Chapter 156

The crowds were surging.

fully armed.

These are teams from various departments of the Hundred Alliances, all approaching the center of Jianfeng Company.

Soon, thousands of people gathered in the square in front of the peak showroom.

More people flocked.

They didn't have a more reasonable tactical formation, so they came in this way.

This also means that no matter how much the price is paid, tonight's battle is to win with the advantage of numbers.

And before that, create a strong deterrent and psychological oppression to the peak people.

They feel that people in Meditation City are afraid of death. Regardless of the fact that Golden Man and Jian Feng have caused a great sensation here, the business has had a brilliant start, and the future is limitless.

But the Golden Man should also be afraid of death.

Maybe the company and resources will be handed over.

The shock brought by the ghost knife incident to ordinary people will be relatively long-lasting, but for these major forces that have been licking blood on the edge of the knife all year round, it is not enough to extinguish their belief in robbery.

In the darkness, a restless murderous aura flowed.

The gold-medal thugs of several major forces stood at the front of their respective teams, staring at the target in front of them with burning eyes.

No one wants to start first, but they are afraid of falling behind.

Their hearts were restless, and their feet gradually began to step on small steps, and all kinds of weapons in their hands were on standby.

And some fighting superhumans are also accumulating their own energy.

In this building today, except for those who left due to closure.

Except for the pre-delineated strike-free safe area, the remaining people and properties will not survive.

"let's start!"

In the darkness, someone's eyes lit up and issued an attack command.

Various forces, the small steps under their feet have been changed into big steps to charge forward.

Snapped.clap clap...

At this moment, dazzling lights were projected from several locations in the building where the peak was located.

There is also the position of the signboard of the Jianfeng store, and several strong lights are turned on.

On the square, it is like daytime.

In front of the exhibition hall, a row of giant mechs stood there.

Like a statue of King Kong.

The muzzles of the energy cannons in their hands began to rotate in circles, and the light blue energy light inside was about to burst out.

Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling glass windows on the upper floors of Jianfeng's office, Zuo Shan looked at the situation in the square.

Sighing slightly in my heart: "Why do you people come to die in vain when you know that there is an energy cannon that is unstoppable?"

Zuo Shan is now completely overwhelmed by his master, Lin Feng.

He also didn't know where the master got so many randomly deformed mechs.

I don't usually see it.

In this way, the master Lin Feng is more mysterious and unfathomable in Zuo Shan's heart.

Like the light of the day, it illuminates the densely packed crowd so that there is nowhere to hide.

Although they are covered by various robes, their body movements and postures cannot deceive people.

At this moment, most of them had a brief stagnation.

This is hesitating whether to continue to rush.

Zuo Shan saw that most of these people were wearing full-body robes of various colors, but there were also some wearing armor among them.

Hehe, some of them are peak disguise armors.

Wearing my family's armor, you still come to attack, this is simply...

Zuo Shan's figure was as stable as a rock.

Then he waved his hand out the window.

This is the command gesture to fire the cannon.

He was entrusted by the master with the duty of guarding the headquarters and stores, and he has such command authority.

Boom boom boom...


beep, beep...

The energy cannons in the hands of the super mechs burst out unscrupulously.

Waves of energy, like a dragon going out to sea, or a tiger going down the mountain, burst into bloom among the crowd.

Those who bear the brunt are those who carry handles and gold medals.

They were the first targets, and several beams of energy beams directly penetrated them.

Their bodies are almost powerless to fight back under the energy impact.

At the moment of their death, their robes were burned first.

At this moment, they finally revealed their true faces in the Meditation City.

Or ferocious, or scared, or expressionless...

After the energy cannon, the mechs replaced it with energy guns to clean up scattered intruders at fixed points.

The people on the periphery have already begun to flee desperately.

But in this area, all escape routes are blocked by mechs.

Want to escape, there is no chance.

They turned back, put on a posture, and organized waves of counterattacks.

Hehe, it turned out that they were attackers, but at the beginning, they became the situation where they were wiped out by the mecha.

Their counterattack at this moment is just the last struggle before dying.

The dark night can't cover up that this matchup in Meditation City is probably the most disparate matchup in history.

clap clap clap...

The lights went out at the same time.

In the darkness, there are flashes and ballistic trails of energy guns firing everywhere.

This scene made the night sky seem to be full of stars.

The nearby residents all went into hiding.

Hearing the constant explosions and various gunshots in their ears, they were trembling and completely sleepless.

The 24 hours of darkness are over.

The artificial sun in the sky was lit up again.

Light re-meditated on this vast land of the city.

Some courageous residents carefully opened their windows.

Looking out steadily.

Neat and clean squares and streets.

And Jianfeng's high-end decoration and magnificent signature scenes were immediately displayed in front of them.


It was as if there hadn't been any fighting here, and everything remained the same.

And the showroom of Jianfeng Company started business as usual.

There is a new round of mecha display.

A mech, like a statue, stood neatly and mightily on both sides of the store entrance.

Some are naive, some are funny... It's really hard to equate them with the mechs who went on a killing spree last night.

Overnight, hundreds of forces in Meditation City were completely uprooted.

Although order was restored in the square, everyone knew that the thousands of people who gathered around last night should all have died.


There was a roar, and a large number of aircraft swarmed over.

This is Lin Feng bringing people over from the villa.

People who walked out of the house cast awe-inspiring eyes one after another.

Meditation City, how long has it been since such a large-scale duel happened.

But all of this seemed to have never happened.

"Dear friends, today Jianfeng Company temporarily released [-] sets of disguise armor, welcome to buy!"

There is no more exciting news than this.

Everyone forgot what happened, one or two, dozens, hundreds of people, started to line up again.

This is more desirable than fighting.

At the same time, Zuo Shan also brought people to take over the properties of the Hundred Factions.

Lin Fengfeng kept some of these industries, and then transferred some scattered ones to others.

After dismissing part of the staff, they recruited a considerable number of staff again.

In addition to the little brother left behind after the death of Ghost Saber, now Lin Feng has become a rich and resourceful existence in Meditation City.

Next, the one who has the strength to confront Lin Feng should only be Brother Hui, who was originally ranked first in Meditation City.

However, Lin Feng also received a system friend that Brother Hui took the initiative to add today.

In the news, Brother Hui said: "The labor and management of these small forces have long wanted to wipe them out. The order of the Meditation City is caused by the spokespersons of these small tribes. In the future, in the Meditation City, apart from the empire In addition, the two of us should do a good job and build up the Meditation City..."

It seems that Brother Hui, who is the most powerful in Meditation City, thinks that in the future, everyone will value peace, that well water will not interfere with river water, and that they can drink tea together when they are free.

Lin Feng thought it was good.

You don't need to fight and kill to do business better.

Lin Feng's goal was also achieved.

Just after receiving Brother Hui's initiative to show his favor, Lin Feng also received a personal visit from the leaders of big and small power groups.

They all expressed the same desire for peace.

Of course, in addition to expressing their position, these people also hope to become the affiliate of Jianfeng.

They don't want the control of their own group, and give it to Lin Feng.

This is the law of the jungle of the jungle.

But when Lin Feng showed his true strength, all the crises disappeared.

The two sisters, Feng Xian'er and Yun Xian'er, did not fight in person this time.

Instead, they arranged for a lot of sister paper subordinates.

They changed into the uniforms of the peak store and were working on receiving customers.

The exhibition hall is chattering, eye-catching and lively, and the popularity is overwhelming.


With the fermentation of the incident, and the excellent feedback after several products of Jianfeng Company were used by customers.

The prestige of the peak company has been rising.

In addition, Lin Feng's intelligence collection work on Li's tribe is also more targeted.

People who transferred from other forces also learned a certain piece of news after countless inquiries:

Brother Hui, and his power in Meditation City, most likely belong to the Li clan.

In other words, Brother Hui is the spokesperson of the Li clan in Meditation City.

Interesting and not difficult to explain.

It shows that the Li clan is very powerful.

In the Gray Realm, the Empire has always been in power, controlling most of the living lands.

Then only an existence like the Li Clan's Great Tribe could have the power to send envoys to Weilan secretly.

Then fantasized about collaborating with Weilan.

In order to replace the empire in the future, the Li clan became the only existence in the gray realm.

Brother Hui?
Lin Feng decided to establish a good relationship with this person.

The first batch of surviving warriors captured by the sky were trapped in the Li clan in the gray realm.

And every tribe in the gray realm is a hidden existence.

The area they live in is very remote, and they have their own means of concealment, even if they find a location, break through the protection, and enter the tribe.

The interior of the tribe must also be three floors inside and three floors outside, with overlapping peaks. Without insiders, it is really impossible to spy on one or two.

Make a good relationship with Brother Hui, and try to learn more information.

Hostage rescue operations do not depend on courage and not being afraid of death.

Even if there is an energy cannon, it won't work, you have to find the person first.

At the same time, Lin Feng still needs to study more ways for the gray forces to infiltrate into the blue.

Lin Feng did not forget that he was also trapped in the gray realm.

If after the hostages are rescued, there is no point in finding a way to return to Azure.

Lin Feng didn't want to hide from XZ after he rescued the hostages to avoid being chased and killed.


There is good news!

The dispatched mecha unit has already arrived at the unowned tribal land.

And the energy cannon was used to blast away the remaining enchantment layer by layer.

The hidden place of the tribe inside was revealed.

When the two sides met for the first time, the members of Cang Qiong and the Gatekeeper were too nervous.

Thought to be surrounded, and then to be attacked.

The mecha still revealed its identity.

Tell them, this is from the peak company.

The Peak Company is Azure's secret organization in the Gray Realm.

They all believed what they said.

Then one by one was eager to try and come out to do things.

Under Lin Feng's instruction, the mecha captain did not let the blue team members know the truth about the mecha baby hidden in their armor and some supplies.

Sometimes it's better to keep some secrets than to reveal the truth.

The Jijia also brought Lin Feng's suggestion.

I hope that the team members can temporarily recuperate in the ruins of this unowned tribe.

On Lin Feng's side, some supplies will be provided.

Build the ruins of this tribe into a fortress in the azure and gray realm.

"We still have tasks."

The commander of the death squad in the sky naturally puts the mission first.

After consultation.

Three hundred warriors decided to divide into two parts.

A part was left to build the fort.

The other part followed Lin Feng's mecha fighters to Meditation City.

After communicating in the newsletter, Lin Feng also agreed to do so.

Under such circumstances, of course Lin Feng needs to stand up and establish such an identity as azure.

If you don't bring them along, it's definitely not appropriate to let these brothers of the sky and the gatekeepers go on their own.

Lin Feng is also in need of manpower.

And Meditation City is also a free teleportation city.

Can well hide everyone's identity.

What will happen in the future, although he doesn't know yet, Lin Feng only thinks that he should do the things in front of him first.

Eldest brother Lin Hai's life and death are uncertain, those warriors are trapped, it's useless to rush, Lin Feng has to take it step by step.

Operate with your heart, otherwise you may lose everything.

This is not my home field.


Brother Hui sent some gifts that day, saying that they were congratulations to Lin Feng for winning the life-and-death battle and successfully surviving the crisis.

These gifts are all special products in the gray world, and they are expensive.

Among them, the skin and bones of a certain spirit beast are the most rare.

It would be very brave to say that the bones are soaked in wine.


Lin Feng intends to give Brother Hui a pair of mechas, making him the first free customer of the security mechas in the entire Meditation City.

Each of the security mechs is deformed from the Pipi Shrimp Mecha.

Sending Brother Hui's mecha is equivalent to placing two of his own people by Brother Hui's side.

As long as he is not discovered, Brother Hui's every move will be under Lin Feng's control.

Lin Feng also planned to do the same for some other faction leaders.

Of course, they can't give it away for nothing, they have to go to the card slot to fight for an instant kill.

(End of this chapter)

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