Start North America 1400: nation building

Chapter 262 [261] Butterfly wings are flapping

Chapter 262 [261] Butterfly wings are flapping

A dozen or so people looked like a small to medium-sized luxury tour group.

Just landed on a large plane, tasted a "luxury gourmet hot pot meal", and then changed to a helicopter for sightseeing.

Although they all knew that this trip was of great significance, before seeing the Deming Fleet, their curiosity about the grass and trees of the old land was at its peak.

The rated full load of H225 is 19+2.

The upholstery of the seats has been removed, and it looks very spacious for more than a dozen people boarding the plane.

When the propeller sweeps up the hurricane, the Equilibrium Hallows lifts into the air.

The current capital of the Mali Empire is called "Nyani", and there are no traces left in later generations. Historians only give a rough location, which is located in the Dahe Plain.

Because the current Mali Empire is already crumbling.

Since 50 years ago, the struggle for the Mali throne has frequently caused chaos in the country and greatly weakened the country's strength.

The many kingdoms and big clans under him have different intentions.

Among them, led by the "Songhai people", announced at the end of the 14th century that they would no longer submit to Mali, and quickly expanded along the Niger River and annexed the land.

If it develops according to the original historical track.

19 years later, the Mali Empire will be completely annihilated in the dust, and the owner of this land will be renamed "Songhai Empire".

After takeoff, Zhou Li'an's voice reached everyone's ears through the communication equipment in the cabin.

Like a sightseeing tour guide, he explains the history of the "Mali Empire" and its once extremely glorious history.

"'Mansa Musa' used to be the lord of Mali, sitting on this land, and even the three richest gold mines in the world at the same time."

"His pilgrimage to Mecca, the 'holy place of Allah' in '76 B.C.', made the Arab world famous by squandering countless gold along the way."

"At the same time, in the two old earth worlds, more than half of the gold was produced in the Mali Empire..."

"But all the brilliance will fall into dust in the near future."

Different from the tour guide's explanation, Zhou Li'an is the true god of balance, and can see the unknown future——

"After 19 years, the Songhai people will be replaced by the Songhai Empire."

"But the prosperity of the Songhai Empire can only last for a hundred years, and their survivors and successors will eventually be invaded and destroyed by evil spirits."

Everyone listened quietly, with countless questions hovering in their hearts.

Zhou Li'an didn't give them a chance to ask questions, because he was flying the plane and looking for the location of "Nianni".

Follow the Niger River all the way up.

Finally, more than an hour later, he saw the most majestic city he could see after searching this way.

How to identify the characteristics of its "capital"?
Just look at the busyness of the roads into and out of the city, and the number of "horses" and "camels".

In the south of the Sahara, in coastal forests and plains, cavalry is the best combat force.

And because of their rarity, horses are rarely used as animal labor.

Africa is home to plague, a blood-sucking insect called the tsetse fly, a deadly killer of livestock.

The disease rate in horses remains high.

Going back hundreds of years, the former land lord of the Mali Empire, the "Ghana Empire", had horses whose status was even higher than that of humans.

A horse must be taken care of by three attendants, and the cost of raising it is extremely high, but this is also a helpless move.

Taking the world on horseback is common in all regions of the old soil.

Along the way, the number of horses that can be seen is very small, and knights can already be found inside and outside the big city.

Camels, on the other hand, are used as the main labor animals.

From the territory of Mali to the north, you will reach the desert area. The Mali people will send their gold in exchange for salt from the outside world.

Because no salt is produced here, the value of salt is equal to that of gold.

When the mighty city of the earth appears.

There was an uproar in the cabin.

Everyone has seen the prosperity of the city-state alliance on the "Holy Artifact of Light and Shadow" and was shocked by it.

But now, the same huge city appeared in front of their eyes in the old land.

When the plane lowered its altitude, it circled the city.

Tiaoyu and the others could clearly see everything in the city from the porthole.

The roaring and restless sound caused the restlessness and boiling in the city.

People heard loud noises.

Then looked up.

Seeing the black shadows in the sky, everyone felt extreme fear; there had never been such a huge giant bird in this world.

As for the appearance of unknown things, ignorant people always use mythology as a habit.

On the ground, some people fled and hid, while others knelt down and prayed.

All the order in the city collapsed because of this vision in the sky.

The height is lowered again.

Slowly fly over the city from the periphery of the city.

At this time, the appearance of the people on that land has been clearly presented.

"Is that a horse? They have horses from our Lord's creation?"

"Why are these people like black charcoal? Are they the evil spirits in the disaster prophecy?"

"Look, that knight is actually wearing the same armor as the balanced cavalry!" Zhou Ruoyu had sharp eyes and found the existence of the knight in a street.

The Arabs had a far-reaching influence in the Mediterranean region, not only absorbing European civilization, but also completing the export of culture.

With the preaching of faith, almost all the beliefs in North Africa are Allah.

At the same time, it also promotes the progress of civilization.

For example, Mansa Musa spent a lot of money on his pilgrimage to "Mecca" to bring back countless high-level scholars and wise men to complete a great advancement in civilization and technology.

He also established a university in "Yambuktu", another cultural giant city in the Mali Empire, and even passed it down to later generations.

Following Zhou Ruoyu's pointing and exclaiming.

Everyone saw the existence of the knight.

"How, how is this possible?!"

Tiaoyu's cognition suffered a serious impact, not just him, all the monks of the law were all at a loss.

The balanced iron cavalry is the invincible army that the Kingdom of God relies on, and it should be the only one in the world.

And this old land actually has the same iron cavalry.

The invincible sense of faith in their hearts was instantly hit and collapsed.

A very simple and deadly question lies ahead——

The balanced expedition has always been a crushing trend, and it has been brought back to faith.

Including the trip of the army of judgment this time, even though the result is still unknown, the people of the Kingdom of God know that the city-state alliance has no magic soldiers, iron cavalry, and no war horses.

Then if decades later, the disaster prophecy will come true.

The evil spirit rides an iron cavalry to land and collides with the balance. Can balance win so easily?
At this moment.

Everyone is like a "frog at the bottom of a well" who has been fished out of the well, and they have truly seen what the world really looks like.

Zhou Li'an glanced sideways at the crowd and smiled coldly.

Seeing Master's expression, Xue Nu sighed softly: "Master, I know you are not contemptuous, but disappointed!"

"They're all so arrogant they get lost in their pride!"

"Xue Nu now understands your true intention of bringing them here!"

Zhou Li'an looked at Xuenv again, and his sneer turned into relief: "Among the Kingdom of God, you are the only one who can resonate with my will! Little flowers and cow dung count as half!"

"Does the master want to punish them? Just like Xiaohua, Niushi, and Weiguo back then!"

Zhou Li'an shook his head: "No need, this trip is to let them give birth to new thinking, and stop being that frog in the well!"

"I want to let them know that the Kingdom of God is rising...but the road to invincibility is still extremely long!"

"The frog at the bottom of the well, at the bottom of the well..." Xue Nu murmured for a while before she understood the meaning of these words.

Because there is no water well in Equilibrium, it is difficult to instantly create a sense of déjà vu.

"That's right, you can't be a frog in a well! The more you see the truth of the world, the stronger the countries are, the more you have to walk in front of others and surpass everything!"

When Snow Maiden sighed.

Zhou Li'an was already approaching the knight.

Seeing the vision in the sky coming towards him, the knight was so frightened that he whipped his horse and galloped across the city.

It is precisely because of this that Tiaoyu and the others see it more clearly.

"This knight's riding skills are no worse than the Balanced Iron Cavalry!"

"Look, there are dozens of riders over there..."

The rendezvous of the cavalry brought heavy pressure to the spirits of Tiaoyu and the others.

They ran towards Miyagi.

Zhou Li'an did not follow, but continued to travel around the city, allowing Tiaoyu and others to see more of the truth.

at the same time.

Xue Nu also stood up, furious because everyone's behavior disappointed my lord, and reprimanded: "Zhou Ruonan, what are you waiting for?"

Zhou Ruonan was startled, but saw that Wu had already strode towards him.

Although she was flustered, she still reacted abruptly: "My lord, Wu, please forgive me!"

Zhou Ruonan took out the "Holy Artifact of Light and Shadow" from his quilt bag and quickly turned on the machine.

But Xue Nu did not return to the driving seat.

But he pressed the switch of the cabin door.

As the alarm sounded loudly, the retractable sliding doors on both sides of the cabin were all opened.

This H225 was originally an engineering machine customized for an oil platform.

It is necessary to transport materials and load machinery and equipment.

Therefore, the hatch has also been modified into an "expandable" type, which is convenient for loading large objects without being limited by the size of the hatch.

This specification is the same as the military version, except that the military version uses this open space to install the heavy machine gun shooting position.

When the cabin door opened, the gust of wind instantly swept into the cabin, slapping everyone's cheeks, and making them suddenly sober.

Xue Nu shouted: "Show me seriously, everyone and every building must be remembered!"

"If you can't answer the question when I ask my lord, even if my lord doesn't punish me, I will severely punish you!"

As soon as the words came out.

Everyone looked terrified.

The imprisonment of Xiao Hua, Niu Shi, and Zhou Weiguo is well known throughout the country.

Why were the three convicted?
Isn't it just following our Lord on a long journey, and seeing the prosperity of the Aztecs, giving birth to fear?
With this in mind, they quickly adjusted their emotions, endured the strong wind and the fear of heights, held on to the handrails, and looked at everything in the city from under the hatches on both sides.

After Xiao Hua finished turning on the machine, she simply lay down on the ground.

A pair of lips were tightly pursed, as if secretly trying hard to control the hands of the camera so that they would not shake too much, and began to take pictures of everything they saw.

The exclamations of Tiaoyu and the others no longer uttered, they only made noise in their hearts——

They saw iron.

Not as bright as the one my lord gave, but definitely iron.

The crisp hooves of the war horse were unmistakable, it was equipped with horseshoes.

Equilibrium already has the ability to forge steel, but the use of horseshoes still depends on the blessing of our Lord's creation.

Because of their current steel creations, the wear rate is too high.

But right now, the human race in this old land, without the blessing of our lord, has mastered the ability to create horseshoes and cavalry! !

Then think about it again...

If our lord hadn't come, how miserable would their ending be after the old land cavalry landed?
Probably just like the current city-state alliance, horses are regarded as beasts, and they can only fight with wooden bows and stone axes, but they are easily crushed.

of course.

It is impossible for them to know that it takes hundreds of years to develop personnel, horses, material transportation, and the establishment of a colony.

They took the holy vessel and crossed the ocean in a few hours, but the people of the old land wanted to reach the equilibrium, but they had to spend countless money and risk their lives.

All the famous explorers in the later generations were successful and famous, and only then did someone write small essays for them, and their celebrities lasted through the ages.

Those who are unsuccessful, no one will record their exploration experience, they will only be buried in the sea and turned into fish food.

The riots in the city continued.

The calls of the people on the earth are faintly transmitted to the cabin.

After completing the circle around the city, Zhou Li'an came to the palace in the city.

The cavalry that had just assembled had already stationed inside and outside the palace.

But no one dared to draw a bow or throw a javelin.

The square of the palace garden.

A group of luxuriously dressed royal families also appeared, kneeling on the ground——

"Allah, Allah..."

"We are your devout servants, followers!"

Zhou Li'an couldn't hear the shouts from below, the helicopter was too noisy.

In fact, he has no intention of coming.

The Mali Empire will be destroyed, and Songhai will rise.

Zhou Li'an has no spare power now to change the historical trajectory of the African continent. All he can do is flap the butterfly's wings slightly.

Turn on the intercom.

The voice of the god spread in Miyagi——

"I am not what you call Allah!"

"I am the only true god in the world, the Lord of Balance!"

"Stupid people of the world."

"You have committed the crime of ignorance, and disaster will befall your descendants in the future..."

"However, I would like to give you a benevolent gaze and give you a warning—"

"If you see that huge boat on the sea approaching, you must be vigilant and prepared."

"That pale-skinned villain will bring bloody massacres, enslave and traffic your people!"

"Blocking their way to land is the only way for you to save yourself."

"Or repent of your ignorant sins, call me piously, believe in me, and I will give you bright guidance in the dark!"

"You must remember my name—"


"It is even more important to remember my will—"

"Balance exists among all things!"

Some words fell.

Zhou Li'an got up, created dozens of "My Lord's real body statues", and fell from a height of tens of meters.

The recording was turned on and repeated, and it was broadcast three times in a row; before they could write it down, they turned around and returned to the city...

The voice of the gods descended from the sky and was constantly played in rotation in the city.

until half an hour later.

The Balanced Holy Artifact was lifted into the sky, and disappeared in the distant clouds with a roaring sound.


off the road.

The hatch is closed.

Tiaoyu and others all sat in the cabin without saying a word.

Xuenu ignored them, but asked my lord: "Master, why didn't you come?"

Zhou Li'an said: "Anyone who commits a crime needs to find the way of redemption, go through trials and tests..."

"In the face of disaster, it will be their test!"

"If one day they call my name and cast their hearts of faith, I will naturally respond."

After hearing this, Xue Nu nodded slightly, expressing her understanding.

And Zhou Li'an believes that this prophecy of divine descent will definitely bring great changes to the West African region.

They traveled all the way from the coast to Nyani.

Showed traces many times.

Whether it is the low-altitude cruising and overlooking of Dash8, or the appearance of H225 in the city for nearly an hour.

It will overturn their beliefs and perceptions.


Has Allah really appeared?

If not; when the balance appears, the title of "the only true God in the world" is beyond doubt!
And you must know that 30 years later, the Portuguese will establish a slave trading center in the "Port of Bissau".

In this process, of course, is "freedom to buy and sell".

European goods flowed into the later Songhai Empire, and the Songhai Empire had no resistance to turning the lower class people into commodities.

The class is strict, so what are the poor at the bottom?

But when the prophecy comes true.

When the giant ship from afar comes, they will definitely have resistance and regard the white people as a disaster.

This warning comes from the sky, regardless of whether the god is Allah or not, they must choose to believe.

The butterfly effect caused by this is unimaginable.

The slave trade was an important means of earning money in the early days of colonization. Once there was no money to eat, those who supported the voyage had to consider whether to continue spending money.

In addition to the tenacious resistance of West Africa, it is almost impossible to transport troops to fight with the existing long-distance navigation technology.

Even if they had guns, they were no match for the massive Songhai people.

As for the plague...

Ha ha ha.

West Africans who have lived in the nest of disasters and diseases for generations, are you still afraid that your European germs will not succeed?
Smallpox existed in Africa in ancient Egypt.

We are the ancestors of the plague!
This is why, later European colonies were mainly on the east and west coasts and South Africa.

It's too deep to play, as many people die, and the cost is too high.

As long as you have a few mine sources and provide material support, why go to Africa to suffer?

The role of Africa is only to withdraw cash.

(End of this chapter)

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