Start North America 1400: nation building

Chapter 195 [194] The City Lord and the Old Servant

Chapter 195 [194] The City Lord and the Old Servant
That night.

The city gate of Shanqiu Chengshan Road is opened.

The orders of the city lord's family were conveyed to all parts of the city, so that everyone knew——

"The army of judgment is coming!"

"The temptation of the true god has arrived!"

"Only those who surrender to the balance can be redeemed!"

When people walked out of their homes and hotels, they saw the gathering of guards wearing inlaid totems of the "Hill City" family crest and ordered them to follow.

Since you want to surrender, you must use the strength of the city.If there are rebels at work here, it may cause the army of judgment to misunderstand.

For "surrender", Hill City has long had a set of proficient "operating rules and regulations".

Because of their weakness, they are good at judging the situation.

Before surrendering to Tepanix, he swore allegiance to other city-states several times and paid the annual tribute.

It's not just hill cities, but most of the small countries that are not powerful are more used to the chaos of "fighting in the valley".

If you can't fight again, you can only pay money to keep safe.

And when the true god descends, they already have expectations in their hearts.

The answer is self-evident whether to submit to the lord of a mortal city-state, or to believe in the true God who has truly descended into the world.

Even the remote hill city has heard many legends in the past two years——

The Aztec monarch loyal to Tepanix died in the flames of divine punishment, and the vizier Rivitel and his wife were turned into ashes.

And the remaining orphans were decisively abandoned by the old king of Tepanix.

Sent to the so-called "Road of Redemption", monitored by guards from various countries, praying for the possibility of redemption.

You know, that "orphan" is the grandson of the old king.

But from another perspective, the entire Aztec city-state has been abandoned, so what is a "grandson"?

And later.

There are rumors.

The "Road to Salvation" is blocked, God's punishment comes again!
Of the 2000 soldiers assembled in each city, only less than a dozen were able to return.

The lord of the hill city was responsible for managing the servants of the caravan, and bribed the court guards of Tepanix Kingdom with treasure.

Finally got to hear the news.

The survivors who returned from the "Road to Redemption" have been madmen, and they describe the night when the thunder and fire swept away the army's garrison.

People were shattered and scorched by the thunder, only a few escaped from the sky, and soon after, their ears were bleeding and their minds were unconscious...

They all said that this is the curse of disaster.

The more than a hundred people who survived died quickly, and only a few of them were left in the end.

As for the "young monarch" of the Aztecs, no one has mentioned it, and it is very likely that he was burned as coke in the thunder.

All this is deceptive.

But don't forget.

Just two years ago, the true god appeared in the realm of the sky, and even in the hill city, he sent down the punishment of the thunder.

So far, the place where God's punishment was encountered in that city has also been blocked, and it is not allowed to step in, and it is regarded as a restricted area.

All of this shows that the gods are not false.

And now.

After two years, the Legion of Gods descended as predicted, do you still need to think about how to choose?

late at night.

All over the city gathered with torches aloft.

The small town where more than [-] people lived became noisy, and they walked down the mountain road together with the family of the city lord, and followed the tribal guides who came to report the news, and walked north.


3 month 1 day.

It has been two days since the army of judgment set off again.

They followed the instructions of the "deputy judge" and waited cautiously, constantly sending scouts to explore the road ahead.

The selection of cavalry scouts is very strict.

First of all, riding skills are the standard. If you don't run fast and are not tolerant of bumps, the transmission of messages will definitely be delayed.

Secondly, you need to be proficient in the main languages ​​of each department.

"Law of Language" must be compulsory.

Then there's Modoc.

The Modoc people are "God's favored ones", which is the consensus of the Kingdom of God on this point.

After all, the place where the true god of our lord descended is in the Modoc tribe.

And now, the witch who has received the grace of God and gained eternal life after being revived is also the eldest daughter of the great chief of the Modoc people.

It's fine if you don't know the Modoc language in the kingdom of God. If you don't know the Modoc language under the command of the leader of the "Balanced Cavalry", such as the leader of the "Crocodile Fighting", he will dislike you first.

The third, of course, is the Utah-Aztec language family.

This language is almost commonly used in the south, and there will not be too many obstacles in basic communication. Differences in wording can be matched with sign language.

The army of judgment is going on an expedition to the southern land, and this language is a must.

Finally, it would be best if the Iroquois language family in the Great Lakes region can be known. The residents of the Great Lakes are now also one of the branches of the cavalry.

Of the 1 recruits in the new army, at least 4000 came from various parts of the Great Lakes.

After language assessment.

In addition, the level of the profound meaning of the law is the best.

"Zhou Xiangxi" is a high-level low-rank monk of the Five Great Laws, and everyone knows that once he breaks through the high-level Five Great Laws, he will have the aptitude to step into the "Temple Mount".

Temple Mount monks can be described as the pillars of the Kingdom of God today, or they can comprehend the profound truths on the Temple Mount and pursue the achievement of the "law of great perfection".

Or station various research groups.

Although the expedition is an honor, once the gate of the new world is opened and the outline of the sea of ​​laws is seen, it will be out of control.

Few people want to join the army.

However, Zhou Xiangxi is an outlier.

When the new army was recruited, he immediately prayed to his teacher to enroll in the army.

His teacher was also suspicious, "You have excellent talent. Although you are far inferior to me, compared with everyone else, you are already superior."

"Joining the army is an honor, but practicing the law can also contribute to the balance of our Lord."

The only person who can speak far worse than me is Xiao Hua.

The two met on the road of migration.

Zhou Xiangxi is from Huo Hokan, but now he doesn't know that my lord has given the clansman a surname of Huo, otherwise he should be called Huo Xiangxi.

Having to listen to the teacher's questioning, Zhou Xiangxi said: "I envy the majesty of the iron cavalry, I will never forget the scene where the balanced iron cavalry easily smashed through the Hohokan people!"

It is understandable for teenagers to worship the strong.

More importantly, it left a deep impression when I was young.

Xiaohua didn't stop him, so she ordered him to join the new army and lead the new army's practice of "salt creation" in the name of a monk on the Temple Mount.

As for why he became a scout...

The selection criteria have been stated.

Utah Aztec is his mother tongue, and he is a high-level blessing for the law, and he has learned the language of the Great Lakes region in the new army. Compared with his ability, few people can be his opponent.

Niushi appointed him as the captain of the scouting team.

Now lead [-] people to explore in three ways.

Traveling to 20 kilometers away, he vaguely noticed an abnormality in the distance, and shook the iron armor violently, attracting the attention of the team members.

When they raised their arms again, the team stopped suddenly.

The team member hurriedly said, "Captain, what did you find?"

Zhou Xiangxi had already lifted his helmet, and while frowning and staring, he pointed to the distance, "There is cooking smoke ahead."

When everyone looked around, there was indeed an indistinct smog behind a mountain.

Just when they were about to question, Zhou Xiangxi had already taken out the "holy artifact" from his satchel.

This was a gift from the "Deputy Judge", and it was the equipment for the earliest balanced iron cavalry. The new army did not have the treatment of such a god's creation.

The holy vessel can be used as a distant view, so that the scene several kilometers away can be presented in front of the eyes.

Several people stared at the holy artifact, salivating endlessly.

However, Zhou Xiangxi got accurate information after watching, "It's unmistakable, there is a large group of people stationed ahead."


"Why not a tribal settlement?"

Zhou Xiangxi said: "Submit to us and our tribal guide made it clear that every city that I set out to belong to the territory of each city, and all tribes are inviolable."

Everyone was shocked when they realized it, "Captain, we should report the news immediately and let the presiding judge know!"

Zhou Xiangxi said: "No, without accurate information, returning will only disturb the "Deputy Judge"."

"We need to move forward and find out the details."

A middle-aged knight frowned.

He is from Modoc, and he was also the first balanced cavalry to go out. If Zhou Xiangxi hadn't been selected, he would have been the captain of the scout.

At this time, I was quite unconvinced, "Whether it is a settlement or a resident, if you find something, you must report it. Scouts should not easily violate the prohibition and cause losses."

Seeing the middle-aged knight's rebuttal, Zhou Xiangxi was not afraid, and said calmly, "Why do you want to cause losses?"

"Deep into the hinterland, if you shoot the horse's lower body, it will be a loss."

Zhou Xiangxi said: "What is the range of the tribal bow?"

"Hundred meters!"

"How far can you see?"


"What about using the sacred artifact to see from a distance?"

"Thousands of meters..."

"Then go around the side of the mound and watch them 1500 meters away to learn the details of the number of people and the situation."

"If the other party's hunting team or guard finds out, we only need to stay 500 meters away, and we will be safe! You can even deter the horses, consume their arrow feathers, and finally capture them alive to get detailed information."

After the words fell, Zhou Xiangxi stared at the middle-aged knight, "Do you agree with my statement? If you don't agree, you come to convince me with reason, and I will not be the captain of this scout, and I will respect you!"

All the team members looked at each other in blank dismay.

The middle-aged knight showed embarrassment and was at a loss for words.

Zhou Xiangxi said softly, "I am a monk on the Temple Mount, and I have received the grace of my lord's laws and profound meanings. This is a gift from my lord's glory, so I am stronger than you."

"If you are willing to follow me to practice the profound meaning of the law, I will teach you with all my heart."

"According to my teacher's chief estimate, the trial may last for more than 2 years. If you wait for the profound meaning of the law and return in triumph, you can teach your family's heirs, or step into the Temple Mount with your own strength and serve Glory at the knees of our Lord."

"Would you like to wait?"

Most of the scouts are teenagers from Chongwu, and all teenagers study in colleges in various cities before joining the army.

They knew the importance of Zhou Xiangxi, a monk on the Temple Mount, better than anyone else.

If he does not join the army, he will be a missionary in every city college.

Not to mention, he is the chief personal biography.

Joining the army and gaining glory, but still not neglecting the profound principles of the law, where can such a good thing be found?
And the middle-aged knight also sighed, it was resignation.

Yu Li, where did he talk about monks who passed the law?
in love...

Although he is from Modoc, the person in front of him is the direct disciple of that "Little Flower".

If the girl is in the army, the leaders of each battle group will have to give three points of courtesy.

He took off his helmet and said, "I won't embarrass you anymore, and I will support and protect you...In terms of combat skills, even the leader of the 'Fighting Crocodile' admires me!"

"But you have to promise me one request."

Zhou Xiangxi smiled and said, "As long as I can do it, I will definitely agree."

"After the triumphant return, you must personally teach my son the profound meaning of the law, and make an oath in the name of our lord!"

"Of course, I will also swear that this trip will protect your life."

Zhou Xiangxi laughed loudly, "There is no need to wait for the victory, I will write a letter, and when the army reports back to the No. 12 city, I will forward it to the chief of my division in the main city!"

"If I ask for it, my teacher will definitely teach your son."

The middle-aged knight was ecstatic, "Can you swear?"

Zhou Xiangxi immediately corrected his face and turned to the northwest where the balance is located. "I, Zhou Xiangxi, made an oath in the holy name of Balance, and will never violate today's promise. If there is any repentance, God will punish the body and spirit."

"Praise my lord, praise balance!"

After hearing this, the middle-aged knight nodded slightly, and sang praises with the others.

The people are united in will.

Zhou Xiangxi issued orders, "Go around to the north, and divide into two groups to respond back and forth. If something unexpected happens, the rear people will rescue them as appropriate, or return directly, so that the military will report to the army."


Under the order, a team of ten people rode war horses and circled the north of the hill.

Everyone is watching everything around them vigilantly.

at the same time.

On that hill, people with strong eyesight have already spotted them.

"what is that……"

"The beast is the legion of gods who control the beast!"

"Quick, go and report to the city lord!"

They rushed down the hill, stirring up the camp.

Countless people poured out.

But at this time, Zhou Xiangxi and the others had already stopped in the distance and no longer approached.

It was the first time for the people of Hill City to see the appearance of an iron cavalry, and all their hairs stood on end.

"There are really beasts in this world that can be controlled by humans!"

"And such an army of judgments is as large as [-]!"

The lord of the hill city anxiously asked the old man beside him, "Wise man, what should I do? Why didn't the envoy stop approaching?"

The old man pondered for a moment, and said: "If strangers enter my hill city, they will not be allowed to let them go! There are only ten envoys, who must be scouts. They will report the situation to the army after they learn about it."

"Don't misunderstand them!"

"City lord, organize the people and call on them!"

"Okay!" The city lord acted immediately to organize the people.

Soon after, they knelt down and followed the command, and thousands of people shouted together.

Several scouts frowned to recognize the voice, and were ecstatic after getting the details, "Are they here to welcome the army of judgment?"

"Dedicate your godly hearts to our Lord!"

Zhou Xiangxi thought for a moment, "You stay here, and I will negotiate alone."

The middle-aged knight immediately said: "I will go with you!"

The two looked at each other and reached a tacit agreement.

The two riders slowed down and approached a little bit.

Seeing that there was no change in the kneeling crowd, the two gradually felt relieved. They stayed 150 meters apart, and Zhou Xiangxi stopped vigilantly——

"Since you are willing to surrender, send someone back with us to meet the envoy of God!"

After shouting.

There was a commotion among the crowd.

The city lord asked the old man, "What should I do?"

The old man said: "I should have gone there for me and worked for the city lord to show my sincerity. It would be best if the city lord could go there in person."

"I, I go?" The city lord was a little apprehensive.

The old man said again: "The tribal people who came to report the letter have already stated everything. If you submit to the Balancer, the army of judgment will not have the heart to kill!"

"Besides, if the [-] troops arrive, none of us will survive!"

Seeing that the city lord was still worried, the old man also knew that his character and ability were low. If his ancestors were not blessed, he would not have been able to succeed to the seat of the hill city lord.

He could only say, "Let me go."

The city lord immediately breathed a sigh of relief, "Quiztitko, after this trip, I am willing to abolish your slavery and treat you as a relative! Give you three hotels to run for your descendants."

The old man's expression showed a trace of surprise, and then disappeared in an instant.

The three inns earned a lot of money, and the city stipulated that those who entered the city were not allowed to go out at night, and those who did not have a place to live would be sentenced to imprisonment and confiscated goods.

Therefore, the hotel was born, and some goods and small pieces of copper were charged every night.

Such businesses are owned by the castellan's family.

The old man is only a servant, so how dare he get involved easily.

If you can get rid of your slave status now, you will naturally be able to change it back in the future.

When he was young, he was born into a wealthy family, and his family owned a cocoa grove, which provided supplies for caravans.

It's just that after returning from studying abroad, everything is different, and the property is occupied by the city lord.

If he hadn't been demoted to a slave after he obtained knowledge from Dacheng College, he would have been killed long ago.

These are old things, the old city lord has passed away, and he has supported the new city lord for more than [-] years now.

I know the filth among the nobles in these cities.

At the age of sixty, it is better to live this life in peace and not leave a foreshadowing of disaster for the children.

"City Lord, I just want to show my loyalty to you, no reward is required! I'm going."

The old man got up with a smile, and his steps were healthy. He walked [-] meters and kowtowed in front of the knight.

"Meet the angel!"

Zhou Xiangxi frowned, "Are you the city lord?"

The old man shook his head, "I am the servant of the city lord, named Kuiztitko!"

After hearing the translation from the scouts beside him, the middle-aged knight said angrily, "Then why didn't the city lord come?"

Zhou Xiangxi asked back for him.

The old man said: "The city lord is willing to lead thousands of people to prepare a banquet for the army, so as to wash away the exhaustion that the envoys have experienced along the way."

The middle-aged knight sneered, "Are you afraid to come?"

Zhou Xiangxi wasn't translating, he just looked at the old man's stature, but after all, he looked frail after reaching his age.

Although he couldn't bear it in his heart, he didn't want to lose the majesty of balance.

"Because I'm going back all the way, you're going to suffer a lot!"

Without waiting for the old man to ask why.

Two knights had already come on horseback, one on the left and one on the right, grabbed his arm, and one of them pushed hard, making him lie on the horse.

Just as he was about to struggle, he felt violent jolts and vibrations, subconsciously grabbed the knight's thigh, and heard shouts——

"Hurry up, if you fall off the horse, you will either die or be injured!"


The ten riders ran wildly and quickly left the station.

Seeing what happened to the old man, the city lord of the hill city immediately expressed his rejoicing, and heard another servant beside him sneer: "The old man Quiztitko has no good intentions. tortured."

After the city lord heard this, he also frowned, and murmured: "Before my father passed away, I told you to use his wisdom and not trust it!"

He took out another ornament and handed it to the servant beside him, "You are rewarded! Go and see the relatives of Queztitko! When he returns, let him know the importance, so as not to have a different heart and try to use the power of the gods ..."


at the same time.

Equilibrium main city, inside the temple.

Zhou Li'an opened his eyes with an amused expression.

Xue Nu was about to ask a question, but saw my lord stand up, and said first: "Call Wynn to come, and bring the scroll of sin fruit presented by Didymar."

Although Xuenv was curious, she didn't dare to neglect.

Soon after, Xiaohua met with the clerk and several disciples.

Zhou Li'an pointed to the copy of the fruit of crime that they brought and copied: "Check the situation of the hill city, come to my way..."

(End of this chapter)

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