Start North America 1400: nation building

Chapter 196 [195] God's grace, this is longevity

Chapter 196 [195] God's grace, this is longevity
Xiaohua ordered people to search the copy of the scroll left by Zhou Weiguo.

In his words, on the one hand, it is for backup purposes. After the city-state alliance surrenders and moves north and east, it is necessary to check this scroll for punishment...

Those who commit crimes need to be subdued by strict laws.

On the other hand, the tome can be included in the "museum" built in the future.

The main and auxiliary volumes of "The Book of Crimes and Punishments of the City-State Alliance" are precious historical witnesses.

Lay the foundation for the historical heritage of the Kingdom of God.

Xiaohua is not keen on these matters, she is a doer; and Zhou Weiguo has been in charge of the "Holy Artifact of Light and Shadow" from the beginning, and subtly has an epiphany about the work of "Propaganda".

of course.

All of these are manifestations of Zhou Li'an's god's will, and people make the best use of it, covering every aspect.

Material construction and spiritual civilization must be grasped with both hands, and both hands must be hard.

Xuenu didn't know what my lord meant, so she went to watch it.

Xiaohua has probably read the contents of the crime and punishment book, and after recalling it, she guides the monks of the law and explains to Xuenv——

"Flip the book backwards, you should be able to find it."

"Nadi Dimar dictated the consequences of his sins, and first outlined the main points, such as the living sacrifices of the Aztecs, who fed on the heart; and the old king of Tepanix, who was buried with a young girl as the cornerstone in order to seek longevity. Underground, build temples to worship false gods..."

"The lesser punishment, or the information about the cities, come at the end."

"Shanqiu City should be a small border town, with very little writing."

Xuenv thought about it after hearing this, and turned to look at the high platform, "Master, but the army of judgment has arrived at the hill city?"

Everyone who was flipping through the books couldn't help looking up.

If this is the case, the battle of the army of judgment will begin.

Zhou Li'an smiled and nodded as a reply.

Seeing that the gods were speechless, they didn't dare to say more, and hurriedly read through.

About twenty minutes.

A disciple of Xiaohua said excitedly: "My lord! I found it!"

"Read it." Xuenv said.

The disciple got the attention of my lord and the witch, and his voice trembled slightly, "The hill city, a small town in the extreme north of the valley, is an important road for business travel in the coastal tribe gathering area."

"It is a vassal state of Tepanix. If it is ranked, it ranks fourth."


The city-state alliance has a clear class division, which is the same as the evolution of civilization presented in all parts of the world, and they all took the lead in slavery.

There is no classification for vassal states.

But for a better interpretation, Didymar himself made a simple division.

Tepanix was the main country and made many small countries surrender, and the Aztecs were under his rule.

If it is a war, the Aztecs are the army all the way.

Later generations believed that the prosperity of Tepanix had a lot to do with the loyalty of the Aztecs.

It's just that the old king passed away at a hundred years old, and Tepanix fell into an internal struggle for power and profit.

At the same time, Chimal Popoca, who had just succeeded to the throne, was assassinated because he was on the wrong team, which led to the betrayal of Tepanix by the Aztecs.

His uncle "Izcoatel" initiated the Tri-City Alliance and ate everything in Tepanix, thus laying the beginning of the "Aztec Empire".

Now, according to Didymar's explanation, the Aztecs are "secondary" vassal states.

It can be understood as having the ability to control the direction of the power of the "main country", and it is the right arm of the main country.

As for the third level, the third level also needs to hand over to the second level, and so on, the lowest level of "hill city" needs to experience layers of exploitation.

These things are described very clearly in the scroll, even those who do not understand the city-state alliance system can understand it at a glance.

You can see the wisdom of Didymar.

And Zhou Li'an had seen the "diary" written by Didymar on the "Road to Redemption" before, recording the sin king's confession process.

This can even lead to associations.

If the original trajectory of history develops, after Chimal Popoca succeeds to the throne, this "big scholar" will continue to assist the young king.

Then it is very possible that the author of the "Chimal Popoca Illustrated Text Book" is him, Didymar.

After all, Zhou Weiguo was able to open the door to the law of art thanks to the city-state alliance art core provided by Didymar, which made him understand the use and charm of art.

Closer to home.

After monk Nafa gave a brief description of the hill city, the hall was slightly silent.

just because...

"Didn't Hill City commit a crime?"

"On the contrary, since the history of the hill city, it has been oppressed and enslaved by great powers countless times."

"That city-state alliance is really hateful!"

However, when the crowd was furious, the noble figure on the high platform let out a chuckle——

"Oh, did they really not commit crimes?"

Everyone's expressions were stagnant.

Someone subconsciously said: "But it's not written on the fruit of crime scroll!"

At this time, Zhou Ruonan was also among them, and she immediately realized: "It must be that Didymar is hiding something, please send down the will of my lord, let me question him!"

But Xiao Hua said: "There is no need to ask, if he knew, would he have dared not come?"

"The core of the city-state alliance is nearly 300 kilometers away from the hill city, just like going from the main city of my balance to the No. 5 city of Fresno."

"I even have horses and carriages, and fast horses can deliver letters in two days. However, the desert and hills in the southern land are not like the plains of the No. 1 region, which are unimpeded; it takes at least 15 days to connect the two places. "

"The caravan still needs to stay for trade. How can it take a month for a round trip? This is fast."

"With the class of the Aztecs, how could they take such a small frontier city seriously? If Didymar hadn't been a bachelor, he might not have known the existence of the so-called 'Hill City'."

“Transportation hinders information exchange, which also hinders development!”

"Praise our lord, praise the balance! If our lord hadn't come and created chariots and horses, even if we have developed, we would have stagnated."

Xiaohua sees through the root cause at a glance and sends out praises.

Zhou Ruonan said in astonishment, "If it's not written in the scroll, Zhou Weiguo may be deceived as a supervisor."

Because of her words, several clerks and disciples looked sideways.

The only third rule in the Kingdom of God is Dzogchen, and it is Dzogchen of the second rank, so you are the granddaughter of the Great Elder, so you dare to call her by his first name.

At the same time, they are also worried by this sentence.

The matter of the city-state alliance is far more complicated than they imagined.

However, Xue Nu said, "Ruo Nan, if you think so, you will underestimate Zhou Weiguo and bullshit."

"Although the two of them are not as good as your teacher Huai'en, they both followed my lord and listened to his teachings!"

At this moment, Zhou Li'an finally spoke and looked at the crowd, "So, where do you think the punishment for this hill city lies?"

The test came so suddenly that they were caught off guard and flustered a little.

"My lord, we have never visited before, how can we say so easily?" Zhou Ruonan said.

She is really courageous, she can be regarded as a child with no taboo, and she is not afraid of tigers as a newborn calf, and more importantly...

The last time I made a suggestion, in front of the Temple Mount monks and the Supreme Elder Hall, I was approved by my lord, and I gathered a fearless heart.

Zhou Li'an didn't blame him, and said with a smile: "There are clues in the book, you need to combine them to think!"

"Whoever answers first will be rewarded!"

At this point, Zhou Li'an paused again, and drew a big cake, "It's not just a few of you, it can make colleges in various cities, monks on Temple Mount, and even millions of people think."

"If you get the answer, I will give you a 'hundred-year lifespan', and you can walk with me and the witch for a hundred years and witness the rise of the kingdom of God."

When this word comes out.

Several people in the hall couldn't help but exclaimed.

Even Xuenv's eyes widened, and she lost her voice: " kind..."

Zhou Li'an just waved his hand and interrupted her.

Xue Nu was very well-behaved. She took a deep breath, calmed down, and looked at the crowd, "Haven't received my lord's decree? This is a grace! Whoever wins this honor will be the blessing of the Kingdom of God and the joy of millions of people!"

A hundred years of life is nothing more than dozens of time accelerations. At that time, his body will be frozen and he can follow Zhou Li'an's own timeline.

No need to bring it to the present world.

As for whether such grace is too heavy?
Such as bullshit and little flowers, this kind of high-level people in the Kingdom of God who have been cultivated along the way, the longer they can live, the more they accumulate, the better.

The future is always looking for opportunities to bestow grace.

And with the current cultural background in God's country, there are only a few people who can come up with the answer, and they are basically locked in the Temple Mount.

It really takes civilians to come up with an answer...

That is also a great blessing, such talents can be reused.

The "hundred-year lifespan" is nothing more than the cost of [Time and Space Smuggling], dozens of times only cost hundreds of thousands of dollars.

On the contrary, the difficulty of finding talents is the key point.

Notifying the whole country is also to make the heart of learning to a higher level.

In addition, and most importantly——

Lay the foundation for the criminal trial after the trial dispute.

All the people of the Kingdom of God should know why the sinner in the south was punished severely for his crimes.

This is to alert the world.

Inside the hall.

After Xue Nu's words, several people immediately kowtowed, "Praise my lord, praise balance!"

"Equilibrium exists in..."

They didn't have much vocabulary anymore, only after praising from their hearts, they witnessed our lord, true god and witch, disappearing into the temple in an instant.

But Xiaohua and the others still haven't recovered for a long time.

Hundred years.

A hundred years of life, this is longevity! !

In order to balance the kingdom of God, there is no other person who has won the honor of "eternal life" except Wu Wu.

After about ten minutes.

Zhou Ruonan was the first to hold back.

She naturally also valued the grace of God, but because of her young age, she never cared about longevity.

She also thought just now, if she got the answer, would it be possible for her grandfather to live a hundred years.

But before the grandfather had been bestowed, but did not receive the grace of God.

Grandpa often said: "I have witnessed the coming of the true God of our lord and the establishment of the Kingdom of God. It is already enough! Now I just want to step into the door of death early and always serve at the knee of my lord."

Zhou Ruonan tugged at Xiao Hua's sleeve, "Chief, do you have an answer?"

Xiao Hua suddenly came back to her senses, consciously lost her composure, and hurriedly adjusted her expression management——

Divine grace is mighty.

But it is not so easy to pray for divine favor.

Xiaohua looked at the sin fruit book and fell into deep thought, but couldn't answer for a long time.

At this time, everyone was awake and staring at the chief.

Xiaohua took a deep breath and said, "Call Tiaoyu to come, report this matter to the newspaper, and inform the whole country!"

Later, she added: "You also need to think carefully, if you are enveloped by divine grace, I will be gratified."

Everyone hurriedly shied away: "If the chief is not good, how can we see through the falsehood? The test of the true god of our lord is too difficult!"


at the same time.

Ten rode fast horses and rushed to the assembly point agreed by the "Scout Squad", lit wet firewood, and ordered to assemble.

And that "Quiztitko" was already dizzy, and he was in a trance since he dismounted, and he vomited several times.

After about an hour.

The twenty-riding scouts returned, and when they saw outsiders, they immediately became vigilant.

Zhou Xiangxi said: "This is the servant of the lord of 'Shanqiu City', and will be the representative to meet the presiding judge.

Everyone was overjoyed after hearing this, and made some adjustments to give the old servant some respite...

Afterwards, only one small team was left to continue guarding the main road and observe the situation, while the remaining [-] people returned quickly.

from noon to noon.

The temperature in the northeastern part of the Valley of Mexico in early March is still cool, and only the Yucatan Peninsula in the south has a tropical rainforest climate.

The war horses were exhausted from the gallop, spitting hot air.

And the whereabouts of the distant army have been discovered.

Thousands of meters away, the two sides blew special horns to echo each other and match up with secret signals.

Although war horses are unique, and riding skills are difficult to learn, military affairs are still quite regulated, and orders are strictly prohibited.

After the Equilibrium Military Academy was established.

Our lord true god bestowed many management methods in the army, including training methods, battle formations, scouting and other skills.

Two years of preparation for the expedition made the expedition even more perfect.

When the scout team approached, the army had already sent an order to stop.

Climbing the mountain, cow dung and others quickly came to the front of the formation, and they saw the old servant who was humped by the knights at a glance.

After Zhou Xiangxi got off his horse, he still supported him, but Naquiztitko was still so soft on the ground, his face was pale, as if he had lost half his life, his lips and teeth trembled, and he couldn't speak.

Zhou Xiangxi knelt down and said: "This is the servant of the lord of the hill city, and the hill city gathered out of the city to meet the envoy of the gods in order to submit to the balance."

Everyone didn't speak in a hurry, and looked at Zhou Weiguo in unison.

Zhou Weiguo had already familiarized himself with the "Book of Fruits of Sin" all the way, and his disciple immediately spread out the map and pointed out a place——

"This is where the 'hill city' is located. When the bullshit and I were patrolling with our lord, we looked down from the sky above the mountain city. The mountain city is not big, and there are less than [-] people..."

"A few days ago, I got the indigenous speech, this is an important way for business travel."

"It seems that, as bullshit said, the arrival of the army has begun to spread to the city-state alliance!"

"It's a good thing for Hill City to surrender. We can use Hill City as a base and a place for logistics supplies."

Bull Shit asked: "Can Hill City have a guilty fruit?"

Zhou Weiguo thought about it for a while before shaking his head: "The book didn't mention it, because Shanqiu City is the lowest vassal state and is oppressed by a big country..."

He repeated what Didymar said, and everyone thought about it.

Afterwards, he climbed the mountain and issued a military order, "The whole army will be refurbished. After the old man recovers, we will get information before advancing!"

"Take him down, feed him salt water, and bring him for questioning after he's relieved."

Zhou Xiangxi immediately took orders.

Some soldiers and craftsmen have quickly built simple awnings.

Although Quiztitko was in a trance, he saw everything around him.

The already uncomfortable body became even more uncomfortable due to the shock.

There are countless troops, everyone is wearing that hard armor, and he just hugged the sergeant's thigh to feel it.

That armor is harder than a tortoise shell, more like copper, but far stronger than copper.

He has seen the "Leopard War" of the Aztecs under the command of Tepanix, and the "Owl Guard" of Terkos, the great western country.

But compared to everything he saw at this moment...he couldn't find the words to describe it.

The only thing I know is—

This is the Legion of God, an invincible army under the command of the only true God in the world.

Someone brought water.

When he entered his lips, he found that it was warm and had a slightly salty taste.

He suddenly panicked, "Is this sea water? You can't drink sea water!"

Zhou Weiguo had already sat down beside him, and said in the Aztec language he got from Didymar: "This is salt, fresh water with salt added!"

"Why add salt to water? Salt is a precious commodity, and water with salt will become bitter..."

"Ah, wait, why doesn't this water taste bitter?"

Zhou Weiguo was very patient.

Seeing the old man in front of him gave him an inexplicable sense of intimacy, as if he would go to the prison and communicate with Didymar.

He took out the bag and grabbed a handful of salt as white as snow.

"This is the salt bestowed by the gods. The art of creation passed down by the gods is created by us. It is not poisonous or bitter."

"Salt can restore physical strength, drink it, after you feel relieved, I still have something to ask you!"

After finishing speaking, he bowed his head and read the "Sin Fruit Scroll" again.

Didymar said that the hill city is a fourth-level city-state, which needs to be enshrined to the upper three, second-level and the main country, and suffers from great powers.

So there is no guilt and they are the real underdogs.

Therefore, this is also the reason why they surrendered so earnestly that they even marched out of the city to meet the army of judgment.

Balance will bring glory and blessings, and they will enter the kingdom of joy.


Zhou Weiguo frowned, and muttered to himself: "Why do I always feel that something is wrong?"

There was a feeling of floating in the air in his heart.

Can't tell.

Like a portrait painting, a person with healthy limbs, bright eyes and white teeth looks extremely handsome.

It happened that he drew 6 fingers in one hand.

It's hard to detect after a rough look, but I always feel that there is a very discordant smell.

He's lost in thought...

After an unknown amount of time, I was awakened by the sound of cow shit, "What are you thinking? The presiding judge and the leaders have been waiting for a long time!"

(End of this chapter)

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