Chapter 155

Disguise Armor.

Peak Survival Pod.

Super mecha...

energy weapon...

All of these are cutting-edge products, which have firmly grasped the eyes and souls of people in Grayland.

As far as the disguise armor alone is concerned.

There are at least [-] Graylanders walking on the streets and passing through various places in Meditation City.

They are no longer covered in black robes and wrapped in black robes, but show a variety of handsome, glamorous, masculine, or pure appearances.

For a moment, the streets and alleys of Meditation City are full of life!
For many years, there has been no such vitality in the Gray Realm.

For so many long years, people in the gray realm have suffered so much for survival and resources, fighting hard and fighting fiercely with their lives.

But this time, they were able to be here, through the cover and camouflage of the disguise armor, and only then did they have such a little bit of self.

It's a new way of life, whether it's for those who wear the armor, or for others who simply admire their various looks.

The peak company brought more than simple gimmicks and excitement to Meditation City.

It's a metamorphosis.

Of course, some people rejoice and others resent it.

The appearance of Jianfeng Company naturally aroused the resentment of quite a few people.

Especially the upsurge of pre-sales of survival pods, which is stealing other people's business.

The survival pod is different from other products.

This industry is controlled by several major forces.

At this time, Lin Feng's survival cabin came, why didn't these people hate it, and regarded it as a thorn in the flesh.

It's just that the shock brought about by Lin Feng's bombardment of the ghost knife in front shocked some people's Xiao Xiang.

But in the face of absolute interests and power, the influence of this gun is of course not enough.

Some forces have been secretly eyeing the Jianfeng Company, planning when to launch an attack.

On the surface, Jianfeng Company seems to be a rising rookie with an unlimited future, but in fact, it is walking on thin ice...

It's like walking on thin ice, but Lin Feng will never be trembling.

"Call the landlord!"

"Grab the landlord!"

"I'll grab it again..."

"Haha, Sister Feng, you are so tired..."

In the living room of the villa, three beauties were fighting the landlord with poker cards.

His face was covered with long strips of paper.

This has become a leisure and educational program for the two sisters of Fengying to come and eat and drink.

Lin Feng did not dare to participate in such activities.

It's not that his brand skills are not good, but every time they play cards, these three women, with all kinds of limbs stretched out, have no scruples, and are dressed in short and narrow clothes.

There were also many times when Feng Xian'er and Yun Xian'er took Luo Lin, their new girlfriend, to go shopping together.

Of course, when they go out shopping later, they usually go out with more surprising outfits and appearances.

Sometimes it turns into three handsome young men with bulging chest muscles.

Sometimes they all wear casual clothes, baseball caps, and big sunglasses.

He also pulled Lin Feng together from time to time.

I have to say that the scene of the Fengying Duo going out is really spectacular.

Although only a few people were shopping, there were people from Kazekage everywhere.

I am afraid there are hundreds of them in the bright and dark places.

Lin Feng also discovered that no matter whether it was the older sister or the younger sister, sometimes they secretly aimed at him, intentionally or unintentionally.

Fortunately, he is determined and will not be affected at all.

On weekdays, I am also careless, and I also pay special attention to my speech and behavior, so as not to cause unnecessary misunderstandings.

It's just that Rowling didn't learn the "fire prevention, theft prevention and boudoir protection" from Azure at all, and she really enjoyed it.

On this day, the Peak Survival Capsule started the first round of physical claim for pre-sale.

The exhibition hall is filled with survival cabins of uniform specifications.

Metal surface, plain color panel, slider design, large screen display...

This is to make full use of the hot-selling models of Weilan mobile phones in a certain period.

Only the first batch of one hundred Meditation City residents are eligible to claim such a distinctive survival capsule.

However, outside the exhibition hall, it was completely surrounded again.

Everyone came to witness the elegant demeanor of the new survival cabin.

One hundred lucky ones lay down on the spot and put on the sliding cover.

Then the music inside is soothing.

This is a survival pod with its own playback function.

There are ten songs in it.

Why are there only ten songs? This is another model of limited sales.

Want more music, please update and upgrade!
Or buy a future second-generation product, which is a foreshadowing.

Next, there will be not only music, but also the experience of watching movies.

In Lin Feng's mecha warehouse, there are many such resources.

And this is the gray world, so there is no need to worry about permissions.

Cough cough cough...

After experiencing the excellence of the survival capsule, one hundred lucky contestants burst into tears, and then they were transported home one by one under the strict security protection of the mecha.

This is the considerate service of Jianfeng Company.

This home security service also cut off some Xiaoxiao who planned to carry out halfway robbery, and cut off the opportunity to act.

What the hell, Peak Company!

Then, in the system forum section of Meditation City, evaluations from various experiencers emerged one after another.

Full of praise and excitement, all of them are full of praise and praise for the peak survival cabin.

so lucky...

Unparalleled experience!
Almost all expressions are like this, and their excitement can be felt between the lines.

At the same time, the time for the second wave of pre-sales of the Survival Pod has been announced!
"I'm here, this time, I can't miss it again!"

"God gave me a chance to regret it. This time, I will definitely hold on tightly...the peak survival capsule!"

"I will hang the alarm clock all over my body, and I will not relax until the second before the pre-sale."

"Everyone disperse, don't grab me!"

On the system, it was once again extremely lively, with demons dancing wildly.

The luck of only 100 people caused ups and downs for thousands of people in Meditation City.


On the last few floors of a building.

This is the headquarters of Justin Group.

On the top floor, Justin's boss Federer is climbing up from the female machine secretary.

After 10 minutes, wearing a black metal mask and sitting upright, he let his subordinates come in to report on their work.

"Boss, we've already contacted you. They all agreed to act tonight."

The mask remained motionless, but under the mask, Federer's expression and the few subordinates present could not detect it.

Federer nodded, then opened the drawer and took out a small bottle.

Throwing the small bottle to one of his subordinates: "This is yours for this month."

After the subordinates took the bottle, they quickly opened the cap and distributed the pills in the bottle one by one.

The rest of them swallowed the pills like gulping dates.

The tense expression eased a little.

"Hey, I'm really afraid that the boss will forget to give us the pill one day, and I really don't know how to die."

These Justin's minions, medicated by Federer, regularly require pills to keep them alive.

If you don't take your medicine regularly, you can't live or die.

Federer planned to annihilate the Peak Company. During this period of time, he contacted many forces in the [-]s and [-]s like the Justin Group.

We must unite and fight against the peak company together.

Originally, a force like them didn't have much market share in various industries in Meditation City.

The rise of Jianfeng Company squeezed their living space even more.

If you don't make trouble, you will have to eat dirt.

Meditation City is such a place.

No matter which tribe or faction they come from, if they are willing to be replaced by new forces and new companies, they will just disappear.

Their previous rise was also stepped on the corpses of their peers.

This time, it was Jianfeng's turn to step on them.

No one wants to be a corpse.

Feng Xian'er and Yun Xian'er came to visit again.

In the villa, Lin Feng and Luo Lin were drawing pictures in the hall.

Those are the shape design drawings of various mechs.

This is the shape of the next upcoming security mech.

Lin Feng turned his head and took a look, then said in surprise: "The two beauties seem to have something on their minds."

When Rowling heard this, she smiled and said, "It seems that you know women very well."

Then Lin Feng put down the manuscript paper in his hand, stopped, his perception extended, something was wrong, something was wrong.

Why are so many Fengying female warriors gathered around the villa.

With this number, there should be hundreds of aircraft and thousands of people.

Where is this going to fight?
There is a big fight tonight, but his heart is like a mirror.

Then she was waiting for Feng Xian'er's choice.

Feng Xian'er puffed up her chest, and said unhurriedly: "Lin Feng, I have received news that tonight there are hundreds of large and small forces... against you and Jianfeng Company, the life-and-death battle, my people are here Let's fight together."

And Yun Xian'er was on the side, waving her hand, excitedly: "It's been a long time since I fought with anyone, this time I finally have a chance."

Hearing this, Lin Feng smiled gratifiedly.

These two sisters are not in vain.

At critical times, he can really take care of things.

The storm is raging outside, it's like a hundred schools of thought are contending, and they are still together.

These coquettish operations have already been monitored by Lin Feng's Zenith Mechas.

If the previous Ghost Saber offense was a small test, then this time the battle of a hundred schools of thought is equivalent to a big test.

If you are not talented, you must pass every exam... Lin Feng is also looking forward to such an opportunity to show his true strength.

"Thanks... I'm going to teach you another fun game today."

"What is it?"

"Have you ever heard of mahjong?"


Lin Feng smashed out an automatic mahjong table.

Then plug in the power.

The other three women, who didn't know why, sat down around.

Three people fighting the landlord, four people fighting the landlord have played, today is the first time to see this green mahjong table.

Although Rowling had stayed in Weilan, she had always been in an environment where gambling and drugs were irreconcilable.

Naturally, they would not know about this quintessential entertainment that is popular all over the world.

Under Lin Feng's explanation and demonstration, the three of them quickly got started.

And immerse yourself in it.

What are we here for today? It seems that there is something very important...Feng Xian'er, besides being excited about playing the cards, she was thoughtful.

"Hurry up, sister, you are the banker!" Yun Xian'er urged.

"Oh, why are you so anxious, Hongzhong!"

Feng Xian'er quickly stopped thinking.

Playing cards matters.

Rowling chuckled: "Red, I'm going!"

correct!It was Yun Xian'er who remembered it, and she looked at Lin Feng anxiously: "Fengfeng, are you lying down and not wanting to work hard, and have some fun before you die? Why are you so calm and calm when the army is overwhelming outside?"

"But it doesn't matter, with our Fengying warriors in charge, it doesn't matter if a thousand forces come. Erbing!"

After Lin Feng played a card, he responded: "It's okay, the fighting and killing, of course... let the mechs do it. Whether there are orders for mechas in the future depends on this time."

Feng Xian'er shook her head, her face became a little cold.

She didn't know what Lin Feng was planning, but she didn't really believe in the mech's ability.

After all, in the gray world, robots are life assistants, or some kind of psychological and physical sustenance and substitutes.

Those who can really fight are very limited.

And there are still many BUGs, which are not as pointed out by the arm.

Sometimes things are particularly delayed.

She is also dubious about the function of the future security mecha introduced by Jianfeng Company.

But all kinds of uncertainties can't stop the eldest sister from making a decision to work for Lin Feng and Jianfeng Company.

Lin Feng was in front of him, within the protective net of thousands of wind and shadow elites.

It doesn't matter even if the company's headquarters and store showrooms are gone.

"Concealed stalking...ah, what a slap in the face, I seem to be confused, this is blooming on the slash!"

Tonight, Feng Xian'er's luck is overwhelming.

In Meditation City, not every day is illuminated by artificial stars.

Because the artificial star also needs to replenish fuel.

This is the responsibility of people from the empire.

When refueling is turned off, there will be 24 hours of darkness in Meditation City.

The entire Meditation City came to a standstill.

Darkness is not scary.

Some people, some places, will have various means of temporary lighting.

Lights, supernatural objects, and emergency equipment allowed some places in the Meditation City to be brightly lit.

For example, Lin Feng's villa has a high-power generator produced by Weilan, which is supplying electricity.

But in most areas, they are hidden in a large area of ​​darkness.

Business districts shut down.

The building and store where Jianfeng Company is located, as well as the surrounding neighborhoods, were all pitch black.

People who had already received the news regarded this place as a restricted area and hid far away.

And on the Internet, people seem to have caught some disturbing information.

Everyone was silent, and no one posted even some funny posts that you can see every day.

This is a very weird situation.

It is also the recruitment that will only appear every time there is a large-scale battle in Meditation City.

"It's dark outside at night, labor and capital are not allowed to go out."

"It's dangerous outside tonight, don't run around, just play at home..."

Some prescient parents hugged their children tightly.

And in the darkness, with the location of the Jianfeng company building as the center, in all the passages and streets, countless dark people gathered towards this place.

They are actually covered in robes of various colors. If there is lighting during the day, they must be a distinct team.

But hidden in the dark, they are one, no distinction between you and me.

And the goal is right in front of you.

They thought that the showroom and headquarters of Jianfeng Company would also be Jianfeng's manufacturing sites.

Destroy this place, regardless of whether Lin Feng is present or not.

(End of this chapter)

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