: "None of us have practiced the law of medicine, so we don't know how to operate it, so we only have a few words from the "Equilibrium Canon"."

"Can you remember everything?" climbed the mountain and asked again.

Someone nodded and said: "Trauma needs to be cleaned of filth, so that evil cannot contaminate the spiritual body. This evil is called 'bacteria'."

"Remove the broken and rotten flesh, and take my lord's precious medicine internally and externally, and it may be effective."

Climbing up the mountain and pointing, "Then you can use it!"

The man was a little apprehensive, and he accepted the order under the encouraging eyes of a group of law monks.

Another person translated to the Sin King: "We can be cured by the laws given by our Lord, but whether we can recover, everything depends on the guidance of our Lord's balance."

"Go and beg him, beg the gaze of our Lord, beg the mercy of his glory God!"

The king of sin woke up suddenly and stopped crying, even if there was a sliver of hope, he was unwilling to give up in the face of the life and death of his closest relatives.

"Is it really possible? Didymar can be revived?"

The man shook his head, then nodded again: "If you have a balanced heart, He will listen to your prayers, and life and death of people will be judged by themselves."

Without hesitation, Chimarpopoka took out the statue in the skin and began to kowtow.

So far, mountain climbing is no longer a concern.

The king of sin can be guided, and the mission of the army will be accomplished.

It is now 12 years of equilibrium, November 11th.

It is unrealistic to return to equilibrium in a month, but it can be joined with the divided army——

"Send 10 scouts to ride back along the road quickly. If you don't see any divisions at the meeting point, then look for the balanced road sign, go to Tonggu to find a fighting crocodile, and tell us the good news of success!"

"Be careful all the way, praise the balance!"

"Yes!" The subordinate stomped his feet and slapped the breastplate with an iron fist, and also issued a pious voice of praise, "My Lord is above, praise the equilibrium!"

(End of this chapter)

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