Chapter 22 More than two thousand!

[Brothers, kill it! 】

【Big Brother, Leader, Boss, your own people, don't do anything... I'm your little Yuyu...】


After a hammering, Dayu Shi Jiugong spit out a lot of treasures.

This time Lin Feng put it away by himself.

He now has his own storage space, which is very convenient and welcomes anyone who comes.

Kongkong was riding on the head of the big fish: "Silly big man, what I told you last time..."

Big Fish quickly responded: "I'll call them out right away!"

With a twist of the fish, the big fish led Lin Feng to cruise every seabed in this sea area.

After returning in a circle, the bottom of the sea was surging.

Hundreds of Peacock Mantis Shrimp crawled out of their respective nests.

Formed a long migration team, gathered from all directions towards the central area.

This scene is really some spectacular.

Previously, Lin Feng heard that lobsters migrated in season, that is, head to tail, forming a team to trek long distances on the sandy bottom of the sea.

At this moment, I actually saw that Pippi shrimp can do the same.

Next, it was time for Lin Feng to get busy.

It would take him a while to activate these Peatail Mantis Shrimp one by one.

In this sea area at this moment, no one knows what kind of terrifying mecha power is brewing under the calm sea.

Lin Feng used the magical hand inherited from the Zenith Star to drive balls of light full of energy into the bodies of peacock-tailed mantis shrimps.

Then they revived, and after their bodies trembled slightly, an eternal gene in their blood was activated.

Then transform, jump for joy, and writhe in the sea water.

The last one surrounds Lin Feng, reflecting the colorful lights on the body armor, and worships him...

During the break, Lin Feng instructed Xiao Cang and the others: "Let's build a Zenith Mech Base here."

The little ones lead the way.

In addition to the combat mode, they are also the most powerful craftsmen on this planet.

Find a suitable location in the seabed rock formation, start digging, develop...

Some small mecha warriors can also extract metal substances from rocks and sand, which are used to reinforce the outer layer of the base.

If Huaxia is known as an infrastructure maniac, then this group of Zenith mecha fighters are even better.

It is completely turning decay into magic, creating something out of nothing.

The entire seabed was boiling.

Dayu Shi Jiugong was a little confused.

But soon woke up.

The owner of Lin Feng in front of him is really a thigh.

The previous avatar was a mouthful of dissatisfaction. If you don't hurry up and hug it now, you are really a fool.

"Boss, master! From now on, Xiao Yuyu will definitely protect our base."

Lin Feng felt very relieved and touched its big fish head.

He deduced that this Shi Jiugong should have been stimulated by some kind, and then mutated.

I don't know how many other marine organisms on the bottom of the sea will be like it and have such changes.

This base may also be attacked by other mutated creatures.

But it doesn't matter, after the base is completed, most of the Pippi Shrimp mecha fighters will stay here.

Those mutated creatures on the bottom of the sea, as many as they come, if they refuse to accept, they will become big salted fish on the dining table.

After the rest, Lin Feng continued to hold on to his God's hand, sending recovery energy to the little shrimps.

To go all the way to this sea area, there will be no shrimp that slip through the net.

All the peacock-tailed mantis shrimps will all be revived to become a member of the Zentraedi mech fighters.

Under absolute control, Lin Feng knew very clearly that the number of members of the entire Mecha Legion had exceeded [-]!

It's too early to say the legion, but with more than [-] mecha fighters, this is already a force that cannot be underestimated.


Sea areas rich in marine resources are usually the "purchasing point" in the minds of fishermen.

In this underwater world surrounded by Lin Feng's mecha corps, the work of base construction and mecha warrior activation is in full swing.

On the surface of the sea, of course, there are still a large number of fishing boats casting nets to catch fish, or casting long lines to catch big fish.

The former Big Yushi Jiugong, after becoming the boss here, still turned a blind eye to this kind of fishery production behavior of human beings.

Human beings are not easy to mess with, and if you can't afford to mess with them, you can only hide.

However, at this time, some fishing boats lowered their trawl nets directly to the vicinity of the base.

With so many Pippi Shrimp Mecha brothers backing them at this moment, Big Yu felt that he could resist a wave and show humans a little embarrassment.

The muttering between Big Yu and Xiaoliu Xiaoqi was known by Lin Feng.

He thought about it, since the base is built here, it is indeed necessary to maintain tranquility and maintain a safe environment.

If there are fishing boats here all day long, fishing from east to west and hooks from west, I'm afraid it's not very good.

However, this is a public resource, and fishermen beg for the sea to make a living. The submarine base is a latecomer, so it can't go too far.

Just a little scare and persuasion.

Mainly aimed at trawling cafes, after all, it is a kind of predatory fishing for marine biological resources.

There are basically several methods for fishing boats to operate at sea, such as seine nets, floating nets, and trawling nets, which are disgusting to the seabed environment. This is a harsh fishing method that digs three feet into the ground.

This method of operation involves all fish, big and small, tossing and digging. After the trawling, the bottom of the sea is a ruin...

In addition to using nets, the other is to use fishing.

Longline fishing, in which hundreds or thousands of bait and hooks are drawn on a single line.

For general sea fishing, this can be ignored. After all, this is the case of volunteers taking the bait, and it will cause the least damage to the sea area of ​​​​the base.

There is also a way of fishing with lights, like squid fishing, which basically relies on the induction of lights.

Of course, there are various other auxiliary fishing methods, such as ground cages, octopus tanks, etc., and so on.

In this area, the most common are small trawlers, small floating net fishing, and numerous sea fishing.

"If you encounter a trawler, let him slip through the Internet cafe, so that they won't come to this sea area again after one or two times."

[Little ones: We are the best at wrecking things...]


In other words, the old king of Haihai, our Wang Xingwang, has been resting for a while since he experienced the last tsunami crisis.

No, today's weather is very suitable for going to sea.

So he is now shooting videos of catching the sea on it.

The last time it was a blessing in disguise, the small giant waves and tsunami created by Shi Jiugong brought him a lot of big fish.

In this sea area, danger and opportunity coexist.

As a sea catcher, of course I will come here again, looking forward to more fish harvests.

"Brothers, veterans, I have downloaded more than a dozen nets just now, and now I am waiting here for two hours before pulling the nets up again.

Have you seen it? The scenery on the sea is so beautiful. I look forward to a lot of fish and shrimp today...

Come out to catch the sea, there is no future in sleeping..."


Lin Feng at the bottom of the sea: I seem to hear Brother Wang's voice?
(End of this chapter)

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