Start North America 1400: nation building

Chapter 263 [262] Who is stronger and who is weaker

Chapter 263 [262] Who is stronger and who is weaker

It was almost dusk when we left Niani, the capital of the Mali Empire.

Most of the day is spent on the road.

However, the process of Nianni's divine descent took less than an hour; on the contrary, it was the "tourism project" that had the greatest impact on everyone and the deepest stimulation.

Everyone followed our Lord to "inspect the old land", more or less with arrogance and contempt for the ignorant people in the old land.

But they didn't realize how outrageous and ridiculous their mistakes were until after "Niani" descended.

The excitement and joy of traveling for a few days was swept away.

The cabin became deserted.

Zhou Li'an and Xuenv turned a blind eye to this, the master and the servant had the same will, giving them a time to reflect.

Don't be a frog in a well.

The H225 flew south and landed at the landing point during lunch.

After a group of people came down.

Zhou Li'an created the fuel, and first ordered everyone to refuel the H225 before reclaiming the system space.

Perhaps it was the sense of hunger that made them escape from the silent atmosphere.

Tiaoyu said: "My lord, I can go hunting and settle the food for tonight."

Zhou Li'an waved his hands and created tables, chairs, and ingredients, "To inspect the old land, you don't need to waste time and effort hunting."

"Besides." Zhou Li'an looked at Zhou Wangshan, "You tell them about the 'Old Land' health and safety regulations."

Native Americans hunt in Africa, that's called killing.

The deadliest thing is not the wild animals, but the poisonous snakes and mosquitoes in the jungle.

Similarly, it is difficult to say whether wild animals contain pathogenic bacteria.

The old natives already have physical resistance.

Many blacks, for example, were completely immune to "yellow fever"; it was herd immunity that had been brought about over thousands of years.

When Tiaoyu and others landed in Africa, it was like a piece of white cloth, even if a gust of wind swept over it, the dust would stain this piece of Baibu with filth that was difficult to wash off.

Zhou Wangshan has been taught by my lord, so he began to teach everyone——

Nothing more than a few.

Take water from running water, boil it for 10 minutes and drink it.

Avoid hunting wild game, or being bitten by insects;
If there is a wound, it should be disinfected and treated in time.

During the day, they would spend their time on the road, but after Zhou Li'an left at night, who knew if they would take a walk nearby, so it was better to warn them in advance.

As for the ingredients, of course, Zhou Li'an blessed them all.

Wait until Zhou Wangshan finishes explaining.

Zhou Li'an waved his hand again, creating a table of injections and medicine bottles.

Everyone was amazed when they saw the creation.

Just because in the high temperature environment of 30 degrees Celsius, the medicine bottle still has a faint chill.

And the medicine bottle was translucent and clear, as if it was made of the most precious gemstone in the world.

"Two injections for intramuscular injection and three pills for oral administration."

"This is a preventive medicine created by the laws of medicine. The diseases of the old land are complicated. If there is no prevention, evil poisons will invade. At least, they will be in a coma, and at worst, they will be annihilated in the world."

After hearing this, everyone exclaimed, "My lord, aren't the people of the old land afraid of the invasion of evil poison?"

"Just like lake fish cannot survive in the sea, because the sea water is salty and the environment is completely different."

"To you, you are like fish in a lake, and this old land is the sea."

"The opposite is also true. If sea fish enter the lake, they will also be annihilated."

"However, humans are naturally different from swimming fish. Those with strong physiques can also survive the disease."

"But most people can't stand the invasion of this evil poison."

"I once predicted that the disaster will come in a few decades, and the real disaster will not be the people of the old land, but the disease that exists with them."

When the words fell, everyone was dumbfounded.

Only Zhou Wangshan was aware of the dangers of the virus, and said, "That's why, Shenguo and the No. 12 city, one is building the main health city, and the other is building the health auxiliary city."

"On the way here, we have visited the 'Gate of the New World'; in the future, the world's shipping routes will be connected, and the old land and balanced 'fresh water and salt water' will meet, which will definitely bring harm to the people of the Kingdom of God."

"Therefore, if preventive immunization is carried out in advance, the occurrence of disasters can be prevented."

Using Youyu and Jianghai as examples makes it easier for them to understand.

It would take three days and three nights to explain the concepts of human body and immune system.

And the road is simple.

Using simple examples and showing dire consequences, they will naturally keep them in mind.

After hearing the significance of the construction of the Sanitary Main City, they became aware of the arrangement of our lord, and all praised it.

That's it.

Zhou Li'an didn't dare to delay any longer.

Inactivated vaccines are stored at low temperature to ensure the stability of the inactivated virus.

Zhou Wangshan and his three disciples already had injection experience, no matter intramuscular injection or intravenous infusion, they were carried out in small quantities when he was practicing medical laws and asking for consultations.

He asked everyone to come in front of him one by one, and started the vaccination.

The two vaccines are "meningococcal" and "yellow fever".

Oral drugs are called "cholera".

There should be another "smallpox" that is a big killer, but the purpose of this trip is to obtain smallpox bacteria and inoculate them with vaccinia.

In short, it is a good thing if someone in the crowd is infected with smallpox.

More than a dozen people were vaccinated one by one, and they all seemed eager for the novel experience of needle injection.

After Zhou Ruoyu finished the beating, he yelled loudly: "My lord, will this prevent me from being invaded by blasphemy?"

"Basically not, but there are exceptions for those with special constitutions!"

"Of course, you have received my blessing of 'Longevity', even if you are invaded by demons, I can revive you."

As soon as the words came out.

Everyone looked sideways, envious.

Recovery! !

After waking up, he is a "survivor"! !

It was Zhou Ruonan's turn to inject again, and the prickly pain in her arm made her cry from the pain, but she pursed her mouth and remained silent.

Xue Nu stepped forward and hugged her lightly: "It's okay, the pain will be gone in a while."

"Wu, don't you want to fight?"

Xue Nu shook her head and smiled, "Master has already injected me many times."

Zhou Ruonan asked again: "Wu, did my lord personally inject you? When my lord injected, did you feel any pain?"

Xue Nu said: "It hurts at first, but then it doesn't hurt anymore..."

Ok? ? ?
Zhou Li'an was taken aback for a moment, his eyes suddenly became strange, and he looked at Xuenv...

But Xue Nu looked innocent.


How can she drive!

On the contrary, I have evil thoughts.

After the vaccination, everyone camped on the spot and made a fire to cook.

The system of the Kingdom of God has become more complete. Everyone performs their own duties and has a clear division of labor. They also take the initiative to assign "duty tables" and take turns responsible for meals.

By the time the four members of the gunpowder research team were grilling meat, night had already fallen.

Everyone sat around the bonfire, and then took out pens and paper by the light of the fire, and began to record what they had seen and heard along the way.

Zhou Li'an glanced at it, someone wrote in words, and several people from the ship research team began to draw.

At the beginning, Zhou Weiguo was promoted to the "Second Grade Dzogchen" with the extra points of "Artistic Principles", which caused a sensation on Temple Mount and the balance colleges in various cities.

More and more people are studying painting.

The ship research team is headed by "Zhou Yuro". He is not in a high realm of law, but several of his team members are all real Temple Mount monks.

And he is proficient in craftsman matters, drawing books is that skill.

Zhou Li'an and Xue Nu do not bother.

He created a bottle of red wine and cups, and Xue Nu took the initiative to serve her, and said with a smile: "...%¥..."

Zhou Li'an shook his head and replied: "%¥%#..."

The people around the campfire didn't dare to look up, but each of them peeked out of the corner of their eyes.

Zhou Ruonan and Zhou Ruoyu looked at each other again, and the two little ones muttered: "What are my lord and the witch talking about?"

"I don't know, but it's definitely not the language of God." Zhou Ruonan frowned and pondered for a moment, then said: "I vaguely remember hearing Wu tell the chief once, to select a few people to practice the language of the old land, I'm afraid this is it! "

"Why do you want to learn the language of the old land?"

Zhou Ruonan curled his lips and said, "If you don't understand the language, how can you teach the doctrine of balance?"

"Like you, do you speak the language of the city-state alliance?"

Zhou Ruoyu said: "Of course I will, my third sister's mother tongue is the same as Aztec, and my second mother taught me since childhood!"

Folding chair.

One master and one servant did not intentionally conduct encrypted communication, it was nothing more than Xue Nu practicing English.

She said: "Master and Patricia both like to drink this fine red wine, but Snow Maiden only finds it sour."

Zhou Li'an said: "It is suitable for drinking and can add to the mood."

Xue Nu blushed: "Master, you poured wine on me last time. It feels strange. Patricia still dares to fight with Master, and you don't care about her. I don't know how to respect you..."

Shortly after.

The smell of barbecue came.

Zhou Li'an waved out the spices again: "Sprinkle them one by one, and put salt at the end."

The spices are nothing more than cumin and chili powder.

When the flame ignited the smell of spices, everyone was amazed again.

Zhou Li'an said: "Before the meal, tell us what you have seen, heard and experienced today..."

"Jiaoyu, you come first."

Everyone's expressions became tense, and the strange smell of barbecue seemed to be stale.

Tiaoyu looked down at what he had recorded before organizing his words: "My lord, the progress of civilization in the old land is far beyond our imagination!"

"I was too conceited before. I thought that the balanced iron cavalry was invincible, but now I realize that I was wrong!"

"But if the old natives dare to land on Balance, I believe that the Army of Balance Judgment will never show weakness, and will deal them a painful blow."

"When I return to the Kingdom of God this time, I will notify the Military Academy to make the Army of Judgment do its best to train for the future war!"

"No more?" Zhou Li'an asked.

Tiaoyu faltered, always wanted to say something to make it more complete, but he didn't think of anything to add for a long time.

Zhou Li'an waved his hand: "Who will come next?"

Some people saw that our Lord did not punish them, so they volunteered.

What he said was not much different from that of Jumping Fish, but he also summarized some details of the city he saw from a high altitude, such as the texture of the buildings, mostly stone, and some mixed with earth and stone.

It reminded him of the great city No. 11 of the Kingdom of God, which is now studying the concrete of the creation.

Zhou Li'an said: "The soil-mixed structure is actually balanced. Some construction craftsmen have also studied it, but it is far from reaching the firmness of 'cement'. Therefore, you need to wait to study the creation with the profound meaning of the law."

"In the future, I hope that you can build a sky-high building hundreds of meters high, and you can see layers of clouds on the upper floor."

Everyone is fascinated by it.

"My lord, can such a tall building really be built?"

"If you don't slacken your practice, that day will come soon!"

And the people behind them all said the same thing, but the details they saw were in different directions.

When it came to Zhou Ruoyu again, seeing that he had nothing to say, he asked instead: "My lord, compared with the Ming Empire, which one is stronger or weaker?"

"I see that the Mali Empire is about the same balance as me, and the city-state alliance is similar!"

"My third sister often talked about the historical laws of the Ming Empire and praised its long and prosperous civilization."

"And the purpose of our waiting this trip is also to meet the Deming Fleet, right?"

However, Zhou Li'an did not give an answer, just smiled and said nothing.

Seeing that Zhou Ruoyu's answer was not what she asked, Xue Nu was angry again: "I asked you to answer, but you asked a question? Didn't you see anything today?"

Zhou Ruoyu shrank his neck and said, "Eldest sister... Wu, they have already said everything I want to say, even if I repeat it again, it's meaningless."

"Why don't you make a comparison. I heard from some uncles in the kingdom of God that my lord once delivered a precept in the No. 9 city. Know yourself, know your enemy, and win every battle!"

"I am also thinking about the future of the Kingdom of God."

"You still dare to talk back?" Xue Nu stood up with a 'swish'.

But Zhou Li'an stopped him again, and he looked at the last person: "Ruo Nan, what do you get?"

Zhou Ruonan had been in deep thought before.

That's why Zhou Li'an left her in the end.

Zhou Ruonan snapped back to his senses, his dazed eyes gradually focused on his expression, but became trembling again...

She was silent for a long time, and it also attracted everyone's attention.

Tiao Yu thought she was afraid, and said in relief: "Ruo Nan, don't be afraid, just say what comes to mind, you are still young, and the level of law is not high, my lord and witch will not blame you."

However, at this moment.

Zhou Ruonan's words made the audience's anger freeze suddenly——

"My lord above."

"Ruo Nan dares to ask..."

"Decades later, the evil spirits that will bring disasters are not the people we see today, right?"

"Because our Lord has interpreted the historical origin of the 'Mali Empire' for us today, as well as the prophecy of destruction 19 years later."

"Including the Songhai Empire established after that, it will also be annihilated by the disaster."

"Does that mean that it is the same group of people who will bring disaster to us and the Songhai Empire!"

"And these evil spirits are far stronger than the current Mali Empire! At the same time, they are even stronger than me!!"


There was a blank in the minds of everyone present.

Tiaoyu just finished comparing the Mali Empire with Kinkou, and put forward the view that the combat power is [-]-[-].

But the result?

What they will face is not someone as powerful as the Mali Empire, but a terrifying existence that can destroy all the destroyers of the Mali Empire!

Is Equilibrium able to withstand such an offensive onslaught?
At this moment.

They finally understood the meaning of Zhou Ruonan's trembling eyes, and when they looked at my lord and witch, they saw the default meaning in their expressions.

Zhou Li'an didn't hold back anymore, he smiled and rubbed Zhou Ruonan's head: "You can always think of blind spots that others can't find..."

"I want to bestow grace on you. You can write it down. If you have any prayers and expectations in the future, I will satisfy you!"

Then, he turned to everyone: "Yes, the threat facing Equilibrium is not the Mali Empire you see today..."

"I have penetrated the future in the long river of time..."

"Just one year later, the real evil spirit will cross the strait and stretch out its evil tentacles for the first time, attacking 'Ceuta', a large trading port city in the extreme north of the old land of Africa."

"The war lasted only one day, and the city known as the strongest fortress in North Africa was completely captured and fell, and became an evil colonial land."

"Ruoyu just asked me, which one is stronger, Daming or Mali!"

"Then I want you to wait to think about it..."

"I will take you across the ocean to the old land, flying more than ten thousand kilometers; but if you, or the Mali Empire, can build a huge boat to achieve such a feat?"

Speaking of this, Zhou Li'an paused slightly, "And that Daming has already gone ahead of all the countries in the world..."

"This trip to the ocean is their fourth voyage!"

(End of this chapter)

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