Chapter 252 [251]
Going to Texas is to supplement the breed of cattle.

It is also for Dash8 test flight, if there is any problem, it can be solved as soon as possible now.

The time has entered June, and the departure is only a few days away.

After Juarez to Texas, Texas flew to Mexico City for two test flights, the quality of the aircraft performed extremely well.

It's far different from Piper's sense of bumps in the high altitude of a small plane.

The flying experience of Dash8 is one word, stable!

And the flight speed has increased again.

The cruising speed of the H225 is around 250 kilometers, and that of the Piper M600 is increased to 430 kilometers, which is also the cruising speed.

The Dash8 has a top speed of 677 kilometers per hour and a cruising speed of 580 kilometers per hour.

In other words, the 2900 kilometers from Natal, Brazil, across the Atlantic Ocean to Guinea in West Africa only takes 5 hours of flight time.

Return to the third day of the present world.

Zhou Li'an came to Mexico City, ready to pick up supplies for vaccines and injections.

"All kinds of basic vaccines, totaling 700 million doses, can be regarded as clearing the inventory for the three pharmaceutical companies, and the production line is still stepping up to catch up with your order progress."

"It is estimated that three months later, on Christmas Eve, it will be officially put into storage for extraction."

Listen to Barbara's return.

Zhou Li'an was a little lost.

Barbara is good at observing words and expressions, thinking that the big boss is dissatisfied, and immediately said: "The existing production line has completed an expansion, and the production speed of basic vaccines has reached the top three in the industry in Mexico."

Zhou Li'an waved his hands and said with a smile: "I'm not worried about the production speed, but suddenly remembered... I'm going to be 29 years old."

"..." Barbara was also stunned.

29 years old?How about you?

Under the age of 30, the behind-the-scenes boss of a multi-billion industrial empire, what else are you not satisfied with?
In fact, Zhou Li'an is not dissatisfied, nor does he have so-called age anxiety.

Balance shuttles back and forth with this world, so that he ignores the time and date of this world.

That is to say, this year involves the annexation of Central America by the Kingdom of Balance, and there has been no acceleration of time for a long time.

Otherwise, the flow rate of your own age will be even slower.

In this way, there is still plenty of time.

Before the age of forty, maybe the great unification of balanced time and space can be completed?

Zhou Li'an had wild dreams.

Barbara said again: "There is another piece of good news, because the expansion of the production line and your large-volume order have greatly reduced the production cost."

"The group and the government have reached a consensus that next year's Mexican medical vaccine procurement will give us the order."

"Prior to this, such orders were monopolized by large pharmaceutical groups."

"Although this income is not much, it is definitely a good start."

"Cajero also held a reception to celebrate the localization of vaccines..."

Hearing this, Zhou Li'an came back to his senses and found it funny for a moment.

At first, I only wanted to paint cakes for Cajero.

Who would have imagined that the pie drawn by this painting would really be eaten in his mouth.

The pharmaceutical company under Balance must be weak in the price war with European and American pharmaceutical companies.

But with their own large-scale orders and reduced production costs, there is room for bidding on official projects.

And don't forget.

The government also holds shares in the group, since it can support local "patriotic enterprises" like Hengheng, why not do it?

For Cajero, this is obviously a key step to gain reputation and gain reputation. When this first step is taken, the future will be even smoother.

But even so, Zhou Li'an didn't intend to support Cayero extraneously.

Still the same sentence, no matter how well you do in this world, you can't break the inherent situation.

On the contrary, the faster it grows, the more it attracts the covetousness of those behemoths——

Get fat before killing!

So Zhou Li'an has been clear all along.

The development of a balanced group should be defined as a passive attribute.

It is a by-product of the process of providing resource support for the balanced kingdom of God.

Everything is fine.

After the medical equipment and vaccines were extracted, Zhou Li'an called Cayero's son-in-law, Juan, the second in command of the gang.

Nothing else.

Just ask him to find a secret landing spot in the mining area and clear the field.

On the one hand, it is to conduct a field landing practice for Dash8 to confirm the actual take-off and landing data on non-paved roads.

On the other hand, of course, is to bring the aircraft into the system space.

The Ocampo mining area is completely under the control of the Cajero Group, especially after the establishment of the Balanced Group, the smelting of the gold paid by Zhou Li'an has become a monolithic operation.

After hearing the request, Juan said mysteriously: "Mr. Zhou, no one can be present, right?"

"Do you want me to clear everyone within a 5km radius?"

Zhou Li'an knew that he had turned on the brain supplement mode, so he just said: "Let Patricia come over, and I will put another new batch of gold supply directly in the mining area this time."

"Okay, I understand, Mr. Zhou."

hang up the phone.

She will bid farewell to Barbara, and she habitually asks for instructions: "Boss, is there anything else I need to deal with?"

Zhou Li'an smiled and said, "You can take a few days off to relax. As long as vaccine production and engine orders are progressing in an orderly manner, I won't look for you during this time."

"Are you sure?" The old lady's eyes lit up.

"Of course, if there is an emergency, you must come back."

Even so, Barbara was very satisfied.

Shortly after.

Juan sent map coordinates.

Judging from the mobile phone map, the marked location is a dense jungle, but he called again and specifically instructed——

"Mr. Zhou, don't worry, except for the CIA's real-time satellite monitoring, no one can see through the hideout of our Cayero Group."

Zhou Li'an had already learned about this.

When we met for the first time, didn't we just go to his manor hidden in the mountains and forests, and the only way to communicate with the outside world was by helicopter.

Who knows how such a big manor was built in the first place.

take off.

Turning back from Mexico City to the north is the Ocampo mining area in Chihuahua State.

Flying deep, reaching the coordinate point, lowering the altitude and circling, indeed in a dense forest, I saw a long and narrow "earth spot", and a few small wooden houses can be vaguely seen in the surrounding woods.

The entire forest land is hidden among the mountains in the mining area.

Unless you search at low altitude, it is difficult to find that there is still a runway for aircraft to take off and land here.

Zhou Li'an adjusted the altitude, repeatedly landed and lifted several times, in order to place the landing point at the front end of the runway, so as to avoid the tragedy of running out of the runway due to insufficient distance.

His skill level is adequate.

But compared with extremely professional pilots, there is still a big gap.

But Zhou Li'an is reckless enough, and he still has the confidence to be reckless.

In the event of an accident, you can still escape in a flash, and the loss is only a plane.

Then, landed safely in the turbulence.

Seeing that there is still about 400 meters of room ahead, he is satisfied.

After the plane landed, Patricia hadn't arrived yet.

The road in the dense forest in the mountainous area was muddy and complicated, Zhou Li'an came here temporarily, and it would take some time for them to arrive.

Take advantage of this effort.

Zhou Li'an included Dash8 into the system space.

An aircraft weighing 10 tons will be charged 100 million dollars for time and space smuggling by the dog system.

The total price of the plane is only 1200 million, which means that 12 round trips are enough to buy a new plane.

However, time and space smuggling consumption is inevitable.

In other words, if you buy a plane for 1200 million yuan, plus a time-space smuggling, the total price is 1300 million yuan, but you can fly to Africa, which is definitely worth the money.

You must know that whether it is the European voyage exploration or the expenditure of the Zheng He fleet of the Ming Dynasty, it far exceeds the actual value of 1300 million knives in the present world.

It is clear at a glance by doing a simple conversion.

Thirteen million dollars is roughly equal to 1300 kilograms of gold, or 250 grams of gold.

In the Ming Dynasty, one tael was about 37 grams, which was 6700 taels of gold.

Zhu Yuanzhang set 1 tael of gold as 2 taels of silver.But by the time of Zhu Di, the private gold price had risen to a 1:5 exchange rate.

6700 taels of gold is 3.3 taels of silver.

Now let's look at the expenses of Zheng He's fleet...the total amount is more than 500 million taels of silver.

And stop at 7 times.

For Dash8, it is easy to fly 2.5 kilometers during a maintenance period, which is about 9 times from the Americas to Africa.

In this way, the system charges can be described as conscientious.

The huge plane disappeared into the woodland.

At the same time, Zhou Li'an took out another 5 tons of gold with a wave of his hand and dropped it on the ground.

This will bring 2.7 million knives in revenue to the Balanced Group, and 60% of it, 1.6 million, will go into Zhou Li'an's personal hands.The money will continue to be used as funds to purchase earthly resources.

Zhou Li'an waited for about an hour.

A convoy of more than a dozen jeeps and pickups came from the path in the forest.

Not surprisingly, the vehicles have all been modified, covered with bulletproof armor, and mounted with heavy weapons.

After a group of old Mo and Nige got out of the car, they were also fully armed.

In the lead car, Patricia was dressed in heroic tactical equipment. After getting off the car, she ran over without any hesitation about her image: "Master, did you keep waiting?"

Zhou Li'an: "It's been a long wait, but it's okay to wait a long time."

After the two hugged gently.

Patricia turned around and ordered: "Put the gold into the car and return to the mining area."

Therefore, Zhou Li'an also got on the bumpy jeep, staggered for three hours, and arrived in the town of Ocampo.

Stayed in the hotel where several people came to meet Juan for the first time.

A master and a servant haven't seen each other for a while.

Little is better than newlyweds.

A night of absurdity must be indispensable.

By the next day.

A helicopter came and took Zhou Li'an to another open private airport, transferred to Mexico City, and finally returned to Caye Robin Island.

Before taking off, Patricia looked reluctant to part: "Master, when this batch of gold is smelted and put into storage, I'll go back and find you and Xuenv!"

Zhou Li'an nodded with a smile, thinking in his heart that he would start to store up his waist strength recently.

Fortunately, I will leave for Africa in June, so I won't play too crazy with Snow Girl.

When Patricia comes back, it can bloom twice overnight, bloom, bloom, and bloom.

That week, Li'an came to the equilibrium again.

It has been 14 years of equilibrium, June 6th.


early morning.

On the way back, the prince's delegation woke up in the wilderness camp.

There is such a large distance between cities, and the commercial routes and cities do not completely overlap.

Geographical issues must be considered in the construction of city-states, and most of them are built on defensive terrain like hill cities and tower-hole cities.

Only a kingdom as powerful as Tepanix can build internal and external walls to block the enemy's advance, and it is an invincible existence in the valley.

Therefore, rather than detour into the city, it is better to camp on the spot.

Loboda just wanted to return to the kingdom as soon as possible, to make everything stable, and to follow the mission, embark on the road of judgment, and lead the Aztecs to move to Kema.

The officials in the mission also couldn't wait, and wanted to return to the kingdom and reward them for their merits.

The wills of the two sides coincided with each other.

Therefore, it took 6 days to go all the way, but now it is only the 4th day, and we have entered the kingdom.

After a simple breakfast, Loboda said to Dedege: "Envoy, it's time to start. If you hurry up today, you can reach the capital of Tepanix tonight."

Hearing this, De Dege first looked left and right to make sure there was no one there and smiled wryly: "Your Highness, you and I are both citizens of Balanced. You know my identity. I am just a disciple of the teacher, not a divine envoy."

Loboda said with a smile: "But because of this, you have to enter the role as soon as possible! As the envoy you are visiting for the army of judgment, you should have an attitude of neither humble nor overbearing, so that you will not be underestimated in the kingdom and tarnish the name of balance. "

De Dege was speechless. He felt that the task of this trip was far beyond his ability, but the deputy judge, supervisor and teacher all had high hopes for him, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet.

"I see."

After the meal, the team hurried on their way.

In the afternoon, there was only a short rest.

There is another important reason why this way back can go faster than before.

Queztitco bestowed a "unicycle" on the mission.

The luggage they carried along the way no longer needs to be carried by slaves, but only needs to be carried by tool carts, so the journey is speeded up.

People are extremely shocked by the creation of the wheel.

And this return will also offer treasures to the king.

They all know how the advent of such a tool will bring about the development of the city-state alliance.

It's just that they don't allow the creatures created by the gods——


Even though there were coveted ideas in the mission, no one dared to raise them in Kema City.

They have all rebelled against the true God, and it is grace not to be destroyed by God's punishment, so how dare they expect more?
At night, the mission lit the torches and continued on their way.

Until midnight.

The night sky in the distance is no longer dark, but is faintly illuminated by the halo of light from a big city.

There was a cheer from the ranks—

"We're back!"

"Quick, call the door and spread the good news to the city!"

Thus, the silent city under the night was awakened by the return of the mission. There were soldiers running in the streets and alleys, and some people in the city came out of their homes to inquire and look around.

It wasn't until the mission entered the city that it was completely boiled, and calls were heard from everywhere——

"The mission returned after asking for peace!"

"We are safe, and we don't have to worry about God's punishment anymore!"

"This is all due to the great prince!"

"Valley, we will welcome a new owner!"

People called Loboda's name.

On the way to the palace, the embassy was also full of red faces.

Even Loboda, the client, felt a faint throbbing in his heart, and for a moment, the desire to chase power was born again.

But soon, he calmed down rationally.

"False, all false!"

He is very clear that even if he succeeds to the throne, it will not be stable for long, and the old lord will control everything behind his back.

And the more he looked at the joy of these people, the more he felt sad and indignant...

People in the world don't know that they are being shrouded in the shadow of falsehood, but instead celebrate that they have turned away from and forsaken the true God.

to the outside of the palace.

Loboda had fully adjusted his mood, and said to the officials beside him: "The envoy of God has a special status. He is visiting on behalf of the holy name of Balance, so he should not meet the king in a hurry."

"Let's go back all the way, exhausted, I will take the envoy to my palace to stay, you can notify the king and members of the royal family, and draw up the time and specifications of the banquet before you can solemnly send out the invitation!"

The crowd agreed, and watched the eldest prince and the envoy leave surrounded by attendants.

And at the same time.

Under the moonlight.

In the mountains of the wilderness, a group of seven people were climbing up the hill and looking down at a valley below.

Entering the eyes, it is a large lake.

There are several towns and markets on the shore of the lake that have not yet been built. At this time, there are still many fires lit, and the drunken soldiers on the street are faintly laughing.

And in the middle of the great lake.

A large city was faintly revealed in the mist.

But that big city was as dead and silent, with not a single bit of fire shining through, which was in stark contrast to the bustle of the lakeside outside the city.

However, in the eyes of the seven people, the dead and silent city is where their vitality lies——

"right here!"


"The city-state of the Aztecs—"

"City in the Lake!"

(End of this chapter)

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