Start North America 1400: nation building

Chapter 194 [193] The first city, cast!

Chapter 194 [193] The first city, cast!

After New Year's Eve.

Balance the resumption of work and production in various cities.

The repaired road runs smoothly through No. 6, No. 2 and the main city, and continues to extend to Stockton, the big city No. 3 in the south.

Zhou Li'an did not turn on time acceleration, in order to support some catching up time for the resources of this world.

The arrival of Dash8 is the basis for going to Africa to meet "Zheng He".

Moreover, the "Engine Enterprise Acquisition Case" of Hengheng Group also means that Hengheng will enter a new high-speed development path.

At the same time, [Eye of the Void] watched the sign of judgment and recorded it.

As for the war itself, Zhou Li'an was not worried.

"[-] against millions" sounds scary, but the cities of the City-State Alliance have only a few thousand or tens of thousands of combat power.

And their so-called combat power is infinitely close to "0" in front of the cavalry.

There is neither ironware nor centralization of power, and each acts in its own way.

If hundreds of thousands of people are assembled at once, there is still a slight possibility... that the iron cavalry will make a mistake in the short-term shock, leading to being culled.

Too many ants can kill an elephant.

But the problem is that the prophecy of judgment has already come, people's hearts are in turmoil, and everyone is in danger.

They have no power to rally.

Even with...

One side trembled and was forced to go into battle.

One side is shrouded in the will and glory of our Lord, and with invincible courage, on the spiritual level, it has already been distinguished.

Not to mention, in terms of reality.

What is the concept of 4 heavy armored cavalry charges?
In the era without firearms, Yuanmeng has already handed in a beautiful answer.

Therefore, Zhou Li'an paid more attention to the arrangements for post-war migration.

Millions of people migrated, and [-] cavalry hunting supplies could not support it.And the main job of the cavalry is to protect order and complete the management of the city-state alliance.

Of course, China and the United States will not be abandoned, and half of the people will be left here to continue to develop.

Although the migration is also carried out in batches, but following the same migration route, the people in front will pluck their feathers, and the people behind will only see barrenness.

"It is still necessary to set up a supply station."

Otherwise, in the current era, such large-scale migration activities would easily kill or injure more than half of the population.

Population is not easy to come by.

Zhou Li'an wanted them to open up wasteland and use it as an anchor point to expand the Kingdom of God.

So, if there is a hang, why not open it?Spending money on food from the present world, and only needing to maintain one-year rations, these people can reach the eastern states and take root.

And it cost only a few million dollars.

With Zhou Li'an's current net worth, this amount of money is basically negligible.

After returning to the present world, he asked Barbara to prepare supplies and food, and urged the plane to arrive again.

During this period of time, Zhou Li'an had nothing to do.

It just happens to be able to train Zhou Wangshan in medical principles.

After the migration is completed, the cities in the east will stand, and the health centers will be completed to complete various vaccinations and improve the health of the people.


Since we are going to meet Zheng He's fleet, this is a good time to interact with pathogens.

There is no channel to obtain smallpox vaccine in this world, even if there are two vaccine production lines of two pharmaceutical companies in the balance, they do not have the production capacity and qualifications.

The virus has been completely eliminated, and only the closed laboratories of national brands in various countries have storage for scientific research purposes.

With nowhere to get smallpox, there was no possibility of infected calves getting vaccinia.

Want to say, money can make ghosts turn millstones?

If Zhou Li'an dared to do this in this world, the Mexican officials would not be able to protect him, and the Cajero Group would also have to be destroyed.

What followed was the investigation and pursuit by the intelligence agencies of various countries.

That would be bad.

If you can't get along in this world, you won't be able to extract supplies. This is a small gain.

Conversely, if you get infected when meeting Zheng He's fleet, you can extract the virus and implant it into calves, and use the most primitive method to produce vaccinia to achieve the purpose of immunity.

As for the danger of doing so...

Zhou Li'an had perfect consideration.

After the people have completed the virus interaction, they will produce vaccinia and complete the treatment; but they still have the disease, and returning to equilibrium may lead to the spread of infection.

The stupid way is to make him step into the gate of death after the vaccinia control is obtained, and get the guidance of our Lord, so that he will never return to the kingdom of God.

The people are fanatical about dedication.

but in fact……

System traverse is a sterile traverse mechanism.

It not only prevents the infection of different time and space by modern viruses, but also prevents the invasion of modern times by different time and space.

One "time and space smuggling" can complete the purification.

Therefore, Zhou Li'an could even boldly use Xiaohua, Zhou Wangshan, Tiaoyu and others as patient specimens.

Finally, it comes to the stage of vaccinia preparation, which requires modern means of isolation and observation.

One city is vaccinated in one city, and closed management is carried out during the inoculation period to prevent contact with the outside world.

The interaction of vaccinators can only be done between vaccinated cities.

Until the kingdom of God is fully popularized, the interaction between cities can be reopened.

And with the current means of transportation, it has also greatly isolated the transmission.

All in all, Zhou Li'an has a perfect countermeasure, and the only thing missing is the meeting with Zheng He in East Africa.

So from now on, you can teach the injection method.

Zhou Li'an brought intramuscular injections, intravenous injections and medicines from this world, and began to teach Zhou Weiguo the practical operation.

There is no shortage of patients. There are more than [-] people in the main city, and there are always those who are unwell.

In the original production process, accidents occurred frequently.

Trauma patients can also practice suturing and accumulate case experience.

However, injection therapy cannot be popularized immediately, and it is impossible for Dacheng medical treatment with more than [-] people to operate without enough manpower and drugs.

And now the drug can only rely on the resources of the world.

Is Zhou Li'an afraid of spending money?

Yes, I am really afraid of spending money!
The medical investment is huge.

He only gave "oral anti-inflammatory drugs", which can reduce fever and inflammation, and cure all diseases. The ex-factory price of a pill is only one or two cents, and every city has given 20 pills, and the consumption is negligible.

But if injections are popularized and the medical system is raised to a higher level, the consumption will be huge.

Originally, I just took a medicine and it was over, but now I'm doing injections.

Based on the calculation of 10000 consultations per year in one city alone, 12 visits will be made in 12 cities. What will happen after the future city-state alliance surrenders?
It means that Zhou Li'an has to bear the medical expenses of millions of people.

This number is extremely terrifying.

Therefore, before antibiotics are produced, everything should be kept simple.

Vaccination is a last resort, and the upgrade of the medical system will take some time to develop.

Otherwise, even if there is gold as a cash channel, millions of medical expenses will total hundreds of millions a year, right?
When the balance is gradually on the right track, time acceleration becomes more and more frequent.

A year is only a few days, and if [-] million is paid out in a few days, no one can support it.

At that time, Zhou Li'an will really become a great philanthropist.

On the one hand, let the Balance Group earn a lot of money in this world.

On the other hand, once you travel through time, just to give injections and medicines to the aborigines and do good deeds?

And without the operational support of the medical system, rashly opening the door will also cause a crisis of trust.

Once the gods bless, it must be "positive", and there must be no negative effects.

Now, if anyone thinks about who will be the virus sample that carries smallpox, it must be Zhou Wangshan.

The development of medicine is always inseparable from the dedication of the sages.


Equilibrium 14 years, June 2.

It has been more than a month since the expedition.

Starting from No. 12 Ayutthaya to the south, it has traveled more than 900 kilometers.

Ordinarily, the iron cavalry army has no luggage, and feeds on hunting all the way, and the speed can be even faster.

But the bullshit considerations are of course not that simple.

Along the way, it is necessary to build balanced road signs, explore and arrange bison paths and water sources, improve the large atlas, open up new roads, and lay the foundation for future migration.

At the same time, all the tribes seen along the way were conquered.

The further south you go, the denser the population.

Seeing the arrival of the legion of gods, countless tribes surrendered and kowtowed.

And these people are not part of the city-state alliance.

After the rise of the Aztecs, the Tri-City Alliance was completed, and the combination was called the real Aztec Empire.

Only then did the Aztecs officially begin to expand to their surroundings, complete their growth, and develop a large country with a population of tens of millions.


The tribes seen along the way only know that the gods came to the world, but not the crimes and punishments of the city-state alliance.

The army of judgment left an order, "When the army returns, I will lead you to step northward, return to the kingdom of balance and joy, and worship the true God."


The army is stationed.

They have reached the southwest corner of the Gulf of Mexico, in the state of Veracruz.

Bull Shit and Zhou Weiguo called a meeting between the leader of the battle group and the monks of the law.

"This southern land has a prosperous population. From what I saw on this trip, there are at least a hundred thousand people!"

"Not only...the number may double. What we saw was only what we encountered on the road. According to the ministries, there are many tribes gathered around, forming gathering areas, frequent trade exchanges, and even going to the city-state alliance!"

"My lord has said that there are millions of people living in the southern land. Except for the city-state alliance, most of them gather in the plains on the east and west sides."

"In addition to the conquest of the city-state alliance, we also need to cross the land to the west to complete the sweep and conquest."

"Although we are invincible, but when it comes to the management of these millions of people, we are powerless!"

Not surprisingly, his eyes turned to cow dung.

However, since he set off on the expedition, he has already shared his burden, and turned to look at Zhou Weiguo.

Zhou Weiguo also adapted to the situation in the army, pondered for a moment and said: "My lord has a will. He ordered me to be the supervisor and set up a supervisory team! It is to investigate the crimes of the city-state alliance."

"And those who occupy the rich and rich have everything that comes from the poor people. If the property is returned to the original owner, these people will be our best helpers!"

"Because they know that the coming of Wei Balance will rejuvenate this evil soil, and their faith will be firm because of this!"

When he finished speaking, everyone nodded.

Bull Shit said again: "How to manage it is another story, the first task is the trial battle!"

He ordered people to spread out the large map book, and the center position became the place where the valley was.

"This place is only 300 kilometers away from the core area of ​​the city-state alliance!"

"Although I waited all the way and returned to the various ministries, most of the ministries have contacts with the city-state alliance. I am afraid that the news of my arrival has already been sent to the monarchs of the cities!"

"No matter whether they dare to disobey the will of our lord's true God's judgment, whether they take precautions in advance, arrange plots, or submit humbly..."

"We need to be cautious about it."

"War horses are one of the foundations of our combat power, but they are also limited by this. If we are set up in an ambush, we may be in great trouble!"

"Therefore, from tomorrow onwards, the scouts need to search 50 kilometers away, starting in three teams, and focusing on the main roads in the valley where it is easy to hide and lay an ambush."

After hearing this, everyone looked solemn.

Someone said: "My lord has already received God's punishment, and there are even predictions of judgment. How dare they harbor rebellion?"

"If it's as bullshit guessed, they have to hear the arrival of the army, and they should kneel down to greet them!"

Zhou Weiguo said: "It is because of their ignorance that they believe in false gods and commit crimes. They have been poisoned by evil and cannot be measured by our will!"

"Everyone needs to know that we are here with the will of our Lord and the sword of judgment..."

"And what is the function of this sword?"

"It's killing!"

"If you have surrendered, we will accept you."

"If a rebel..."

Before he could finish speaking, a group of battle group leaders roared, "Sentenced to eternal annihilation!!!"

Wait until the scene returns to calm again.

The bullshit pointed 100 kilometers away, "According to the local tribal guide, we will see the first big city in three days."

"Although it is a small border city of the city-state alliance and is a vassal of other countries, this is the first battle of the Judgment March!"

"We want to win, win big, and win beautifully, so as not to fall into the glory and glory of our Lord's balance!"

Under his leadership, all the people bowed down to the "Statue of My Lord's True Body" placed on the side, all showing their piety——

"Praise the Lord, praise the balance."



at the same time.

One hundred kilometers away.

Xili Trapello, a vassal state subject to Tepanix, named "Hill City".

The big city is based on a mountain, with many buildings and three roads passing up and down, which can be described as easy to defend and difficult to attack.

Everything as expected with cow shit.

The tribes that were conquered by the army along the way sent people to deliver the news to the hill city.

There was an uproar in the palace in the city.

"What did you say?"

"The army of judgment predicted by the true god has come?"

The tribal people who visited also showed panic.

As he recalled, he confided the news, "Everyone in the army controls tall beasts, and they can run wild with beasts..."

"They are covered with armor made by the gods, and our weapons can only leave white marks when they gouging them."

"Bows and arrows are useless!"

"And their knives, braving the icy cold light, can easily chop off people's arms and heads every time they swing them!"

"Even that ferocious beast is covered in armor that arrow feathers can't pierce!"

"Unless you attack the beast's limbs at close range..."

"But in fact, when the legion of gods rushed forward driving the beasts, I couldn't wait to make a move, and I was already pierced by the spear created by the gods."

Hearing the description in the palace, he was already out of his wits.

After a long silence, an elder asked tremblingly, "Then, why did you report the news?"

"May you surrender to the balance, and those who believe in the true God will be forgiven!"

"Even, the army of judgment gave us wild beasts and weapons as gifts for hunting bison, and there has never been any oppression."

"They brought the will of the true God... When the army of judgment returns, they will lead all the tribes to migrate, make a pilgrimage to balance, and step into the kingdom of joy!"

The words fall.

Another long silence.

Until the end, everyone looked at each other, and reached a tacit understanding and consensus with their expressions, and the elder explained——

"Open the city gate!"

"Send our envoy... oh no, the Lord of the Hill City will go there in person to welcome the arrival of the envoy and the legion of God!"

"Giving our all..."

"Because the true God has prophesied that if you don't repent, disaster will come! If you believe in Him, you will be tempered by redemption!"

"So far, we no longer belong to any city-state, we only respect Him and submit to Him as the people of His joyful kingdom!"

The first city of the city-state alliance...

Hill City, cast! !
(End of this chapter)

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