Start North America 1400: nation building

Chapter 277 [276] I am the Immortal

Chapter 277 [276] I am the Immortal

Countless eyes are coming...

The officers and soldiers of the Ming Dynasty once again set up battles, and the Malindi people finally realized it later.

"What's going on? What's going on here?"

"Gaza, why are these Qin people angry?"

Qiao Lan suddenly exclaimed.

The group of guards who brought them all drew their short knives under their ribs, with cold sweat dripping from their foreheads, and they all put on a defensive posture.

Gaza is also panicked.

He understood the words of the person in front of him.

Like him earlier, the people of Daming actually regarded the envoy of balance as a "Yuanren".

Gaza understands the reason for the misunderstanding——

The appearances of the envoys are too similar to those of Yuan Dynasty.

After decades, Gaza can be "recognized at a glance", let alone these Ming people who took the world from the Yuan people.

But so far.

There is no need to question the identity of the envoy.

He suddenly took two steps forward...

But he heard the sound of "噗噢咙" sword being drawn, which scared him to a stop.

Gaza raised his hands high, knelt down again, and shouted: "Your envoy of the Ming Dynasty is clearly aware!"

"Misunderstandings are all misunderstandings!"

"Shenshi and others are not Yuan people, I can make an oath in the name of the true god!"

"If they were from the Yuan Dynasty, how dare they board the ship?"

Discourse on this.

Wang Jinghong, who was beside Zheng He, sneered, "Is it the remnants of the Yuan family? I can't recognize it?"

"The Yuan family has been passed down for several generations and died. Heaven hates its virtues. Now I have great blessings for the world..."

"When I was on a mission to the West, I saw that the members of the Yuan clan were ignorant, but they didn't make too much trouble!"

"As long as you explain the reason, and come back to the court with me, and wait to be dealt with, I, Emperor Yongle of the Ming Dynasty, will grant your people to live overseas permanently, and it is not impossible to divide the territory!"

Wang Jinghong did not talk big.

Just now, when Fei Xin reported the situation, several eunuchs hit it off quickly.

From Daming to Malindi, it took a whole year to go through untold hardships.

The sky is high and the road is far away, it is meaningless to kill all these Yuan people.

On the contrary, the purpose of this trip is to show the benevolence of Daming.

If the remnants of the Yuan Clan were to return to the dynasty and submit to Daming, it would be a "free" transaction if Daming granted them the title of land in a foreign country.

Since Daming has gained the magnanimous name, he also has an extra territory overseas, so why not do it?

This can be considered a feat of the Yuan Dynasty, expanding the territory, right?
North Korean and Chinese officials must write a special letter about this matter.

At the same time, in the eyes of everyone, this is also the best choice for Yuanren.

And most importantly...

"Since you took the initiative to board the ship, you must be the elders of your Yuan clan, and you also have the intention of showing favor to us!"

"I can make the decision and ask some of you to go back and explain the details, and then invite those who can really take charge to come!"

Having said that, Wang Jinghong paused again, "But before that, I will only ask you to wait one last time!!"

"Seeing the imperial envoy of the Ming Dynasty is like seeing His Majesty the Emperor!"

"Kneeling is not kneeling!!"

Toasts and fine wines are all placed on the table.

Daming "Deren" shows...

You see, we don't mean to make things difficult, as long as we are obedient, we can still get rewards.

From now on, I will no longer be frightened and hide my head and show my tail.

The officers and soldiers gathered on the deck also shouted at this time——

"Your Majesty!"

"Kneel down!!"

"Kneel down!!!"

Not long after the dynasty changed, these officers and soldiers still remembered their grandfather's hatred for the evil Yuan clan.

It's just that they were born too late, and they didn't have the glory of conquering the world with Zhu Yuanzhang.

But now, in this foreign land overseas, he has the opportunity to show off his strength and show off his might.

One by one is like pouring three big bowls, the breath is fast and frenzied.

Gaza paled.

How could the envoy kneel down to this Daming man?
He still wanted to explain.

However, Jumping Fish has already stepped forward.

In front of Wang Jinghong, Zheng He waved his hands vigorously, and the voices of the officers and soldiers on the deck gradually disappeared, and the flags and drums died down.

Tiaoyu sneered and glanced around: "The military order is so loose, so is Daming!"

"Presumptuous!" Another armored general stepped out, his name was Tang Jing, the commander of the Western Army. "Don't you know how your Yuan Clan was defeated? How dare you slander my Great Ming Bing!!"

Jumping fish ignored him.

Because Tiaoyu has already seen that the person who is really in charge is this unnecessary middle-aged man: "Why do you say that I am a Yuanren?"

Zheng He said: "What's the reason? Your appearance and bones are naturally raised, can you still fake it?"

Tiaoyu said again: "Can't there be human races with skeletons similar to Yuan people in this world?"

"Now that things are going on, you still have to argue?" Zheng He didn't understand.

They have been lenient, but this Yuan man is still messing around.

Tiaoyu said: "Then let me ask you, are the horses in Africa...that is, the coastal city-states the same as Daming's?"

"So what?"

"Then why is it so far away that horses can approximate it, but people can't?"

Tang Jing answered, snorting coldly: "There are also good and bad foals. A horse handler can tell the grade and type of a horse at a glance; you will be a foal if you wait for me, and I will be a horse handler if you wait for me!"

What else can jumping fish say.

Zheng He didn't give him a chance anymore, he took another step forward, pointed to the pattern on the chest of Tiaoyu's shirt and said, "Enough, I've finished my good words! The 'Taoist Taiji Picture' on your chest has already revealed Why are you waiting, why waste your time and time with me!!"

"When I went on a mission to the West, I saw that most of the Southeast Asian countries were Muslim and Buddhist; only a very small number of overseas Chinese from the former Song Dynasty mixed Taoism for worship."

"The farther you go to the west, there is no trace of Taoism, but you have a picture of Yin Yang and Tai Chi embroidered on your chest. There is no need to continue arguing about the origin of Taoism, right?"

After some words fell.

I thought the dozen or so Yuan people would be speechless.

Unexpectedly, their faces turned into ecstasy, as if they were crazy.

One of the children and teenagers exclaimed even more, stepped forward, and pointed to his chest: "Do you know this logo? Do you really know?"

Zheng He frowned, but still nodded.

However, they saw more than a dozen people from the Yuan Dynasty gathered together, and the "Mongolian language" they couldn't understand kept bursting out of their mouths——

"Sure enough, sure enough!"

"Our guesses have all been confirmed!"

"My lord Equilibrium did come to that ancient eastern country, bestowing grace and the profound meaning of laws!"

"You heard them say 'Taoism', this Tao...what else can it be? It must be the balanced Tao of our Lord!"

Zhou Wangshan took a deep breath, "Tiaoyu, let's reveal the truth for them!"

Before jumping fish could speak.

Zhou Ruoyu was already one step ahead: "I'll do it!"

He turned around and looked back, recalling in his mind the serious appearance of Wu and the third sister, who seemed to be serious, but in fact they were fierce:
"If we are Yuan people, what can we not admit?"

"But the fact is..."

"You are ignorant, and you have forgotten and abandoned the balance!"

"Equilibrium?" Someone muttered silently, not knowing what it meant.

The boy patted the logo on his chest and said, "Yes, Balance, this is the mark of Balance, and it is also the existence you call 'Tao'!"

"We are not that original person, but come from the 'new world' that you and others don't know."

"14 years ago, our Lord came in balance, bestowing blessings on the world, spreading brilliance, ordering the chaotic land, and making the suffering people happy. This is the new world of the Kingdom of Joy."

"And the Lord of Balance is the only true God in the world, the embodiment of all laws, rules and mysteries in the world!"

"Your ancient oriental country has been passed down for dozens of generations, and it has been enduring for a long time. It is the legacy of the profound meaning of the law bestowed by our Lord."


"Perhaps you offended the True God because of your crimes, and you became a people abandoned by God..."

"The will of balance is swallowed up by the long river of time, and gradually forgotten!"

"Also half a year ago, my lord gave a prophecy that you were about to sail from a long distance, so you led my servants and servants to come here more than a month ago!"

"This is your last chance, Daming, to seek redemption and forgiveness!"

"Now, do you understand?"

Zhou Ruoyu is very organized, because they have already had many guesses about Daming these days.

Now guesses are being recruited one by one, and the combination of all clues makes the truth ready to come out.

Everyone on the deck was dumbfounded.

New world?
Master of Balance?

The only true god in the world...

What is this all about!

But if you want to refute, you can't say anything, because the logic is in the hands of the other party, and the amount of information they keep is only Taoism.

Zheng He was also in a trance.

It's not that he is superstitious, but that ghosts and gods are revered in this era.

Zheng He's original surname was "Ma", and later he was given the surname Zheng by Zhu Di after he got it from Long; and his family believed in Islam for generations.

This is also the reason why Zhu Di took him as the leader to go to the west.

The Arabs overseas have the same origin as Islam.

In addition, because of the unpredictable wind and rain when going overseas, Daming begged all the gods he could ask for.

Zheng He received the precepts of Buddhist Bodhisattvas.

Also before his first mission, he was ordained in Taoist Chaotian Palace in Yingtianfu (Nanjing).

The Taoist priest of Chaotian Palace once gave him a few proverbs, all of which were fulfilled only on his first mission to the West, and then the danger was saved.

After returning to the court, Zheng He asked His Majesty to build a palace, title and erect a monument.

at the moment.

The certainty of Tiaoyu and others, as well as the strange appearance since they met, made him suspicious.

Of course there are countless liars in the world, but it is impossible to bring about the unity of will and subtle expressions of these dozens of people.

Not to mention there are children among them.

"Master, please make a judgment!" Wang Jinghong was also confused, unable to make up his mind.

However, another supervisor came and reported: "My lord, don't listen to demons and deceive people!"

"In the chaotic times at the end of the Song Dynasty and the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, there was Quanzhen Daoist Qiu Chuji who was active in the north, which made Taoism and Taoism merge and flourish."

"Later, Zhengyi followed the method of Quanzhen Confluence in the south to revitalize Longhu Mountain, and also connected with Yuanshi."

"Among the high officials of the Yuan Clan, there are many people who have converted to Taoism, so they can hear the true Dharma."

"Taoism advocates seclusion to benefit from the world, and travels in all directions."

"During the great prosperity at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, there were clan officials who took off their armor and traveled abroad, and then visited foreign countries overseas, where they settled down and took root. It is not impossible!"

"After hearing that the Yuan Clan collapsed, they naturally had to be cautious and make up an origin to confuse the public!!"


The fog seemed to be blown away by the sea breeze instantly.

The commander Tang Jing also heard the reason, and said angrily: "An dare to confuse the people! Take them down, and be in the same prison with Su Gan!"

The officers and soldiers on the deck moved wildly.

Also at this time.

Gaza got up angrily, and shouted: "Your Highness, protect the envoy, this Qin people blasphemed the true god and the envoy, and disaster will befall us. It's time for us to show our piety!"

Qiao Lan's face was shocked when he heard it, he was flustered and afraid, but also knew that he must not turn against him at this time.

Or to sacrifice his life in exchange for Malindi's prosperity.

He looked back at the land with a wry smile, and thought to himself: "After this incident, wouldn't my father have his wish fulfilled, and maybe he will be blessed with the grace of longevity?"

But things have come to this, he has no choice.

shout out—

"Protect the Angel!"

"When the true god comes, these hateful and despicable Ming people will be annihilated by God's punishment!!"

"Your relatives and family members will also be blessed!"

Qiao Lan also pulled out the broken blade under his ribs, and took the brunt of the guard in front of Zhou Ruoyu.

When a group of guards saw how noble and noble as a prince, His Royal Highness paid so much, their blood surged, and they cried like ghosts and howled like wolves——

"Come on, I want to kill a few before I die, and sacrifice to the true god!"

"Hahaha, those who dare to blaspheme the true god, their souls will be corroded by the endless sea water and turned into nothingness when they die!"

The Ming officers and soldiers were also shocked.

Unexpectedly, they were willing to tear their faces apart rather than submit to Daming, each of them was fearless of life and death.

Zheng He frowned, and said, "Even if you don't think about yourself, don't you think about these servants who have been deceived by you and are loyal to you?"

"If I lead the Western General Army to land, and more than a hundred treasure ships will bombard you with artillery, all your clansmen on the shore will also be wiped out."

"Even if there are one or two remnants left, who else will be loyal to you? I'm afraid I can't wait to eat you!"

Tiaoyu and the others were astonished.

They obviously revealed the truth, but this Daming man is so stubborn, he won't let go.

The pressure on Tiaoyu was huge, and the dozen or so people around him were monks from the Temple Mount, the mainstay of the Kingdom of God.

If it is damaged here, even if he dies, it may be difficult for the Lord God to forgive him after death.

Not to mention……

Zhou Ruoyu! !

The judge who climbed the mountain was his father;
The witch, the chief judge, and the deputy presiding judge are all his elder brothers and sisters.

Without mentioning the punishment after death, Tiaoyu can't explain to these people in the first place; he only feels that his soul is torn apart, and he will be reincarnated in guilt and pain after he is annihilated! !
Tiaoyu only hates, why didn't he pray for Zhou Ruoyu at the beginning, and brought Zhou Ruoyu with him when my lord and Wu left.

beside him.

The faces of Zhou Wangshan and others were also waxy, and there was no master in their minds.

And the officers and soldiers of the Ming Dynasty had pressed forward step by step, making the encirclement smaller and smaller.

Qiao Lan yelled: "Listen to my password, and I will cut off a few heads if I die!"

But I heard the crowd of onlookers in the distance switch to Arabic, shouting to Ma Huan, Fei Xin and others——

"Your envoy be careful, Prince Malindi will fight back with all his might! He speaks a Semitic language, only we can understand it!"

Qiao Lan stared angrily, recognized the man at a glance, and roared angrily: "Gulal of Mogadishu! You will die, your country of Mogadishu will be annihilated by God's punishment!"

"Hahahaha, Your Highness, I think you will die first!"

Ma Huan and others immediately translated the reminder.

The officers and soldiers of the Ming Dynasty also adjusted their formation, so that the guards with shields were in front.


What no one expected was...

A childish voice appeared, and even stepped forward, breaking away from Qiao Lan's protection.

On Zhou Ruo's immature face, there was a hideous and terrifying look, and he roared——

"I am the 'immortality' bestowed by our Lord Balance!"

"I will live for two hundred years, how can I die here, at the hands of this Daming man who blasphemed the true god and was abandoned by the true god?!"

He held his head up, his arms outstretched.

If this scene is turned into the bow of a boat, it will be a world famous painting of "King of the World".

Zhou Ruoyu tilted his head slightly again, and shouted——

"Brothers of Balance, have you forgotten the will of our Lord Balance?"

"My lord balances everything in the world, how can he not know our situation here?"

"It must be he;"

"It is the true God; the test and tribulation sent down to our people!"

"Anyone who is close to balance must also watch balance."

"Anyone who betrays the balance will also be betrayed by the balance!"

"Strengthen your heart and soul—"

"With me, call on His name!!"

The group of people looked shocked, their shame flashed away, and then they turned into fanaticism in an instant.

They stepped out one by one, blocked in front of the Malindi people, and shouted towards the sky——

"My lord above..."

"Praise you, praise the equilibrium!"

"Please send down the divine punishment of annihilation to this blasphemer, so that the gate of the afterlife will no longer attract their spirits..."

"Balance, balance!!"

"Balance exists between all things!!"

 Maybe it’s a sheep, and my body is weak and sore; I’m about to cry after I finish writing this chapter, and I ask the Lord to bless me, so that disasters and diseases will stay away from me! !

(End of this chapter)

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