Up and down the sacrificial platform, regardless of common people or nobles, what they worship is balance.

But the problem is...

Polypoma and Oyer knew that other people's praises were "forced and helpless", but Ziboche was dedicated and devout.

And right now, there seems to be one more person in this balanced line of beliefs——

Princess Mondaya!
When she uttered the phrase "You should praise Balance" in front of everyone, the two of them felt a sense of numbness spread all over their bodies, their heartbeats accelerated and their heads became dizzy.

Just like the old king next door came to the house, drinking and having fun with his neighbors, after drinking for three rounds...

The neighbor glanced at his wife: "My wife is the most beautiful woman in the world."

Old Wang next door agreed: "Yes, she is really beautiful!"

It's an extremely subtle feeling.

At first glance, the clues are not obvious.

But if you think about it, it's terrifying.

Polypomar and Oyer looked shocked, their bodies were trembling involuntarily, and they were all howling in their hearts——

Qiboche, how dare you, how dare you!
But the high priest in front of them didn't feel anything wrong.

A few merchants who are as humble as dogs have won the favor and grace of Her Highness the Princess by accident, so they are naturally terrified and flattered.

"You two, didn't you hear what I said?"

With a reprimand.

The two men woke up suddenly, stumbled and ran to Qi Boche's side, followed his example, bowed down to the princess in front of them, "Praise you, Your Highness the Princess!"

Mondaya smiled at them again and opened his mouth to say something.

But the heads of the two were buzzing, and they didn't hear the words clearly, only Qi Boche was helping to deal with it.

I do not know how long it has been.

Qi Boche slapped the two on the cheeks, and then called their souls back.

But they still looked funny, "Your Highness, Princess..."

"The princess has already left!" Qi Boche said angrily, "We should also go back and prepare for tomorrow's tribute."

The noble figures of the princess and the high priest were no longer seen around.

Instead, there was a middle-aged man and the waiter who had led the way for them.

The middle-aged man is the head of the temple and is responsible for logistics and sundries. Therefore, the tribute business is controlled by his family.

Like the young waiter, he is also a junior in his family.

But now, there was resentment on his face, but he couldn't show it. He tried his best to restrain himself, and took out the prepared parchment: "This is a contract, signed once every six months, and three times a year. If you dare to use it in the tribute Second-time shoddy is a felony, and no one can protect you!"

The city-state alliance divides a year into 18 months, and there are 20 days in a month, which happens to be 360 ​​days.

Polypomar took a look at the contract and his face flushed immediately.

All the merchants in the city know that offering tribute to the sacrificial temple is a fat job, but that is a business that ordinary people can't touch.

Now that I can see the purchase items, I realize how rich the oil and water are.

Even if the hoarded goods were robbed by Telcante earlier, this contract can make up for all losses as long as it works hard for half a year.

After signing, the temple master left.

Only the waiter sent them down with an ugly face, still complaining: "Your tribute is nothing special, how did you get the princess's favor?"

"I was harmed by you, I shouldn't have agreed to let you come..."

His voice became smaller and smaller, and he was no longer the proud and charming look before.

Because the matter is a foregone conclusion, even the master of the temple cannot change it.

Who doesn't know that Mondaya is Tezozomok's favorite granddaughter?
Even the three princes would not interfere with what she had decided.

Qiboche had adjusted his mood a long time ago, and after listening to the waiter's words, he gave Oyer a look.

Oyer acted cleverly, quickly found out a more expensive gemstone than when we met this morning, gave it to the waiter, and said respectfully: "My lord, we have this opportunity because of your care!"

"My lord, please don't worry, I will make up for it when I know that you have been wronged! From now on, if you have orders, just give them, and I will do my best."

Starting with palm-sized gemstones is extremely valuable.

The waiter was stunned for a moment, and the cloud in his head seemed to dissipate in an instant.

For the master of the temple to cheat merchants out of money, he could only dip in some soup dregs, but today he received two pieces of expensive gemstones in a row, which was enough for his year's harvest.

So, what is there to be dissatisfied with?
The waiter's face turned red again, and he patted Oyer on the shoulder: "No wonder you are favored by the princess, you are different from other merchants."

Oyer smiled stupidly and continued to compliment: "Sir, how about I invite you to drink later? I know a tavern that makes a special tequila. Take a sip, and the sweet taste can reach the tip of your heart."

The waiter was looking forward to it, "But I still have to be on duty, so it's better to wait until nightfall."

Oyer exchanged glances with Polypoma and Ziboche, and then said submissively, "Okay, I'll arrange a sedan chair to pick you up at the foot of the tower after nightfall, and I'm sure you'll be satisfied."

At this point, the waiter was completely dazzled by happiness.

sedan chair?

Isn't that something only nobles can sit on?
Now I'm considered a little noble!

Go down to the tower and bid farewell to the waiter.

A group of people hurried back to Fangcheng District.

On the way, the three of them didn't say a word, they only speeded up the pace of returning while suppressing the excitement and curiosity in their hearts.

He only waited to return to the house, and drove away the accompanying servants.

Oyer couldn't bear it anymore: "We just took over the tribute business like this? Get rich, get rich!"

"I just glanced at the contract. The purchase price of each tribute is several times the market price!"

"And you don't need to run around here and there. If you send tribute every day, you will have money in your pocket."

Polypomar also showed emotion, but when he returned all the way, he was already sober: "Oyer, don't forget our mission, we won't stay here for long."

Oyer's face instantly collapsed.

Polypoma comforted: "This business is not something that ordinary merchants like us can get involved in. It's fine in the short term, but it will definitely arouse people's envy if it takes a long time."

"A Telcante can bully us at will, and his elder brother is not even qualified to set foot on the sacrificial temple."

"If the nobles in the sacrificial temple want to attack us, who do you think can protect us?"

"Her Royal Highness's status is too high. If you stand on a high tower, can you still see the faces of people on the ground?"

Qi Boche didn't say anything, he had to let them abandon this so-called way of making money.

Oyer smiled wryly for a long time, and finally got discouraged: "I know these truths, but I just don't want to."

Seeing that his mood had stabilized, Polypomar returned to the subject: "My lord, how did you persuade the princess?"

Qiboche said with a smile: "I didn't convince her, but my Lord Balance..."

He told how the two met.

The coincidence here also surprised the two of them——

"The princess really believes in balance?"

"But why, I don't understand!"

"She is also a member of the royal family. She has enjoyed everything in the world since she was born, but she really loves Nakya and wants to escape from the royal capital?"

In fact, more than two people can't understand.

Qiboche was also thinking on the way back... The princess doesn't seem to be the kind of person who is born stupid and stupid, why is she willing to give up everything?

Finally he came to the answer——

"So, this is the guide of our Lord's balance!"

"Princess Mengdaya may be watched and chosen by the Lord Kinkou, just like Master Quiztitko, who is favored by the gods!"

"As I said, the princess is the guide given to us by Kinkou, and we are the guide given to Princess Kinkou!"

"This does not coincide with the way of equilibrium. When the world moves towards equilibrium, equilibrium will also lead to the world!"

"We and the princess walked towards each other!"

The words fall.

The two were silent, unable to think of rebuttal, they could only silently praise the name of the true God in their hearts.

Even for Oyer, the balance of belief is more balanced.

After a little silence, a new problem appeared in front of him——

"It is already very difficult to rescue the father and son."

"My lord, how can we help the princess escape, and even make a pilgrimage to Nakma City?"

Qiboche said: "This is also the reason why I asked the princess to obtain the tribute business for us. The prince's mission will leave in five days, and we have to make a plan within five days."

"As for Keya and his son, they will be released today!"

"Today?" The two were puzzled.

Qi Boche nodded fiercely and said, "Yes, today!"

"Previously, the princess wanted to promote good things with Keya, which was never allowed. But if she can let go and only seek a way out for Keya to let him out of the city, her father's attitude may loosen."

Oyer said: "The seventeenth prince is not an idiot, wouldn't he be suspicious because of the princess's change of attitude?"

But Ziboche smiled and said nothing.

Polypoma had an instant realization: "No! If I were his father, it would be the best choice to release the three of Keya and his son. Because they left the city, they would cut off the princess' thoughts, and he would no longer have to worry about it. The princess is forcing her to death!"

"On the contrary, the Seventeenth Prince can send someone to kill the father and son after letting them go out of the city, so as to avoid future troubles!"

Oyer was terrified and cursed angrily: "These royal dignitaries should all be judged!"

Hearing this, Ziboche and Polypoma looked at each other and smiled.

Oyer himself didn't realize it, but he already wanted balance.

At the same time, with Polypoma's explanation, Oyer also had a clear understanding of the arrangement: "So, my lord, we want to rescue three people outside the city? Fight with the palace guards?"

Qi Boche shook his head: "Even if we hire killers, we will never be able to defeat them!"

"Then how to rescue the father and son?"

"Father and son are alive, and they will definitely go all the way north, returning to Kema and Shanqiu City!"

"The father of Mengdaya, who also knows their origins, will send pursuers and fast-footed messengers to notify the cities along the way to arrest these three people and put them to death."

"So, Oyer."

Qi Boche took out the sheepskin map that the three of them planned before, and said: "You go out of the city now, hide and wait outside the city!"

"And I have ordered Mengdaya to send them out of the city personally, and delay his father as much as possible at the city gate, preventing him from sending out pursuers!"

"You just need to take advantage of this gap to bring the father and son back to the city through the secret path."

These words are exported.

Both of them were terrified, and were overwhelmed by Ziboche's scheme——

"At that time, the chasing soldiers will only go north all the way, and it is absolutely impossible to think that they dare to return to the big city!"

"My lord, Master Qiboche, you are a wise man, I am not as good as you!"

"After that? How to send them out of the city again?"

Qiboche said: "Enter the prince's mission as a slave! This is why I asked you to inquire about the news of the mission and buy the servants and housekeepers of the officials!"

"At that time, you can leave the city in a grand manner, and arrive at Kema City smoothly all the way!"

"If possible, the princess will also be in the ranks."

So far, the plan has been perfected.

The two were dizzy, and their hearts fell to the ground in admiration for Qiboche.

Afterwards, they reviewed the route of the secret road out of the city.

Oyer set off immediately, came to an empty residential house in the outer city, and walked out of the city by tunnel.



Somewhere in the palace, there was a sound of smashing and smashing. Even though the people inside were furious, they still lowered their voices to prevent the shouting from spreading outside——

"Koya, Koya!"

"What kind of ecstasy drug did that servant give you?"

"Are you thinking about him like this? You will be the queen, the lord of the valley! Do you want a servant to be your king's husband?"

The Seventeenth Prince shouted angrily, paced back and forth in the hall, smashing the decorative vessels to pieces.

Mondaya has long been used to all this. She should have kept silent, but at this moment she also lost her temper and quarreled with her father.

Because, this is Qiboche's order.

Don't express your expectations directly, otherwise your father will be suspicious.

I had to push back and forth a few times before I became disheartened——

"Since I am the queen, who can stop me from choosing my husband?"

"If you don't want to, I'll go and ask Grandpa Master!"

"you dare!?"

Mengdaya stood up, "Why would I not dare! I don't need to be dominated by you if I lose the favor of Grandpa Master! I don't want to be your tool to fight for power!"

Who knows, "唰'——

The father in front of Mengdaya pulled out the dagger, the dark color reflected the sunlight that poured into the hall, but it was extremely cold.

"If this is the case... then let's die together! My beloved daughter!"

A grim look appeared on his face.

Mengdaya was stunned, and all the vitality on his face faded.

Just like what Qiboche wanted him to pretend, his face was ashen, and he lost hope in everything!

But right now, it's obviously not a disguise.

She couldn't help taking two steps back, and finally fell to the ground, looking up at this "strange but familiar" person——

"Okay! I will listen to your arrangement in the future!"

The cold voice also made the Seventeenth Prince stunned. He looked down at the dagger in his hand and let it fall in fright.

"Mondaya, Mengdaya, I have no intention of doing anything to you! I am your father, and I gave birth to you!"

"You, you have to trust me, I'm doing it for your own good!"

Mengdaya didn't reply, but said indifferently: "I only have one request! Let the three of them go! Get out of the city, get out of here!"

"As long as you can let me watch them leave safely, I will obey all your arrangements!"

His father froze.

The anxious mood suddenly calmed down, and he turned to carefully examine his daughter's expression...

He always felt that something was wrong!

But look at the ashen expression on her daughter's face again, and combine it with her own gaffe just now.

She was scared and gave up too!
Feeling guilty in his heart, he finally nodded in agreement: "Okay! I promise you! Let them go!"

"I will send them out of the city myself! Otherwise, I won't believe you! You will kill them!"

The Seventeenth Prince hesitated for a moment, then nodded again: "Okay, I will witness it for you! But after this incident, you must stop having any fantasies about that lowly servant! Otherwise, no matter where he is hiding, I will send a killer to dig him out. Bring it out of his heart!"

"You also have to remember your promise, from now on, don't violate my order!"

"Mengdaya, you have to know how many people want the throne, and I have given everything to hope that you can take the throne! I am your father, and I will never harm you!"

Mengdaya didn't answer, closed his eyes, and even turned his head away, unwilling to sniff the stench full of alcohol that came to his face.

She only prayed in her heart, praising—

"My lord, I don't want to sacrifice my body and spirit for these people anymore! Their sins don't deserve to be redeemed!"

"But I would like to firmly praise you, praise the equilibrium—"

"This is my eternal belief!"

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