Start North America 1400: nation building

Chapter 242 [241] Mission trip

Chapter 242 [241] Mission trip

"Is this the garden official's mansion?"

"Yes, my lord."

Qi Boche nodded and said: "Wait, even if the prince wants to let people out of the city when the big city is blocked, he still needs to wait until after sunset to cover up people's eyes and ears."

Polypomar thinks so.

The two were sitting at a cocoa stand, and after ordering two drinks, he remembered another thing: "My lord, after nightfall, there is still an invitation banquet with that temple attendant."

Qi Boche slapped his forehead, this matter cannot be neglected.

Although the waiter's status is not obvious, it has a direct impact on their future plans and actions, and it will be very convenient to coax him.

"You arrange someone to rent a sedan chair first, and we don't have to show up when we pick him up. If Oyer fails to return, I will stay and wait, and you go to entertain the waiter."

"it is good."

The two sat and waited, and listened to the chatter of the guests around them, most of them were talking about the prince's mission.

The more he listened, the angrier Qiboche became.

It is no longer possible to blame the ignorance of the world, all because of the blockade of Tezomok's news, blinded their eyes with falsehood.

The people in the city want peace wholeheartedly, but have no intention of pilgrimage to balance.

When dusk comes.

The shadows under the walls of the streets and alleys spread like a tide, swallowing the light and blurring the things in front of them.

"At night, my eyes can't see very clearly." Qi Boche stared at the mansion in the distance, his eyes were sore.

Polypoma said: "Night blindness can be cured, and there are pharmacists in the big cities who are good at this disease!"

"My lord, you should know that the selection of palace guards, if the eyesight is not up to the standard, it is not acceptable, so every year, young people go there attracted by the name."

Qi Boche said with a smile: "At my age, I still have to recruit palace guards..."

But before he finished speaking, he vaguely saw the gate of the mansion open, and twenty or thirty servants dressed in burlap and carrying flowers and potted plants appeared.

"Here we come!" Qi Boche changed the subject and reminded in a deep voice.

Polipoma turned around and noticed the clue at a glance: "Is there no room for potted flowers in the huge royal garden?"

"Also, they deliberately obscured those who were clustered in the middle."

"I have seen Her Royal Highness..."

"Have you seen Keya and his son?"

"Abducted by several servants, they should hide daggers under their robes to prevent the father and son from rioting."

Qi Boche stood up: "Okay, follow from a distance, don't get close! Just confirm that they finally leave the city gate, and when they return, there are three less people, and the plan will be considered complete."

"Let's watch Oyer next!"

Everything unfolded as expected.

Ziboche, Polypomar, including Mondaya in the team, were all extremely excited.

The former can't hide it, but Mondaya has to bear it, because her father is watching her at the end of the line.

In front of the team, Lava, Keya and his son were naturally overjoyed.

They never thought that one day they would be able to escape.

Of course Keya understood that all of this was due to Mondaya, and this time they parted, it would be difficult for the two to see each other again in their lifetime.

But now he is ashamed of his father and brother, maybe...

After he sends his father and brothers away first, he will find a way to return.

"Father, Kukmo, we're getting out of here!"

"Go home, go back to Hill City!"

Keya sighed with emotion in a low voice, and Lawa was too excited to speak.

Can be set aside.

The closer he got to the wall of the outer city, the more Cukemo trembled all over his body.

Only he himself knew that the trembling was not because of joy, but because of fear.

Imprisoned in the garden official's mansion, although living an inhuman life, at least they are still alive.

Because the princess protected them, the garden official could do nothing to them.

But what if you go out of town?

They will lose the protection of the princess.

So what is on the road now is not a road home, but a road to death.

Cuo Kemo could not remind his father and brother, because their backs were held by daggers.

And he was immersed in panic, and he was lost.

When we came to the city, the last rays of the setting sun were completely blocked by the high wall.

The guard who escorted them revealed his identity, and a gap opened in the locked gate of the big city.

The more Kukmo felt the joy of his father and brother, the more he was extremely sad.

But when they finally stepped out of the city gate and saw the vast world outside, and their faces were illuminated by the setting sun, he still took a deep breath of the free air and wept with joy.

No matter how difficult it was for Keya to suppress his emotions: "Father, brother, we can go home now!"

"Yes, yes, I can finally go home!" Lawa was the first to react, and turned to kneel down, "Thank you, Your Royal Highness, thank you for your kindness!"

Mengdaya was about to step forward, but was blocked by guards.

She glanced back at the man in the cloak, who waved his hand: "Let her pass!"

Things have come to this point, the father and son will die soon, let Mengdaya say goodbye to them, it is his last kindness to these three lowly servants.

The guard gave way, and Mengdaya stepped forward, helped Lava up, and then walked to Keya silently: "Brother Keya, I can no longer accompany you to the hill city, to the distant sea!"

"The ordeal you have endured was all because of me, so...forget about me!"

Keya suddenly choked up. What he wanted to say was hindered by the cold eyes of the people around him, so he couldn't speak, and only responded with trembling eyes.

Mengdaya knew the next arrangement in his heart.

There were people outside the city to meet them.

But at this time, she still couldn't help shedding tears: "I understand, I understand everything!"

"Let's go, don't look back! I'll be right here watching you leave!"


"His Royal Highness told you to leave, didn't you hear?" The guard had already lost his patience.

How can a humble servant like a dog have a relationship with a noble princess?To let them live is to break through the bottom line of the royal family.

Seeing that Keya was still hesitating, Lawa finally reached out and pulled his son: "Let's go!"

Keya was dragged away by his father like a walking dead.

On the side, Kukmo followed silently.

The figures of the three elongated and kept moving away.

At this time, the seventeenth prince who was hiding behind said: "Mengdaya, it's time to go back! I have fulfilled my promise."

"Let's go now, let you send chasers to kill them? I will wait until nightfall!"

"You..." The Seventeenth Prince felt guilty.

But beside him, there was a whisper: "The three of you haven't had enough to eat for a long time, and you don't have any possessions on you. They can't go far!"

"This is what you said, if you can't kill them, I will kill you!"


The Seventeenth Prince didn't make a sound and waited quietly.

Mengdaya stared blankly into the distance, even though the three figures had disappeared from sight, he did not want to move away.

Because the Lord Fire Passer said that enough time must be bought to bring the three of them back to life.

outside the city.

The father and son walked faster and faster.

Although his body is weak, he bursts out with infinite strength because of his new life, and he can't wait to return to the hill city one day.

"Father, I heard from the guard who guarded us that the tower hole city is broken!"

"Equilibrium has arrived!"

"I was expecting the army of judgment to come and save us, but Mengdaya used some method to get his father to let us go."

Lawa nodded and praised: "That princess is a good person! Because of this, you should stop thinking about her and hurt Your Highness!"

"Keya, listen to me, stop thinking about it, stop doing stupid things, and it will waste the suffering that your brother and I have suffered!"

Keya didn't answer, and seemed to nod, but also seemed to be shaking his head.

On the other side, Ku Kemo remained silent for a long time.

He looked behind him from time to time, for fear that the next moment, there would be a shout of killing, which would put the three of them to death.

The last glint of the setting sun sank into the distant mountains, as if it just foreshadowed the final ending of the three of them.

"What should we do? What are we going to do? If we keep walking, we will die, we will!"

Cookmo was anxious and disordered.

But at this moment, a flash of inspiration——

"No, one cannot chase the sunset!"

"Because the sun always rises in the east!"

"Shanqiu City is in the northwest, if any killer is sent out, they will definitely follow this direction..."

"Yes, yes!"

"Don't go to Hill City, escape, escape in the opposite direction!!"

Cookmo was about to warn his father and brother.

However, a shout sounded one step ahead of him——

"You are Lava, Keya and Kukmo?!"

Under the mound beside the road, a human face unexpectedly appeared, and it looked extremely frightening at this time of night.

All three of them were taken aback...

And Kukmo has already grabbed his father and brother, wanting to remind them that this may be an ambush killer.

But before he could speak, the man stood up: "Do you remember me? It's me! I sent you to the country of Tepanix, and my brother is Polypoma!"

Oyer revealed his identity.

Cukmo and his father finally came to their senses: "Is it you?"

"Why are you here?"

Oyer wanted to explain, but Ziboche's instructions suddenly sounded before departure——

Extra explanations are useless and will waste time!

Their trust must be gained in the first place.

Oyer took out a pitch-black ring and threw it directly: "Is this what you gave to Her Royal Highness, right? A ring polished with obsidian!"

"His Royal Highness sent me here, because her father is about to send killers to hunt you down, so let me wait here and take you back to the big city!"

"Only in this way can we escape the catastrophe and find another chance to let you leave safely together."

After getting the ring, Keya said in shock: "Father, I really gave this to the princess, the princess can't give it to others!"

Lawa was stunned: "Just sent us out of the city, and you want us to go back? No, we can't go back, if he deceived us..."

However, Kukmo shouted firmly: "Trust him! Father, brother, if he wants to harm us, he is not here alone!"

"He is right, the pursuers will come soon! But no one would have thought that we would dare to return to the city!"

Cuo Kemo's analysis convinced the two.

And everyone including Oyer looked at him with admiration, and murmured slightly: "My lord is right, this young man is so smart...Why didn't I find out when I escorted them all the way earlier?"

Finally, the four of them stopped delaying and followed Oyer to detour back.

After walking a long distance, Oyer took the prepared branches and vines, returned to the place where they came, and quickly swept away the dust to cover up the traces.

The ground on the main road is hard and it is not easy to leave traces.

On the contrary, the wasteland where they detoured and turned back was soft and needed to be dealt with.

Until the dark of night.

Oyer reunited with the father and son: "Go, enter the city through the secret road, and you will know everything after entering the city!"

But Cook couldn't hide his curiosity. While following, he asked, "Why did you save us? Because of the princess? No! Your identities don't deserve to see the princess!"

Cookmo's order is clear.

How can two slave merchants of low status come into contact with Her Royal Highness?

But he is not a bad person, otherwise the three of them would have died long ago, so there is no need to spend so much trouble.

Oyer laughed and said, "We already believe in Balance! It was the envoy of God who asked me to come and save you."

"An envoy? Isn't the envoy in Tadong City? We know about the destruction of Tadong City!"

Oyer said: "No, this envoy is quite special, and you also know each other..."

"His name is Qiboche. Before the destruction of Tadong City, he had surrendered to the balance, and because of what he did to you, he committed crimes, so he tried every means to contact the princess and design to rescue you."

Hearing such an answer, the father and son could hardly accept it.

He was the one who had put them in prison.

And he was the one who saved them in the end?
But until now, they can only follow silently.

Came to a small river ditch, got into a dark passage, a group of four crawled in the dark and wet mud for an unknown amount of time, and finally saw a glimmer of light.

Lift the wooden cover covering the secret passage.

An unforgettable face appeared in front of the father and son——

"You can hate me because I have sinned against you!"

"But you must praise Balance, it is He who sent down the guidance of redemption and gave you a new life!"


at the same time.

outside the city gate.

"Mondaya, it's time to go back! I have fulfilled all your requirements!"

The night was gradually deepening, and the Seventeenth Prince lost his patience.

And Mengdaya has been counting silently in her heart, knowing that her task is completed, so she no longer bothers, snorted coldly, and returned to the city gate.

The seventeenth prince glanced at the waiter beside him, and the man left quietly, as if he was about to send out his pursuers to hunt down the three of them.

Afterwards, he followed in his daughter's footsteps: "Tonight, the palace will hold a banquet to see off the eldest prince's mission!"

"You must behave well at the banquet and say more words of praise and blessing."

Mengdaya said coldly: "Aren't you afraid that the eldest prince will really come back after seeking peace and become the new ruler?"

"Hehehe, even if he succeeds to the throne, your grandfather has the final say on the country's affairs! The next successor is none other than you!"

Mengdaya glanced at his father contemptuously, but did not tell the truth——

Her grandfather had made it clear long ago that she did not want her to inherit the throne full of thorns.

What's more, there will be no day when the truth will be revealed.

Before that, she will leave this bad land.


Equilibrium 14 years, June 5.

There are still 3 days before the prince's mission goes out.

early morning.

The three of Qiboche sent tribute to the sacrificial temple, and not long after, they met Mengdaya——

"Master Fire Passer, have you succeeded? Keya..."

Qiboche nodded with a smile, and said humbly: "Princess, don't call me a lord, I'm just a sinner seeking salvation and self-judgment!"

"The three of Keya and his son have settled down, and they are waiting for the prince's mission to leave, so they can mix in!"

Mondaya became excited, and did not calm down until he took a deep breath.

She took out a bag of jewelry, jewelry, and a piece of parchment: "These treasures are treasures, and can be used to buy the list on this parchment."

The list was made by Qiboche before Mondaya.

And their goods are in a hurry, and it is far from enough to just search from Tu Ge's mansion.

So let Mondaya contribute again.

"In three days, I will be able to leave here and go to the equilibrium, right?" Mengdaya expressed his longing.

Qi Boche knew that the last step was extremely difficult, especially to abduct the princess out of the city.

But he was not discouraged, because the Lord Balance had already arranged everything in the dark——

"The glory of our Lord will always protect us!"

"Princess, call upon His devout praises!"

In a blink of an eye, it was three days later.

When the sky was only slightly bright, the whole city was fully awake.

The people gathered under the sacrificial hall and waited. They will witness the visit of the old king and practice the pilgrimage to the true God for the prince's delegation.

The royal family and dignitaries all attended, and the momentum was huge.

(End of this chapter)

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