Start North America 1400: nation building

Chapter 327 [326] The guest of honor

Chapter 327 [326] The guest of honor


Wang Jinghong laughed sinisterly;
He was not a good person.

Walking in the palace, His Majesty will hold him in high regard again, not to mention participating in politics from the third rank, and the senior officials of the second rank will be courteous to him when they see him.

That is to say, after walking on the sea for these years, he lost his sense of existence, making some people feel that he is good again, or he has forgotten his name, Wang Jinghong!
More than a dozen eunuchs and servants spoke out at the same time, and the pressure exerted was far more terrifying than the imperial envoy Zheng He.

"Don't hurt your family and clan by mistake."

When these words fell, the government affairs hall seemed to be covered with a layer of blood, and it seemed that hundreds of dead souls were wailing on the execution ground.

"You, you..." Mr. Chen was frustrated, he couldn't breathe, he staggered a few steps back, and fell into the chair.

The rest of the Quanzhou government officials also sat upright, trembling.

Zheng He then smoothed things over: "My lords, it's not that I'm trying to overwhelm others. Although the words of Mr. Wang are harsh, it's also for your sake..."

He spoke smoothly.

But when combined with Wang Jinghong's threat, it becomes even more unusual and not a joke.

"Haha, misunderstanding, it's all misunderstanding." The Quanzhou prefect spoke out to persuade him, "Today is a happy day, Lord Chen and Lord Wang, let's not make trouble."

Someone handed over the steps, Master Chen's expression finally softened.

Wang Jinghong didn't put the other party in his eyes, and smiled happily: "It's considered that we don't know each other without fighting."

"Yes, yes, yes." Quanzhou government officials quickly echoed to resolve the embarrassment.

Zheng He took advantage of the situation to change the topic: "I'll wait for a year or two, will there be any major events in the DPRK and China?"

Master Chen cleared his voice, and said eloquently:

"There was chaos in the north, and after Oala surrendered to Ming Dynasty, he was able to breathe, but he didn't appreciate His Majesty's kindness. He had a different intention, and he was already annexing Tatar, and blocked our northwest passage of Daming..."

"Your Majesty was so furious that he went out to conquer Wala at the beginning of February last year."

"By the end of June, Hu Lan lost his victory, killing nearly ten thousand people, and even dozens of princes and nobles died in battle."

"Your Majesty's decree, announced the success report to Arutai as a warning; the various tribes of Wala were afraid of the majesty of the Great Tomorrow Army, Arutai sent envoys to the court, and planned to re-negotiate the enshrinement."

"All the justices in the DPRK and China are discussing how to ask for a price..."

"In addition, in May of this year, the entire section of the Huitong River will be dredged, and the imperial court will reopen water transportation and abolish sea transportation, which will save a lot of transportation loss."

"From then on, disturbances in the north are no longer a threat, and soldiers and rations can be transported through the canal!"

"Stunning, I'm Ming..."

Master Chen spoke excitedly and danced.

There were also cheers and praises in the Political Affairs Hall.

Zheng He and Wang Jinghong looked at each other, but they had other judgments in their hearts.

Arutai's feigned surrender is already a common practice. If Hulan suddenly loses temperature and really wins, with His Majesty's disposition, he will definitely sweep away the worries in the north, and will not leave the seeds of resurgence.

Let alone talk about paying tribute.

It is obvious that this battle is costly and costly, and it is time to stop the war.

The Huitong River broke its embankment during the Hongwu period, and the sediment of the Yellow River rushed into the downstream canal, causing the river to be silted up. Since His Majesty had long planned to move the capital, the impassable river made it difficult for Shuntian Prefecture to rise.

River dredging is of course a good thing;
However, you must know that in order to accomplish this, the vitality of the imperial court was greatly damaged;
The combination of wars and river courses is extremely heavy.

It can almost be seen that all the Western treasures and treasures obtained during this trip will be used to fill the holes.

Then the resolution of "Going to the West again" should have been in His Majesty's heart, to collect money overseas.

However, today is different.

The kingdom of God is established overseas! !

How to deal with the relationship between Balance and Daming has become a problem again.

The two reached a tacit understanding, and didn't say much, just followed the crowd's joy and praised His Majesty and Daming's divine power.

Only a kind of epiphany arises spontaneously in my heart, as if there is a majestic voice in the dark——

"All suffering in the world is false prosperity!"


The hustle and bustle of the city continued, filled with a festive atmosphere.

Everyone is talking about what treasure Zheng He brought back;
There are also wealthy and wealthy merchants in the city who open their stores, transport meat, rice oil, and vegetables to the port, and donate them to the fleet officials and people free of charge, gaining a great reputation.

All the money spent was donated by members of the Chamber of Commerce, and the title of the book was presented to the hall at the banquet tonight.

At the same time, the amount of donation also means the threshold of entry tonight.

Dong Chengfeng risked all his money and donated a one-month bonus. The general received two invitations, and immediately turned back to announce the good news.

The small courtyard by the river is quiet and elegant.

He excitedly yelled, startling a burst of birds.

"Fulfill your mission, Brother Zhou, I got the invitation!"

Zhou Li'an got up from the recliner and thanked him: "Brother Dong has spent money, when will we start? I will let Mr. Mo prepare the carriages and horses."

"When you come to the door, but the carriage is not easy to go, then the rich households in the whole city will gather, and the roads will be blocked."

Five p.m.

Dong Chengfeng changed into an outfit and arrived, Zhou Li'an and Xuenv also dressed up briefly, just wearing the clothes of ordinary rich people, and put a veil on Xuenv.

And remind her, don't make any more waves.

The three of them traveled together to Siyi Pavilion, and the journey was really busy, far less convenient than their travel.

Zhou Li'an smiled and said, "Brother Dong comes here every year, is it because he has gained experience?"

Dong Chengfeng said helplessly: "Every year, I haven't achieved anything. I only hope that this year can make some progress, but I think it's mysterious..."

"The very rich all send a lot of money to the door, which will increase the appetite of the nobles. When it comes to business, we put profit first, and it is not our turn to small merchants to facilitate transactions."

Xuenv said: "Then why does Shopkeeper Dong keep coming every year?"

"It's always necessary to maintain decency."

"If others come, I will not come. Other merchants will think that I am stingy in donating money, or that there is a problem with the account flow, and I am ashamed of my pocket."

"If the dignity is gone, no one will want to do business with me!"

"What's more, I'm also looking forward to which time I will be lucky."

Zhou Li'an smiled and patted him on the shoulder: "Maybe it's today!"

"Brother Zhou, why do you have to make fun of me?"

"Hehe, you know my background. You and I have known each other for more than a month. I know you as a human being. If it is a sea trade route, I can help you find a few avenues..."

"Ah, this..."

As soon as Dong Chengfeng stopped walking, his face turned red in an instant, and he even had shortness of breath: "Young Master Zhou, you, are you telling the truth?"

"I, I admit that when I first met you, I thought of betting because I saw Mr. Zhou's extraordinary appearance;"

"But as Young Master Zhou said, you and I have been together for more than a month, and I cherish our friendship even more, and I no longer covet anything."

"This, this really shames me!"

He revealed his true feelings, and he couldn't do anything under Zhou Li'an's nose.

If it weren't for his character, he wouldn't be "open and honest".

"Brother Dong, you don't need to be called a son. You and I are still called brothers. Let's see the situation today. Even if you don't receive much goods, I will guarantee you a bright future."

"Brother Zhou, please be respected by my brother..."

He bowed and was naturally supported by Zhou Li'an.

Xue Nu smiled and said nothing, thinking in her mind how the master should take care of this person.

Before coming to the mansion, there are Quanzhou manor guards guarding him, and no invitations are allowed.

After the three showed it, they entered easily.

Compared with Dong Chengfeng's small fights, the extravagance of the rich is huge.

Some accompanied more than a dozen servants, and even carried heavy gifts to congratulate the Western imperial envoys.

Accompanied by daughters and female relatives, see if you can hit the big luck and marry into a wealthy family.

There are not only eunuchs in the fleet, there are hundreds of officials at all levels, dozens of important positions, and nearly a hundred commanders and governors, not to mention the one hundred households.

And Tobe Langzhong and others...

In addition, eunuchs also have "step-sons" or nephews, who can enter the door of the powerful and expand their business routes.

Dong Chengfeng didn't dare to think so much before, but now there is no need to think about it.

Mr. Zhou stopped pretending, it's a showdown!

At today's dinner party, he doesn't need to flatter and flatter, he just needs to accompany Zhou Li'an well, and great things will be accomplished.

"The banquet is set up in the water pavilion, and the Siyi Pavilion is the banquet hall, but we probably won't be able to enter."

Zhou Li'an said: "It's okay, just take a look!"

Soon after, sunset and dusk.

Lanterns are lit everywhere, reflecting the waves of waterside pavilions, creating an extraordinary artistic conception.

When night falls, there will be hosts and guests present.

There was an uproar at the scene——

"This trip has many more envoys than before!"

"There may be no more seats in the Siyi Pavilion!"

"Yes, didn't you see that tables and chairs have been set up outside the building? This is our good opportunity!"

as predicted.

Envoys from some small countries sat outside the building instead of entering the building.

The rich businessmen almost swarmed up, bringing their own translators, and went to check their faces.

A group of foreign visitors, where have I seen such an enthusiastic local tyrant.

After a while, gifts were piled up in front of everyone, both flattered and feeling good.

It is said that there are policies above and countermeasures below.

If you don’t open the sea ban, then let the foreign guests of the Siyi Pavilion bring the goods, and do high-end business, focusing on quality and not quantity...

Starting with rare treasures from overseas, they can also be sold at sky-high prices and earn a lot of money.

The building was full.

The Lord finally appeared.

Zheng He and his party led the envoys of great powers into the building.

Then the etiquette officer called out loudly——

"'Mulaga Kingdom' sent princes and princesses to pay homage to Daming..."

"The lord of 'Champa', send the emperor's relatives and ministers to thank Daming for his assistance..."


Every time I go to a country, the guests in the courtyard are greeted with loud applause.

The roll call lasted half an hour, and ended with Malindi: "Western Malindi Kingdom, sent prince Qiaolan, national teacher Gaza and other courtiers to visit Daming for the first time, bringing dozens of rare and exotic animals, more than a hundred boxes of gold, silver and jewelry, I want to form a state of friendship with Daming!!"


The scene was shocked, and there were exclamations again and again.

Some people saw the excitement at the scene, but didn't understand what it meant: "Is the Malindi Kingdom famous? Why did everyone react so violently!"

"What's famous, haven't you heard? It's the first time the Kingdom of Malindi visited Daming..."

"So what? There are several other countries just now, which is also the first time."

"Don't you understand yet? How have the other countries been introduced in such detail, and the names of princes, national teachers, and the names of the gift lists are also mentioned?"

"More importantly..."

"This is a visit, and what other countries are, it is a pilgrimage to the majesty of Ming Dynasty!"

"The Kingdom of Malindi must be a powerful and giant country in the West, otherwise how could He De be so valued and treated specially!"

"Look, people are coming!"

All eyes gathered.

I saw a group of Malindi people and their guards, led by several eunuchs, walk through the banquet hall and enter the main building.

And the Malindi people also raised their heads and raised their chests, their arms were imposing, and their steps were far more confident than others.

Envoys from other countries were not allowed to enter the main building, but the guards of the Kingdom of Malindi were invited into the building.

"No mistake, this is the guest of honor!"

"Whoever is able to get in touch with the distinguished guests of Malindi will surely have a prosperous fortune and pass through the Western trade routes..."

"Even if the imperial court strictly prohibits the sea, and all overseas commerce is carried out by imperial envoys, if the Kingdom of Malindi asks for it, it may be possible for the imperial court to show mercy."

There were many discussions in the audience.

Dong Chengfeng was shocked: "I don't know where the Malindi Kingdom is located, whether it is as strong as my Ming Dynasty..."


Xue Nu couldn't help laughing out loud, which attracted Dong Chengfeng's attention: "Miss Si Nuo is making fun of you again."

But she couldn't explain it.

However, Zhou Li'an said: "Malindi should not be as prosperous as Daming City."

"How is it possible? If that's the case, how can you get such courtesy?"

"Could it be..." Dong Chengfeng widened his eyes and looked at Zhou Li'an, "Master Zhou knows Malindi?"

Zhou Li'an smiled lightly: "Hehe, the previous generation Wang Dayuan wrote about Daoyi Zhilue, and he went to the deepest part of the Western Ocean. Among them is the wooden bone Dushu just mentioned."

"If there really is a powerful and powerful country in the deepest part of the Western Ocean, why is it not mentioned in the book?"

Dong Chengfeng half-understood: "I have heard of the name Wang Dayuan before, but the Daoyi Zhilue should be rarely circulated. If there is a chance, I must find a copy."

"Dong is ashamed, he is far less knowledgeable than brother Zhou."

When everyone was discussing about Malindi.

roll call again --

"The imperial envoy is here!"

"And invite the honored guest to take the seat!"

Swish swish.

Everyone stood up, both expecting and surprised.

Your ambassador?Why is there still an envoy?

Moreover, he was traveling with the imperial envoy, and he had to be seated at the top.

But the question is, why is there no name for its origin?

Among the doubts, people have arrived.

When they saw the appearance of this person, everyone was even more surprised: "Yes, it is the frivolous boy on the pier today..."

"Why is there a girl half her age..."

"Hey, why do these people look like descendants of the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty, and their facial features are quite fierce!"

At the same time, a scene that shocked everyone even more happened.

The Malindi people who had already entered the building turned around and came outside the building to greet them, and even made a gesture of asking for obeisance.

It was still the leader who stopped him with his movements, so they walked towards them quickly, and then followed behind with lowered eyebrows.

The strange scene caused a sudden silence in the field.

When everyone came back to their senses, a group of people had already disappeared in the building...

"Where did the messenger come from?"

"The imperial envoy is accompanying him, and the envoys of the Kingdom of Malindi attach great importance to it..."

"Could it be that the descendants of the Mongol Yuan established a country overseas? The momentum is huge, and now they want to rebuild their rift with Daming?"

There was constant speculation at the banquet, and everyone remembered the scene just now, deeply imprinted in their hearts.

But only Zhou Li'an and Xuenv knew.

Although Malindi is weak, he has been regarded as part of the balance by Zheng He and others.

They have 1 guts, and they don't dare to say that they let the disciples of Balanced people pay homage to Daming, and that's what happened just now.

As for the identities of Tiaoyu and the others, whether they can be concealed or not.

Even after sailing for several months, the envoys of various countries probably know the name of the "Envoy of God", but they don't know where this "Envoy of God" comes from, and what is so special about it.

The miracles appeared only in the countries of Malindi and Mugudushu.

Prince Qiaolan issued a gag order again, no one dared to disobey!
At this point, all the guests are seated.

Shouts from upstairs—

"Congratulations to Master Daming on his triumphant return, and to celebrate the visit of envoys from various countries;"

"May the rites and music civilization of the Ming Dynasty shine brightly in other lands, so that everyone in the world will practice benevolence and righteousness..."

"Please invite guests from all directions to drink this cup to the full!"

wow wow wow.

Everyone stood up, raised their glasses and drank wildly——

"Chitose (cheers)!"

(End of this chapter)

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