Start North America 1400: nation building

Chapter 276 [275] Still not kneeling? !

Chapter 276 [275] Still not kneeling? !

Fei Xin and Ma Huan were very polite.

They already have the experience of visiting many countries, and just as they "sang" just now, the Ming Dynasty came from afar to show the sacred ritual of the great power.

How to show it?
Respect first and then soldiers!

Anyone who respects my great Ming will also be rewarded by His Majesty the Great Ming Emperor.

On the contrary, the Southeast Asian countries have tasted the taste of letting the Ming Fleet flex its muscles.

The Suganla who killed his father and usurped the throne in the small country called "Sumatra" is now in the ship prison and has become a sinner.

If this scene is placed in the eyes of anyone in the world, it will seem familiar.

Is there a world police?
The small country in Nanyang was in turmoil, and only a fleet of Ming Dynasty passed by, which influenced the power change of other countries.

He also turned the prince into a sinner of Daming.

Let me ask, how can the laws of the Ming Dynasty be governed in Sumatra?
But the fact is that strength comes first.

This is the fourth time that the Ming Fleet has made a mission to the West, and wherever it goes, it is unstoppable.

This is not only because of the current prosperity of Ming Dynasty, but also because of the influence radiation of previous generations.

Among the many small countries in Southeast Asia, the "Qin Overseas Chinese" is the most advanced.

If the local people commit the crime of murder, they must pay with their lives; but if the "foreigners" kill people, they only need to pay money to get rid of the crime.

Of course, the small country is not afraid that the ancient Eastern Congress will send troops to attack because of a few expatriates.

Because the overseas Chinese controlled the channels of maritime shipping and trade, the Eastern natives from the Tang, Song, Yuan and Ming Dynasties were definitely willing to do business with these overseas Chinese.

Silk, porcelain and tea in today's world;
It is similar to the lithography machines, semiconductors and chips of later generations.

Whoever holds the root of the economy has potential influence.

It's just that from the perspective of people in this era, there is no such far-reaching consideration.

But even so...

Beneath the "politeness" of Ma Huan and Fei Xin, there was also a hint of arrogance.

Because they know that Daming is invincible.

The so-called Deren is a "sounding" that only the strong can claim.

"I don't like them."

Zhou Ruoyu frowned slightly, always feeling an inexplicable discomfort.

With his whisper, a group of law monks nodded in agreement, because everyone felt the same way.

Tiaoyu seized the inspiration and said, "It's hypocrisy and dishonesty!"

When everyone heard it, they suddenly became enlightened.

Calling Deren, but implying arrogance, isn't it hypocrisy?

Gaza was taken aback when he heard this.

All the envoys don't like Daming people?
So what should they do?
However, before Gaza could speak, Tiaoyu ordered in a low voice: "Tell His Royal Highness and everyone not to reveal our identities!"

"Only in this way can we see the true knowledge of Daming."

Gaza breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and gave Qiaolan instructions.

Qiao Lan was also startled after hearing this: "Uncle Wang, what do you mean?"

"It's too late to explain, but everyone must be strictly ordered not to violate the will of the envoy!"

"As for the business with Daming, don't mention it now. Everything will be decided with a balanced will after our Lord's true god descends."

"Which is more important, His Highness should understand."

Qiao Lan gasped...

I was amazed in my heart.

It is the true God's will to welcome and wait for Daming, but you don't want to encounter a reversal now?
But even if there is no reminder from Gaza, he will make a decisive choice.

After all, it would be blasphemy to compare the true god with Daming.

"You wait for the order, and you must not reveal the identity of the envoy. Anyone who violates it will be punished with severe punishment."

The voice shouted three times and spread to the five boats.

The people were in an uproar, and immediately fell silent nervously.

And such a scene.

Fei Xin and Ma Huan saw it all.

They didn't understand Qiao Lan's scolding order, because...

"What are they talking about?" Fei Xin frowned.

Ma Huan shook his head: "It doesn't seem to be Da Shi language, but their local aboriginal language."

Fei Xin was suddenly nervous: "Is this Malindi man harboring malice?"

The words of the two also entered Gaza's ears.

Seeing that the situation was gradually turning weird, he knew he couldn't be negligent, so after asking Qiao Lan for instructions, he took a step forward——

"On behalf of the Lord of Malindi, I extend my sincere greetings and welcome to the envoy of Ming Dynasty."

"And the person next to me is the prince of the country, Your Highness Qiao Lan!"

"The Lord and His Highness have heard that the fleet of the Ming Dynasty Mission is approaching, and have arranged a banquet in the palace to entertain the noble missions from afar!"

After Gaza opened his mouth.

Everyone on the boat was stunned.

Ever since they drove to Mugudusu, they had never seen an Arab who could speak the Ming language.

In the Ming Dynasty, of course, there were a large number of Arab businessmen who could speak both languages, but their footprints were mostly limited to Guri and Ceylon.

After arriving in East Africa, they communicated with the Arabs with the help of their general translators.

"You know my Ming language? But have you ever been to a merchant in Daming?"

The tension between Fei Xin and Ma Huan was instantly dissipated, and their favorability increased significantly.

Gaza said: "My father was once a slave of the Yuan Lord, and later he was exiled here due to the turmoil. I have settled in Malindi until now. My father taught me everything I learned when I was young. I dare not forget it."

"Now, he has been promoted by the lord of the country to be an advisor to the kingdom."

Speaking of this, he faintly glanced at Tiaoyu and the others.

Seeing them nodding their heads slightly, my heart settled down.

Fei Xin laughed loudly: "Okay, I didn't expect to meet people who can speak my Ming language in this far western land, hurry up, follow me on board the treasure ship, and meet the Lord Zhengshi!!"

The small boat led the way and led them to a medium ship.

Climb first.

Who would have thought that these ships would be used as "ladders".

A group of people walk across the deck to the other side, and there will be another second-class big ship side by side. Just step firmly on the sampan to get on the bigger ship.

And when the big ship passed, another sampan was lowered, which happened to connect with the cabin of the third treasure ship.

The Malindi people were shocked.

Tiaoyu and others also marveled at the ingenious design of its mechanism.

"I didn't expect them to have such a design?"

Tiaoyu enables "encrypted communication".

Everyone froze for a moment, and then smiled, knowing that he probably spoke "Modoc".

Tiaoyu is from Mono, but he was the first to submit to Balance, and later became a cow dung guard. He not only learned the rules of language, but also almost learned the Modoc language.

There were more than a dozen people present, most of whom were monks from the Great Lakes region and the south who spoke the Utah-Aztec language.

But even so it doesn't matter.

Zhou Ruoyu's mother came from the tribes surrounding Hohokan City, and she practiced "trilingual education" since she was a child.

The laws of language, Modoc, and Aztec take it all.

He switched to the Aztec language to translate, and said: "Let's not talk about the creation of steel warships, but this Ming Dynasty ship is really powerful!"

On the other side, there was also a law monk in the central region who could speak both languages, and translated Zhou Yusheng from the Great Lakes region.

Zhou Yusheng said: "I am not contemptuous of Daming's ship accomplishments. Today's Daming is indeed much stronger than us. We should learn from Daming's advantages and make up for our own shortcomings."

"Praise..." Someone was almost at a loss for words, but immediately forbeared.

Everyone looked at each other and smiled, only silently praising Balance in their hearts.

It seems that such multilingual communication and translation is extremely complicated and cumbersome.

In fact, all the monks of the law have long been used to it.

The Kingdom of God is a great fusion of various tribes.

Most of the Temple Mount monks have the experience of serving the "Supreme Elder Hall" and have translated and communicated with the elders of the Kingdom of God.

Therefore, this "super-encrypted communication" comes at their fingertips.

The actions of a dozen people also attracted the attention of others.

Gaza was secretly startled, could this be a more profound divine language?
However, Gaza, Qiaolan and others did not dare to pay too much attention, and tried to divert their attention to cover up their identities for the envoy.

But it was their actions.

It also made Fei Xin and Ma Huan feel that something was wrong.

Fei Dao said, "Brother Ma Huan, did you notice that those people's looks are different?"

Ma Huan nodded heavily: "Found it!!"

"They are very similar to... yuan people!!!"

Fei Xin took a deep breath: "And the Malindi consultant said that he served Yuanzhu when he was young..."

"And then went into exile here."

"But I don't think so!!"

Ma Huan also gasped: "Brother Fei is saying...they are the remnants of the Yuan Clan?"

Since Zhu Yuanzhang, Ming people recognized the status of the Yuan Dynasty.

Because only in this way can there be what Zhu Di said later: "The sky hates his virtue, and the dynasty changes."

This dynasty is of course the Chinese dynasty.

Incorporating the Yuan into the orthodox category, Zhu Yuanzhang can raise the flag and say that "he took the world from the hands of the heroes of the world, not from the Mongols."

In a sense, this is a forced respect for the Han people.

The entry of the Yuan into the Central Plains does not mean that the Central Plains became the Mongolian Yuan, but that the Mongolian Yuan became a part of China.

Of course, after the mid-Ming Dynasty, the orthodox emperor order of the Yuan clan was still removed.

When the early "ZZ purpose" has been achieved, hidden modification can be done.

Then to the late Ming and early Qing.

Mi Qing also used this method to win the world, because only by being close to the Han people can the country be stable.

At this time, the hearts of the two were shocked.

After Ma Huan exclaimed, she was about to look back.

And Fei Xin had quick eyes and quick hands, grabbed his arm again, shook his head secretly, and signaled him not to act rashly.

"I have traveled all over the Western countries, and I also met General Meng Yuan by chance, who ruled one side and was the lord of a foreign country."

"It's just that I didn't expect that Malindi also has the Yuan family's footprints."

Ma Huan said again: "But if Malindi was created by the remnants of the Yuan Clan, why didn't Mu Gudushu and other national envoys say anything about it?"

"Also, what happened to Prince Malindi?"

Fei Xin frowned in thought, and said, "The Yuan family learned the essence of our Chinese civilization, and that's why they won the position of Grand Commander!"

"And after their defeat, they have to reflect on themselves."

"To establish a foothold in a foreign country overseas, it is natural to be cautious and support the puppet in power, so that you can hide the traces of the Yuan family and protect yourself."

"But the more this is the case, the more it proves that they have big plans."

"Do you remember that when I was waiting in the ancient country, I heard rumors that there were Mongolian merchant ships who went overseas and did not return."

"If you think about the author of 'Daoyi Zhilue' again, why did he set foot in Mugudusu area decades ago and write down his whereabouts?"

Hearing this, Ma Huan thought carefully and was terrified.

Although Wang Dayuan is a Han Chinese, he lives under the Yuan clan.

The Great Yuan Dynasty expanded its territory and operated overseas, but corruption was prevalent in the military, and there were many people who were self-reliant in foreign countries.

Wang Dayuan's visit to Malindi proved that there were people who passed this route in the Yuan Dynasty.

And now...

A dozen Yuan people were right in front of them, and everything made sense!

"Brother Fei, if we capture the remnants of the Yuan Clan, we will make great achievements!"

Fei Xin said again: "The remaining evils belong to the remaining evils, but the Yuan clan is dead, and the roots of the Yuan clan have already been sorted out."

"Even if this Malindi was really built by the remnants of the Yuan Clan, it's just some branches and collaterals. Otherwise, how could the palace books know nothing about it?"

"It depends on what plans they have!"

"If you want to surrender, let me, Da Ming, take the lead. This is also a good thing."

"But if there is a conspiracy... as you say, it is thanks to the heavens!"

"Look at me later and act with winks. You appease everyone, and I will pass on to the Master Zhengshi, and decide this matter with the ambition of all the masters."

Ma Huan trembled excitedly: "Good!"

They led the crowd through the middle cabin, all the way up.

While plotting, he also listened to the whispers of the "a dozen Yuan people".

The more obscure and incomprehensible they are, the brighter their eyes are——

"No mistake, although we can't understand the words, it must be the Mongolian language."

"The prince was still shouting at the surroundings just now, apparently to hide their identity as the master of Yuan Ren."

"And the Malindi people also vaguely respect the dozen or so people."

Ma Huan said: "How dare they board the ship so grandly?"

"So it depends on what their intentions are!"

Finally came to the upper deck.

Along the way, everyone could see the size of the cabin, with all the necessary facilities. A huge ship is like a palace on the sea.

Of course, although it is not magnificent, it is also amazing the magic of this creation technology.

When about to step out of the cabin.

Fei Xin paused, turned his face and said with a smile: "Your Highness, you also asked me to announce your arrival, Mr. Zheng Envoy, to show the etiquette of the Ming Dynasty Mission. I hope you will forgive me."

Fei Xin said while staring at Gaza's expression.

Seeing that Jiaza really glanced at the "dozens of people from Yuan Dynasty", some of them nodded slightly, and then he began to relay the translation.

In this regard, Fei Xin Mahuan's guess was confirmed.

Of course Prince Qiaolan had no objection.

Both sides reached a consensus.

Fei Xin quickly went to communicate.

Ma Huan is protected by a group of guards and sergeants, but he has no fear, only full of anticipation...

The tricks of these Yuan people will be exposed.

"It doesn't seem right!"

Tiaoyu felt something was wrong, mainly because Ma Huan's gaze was too naked.

"He seems a little hostile to us!"

"Why?" Zhou Ruoyu was at a loss, "Could it be that they recognized our identities? But since they recognize that we are the people who are balanced for our Lord, they should be more friendly to us."

Tiaoyu felt uneasy, but calmly reminded everyone on the surface: "If there is a change, don't be impulsive, I will deal with everything!"

"it is good!"


at last.

Na Feixin went back and forth, bringing a few middle-aged men with him.

It's just that these middle-aged men, without beards, appear a bit strangely feminine.

When those people entered the door, they immediately looked at Tiaoyu and the others, and then nodded at each other.

At this point, not only Tiaoyu, Zhou Wangshan, Zhou Yushang and others began to get nervous.

Fei Xin continued to pretend: "Okay, my lords are waiting on the deck, please follow me!"

His gesture of invitation.

The hatch to the deck is also open.

Zhou Wangshan said: "What should I do? Should I go or not?"

Tiaoyu said: "We are already on the boat, can we still escape! Hmph! I want to see what tricks these Daming people are going to play!"

As soon as he took a step, he walked straight ahead of the Malindi without any disguise.

Zhou Ruoyu and the others quickly followed.

Also at this time, the man with that feminine temperament said: "If we see through it, you don't plan to pretend? That's right! This is a wise move."

Everyone didn't respond.

When stepping on the spacious deck, the eyes suddenly become bright.

While they were still waiting to adapt to the light, they heard thunderous footsteps around them.

Another blink-

The entire deck was surrounded by nearly a hundred sergeants.

In the middle, another 30 people stood proudly, looking at them indifferently——

"Sure enough, it's the remnants of the Yuan Clan!!"

"I am personally bestowed by His Majesty the Emperor of Ming Dynasty, "Imperial Envoy Commander-in-Chief Eunuch"! Leading more than [-] Western soldiers to patrol overseas, it is not only to proclaim the holy ceremony of Ming Deren, but also to sweep away the name of China's unification. redundancy!"

The burly middle-aged man felt extremely oppressive, and his angry shouts were deafening.

And when his voice fell.

Another person stepped out behind him: "Seeing an imperial envoy is like seeing His Majesty the Emperor of Ming!"

"You are waiting for the remnants of the Yuan Clan, why don't you kneel down?!"

(End of this chapter)

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