I'm actually the king of Pippi shrimp

Chapter 23 There is a hole in the sky 【Please collect recommendation tickets】

Chapter 23 There is a hole in the sky 【Please collect recommendation tickets】

Almost two hours passed.

Lin Feng confirmed that all the gathered Peatail Mantis Shrimp had been activated.

The peatail mantis shrimp resources here will not be exhausted, because the surrounding sea areas are still migrating over.

He also quickly made arrangements.

The new batch of little mech fighters will all stay in this submarine base.

But they have tasks.

It is to take the base as the center, radiate to the surroundings, and continue to look for peacock mantis shrimp.

If possible, bring all the mantis shrimps you find to the base.

Save it for the next time Lin Feng comes over, and then activate it.

Lin Feng also decided to keep Henghenghaha, Xiaoliu and Xiaoqi to manage these new mech fighters.

After all, if you have been with Lin Feng for a long time, you will be more familiar with his behavior habits.

Xiao Cang over there also came back to report.

It is said that two small trawlers have been secured.

And put them down on the metal part of the mesh end and eat them all.

That part of the metal structure no longer exists, then the trawling operation cannot be completed, and the ship can only go home.

It's a way to solve the problem without hurting anyone.

After a long time, the trawlers will spread among them, saying that this sea area should not come.

Then Lin Feng's goal was achieved.

This is something that cannot be rushed and requires long-term action.

"I will encounter these fishing boats in other places in the future, and I will drive some seafood to the net for them to compensate for the loss."

"Roger that!"

Old King Catch the Sea is on the surface of the sea, Lin Feng must not stand up to meet him.

Otherwise, you will scare him to death.

I don’t know what the target fish of Brother Wang is today.

If he knows, he can also ask the little ones to catch a few and stick them on the net for him.


By the evening, the submarine base had almost been constructed.

This is a huge cave in the sea.

The caves extend in all directions, and most of the places are dug upwards in the rock formations.

After the Pippi Shrimp Mechs blew a lot of bubbles and squeezed out the seawater bit by bit.

Some spaces become places full of empty spaces.

After Lin Feng went in, he stood on the dry rocky floor, feeling very moved by the remarkable achievements of these little ones.

That's just short of some soft furnishings and daily life equipment.

This is the mech base for the little ones, and it can also be Lin Feng's own vacation place.

Hey, what is a sea view ocean house, I have a hole in the bottom of the sea.

Of course, it is impossible to take a vacation, and there are more small shrimps that need to be activated.

Lin Feng was busy all day at the bottom of the sea.

He returned with twenty small shrimps.

This includes Xiao Cang, A Jing, Kong Kong, and 26 of the [-] bought from Youyu Aquarium Store.

It is not comfortable to be in the bottom of the sea for a long time.

Until he landed on an uninhabited beach and swam ashore, Lin Feng breathed the refreshing air under the setting sun, this is what humans do.

The phone turns on.

Immediately, a lot of message reminders came beeping beeping.

[Lin Hai: Xiaofeng, where have you been? The phone is turned off. Your sister-in-law and I went on a business trip today, and we don’t know how long it will take to come back. You should take care of your parents...]

Lin Feng called back and wanted to ask why he was on a business trip all of a sudden, but his brother turned off the phone.

[Shen Mengqiu: Brother, some more shrimps have been brought into the store, come and have a look when you have time, the last batch is here, the store is going to be sold. 】

Lin Feng replied: Received.

Another very sudden thing.

[Guan Xin: I need you to turn off the phone if I need something, are you afraid that I will ask you for milk tea?whee. 】

There is also the promotional advertisement sent by the clerk of the X Research Institute: Our store has launched a new life force orange potion...

I bother!

There are also 999+ news in the friend group.

Lin Feng took a look on the way home, he was going to see Xu Jinwen off at night, everyone had dinner together, and she was leaving tomorrow.

This matter is more urgent.

Fatty has several missed calls.

Lin Feng replied, and hurried home to take a shower and change clothes.

The last time Chen Xing left, everyone was happy for him.

This time the squad leader is leaving too.

In Fatty's message, there was a line like this: "Madman, if you don't confess your love to the squad leader at night, you will have no chance in the future."

Cough cough, this fat man is really worrying.

Maybe everyone can see that the squad leader has a good impression of him, but Lin Feng doesn't have much thought about it.

He's still just a kid.

Explain to Fatty that if they buy gifts together, he will be counted.

There is no need to buy it separately, so as not to cause more misunderstandings.

Since there is no idea, we cannot leave room for others to imagine.

Lin Feng still knew this.

On the way home, I deliberately passed Eighteenth Street, glanced at my parents, and saw that they were receiving guests, so I didn't go in.

After returning home and going out again, it was almost the time agreed by the partners.

A food stall near the school.

When he saw his friends, he ran into several members of the school team from Yucai Middle School.

After only a few days of seeing each other, Lin Feng saw an extremely shocking scene.

The bodies of these people of the same age seem to be swollen, and they look a little deformed.

Or other people's vision is not as sharp as Lin Feng's, and there is no surprising difference.

But in Lin Feng's case, every little detail is clearly visible.

Can orange medicine really change people's genes and cause physical deformation?

Is this becoming stronger, or is it completely disabled?
These few people passed by in a hurry, but they left a deep impression on him.

"Crazy, why are you in a daze, come here quickly."

Hearing Fatty's voice, Lin Feng stepped forward.

Everyone is here.

There are only a dozen or so people who usually play better, and they are all in a small group.

Xu Jinwen is wearing a floral dress again today, with a ponytail, full of youth, but a little moody.

I'm afraid it's because he is reluctant to leave Songhai City, after all, he has been here for many years.

During the meeting, I found out that Xu Jinwen's parents were working in Guo Jia's unit, and the transfer time hadn't come yet, but today they received a sudden notice and they will leave tomorrow.

Time was running out, Xu Jinwen thought she must say goodbye to her friends.

A friend asked about the workplace of Xu Jinwen's parents, and she briefly said that it was a department that needed to be kept secret.

Recently, all parts of the world are not peaceful, and many incredible and extraordinary events have occurred.

Her parents have been busy lately.

Xu Jinwen speculated that it had something to do with Guo Jia's next targeted work.

From Xu Jinwen's words, everyone also had some associations.

The fat man talked about something: "Today I saw a post, probably not news, but gossip, saying that a scenic spot in Binhai City was blocked, and some supernatural events happened inside, I read it later, and this post was Gone."

"Spiritual events, it's impossible, what age..."

"That's right, I think I still believe in extraordinary events."

"I have been to that scenic spot, and the scenery is very nice."

The students immediately discussed...

(End of this chapter)

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