Chapter 258 [257] The End

De Dege fell to the ground, spat out a mouthful of teeth blood, and wanted to shout.

Loboda had already recovered from his panic, looking around, dozens or hundreds of Aztecs were coming, and the situation was threatening.

If the conflict is exacerbated, it will kill people.

From the conversation between the old man and the sergeant just now, it can be seen that the life of the Aztecs was worse than imagined.

Today's Aztecs don't worry about the laws of the valley.

"Don't do it! Drop the weapon!"

"Der Dege, shut up! Don't say any more!"

He repeatedly reprimanded the guards to stop, and told De Dege not to continue to provoke them.

At the same time, Loboda was also thinking...

There is already a god envoy in the city in the lake?
If this is true, it is impossible for Queztitko to not mention a word when he gave him the oracle and trial.

Could it be that someone wants to take advantage of the collapse of order in the city and deceive the Aztecs with false theocracy?

But what can he gain?
Equilibrium will be taboo in the valley. Once the army of judgment leaves, this person who dares to bluff and cheat in the name of "Equilibrium" will only have a dead end.

In a short time, Loboda couldn't get an answer.

And the Aztecs had rushed forward and imprisoned them all.

A body search was started, and something was quickly discovered—

"This is a feather coin."

"There are also noble stone seals!"

"They're from Meadow City!"

The young man who beat Dedege made a mockery: "Sure enough, he is a counterfeit envoy!"

"Just now I dared to say it was from the tower cave, and then I changed my name to Kema!"

"If you are really an envoy of God, how can you make a slip of the tongue?"

Dedege clutched his teeth and stuttered, and wanted to argue, but was stopped by Loboda's eyes.

It wasn't a slip of the tongue, but because he was afraid that the Aztecs would not know the outside world, so he named it "Tower Cave" to facilitate communication.

But now, instead, the misunderstanding deepened.

As for the noble stone seal, it was the identity arranged by Loboda for the dead man.

Whether it's the escape this time, or the secret dirty work in the past, naturally, the identity of Tepanix Kingdom cannot be exposed.

From Meadow City, just in disguise.

The old man ordered: "Take them back and let the gods judge them!"

go up the stairs.

The scene of the city is presented in front of you.

The huge city that was once a treasure in the lake looks dilapidated and dilapidated, and the streets are overgrown with weeds.

They did not enter the inner city, but walked towards the outer city villages.

After staying close, you can see the smoke curling up in the distance.

More and more people came to hear the news and followed the abuse.

De Dege was at a loss, and could only look at Loboda: "Your Highness, what should we do now? That fake envoy will definitely not let us go, and will kill us to silence us!"

Loboda said, "You don't know what is revealed by the gods?"

"I've never heard of any divine revelation!" Dedege exclaimed. "If there is such a thing, why would the teacher hide it from me?"

"Besides, I have been in Kema City for more than a month, and I have often met with the chief judge and supervisor; they have never mentioned this kind of thing, so it must be false."

Loboda knew it well, "Since it is false, it will be exposed! Although we don't have any 'divine revelation', we have something more convincing than 'divine revelation'."

All the way to the village.

They were escorted into a huge tribal council hall.

Although the city-state alliance has the foundation of urban civilization, it has no concept of urban planning. The villages under its jurisdiction exist in units of tribes and clans, which are one of the main productive labor forces.

In the council hall, a group of clan elders are already in place.

Loboda and others were escorted to the center of the hall and forced to kneel down.

Countless people poured in again, and the scene seemed extremely chaotic.

Until a group of people dressed as nobles stepped in, the clan elder yelled: "Be quiet!"

There was no sound in the hall.

The person in the lead was Izko Atel, and he had a familiar feeling just by looking at the figures of thirty or so people.

- Dead man.

Even though they were in danger, these people did not change their faces, and even their eyes were still looking around, trying to find a way to survive.

Are these people angels?
Do not make jokes!
He was about to say something, but his eyes swept over another person, and he suddenly froze.

And the person he was watching slowly opened his mouth: "Izkoater, is this the etiquette for entertaining guests from afar?"

"His Royal Highness Loboda?!"

"Why are you here?"

Lobo Dagui is the eldest prince of Tepanix, how could Izkoater not know him?

Between the two countries, there is even a subordinate relationship.

Loboda was above him in status.

At this time, Loboda also got up slowly, brushed the dust off his knees, and cut straight to the point: "I have already said that I came with the angel of Kinkou to bring the oracle and judgment of Kinkou to you Aztecs." !"

Izkoatl's heart shook, his thoughts were complicated, but he didn't rush to veto it.

He only frowned and looked at the other person beside Loboda.

Loboda said again: "He is De Dege, the angel of balance."

Talk to here.

There was another commotion in the arena.

As soon as His Royal Highness Loboda's title came out, someone already realized the identity of this person.

Can you say that he is an angel of balance?how is this possible!

Tepanix people are all rebels, how could Loboda, who is the great prince, submit to the equilibrium?
But even so, Izkoatl still asked, "How do you prove it?"

Loboda took something out of his bosom.

It was a bone ornament, not decorated with too many jewels, and it was quite common in commoners' homes, so it couldn't be more unusual.

But when this thing was taken out, Izkoatl suddenly exclaimed——

"This, this is the token I gave to Didymar!!"

"That's right!" Loboda said, "The envoy told me that the Sin King and Didymar had already arrived at the place where the kingdom of God was. Cast a merciful gaze!"

"Is this enough to prove our identity?"

The words fall.

The whispers in the field turned into boiling.


"Sin King, Sin King has arrived in the Kingdom of God!"

"The Sin King really succeeded??"

A group of clan elders stood up excitedly, they still clearly remembered that the Sin King was crowned two years ago.

At that time, the famine was gone, and nearly 20 people in the city smeared the young king with blood and blessed him.

If the Lord of Sin had arrived in the Kingdom of God, then the suffering of the Aztecs would truly have come to an end.


It's not waiting for people to cheer.

But Izkoatl trembled angrily, strode up to Loboda, and yelled, "Are you still trying to deceive us?"

"More than a year ago, the people I placed outside the city sent a message!"

"The road to salvation has been destroyed, and the pilgrimage missions composed of soldiers from various countries have all been annihilated in the divine punishment!"

"There are only a few people who can return!"

"The Sin King and Didymar are both dead!"

"The road to redemption is all driven by your father, Tezomok!"

"Yes, I gave this token to Didymar. It was given to me by my mother when I was young. No one else can know its meaning."

"Because it's ordinary, it won't be snatched by those sergeants!"

"But I still underestimated your viciousness... I have no doubts about Didymar's loyalty, but if you use the Sin King as a threat to force him to reveal my plot, he will definitely not bear the Sin King's suffering!"

"Fortunately, fortunately, the envoy of Balance has arrived ahead of time, bringing the glory of Balance and illuminating falsehood, otherwise I will be blinded by you today!"


"The envoy of God has told me that you take the envoy to Kema City to seek peace!"

"Now that you have returned after asking for peace, and know that the army of judgment will no longer go south, bringing divine punishment and judgment, you can take out this token and come to deceive us!"

Lopo Damon was stunned, and he was also furious because of the depression in his heart: "Lied to you? What is my intention?"

"Let you surrender to Balance, but become a deceiver?"

Izkoatl laughed loudly: "I still don't know your tricks? In the name of balance, let me obey you, and you can plot the throne of the valley in the hands of your two younger brothers!"

"You have been dormant for decades, all you are looking for is such a good opportunity!"

Loboda also laughed, and even cried.

"Ha ha ha ha."

He finds it funny, ironic.

"I know very well that this road to trial is full of difficulties! But I still walked resolutely..."

"I would rather not look at the ignorant people in my country who are blinded by falsehoods, but follow the oracle and save you Aztecs."

"And you Aztecs were tricked by an 'angel' out of nowhere!"

"To be honest, you are no different from the people of our country!"

"When Balance comes in front of you, you will not be able to uncover the falsehood and see His true face!"

"Izkoater, invite your envoy out! Even if you die, let us die!"

Loboda gave up.

He even took out the token of the sin king, but he couldn't prove himself, so what else could he do?

On the side, De Dege couldn't hold back anymore——

"Yes, ask the envoy of God to come out and confront me!"

"If I can't expose his hypocrisy, there is no need for me to return to the Kingdom of God and shame my lord and teacher!"

The two shouted hysterically.

Let the hall fall into silence again.

And Izkoatel also hesitated.

After Yiluoboda's pride was exposed, he should have admitted the fraud and then forced himself to send them out of the city.

But he looked fearless and looked like he was broken.

After a brief moment of stupefaction, he looked sideways at others and said, "Has the envoy not come yet? Go and remind me!"

"No need to rush, we are here!"

Outside the house, there was a sudden shout.

The crowd naturally disperses a path.

Qiboche and the others entered together.

Everyone in the field immediately shouted: "God envoys, they are them, pretending to be in the name of balance!"

Qiboche snorted coldly, he heard the end of the words of several people outside, and said loudly: "Who wants to confront?"

He strode to the center, looking menacing.

For he has thought on the way...

If a few fraudsters, the Aztecs who had finally settled down and surrendered, were allowed to have doubts again, things would be difficult to handle.

Therefore, he must completely shatter the fraudster's disguise.

When his piercing eyes stared away.

But saw a familiar face.

Qiboche couldn't believe his eyes, he rubbed his eyelids with his hands suddenly, and then looked again——

"De, De Dege?!!"

De Dege also reacted in the same way, exclaiming: "Father?!"

Ok? !

Izkoater and Loboda also looked at each other for the first time, and they both saw the blankness in each other's eyes.

But in the next moment, their eyes were pulled back by the father and son.

"Dege, you, why are you here?"

De Dege said: "His Highness Loboda led the mission to Kema, and the teacher taught His Highness the doctrine of balance, which made him see the true knowledge..."

"Therefore, His Highness also submits to the balance!"

"Before I left, the teacher ordered me to follow His Highness and bring the oracle of balance to bring salvation to the Aztecs!"

After hearing this, Qi Boche burst out laughing, and hugged his son, "Okay, okay..."

He turned to everyone again, all showing off——

"Look, this is my son! This is my son!"

"Now he has a heavy responsibility, and he is the envoy of Balance, hahahahaha!"

De Dege quickly said again: "Father, why are you here?"

Ziboche said: "...that day, we escaped from the country of Tepanix with the mission. We wanted to return to Kema, but we were worried that we would be hunted down!"

"Sure enough, shortly after we left the mission, someone came to search the mission, so we had to leave in the opposite direction."

"I don't know where the vitality is, but I don't want to 'revelation from the sky'. It is our Lord, the true God, who guides us to the city in the lake and passes on the doctrine of balance to the Aztecs!"

So far, everything has been revealed.

People were surprised by the unexpected turn of events.

But there was one person, whose face was filled with joy gradually, until it reached the critical point of emotional accumulation, before it broke out completely and turned into a madman——

"That is to say..."

"That means the Sin King is not dead!"

"The sin king is not dead?!"

Izkoatel held up the token in his hand and shouted.

Hot tears poured down like a bank burst.

When the words came out, they really woke up everyone.

Angels are not false.

Then what they said, the sin king has already reached equilibrium, is not false!

"It's the king of sin, it's the king of sin who begged for our Lord's merciful gaze!"

"The King of Sin is our hero, the redeemer that the Aztecs will always remember!"

Two years later.

The name of the king of sin has long been forgotten.

To this day it is mentioned again...

Who would have thought that the young monarch could really find the holy land that balances the kingdom of God, and ask the gods for redemption and forgiveness?
And, it all makes sense! !
"Lord Ziboche..."

"His Royal Highness Loboda and your son are what we mean by 'waiting', right?"

"They will bring us the glory of balance! Let the disaster come to an end!!"

Qiboche came to him suddenly, and asked loudly: "Dedege, you, can you and His Royal Highness Loboda bring the will of balance?"

Dedege nodded heavily, looked around, and said loudly: "This bone ornament is a token of my Lord's forgiveness and acceptance of you and others!"

"If the Aztecs are willing to submit to the Balance of Faith wholeheartedly, they can embark on a pilgrimage to the city of Aha Okema, the city of brothers!"

"The people of Balance will regard you as brothers and sisters, and walk together to the pure land of God's joy!"

"Forty thousand Judgment Army riding beasts and wearing armor will be your shelter;"

"Anyone who stands in the way of your return will be turned into a dead soul under the iron hooves and sentenced to eternal annihilation!"

"If your mind is clear, then call out with me and praise His name!!"


In the council hall, the crowd is already excited.

A group of figures spontaneously knelt down, and the sound of shouting almost toppled the roof——

"Praise my lord, praise balance!"

"Balance exists among all things!"

(End of this chapter)

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