Start North America 1400: nation building

Chapter 328 [327] Mr. Zhou mistaken me!

Chapter 328 [327] Mr. Zhou mistaken me!

When a glass of wine is drunk.

The night sky actually resounded through the roar, attracting attention;
I saw bright fireworks blooming from the direction of the harbor pier, and there was another round of enthusiastic cheers.

Soon after, music was played from upstairs, and the dishes were served on the table.

"Brother Zhou, Miss Si Nuo."

"Dong Mou offers you a toast, please..."

Pushing a cup to change a cup, the atmosphere is just right.

And in the main building of Siyi Pavilion, loud laughter came from the hall several times, which caused the people outside the building to raise their heads frequently and eagerly.

Dong Chengfeng smiled wryly at this scene.

Xue Nu asked curiously, "Why does shopkeeper Dong show such an expression?"

Dong Chengfeng said: "When I think about the past, I am just like them, full of fantasies about the unreachable things."

Banquets are boring, but what is interesting is the variety of things in this world.

Zhou Li'an took a sip of rice wine and said, "Expand and talk about it?"

Dong Chengfeng turned his body sideways, and then said eloquently: "The ones who enter the main building are all extremely rich."

"They are close to the water, and they can facilitate business opportunities."

"However, anyone who can enter the banquet here will also have a chance. Brother Zhou and Miss Si Nuo, if you look at the expressions of the guests outside the building, you should be able to find something."

Zhou Li'an swept his eyes away, and then focused on the laughter and laughter in the building, and he had the answer in his heart.

Just as she was about to speak, she was robbed by Xue Nu: "My lord, don't reveal the answer yet, let Si Nuo guess!"

Xuenv likes this kind of test the most, she covers her face with a veil, leaving only a pair of bright eyes rolling around.

Dong Chengfeng couldn't help laughing at this, and seeing Zhou Li'an's implementation, he did not hesitate to praise: "Brother Zhou is observant."

Snow Maiden continued to observe.

It wasn't until a moment later that he didn't understand: "The guests outside the building don't seem to have any intention of having a banquet?"

"That's right!" Dong Chengfeng clapped his hands and asked again: "Then what do you think they are waiting for?"

"Wait?" Xue Nu pondered.

Zhou Li'an smiled and said, "Brother Dong has narrowed down the scope of the answer."

Xue Nu's eyes became brighter, and she suddenly said: "Are they waiting for the envoys to come out of the building?"

Dong Chengfeng nodded, and then he revealed the answer: "People have three urgencies. When you have a drink, you must always do what is convenient."

"When the envoys leave the building, they will have the opportunity to make friends and chat."

"This is also a kind of convention;"

"It gave the people outside the building a chance."

Zhou Li'an shook his head and sighed: "Cruel."

Dong Chengfeng and Xuenv looked at him, neither understood what he meant, the former said: "Brother Zhou, what do you mean by that?"

Zhou Li'an said: "Has anyone really taken this opportunity to promote business opportunities over the years?"

"Eh..." Dong Chengfeng was embarrassed, but nodded again: "Yes, but there was only one person; but he entered Beijing with the envoy later, and he seemed to have started business there, so he lost track of him."

"Hehehe, why do you think the news has been lost? If that person has really achieved something, how can there be no news at all?"

"You two need to know one thing..."

"No one cares about the poor living in the busy city, but the rich have distant relatives in the mountains!"

The words fell.

The expressions of the two were shocked, as if they had been enlightened.

Xuenv almost wanted to praise the proverbs given by my lord, while Dong Chengfeng recited and read them several times...

Then, he suddenly raised his wine glass: "Thousands, brother Zhou! What you said in this sentence is to see through the mundane nature of the world, drink it!"

Zhou Li'an clinked glasses with him and drank it down.

This excerpt of verses originally came from the Ming Dynasty, and was included in "Zeng Guang Xian Wen" in the Wanli period. The specific author cannot be tested.

Xue Nu said again: "My lord, why do you say cruel?"

Zhou Li'an: "Let's take the 'lucky guy' as an example first. How do you think his ending will be?"

"Master, you mean he's dead?"

"Longtan and Tiger's Den in the capital, how can a merchant from Quanzhou be able to do it?"

"Perhaps you say that there is a principle of first come, first served, but this is also the reason why I said cruel."

"Every man is innocent, but he is guilty."

"It is also said that there is a 'conventional convention' outside the building. The people inside the building have power and power. They could have monopolized all business opportunities in one fell swoop, but they want to show a sense of benevolence and morality and give the outside of the building a slim hope. In fact, they are completely playing with these people in applause. ..."

"Isn't this cruel? Like a desert traveler, on the verge of extinction, seeing the oasis in the desert in the distance is the hope of life, but when you get closer, you suddenly find that it is just a mirage!"

"The rules made by mortals are all for the benefit of a small number of people, and all living beings can only be reduced to suffering."

"Maybe the grassroots of the past dynasties rose up and broke the old system, but in the end it was just a reincarnation."

Xue Nuxiu frowned: "This is evil and false, and it should be treated by God..."

"Hehehe." Zhou Li'an interrupted her with laughter.

Then he turned to look at Dong Chengfeng: "So Brother Dong understands?"

Dong Chengfeng took a deep breath, cupped his hands and said, "Dong has never served anyone in his life, except Brother Zhou."

The three continued to chat, and talked about the current situation of Ming Dynasty, explaining the profound things in simple terms.

It is not only to add fun to the wine table, but also to train two people.

With real cases, Xuenv can comprehend more deeply;
As for Dong Chengfeng, since he had to point out a business route for him, he would also use this person in the future.

On the other hand, the people outside the building were still looking forward to the entrance of the main building.

It's like a group of people entrenched in front of the lottery data chart all day long, trying to study the sequence of numbers that make them rich overnight.

Two dollars can open the door to 500 million wealth.

It is almost the same as the donation of banquet tickets here.

eight pm.

The atmosphere became more and more enthusiastic, and guests from upstairs began to go out.

People outside the building swarmed up, trying to intercept a chance of luck.

And with Zhou Li'an's advice.

Xue Nu and Dong Chengfeng just enjoy it as "interesting performances"...

It's not gloating, it's just a mixed feeling of pity for the world.

Dong Chengfeng gradually became drunk, maybe he looked at the crowd, or saw his former self, turned his head and said: "Brother Zhou, Miss Si Nuo, let's leave the table, I will go back to the small courtyard with you tonight, and have a few more drinks. Isn't it more suitable than the atmosphere here?"

Zhou Li'an smiled and said, "Why do you want to leave before the business is done?"

"Business?" Dong Chengfeng was stunned, "What business?"

"You don't want to look for business opportunities overseas?"

"But Brother Zhou didn't mean that he would help... Wait, I didn't mean that. I said earlier that no matter whether Brother Zhou helps me or not, I cherish our friendship very much."

Zhou Li'an patted him: "Since I made a promise, I will implement it. Wait a little longer. Drink a few cups of tea and sober up, so as not to miss the big event that will be waiting."

Dong Chengfeng was troubled by alcohol;

And he had no doubts about Zhou Li'an, and he was extremely convinced.

Taking advantage of this time, Xue Nu whispered: "My lord, do you want him to recognize Tiao Yu?"

"Then why don't I show the truth directly?"

"That is?"

"Turn it around a bit."

"So, Malindi?"

Zhou Li'an nodded in recognition.

Regardless of Da Ming's attitude towards the balance, Malindi, who has been regarded as a member of the balance, will definitely not be treated coldly, at least not on the surface.

Using this as an intermediary, it is good to test each other, and indirectly strengthen Malindi and support its rise in East Africa.

Even if Daming does not do business with him, he will not dare to obstruct the deal between Malindi and Dong Chengfeng.

On the contrary, Dong Chengfeng is from Daming, just like Zhou Li'an represented Malindi, and Dong Chengfeng is the agent of Daming.

If Dong Chengfeng succeeds, the next step is to "push" it to another "balance agent" Song Feiyin.

Using Malindi and Dong Chengfeng to promote the wealth of business routes can also help Song Feiyin rise in Nanyang.

Of course, this is still a story.

Main upstairs.

More and more foreign envoys get drunk and come to the courtyard for a walk, or go to the Gong's room for convenience.

People outside the building greeted him immediately, flattering and flattering.

At this moment, Zhou Li'an said to Dong Chengfeng: "Brother Dong, I will teach you a foreign language from overseas, you follow me!"

Dong Chengfeng was confused, and only responded: "Okay."



"Wrong, it's %%¥..."



Zhou Li'an took the trouble and taught it dozens of times.

In fact, it is just a sentence sentence, mainly to correct the accent.

Half an hour later, Dong Chengfeng had spoken in a correct voice.

Knowing the will of my lord, Xue Nu kept watching the building, and immediately said after the familiar figure appeared, "Here we come! It's Gaza!"

Zhou Li'an then pulled Dong Chengfeng and said: "Brother Dong, tell that sentence I just taught you in front of that envoy, and he will talk to you..."

Dong Chengfeng had already sobered up quite a bit at this time, he was taken aback for a moment, and then realized: "Brother Zhou, what you just taught me is Malindi language? You have indeed been there..."

Zhou Li'an smiled without saying a word.

When Dong Chengfeng was excited, he stopped asking questions and said instead: "But with this one sentence, can things really happen?"

Xue Nu said: "Master Dong, the young master is only facilitating an opportunity for you, and you will have to rely on yourself for the rest!"

"But Shopkeeper Dong has to make an oath that you must not reveal anything about your son and me!"

"No matter who asks you, where did this word come from, you must say..."

"There is a feeling in the dark, as if seeing the light descending!"

"Do you remember?"

Seeing Miss Si Nuo's serious expression, Dong Chengfeng knew that the key here was of great importance. After reading it silently for a few times, he nodded heavily: "Young Master Zhou and Miss Si Nuo help me. No matter whether this matter can be accomplished or not, I will not reveal anything."

"I made an oath, and if I violate it, I will be struck by thunder!"

Zhou Li'an stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder again: "Brother Dong, you need to adapt to the situation in the future..."

"Go quickly." He pouted at Gashan who had just come out of the building, "Don't miss this opportunity."

Dong Chengfeng looked over, of course he was a little apprehensive.

But he was sure that Brother Zhou would not lie to him.

"Brother Zhou, Miss Si Nuo, I'm going!"

"it is good."

He took another sip of his wine and strode away.

At this moment, Zhou Li'an did not stop, "Let's go, we should leave too!"

Xue Nu said: "Leave? Young Master, we are leaving Nanjing...but we haven't said goodbye to Shopkeeper Dong yet."

"Zheng He won't stay in Quanzhou for too long. As for Dong Chengfeng...if there is a destiny, we will meet in the capital."

One master and one servant, they left quietly, without making a sound.


Once Gaza appeared, it was besieged;
Of course, the so-called encirclement is only a few steps away to ask the noble envoys to stay, and everyone dare not offend the foreign envoys.

When Dong Chengfeng came into the crowd, he felt apprehensive again, and looked back.

But at this time, there are still no figures of Mr. Zhou and Miss Si Nuo;

Ears are full of noise:

"My lord, I am the owner of Fumen Company, and I invite you to have a chat and have a drink together."

"My lord, I have a treasure here, and I want to dedicate it to you."


Gaza has been a state teacher for some time and is used to being sought after by others;
However, he had never seen such a sight tonight.

Not to mention inside the main building.

The guests all come to persuade them to drink, flattering and flattering constantly;

It still made him dream back decades ago, when he was still a child, he saw Chairman Yuan, a group of guests chasing and praising Yuan Lord.

He never thought that he could have today.

Even if it is as powerful as Ming Dynasty, no matter the imperial envoys, state government officials, or the wealthy and merchants, they all treat him with courtesy.

This situation is like falling into a dream, unable to extricate itself.

And he also knew that everything he gained was due to Malindi's status as the national teacher, and everything Malindi gained was due to balance.

One should be a wealthy businessman, after all, he is also a low-level existence.

He had agreed earlier than His Royal Highness that he would only directly connect with the Ming court and the fleet, with hundreds of treasure ships as the basis for shipping, which would surely allow Malindi to earn endless wealth and grow himself.

Therefore, none of the wealthy inside the building could succeed in him, let alone the small merchants outside the building.

He obviously could speak Chinese, but pretended that he could not understand the language, and ordered the guards to escort him to go there as soon as possible.


Before he could take a few steps, there was a shout amidst the noise——


Only in this moment.

Gaza's footsteps stopped suddenly, his expression was in a trance, he thought it was an auditory hallucination, or the shouts of the Malindi people beside him.

But when he turned his head, all the guards also showed shock and bewilderment.

Because, the words are Malindi dialect, which belongs to the branch of Swahili language...

"Which one of you is calling?" he asked the others.

The guards all shook their heads in denial.

Seeing them stop, the chasing guests became even more enthusiastic: "Master, please talk to me."

"Your envoy, I also have treasures as gifts..."

Everyone didn't understand what it meant, why the national teacher stopped.

Only Dong Chengfeng was shocked...

"it works!"

"Really useful!"

In ecstasy, he didn't delay any longer, and squeezed through the crowd with all his strength, and came within the safe distance deliberately kept between the crowd and the Malindi mission.

His sudden appearance aroused the wrath of the guards of Daming who were about to lead the way——

"Go back!"

"What do you want to do, dare to offend your envoy!"

Dong Chengfeng was terrified in his heart, but at this point, he had no choice but to fire!
He closed his eyes and yelled——


His voice was hoarse, and he shouted out a little bit of anger.

How dare the guards of Daming let him mess around, shouted: "Be careful of the assassin, take this person down!!"


It was at the moment when the voice fell.

A figure rushed out.

The old man in his sixties grabbed Dong Chengfeng's shoulders with both hands: "%...¥???"

As a result, the guards of Daming who were about to strike stopped their movements.

Dong Chengfeng could feel the pain in his shoulders, but seeing the surprise and shock on the old man's face, he knew that he should have passed the previous level.

But the problem is...

He couldn't understand what the old man said at all, so he could only bite the bullet and re-speak the foreign language taught by Mr. Zhou——


After the old man heard this, tears filled his eyes, and he folded his hands on his chest, praying quietly and deeply——

"Praise my lord, praise balance!"

In the rear, a Malindi guard also made the same gesture in Malindi language——

"Praise the Lord, praise..."

"Equilibrium exists among all things!"

At this point, Gaza did not delay any longer, and asked in Malindi, "Are you also a believer in Kinkou, are our brothers and sisters?"

"Otherwise, why would you know the balance and praise His holy name even more?!"

Naturally, Dong Chengfeng didn't understand foreign languages, so he could only continue to use the obscure pronunciation of temporarily hugging Mr. Zhou's feet: "Praise balance!"

Gaza was stunned for a moment, and all the guards were also stunned.

But the former has already been understood, and it has been changed into Chinese——

"You only know this sentence?!"

Dong Chengfeng finally understood, and nodded blankly: "Yes, I, I know this sentence..."

Gaza was unbelievable, yet inexplicable: "Then do you know the meaning of this sentence? Or is it spoken in Chinese?"

Dong Chengfeng shook his head: "Ah, I don't know, and I can't."

Just at this moment.

The original atmosphere of "seeing each other and hating it late" has taken a sharp turn for the worse.

Dong Chengfeng seemed to feel a chill in his body on this July day, which made him shiver uncontrollably.

Also in the next moment.

Imperial Master Malindi took a step back abruptly, furiously pointed at Dong Chengfeng: "Take this person down!"


The guards of Daming rushed forward, only pressing Dong Chengfeng to the ground, restraining his hands and feet.

He exclaimed in pain, almost calling out the name of Young Master Zhou;

But remember the oath earlier;

The only way to bear it again is to cry in my heart——

"Master Zhou, Miss Si Nuo!!"

"Where are you……"

"Zhou, Mr. Zhou missed me!!"

(End of this chapter)

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