Start North America 1400: nation building

Chapter 259 [258] Voyage to Africa

Chapter 259 [258] Voyage to Africa



It's been a long time at night.

In several military towns on the shore of Texcoco Lake, the reverberation of boiling and cheers could be faintly heard from the city in the lake.

The unusual situation has attracted the attention of countless people.

And in a tavern, several garrison leaders gathered, drank wine, and asked about what happened when they entered the city today, and at this moment they still felt incredible——

"Did they really sink that treasure jewel into the water?"

"It's absolutely true!" The sergeant replied, "The nobles who originally traded with us have disappeared. It was a few civilians who took the treasure and opened the sluice into the city."

Some people sneered: "If you are a person with water, you can enter the waterway and salvage the goods again."

Someone retorted: "The question now is not whether we can salvage..."

He looked in the direction of Dacheng, and continued: "How long have you been listening to the movement in that city?"

"The aristocrats in the city exchanged their goods for food with us, so they have no worries about food and clothing; but the common people are going to starve and even eat people."

"It's surprising to me that the people in that city have resisted until now."

"But now, the commoners have slaughtered the nobles and robbed their goods, so they have nothing to fear."

"As they said, the goods are useless to them. Only those that can be exchanged for food have value."

"Even if sinking the jewels into the lake is their way of scaring people; but it is obviously a warning."

"So, what's the food and dried meat for more than twenty boats?"

"The country of Tepanix returned after asking for peace, and now all the city-states have sent a message that the blockade will be lifted!"

"Then the next step..."

He hit it off.

A group of people also looked at each other because of this, and everyone understood.

The "old neighbor and old friend" relationship they have maintained with each other for more than two years may come to an end.

The city in the lake is strategically located, and it is bound to be conquered and annexed by various countries.

Once a war breaks out, the group of old brothers who made money together will face each other with swords.

In other words.

The massive treasures of the Aztecs will not be earned anytime soon!
If you don’t make money now, when will you wait?

"25 boats?"

"Send it to them as promised in five days!"

"In addition, prepare more food, and take out all their treasures as much as possible!"

The meeting of the military giants is over.

And in the city.

The carnival is still going on.

But it's a carnival, but it's actually the porridge that has been boiled thick, so that you can eat corn kernels, instead of grinding it into powder, adding a lot of water, and unknown vegetable leaves.

A feast was also set up in the elders' conference hall.

Loboda's identity was recognized and he sat at the top. When he saw the food was served, he was startled: "You guys just eat this?"

Izkoatl shook his head: "No, there are no such good meals on weekdays."

He pointed to a grilled, greased bird. "The passenger pigeon is the dumbest bird in the valley."

"The lake wetland in Lake City was originally their favorite place to visit, but the two years of hunting with nets made them know that this is a forbidden place, and they no longer come in groups."

"If anyone in the city can catch a passenger pigeon, it will be enough for a family to be happy for three days."

He pointed to another plate: "The fish in the lake near the shore have also been caught, so it is hard to catch."

During the dinner, Mengdaya wore a simple dress, and no one knew her identity except for a few people, and Loboda now understood that Mengdaya escaped from the country of Tepanix with his mission. Came to Lake City again.

"Uncle...Your Highness, the people in the city can only eat some polenta water today, and there is no meat."

a time.

The jubilant atmosphere cooled down a bit.

Those clan elders lowered their eyebrows, and couldn't help asking: "Your Highness Loboda, when can we set off?"

All eyes are focused.

But Loboda hesitated.

When it came to the step of leading people to migrate, he also felt flustered.

Although he was sure that Tezomok would not dare to stop and kill the "People of Equilibrium", but he rebelled against the Lord of the Valley, and that was his old father, so it was impossible for him not to feel a little pressure.

Qiboche probably knew what he was thinking, so he smoothed things over, and it was just a matter of fact——

"The migration needs to be fully prepared."

De Dege continued: "Yes, hundreds of thousands of people have traveled to Kema, and the journey is difficult."

"It is impossible for the people in the city to abandon everything, and they have to pack their backpacks for long-distance migration."

"More importantly, the people are hungry. I see that most of the people in the city are emaciated and weak. They have to travel long distances, and they have to be fed for a few days."

"In addition, before departure, the 'deputy judge' asked the teacher to remind me that the Aztecs should be taught the creation method of building wheeled vehicles. The old and weak can ride on the frame, and the strong and strong will implement it in rotation."

"I have brought all the secret volumes of creation. You only need to find a craftsman and take the wood from the houses in the city to create things."

As soon as these words came out, Loboda also came back to his senses, "Yes, I also saw the magic of the wheels when I was on a mission to Kema."

"The people of Kemah have long been preparing for the pilgrimage to the Kingdom of God, and the Aztecs should also put in the same effort."

He calculated the time and made a decision: "Since you said that the remaining food can last for a month, then use half a month as the time limit."

"Leave in half a month, and take the remaining food on the road as supplies. From here to Kema City, it only takes 7 days at the fastest! Even if tens of thousands of people move slowly, half a month is enough to arrive."

"As long as we arrive at Kema, the envoys will definitely be prepared, so that we will have no worries about food and clothing."

The plan is complete.

The anger that had cooled down just now also warmed up.

A group of clan elders even burst into tears, "Half a month, another half a month, the suffering and pain will disappear!!"


Equilibrium 14 years, June 6.


In the main city of balance, under the gaze of all the people, my lord showed miracles and creations.

Dash8 appeared out of thin air;

H225 is the most familiar balanced sacred weapon for the people, with a length of 19 meters.

Compared with the giant Dash8 with a wingspan of nearly 30 meters, it seems quite small.

Led by Tiaoyu, they brought Zhou Ruoyu and Zhou Ruonan; four people from Zhou Wangshan; four people from Zhou Yusheng; and four people from the gunpowder research team.

They followed Zhou Li'an and Xue Nu onto the flight ramp.

Under the cheers of all the people, he waved goodbye.

As early as three days ago, when the will of our lord came, the "Equilibrium News" quickly published a special edition, announcing to all the people of the Kingdom of God, and recording and witnessing this historic moment in the Kingdom of God.

[The glory of balance comes to the old land! 】

【Our Lord will take His devout apostles and servants to tour the earth! ! 】

This means the Kingdom of God's first step towards "creating a new world".

The path to equilibrium is truly clear.

And the evil in the disaster prophecy can no longer make the people fear.

On the contrary, this indicates that in the not-too-distant future, the balanced eternal fire will burn out all the darkness and filth in that evil land, bringing purification and baptism.

The takeoff runway was cleared long ago.

The Temple Mount guards in full body armor stretched the cordon and stood on both sides of the runway as ceremonial guards.

Zhou Weiguo's disciple held the phone.

The camera swept over the faces of the Supreme Presbyterian Hall, Temple Mount monks and other high-ranking members of the Kingdom of God one by one.

It gradually moved to the distance, recorded the exciting scene of the people, and finally locked on the "Wings of Glory", the balanced holy weapon of the new creation.

The engine fires.

The twin propellers began to spin, sweeping up the hurricane and making the smoke billow.

But this is the case, but it makes the cheers of the people even more enthusiastic.

In the smoke and dust, the shadow of the colossal creature finally moved.

The roar of the engine intensified, almost freezing and emptying everyone's thoughts; it also turned the cheers into a stunned sluggishness.

The 1000-meter sprint has become extremely short in people's eyes.

Not waiting for them to come back to their senses.

The "head" of the huge monster on the ground has already broken through the billowing smoke and dust, and rose from the ground.

Countless people are crying at this moment, unable to control themselves.

It seems that an era is rolling forward.

There are countless children who plant a seed of hard work in their hearts——

Because the teacher of the college said;
Our lord does not hesitate to teach, and bestows the profound meaning of the law, so that he can create the holy artifact that ascends to the sky, so that the world can fly in the sky, travel around the world, and spread the glory of balance to all directions of the earth.

And when the "Wings of Glory" had disappeared into the sky, only the faint roar was left, and people were reluctant to move for a long time.

on the viewing platform.

The Great Elder let out a long sigh: "If I can be 20 years younger, I also look forward to following my Lord and going to the other side of the ocean to have a look."

Xiaohua smiled and said, "Ruonan has followed Zhou Weiguo's disciples and learned the 'Law of Light and Shadow' during this time. Everything he saw along the way will be recorded and photographed, and you can see it when you return..."

"Furthermore, Great Elder, my lord once offered you the grace of 'long life', why didn't you accept it? If you accept it, you will have a strong body and you can also go through the hardships of long-distance travel."

The Great Elder smiled and shook his head: "I am satisfied! You should also know that I am a sinner after reading through the "Balanced Canon."

"Back then, the Tushi tribe became greedy when they saw the 'salt given by God', slaughtered that small tribe, and enslaved their people."

"At that time, the witch was still a child, and she was the waiter of the witch of the small tribe."

"To force the magical art of creating salt, Chief Tushi stabbed the witch to death in front of the witch..."

"I still remember that day, before dusk, when blood was splashed on Wu's face, she shouted towards the darkening sky, calling out the name of Balance—"

"I will never forget that painful, desperate, hateful look."

"Although my lord forgave me, and the witch never mentioned it to me again, I always knew in my heart that I was a sinner! But I still received the merciful mercy of my lord and enjoyed the peace and joy of today."

"So, how dare I pray for longevity?"

"Anyone who lives forever should be the one who has made boundless contributions and glory to the Kingdom of God."

Xiaohua never knew the heartfelt voice of the Great Elder, and now she is a little silent after hearing it.

After a while, I was relieved: "My lord has something to say. Those who don't know are innocent. After you saw the balance, you served devoutly at the knees of my lord, led the people to migrate, and established the kingdom of God. This is already a manifestation of merit."

"If my lord doesn't see your dedication, how can he bestow grace on you?"

"not to mention……"

Xiao Hua looked at the sky, "That idiot Zhou Ruoyu is the first person in the Kingdom of God to achieve immortality other than witches! He can do anything, so naturally you can too."

The Great Elder still shook his head, with a serious look on his face: "If Yu is different, he looks stupid, but in fact, as my Lord said, he often has great wisdom."

"He can solve problems that you can't solve, and see through the crimes of Hill City."

"He can also pray for the grace of our lord, the witch, to bring Ruonan together to be selected for this trip."

"Let me ask, who else in the Kingdom of God can do it?"

"If Yuyu will have great achievements in the future, even if he can't beat the chief and bullshit, he will never be too far behind."

Xiao Hua smiled and said: "Since you are optimistic about him, even if I punish him with a whip, I must make him a talent, so as not to live up to your expectations."

The Great Elder laughed loudly, then lowered his voice: "Chief, there is one more know I am old, there will be a day! If those two little ones understand?"

Xiao Hua didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Are you thinking too far?"

"Not far, not far. When you came here, you were still a 7-year-old child. Now you have reached the age of coming of age. When the army of judgment returns triumphantly, you will become husband and wife with cow dung. Time flies... "

The old and the young chatted for a long time.

The elders, Temple Mount monks, and the people in the city also had a long aftertaste and were unwilling to leave for a long time.

After a long time.

The great elder was tired, so he took a step first.

Xiao Hua returned to her normal look, and looked at the people beside her: "Has the whole process been filmed?"

"Chief, it's been filmed, it's 35 minutes long!"

Xiao Hua nodded, and said: "My lord has a will, ordering you to broadcast today's picture in turn to each city."

Zhou Weiguo's disciple immediately complied: "Yes!"

There is only one memory card, but the carousel is not released at the same time, nor does it conflict.

The man was about to leave, but Xiaohua added: "This time, the rotation will start from the 11th city! Let's go now, and I will send iron cavalry to escort you there!"

Zhou Weiguo's disciple didn't know why, but he didn't dare to question the chief's order.

Xiaohua's intention is very simple.

The people of the Huo clan return to the clan land, stay away from the kingdom of God, and are responsible for the construction of new cities and concrete creations, so they must always be biased and appeased.

Moreover, the 6 people who migrated to the east have now arrived in the great city of Hohokan, and it is even more important to let them know that Balance is always with them.

As for the No. 12 big city, she doesn't need to worry about it.

My lord has already stated that he will descend on the 12th big city and lead the more than 4 natives to witness miracles and great power.


on the plane.

More than ten people are divided into two rows in the cabin, wearing safety harnesses, and there is still a lot of space behind.

If Dash8 is used for civil aviation transportation, it can be fully loaded with about 50 people.

Now that the seats are removed, it has become a "battlefield transportation style", but it can actually accommodate more people.

However, it was meaningless to bring too many people on this trip. Zhou Li'an was afraid that he would not be able to take care of the nest of germs in Africa.

Wait until the plane is flying smoothly.

The door to the main cockpit opened.

Xuenv is an old trapeze artist, even though it is her first time riding Dash8, she looks familiar.

"Okay, you can unbuckle your seat belts and take a look at the scenery outside."

"The first stop is Ayutthaya No. 12. After resting overnight, we will depart tomorrow for the second stop 'Gate of the New World'."

Tiaoyu, Zhou Wangshan, Zhou Yusheng and others are not feeling well now.

Except for Tiaoyu, everyone else was on the Sky Realm for the first time.

Whether it is the weightlessness of taking off or psychological factors, they all make their stomachs churn.

Seeing that they were unwell, Xue Nu pointed to the back: "If you want to vomit, it's convenient, you can go to the bathroom!"

"Come on, follow me to get acquainted with how to operate."

The battlefield fan cabin, of course, also has a toilet.

Xuenv was used to using the toilet in this world, and she was also familiar with driving on the plane.

A group of people studied for a long time and finally figured it out.

The only two little ones who were as relaxed as Xuenv began to chirp——

"Wu, where is the gate to the new world?"

"Wu, there is a second stop, and there must be a third stop, right?"

Xuenv had been prepared for a long time, turned back to the cabin, asked for the big atlas of my lord, and unfolded it in front of everyone——

One finger in the Caribbean.

"The island chain here is the 'gateway to the new world'; the balance is the creator of the new world. In the future, if all countries in the old land want to make a pilgrimage to balance, they must take this route, so it is the 'gateway to the world'."

"And here, here... a big city will be built in the future."

"Earlier, I and my lord came to the top and bestowed the glory of Equilibrium. After the ship research team can create a large ocean-going ship, Equilibrium can bring the natives on these islands under Equilibrium."

"At the same time, these places will also be the center of military and trade!"

"In the future, when all nations come to Korea, this place will definitely be rejuvenated."

"The third station--"

The map doubled again and spread out on the ground.

She pointed to South America and said:
"The land of far-sightedness!"

"This is the real southern land, and the city-state alliance you know is actually in the middle of the balance between the Kingdom of God and the 'Land of Yuanwang'."

"From now on, the kingdom of God will be located in the north, and it will be the 'Land of Divine Revelation'; it will be the beginning of my lord's coming to the Divine Revelation."

"The city-state alliance is the place of redemption, the place where the first baptism of balance and glory is purified."

"As for this 'far-sighted land', it is the next step for Balance! The rich forests, mineral veins, and grasslands will provide Balance with a large amount of resources needed for development."

"Our third stop will be at the westernmost end of the Land of Farsight, and I would like to call it the 'Hope Coast', so this is the first starting point for equilibrium to move towards the old land!"

(End of this chapter)

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