Start North America 1400: nation building

Chapter 251 [250] Efficient tool man

Chapter 251 [250] Efficient tool man
Most of the first settlers in Kinkou were the aborigines of the eastern states.

Their first stop was the 11th city of Equilibrium, the great city of Hohokan, because it was a must.

Then to District 9, New Mexico.

Here, the first batch of 5000 people will be left to build a new city in Las Coruses.

Sorted by city construction time, this will be the 13th city in equilibrium.

But there will definitely be a name revision in the future.

For example, Fresno, the fifth city of Equilibrium, is now more often called the "Paddy City" by the people because it is the place with the largest rice production in the Kingdom of God.

The ninth city, the land of the Ma clan, is more often called "Salt City", named after the existence of the Mono Salt Field.

Although the presence of the Mono Salt Field will decrease year by year as the times advance, but historically speaking, no one in the Kingdom of God will forget this big city that balances the first creation of salt.

After all, this has been included in the "Equilibrium Canon" and has become a compulsory course for the academies in each city of Equalization.

Although the law of the earth is outside the five laws of equilibrium, its significance cannot be ignored.

The development of infrastructure and mining in Central and North America has just begun, and learning the laws of the earth well is conducive to the development of work.

It's not like the United States of later generations. When interviewing on the street, the citizens of their own country can't figure out how many states there are in their country and what the local customs and environments are like.

Las Cruces is not well-known, but it is the gateway to and from Juarez, Mexico.

The Rio Grande passed through the city, and the town was built in the colonial era, and agricultural irrigation was greatly promoted.

Therefore, building a city here is in line with balanced agricultural needs;
At the same time, it also constitutes a balanced link between the east and the west. In the future, roads will definitely be built through California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, and finally to Louisiana in the east.

The remaining 45000 people continued southeast to the 12th city in Texas.

Temporarily staying in the 12th city allowed the aborigines to be educated, and at the same time sent cavalry expeditions in batches to complete the construction inspections of various parts of the east.

Once the geographical location is determined, you can go to Jiancheng and wait for the arrival of the people of the city-state alliance.

Prior to this, the No. 12 city had also begun to build a "subsidiary city" as a sanitary isolation center.

Only after completing vaccination and isolation can you go to your new home. Otherwise, one day the plague will break out, the roads will be impassable, and the assistance will be improper, which will be the destruction of the city as a unit.

Zhou Li'an couldn't bear such a huge price.

Palm Springs is the 10th largest city.

The migration team embarked on the road of glory under the blessing of brothers and sisters.

Most of the more than 5 people are young and strong. They left behind their parents and children, and they will be picked up to move to the new home after it is completed.

At the same time, these young people are also the real "new force".

The ratio of men and women is calculated by the monks of the law.

It is necessary to ensure the labor force, but also cannot ignore the fertility.

Horses and chariots assembled.

There are also knights who are responsible for driving a large number of cattle and sheep.

The whole team pulled up a cloud of smoke and dust, and headed east.

They took away a batch of cattle, and after the city was established, Zhou Li'an would go to release another batch.

Behind Zhou Li'an, the monks of the law gathered.

Zhou Ruonan sighed like a little adult: "If there is a road like the Kingdom of God, they can migrate all the way, and the mechanical train team can be responsible for the transportation."

"With a journey of two thousand kilometers, we can reach the No. 12 city in just over a month."

"However, it takes three months to migrate by chariot and horses."

Zhou Ruo laughed foolishly: "You can assume, why don't you assume that gasoline fell from the sky?"

"Doesn't the mechanical train set burn oil?"

"Except for God, where else is there oil production?"

The mechanical train set has been in operation for some time, and the work efficiency demonstrated has shocked everyone.

The roads in various cities have now been repaired to the No. 3 big city Stockton.

As Xiaohua predicted before, by the end of this year, the roads in 10 cities will be connected, and they will be able to extend to 11 cities.

The benefits of road penetration need not be repeated.

All in all, for the first time, the concept of science as the primary productive force is fully displayed in front of the people.

Xiaohua heard the bickering between the two little ones, and unconsciously whispered to the lord and the witch: "My lord, wu, when the eastern part is developed and perfected, people's livelihood is stabilized, and the industry will really rise. At that time, railway tracks can be built to connect the railway Already!"

"I have set a long-term development route to the engine research group and the steel research group. Railways and railcars are their first ultimate goals."

Hearing this, Zhou Li'an showed a look of relief.

Xue Nu also expressed her praise: "You can always think ahead of others, and you are worthy of my Lord's grace to you."

Zhou Li'an said a little bit: "Don't take too big a step. Leaving aside the smelting quality of the rails, laying a long railway will require a huge amount of manpower. The million people in the Kingdom of God have now been dispersed. Even if the city-state alliance returns, There still needs to be time for enlightenment and spiritual baptism."

"Finally, the engine research team should think that the existing 'fuel engine' structure is very simple? As long as the material problem is solved, can we try to create something?"

Xiao Hua was silent for half a second, then immediately shook her head: "My lord, I know how difficult it is."

"The creation of a large unit cannot be compared with a small fuel engine."

"The high temperature resistance and durability of the combustion chamber have to be improved several times, and the expansion of the engine chamber requires reconsideration of its sealing and pressure resistance, not to mention the precision and toughness required for fine parts such as pistons and transmission gears."

"Before the development of synthetic metal materials, I will not rashly let the research team carry out any meaningless experiments."

It can be seen that in addition to dealing with the affairs of the Kingdom of God, Xiaohua also personally visited the front line of the engine research team, otherwise, the knowledge of the law and profound meaning alone is not enough to give a deliberate answer so quickly.

"But..." Xiaohua straightened her chest firmly, "My lord, Wynn firmly believes that that day will come soon! Because the people of the Kingdom of God, all believe in our lord and balance!"

"There is no one on the Temple Mount who is willing to waste time. They wish they could turn one day into three days, absorb the profound meaning of the law, and improve their realm. I only hope that the Kingdom of God will grow stronger and stronger step by step in our hands, and be invincible in the world!"

"And at the end of the year, there will be the first batch of monks who dare to challenge the Great Perfection of the Law to participate in the breakthrough assessment!"

at the same time.

A group of Temple Mount monks and members of the Law Group knelt down and praised Xiaohua together: "Praise the Lord, praise the balance!"

"Equilibrium lies in..."

The next day.

Equilibrium 14 years, June 6.

That night.

Zhou Li'an returned to the present world, and let Xue Nu stay in balance.

First arrive at Caye Roben Island by speedboat, then fly overnight to Mexico City, and then turn to Juarez.

Dash formalities are registered and officially offline.

There was supposed to be a grand handover ceremony, but Barbara refused without even asking Zhou Li'an.

Apart from the fact that the boss likes to mass-produce his own sculptures, he has a low-key style in all other aspects.

What's more, the Balance Group is deeply involved, and the big boss is always behind the scenes, so how can he show up so easily?

Late that night, after picking up the plane at the airport with several assistants, Barbara went to the private hangar inside Juárez Airport.

A brand-new propeller fixed-wing aircraft, the paintwork reflecting the orange halo on the roof.

The plane is custom-made to breathe bright red.

On the fuselage, wings and empennage, the obvious black and white "Balance" logo is particularly vivid.

Europeans and Americans who know a little bit about East Asian culture will know at a glance that this is a Taiji diagram of "Bangzi".

But obviously, although such people understand, they don't understand much.

Those who really understand will know that this is the Taoist Taiji diagram of the ancient oriental country.

Dash8 will undertake the task of sailing to East Africa.

Not surprisingly, I will meet people from Daming.

However, Zhou Li'an was not worried about this at all.

The doctrine of equilibrium has long been clear.

The blue stars are all made by our Lord. The Taoist Taiji diagram can be traced back to the wheel patterns, swirl patterns, fish patterns, snake patterns, etc. on the archaeological excavations of the Neolithic Age.

Is the Lord of Balance a Taoist power?
Of course not, but the ancestors of Taoism may also have been enlightened by our Lord in balance, or they may have seen our Lord come.

Then continue to extend at this point, and confirm each other——

Why is the balanced language of God similar to the languages ​​of ancient oriental countries, but only the intonation and pronunciation are surprising?
The answer is self-evident.

The ancestors may have seen the true God and received balanced teachings.

Zhou Li'an will not give any answers to these answers, everything depends on Daming, or even the people to make up.

The issue of historical retrospect has no meaning for the current balanced development of the situation.

Only when the real prosperous age comes, will there be people who will have leisure time to play archaeology.

At present, what is more important is the acquisition of benefits and industrial development.

Therefore, the various similarities between Balance and Daming have already been patched by Zhou Li'an countless times.

Although there will be some small pits, the existence of small pits will not arouse people's doubts, but it will make people feel mysterious and mysterious, and it is extremely scary to think about it carefully.

Inside the hangar.

Zhou Li'an looked at the brand new Dash8 and said with emotion: "Not bad, very beautiful coloring."

Among the several assistants, three or two were meeting the big boss for the first time, and they quickly cheered, "Boss, your vision is unique. I heard from our boss that this private jet was designed and customized by you."

Barbara rolled her eyes at this group of flatterers, who wanted to take advantage of their scheming schemes.

But the black old lady has no sense of crisis at all.

She knows the boss all too well.

Talking too much is not pleasant.


Unique vision?

Ha ha ha.

The gangway of the aircraft was lowered, and several people entered the cabin.

The faces of those who were ready to flatter for a while suddenly turned green.

The entire cabin is full of alloy support rods.

On both sides are steel benches and safety ropes.

There are no big sofas, TV sets, refrigerators and wine cabinets as imagined, and even basic interior decoration does not exist.

What's even more frightening is that the floor is not paved, only a layer of insulating plastic floor.

Is this a private jet?
Isn't this a second-hand transport plane eliminated from the battlefield?Just refurbished the paint and color matching?
Barbara glanced at several assistants: "How is it? The big boss has a good vision, right? He personally participated in the design and configuration, without any decorations, just to strengthen the body and reduce the load, so as to improve fuel efficiency. Quantity storage!"

"The tenet of Big Boss is to start everything with practicality!"

"Things that are too gorgeous to be useless should be banned!"

The faces of the few people who were touting just now were all purple.

Those who knew the temper of the boss and Barbara secretly laughed.

However, who knew that Barbara hadn't finished talking, she stared at them coldly: "What are you still doing?"

All the assistants trembled and were at a loss.

Barbara said: "Didn't you hear what I said? All the gorgeous and useless things should be banned... and still get out? You, you... and you, were fired."

"And you two, send them back to the headquarters for handover, and sign the additional confidentiality agreement."

Without saying a word, the two confidantes turned around and said, "Several, please."

As a result, the cabin was suddenly empty, leaving only Zhou Li'an and Barbara.

Zhou Li'an watched a horse-catching scene, and said with great interest: "Barbara, I didn't expect you to have a sense of professional crisis?"

"Why, are you afraid that I will fire you and let someone else take over?"

Barbara was expressionless, and said: "Boss, don't you see that I am actually expressing dissatisfaction with you?"

"???" Zhou Li'an was confused, "How to say?"

Barbara said: "I have too many affairs to deal with. David Liang and Luke Jonah are mainly responsible for the balance group."

"The organizational structure within the group is clear, and each level has a corresponding executive force."

"As for me, everything needs to be done by myself. Although the things you explained are not difficult, they are very cumbersome."

"So, I recruited a few new career assistants... But as you can see, the workplace struggles they brought from big companies really don't meet your employment needs."

"And the other two confidantes actually came from Cayero. They are deterrent enough, but they don't know how to use their brains."

"You know that when you first came to me, I had already decided to retire and enjoy life."

Hearing this, Zhou Li'an understood: "Do you want a raise?"


Zhou Li'an didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "This is the only reason for going around in such a big circle? You are not such a person!"

"No." Barbara said: "Today is just a coincidence. If these few people are able to do things and share my pressure, there will be no meeting like today."

Zhou Li'an smiled and said, "Double the annual salary?"

"make a deal!"

After all, Barbara smiled contentedly, took out a bunch of keys, and handed them over: "This one is the hangar key. I have rented out this row of hangars, and no one usually comes here."

"The other keys are in the hangars next door. All the materials you requested before are already in place and put in there."

"Only the vaccines from pharmaceutical companies are still in the independent cold storage in Mexico City. You know, some vaccines need to be stored at low temperature."

For this scene, Zhou Li'an only felt comfortable.

The hangars here are located in the deepest part of the airport, away from the terminal building, and exist independently.

Usually, if there are no planes parked, it looks like an abandoned warehouse.

And every time Zhou Li'an extracts supplies, he needs a secret location.

Barbara has long been familiar with this, and it can be regarded as a tacit understanding between the employer and the employer.

So, with such a tool man, how can he give up?
"Good job! And what about the breed of cattle I want?"

Barbara continued to demonstrate the efficiency of her execution: "I've also got in touch, and I can go to the Texas Animal Husbandry Association to trade at any time."

Zhou Li'an made a decision: "Take a day off tonight. I will test drive Dash8 tomorrow morning, take you to Texas, and return to Mexico City the day after tomorrow to collect the vaccine."

Barbara frowned, and glanced hesitantly at the cabin of the battlefield-style private jet, "You let me sit here? Fly for more than an hour to Texas?"

Zhou Li'an said: "Double pilot seat, my driving skills are enough to complete one-person operation, you can sit in the co-pilot seat."

"Okay, you are the boss, you have the final say."


(End of this chapter)

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