Chapter 6 Desperate

The above experience introduction reminded Lin Feng of the first scene where he was frightened by Brother Xia.

Anyway, the environment and scene are nothing special, just a very ordinary night in my room.

Well, this is not my super power awakening, but a chance from heaven.

"The conditions for awakening superpowers, except the environment is crucial.

There is another situation, which also occupies a large proportion of the awakened superpowers.

For example, being frightened, or feeling a fatal crisis, etc..."

The speaker gave a speech, and the students nodded in agreement.

Those super hero movies, the super protagonists in them.

It is often also in an emergency situation, suddenly awakened.

Survival from a desperate situation!

Then kill the Quartet and become a savior hero.

At this point, the speaker let go of the impromptu discussion on the spot.

For a time the atmosphere was very lively.

The students were very excited.

Drinking the milk tea invited by Xu Jinwen, Lin Feng listened to the discussion of the students around him very comfortably at first.

But listening to it, something is wrong.

In this way, many students are bound to deliberately try dangerous behaviors.

Like standing on the road and waiting for a car to hit you.

Or deliberately jump down from a high place.

Choking on purpose.

Intentionally hurt...

Unintentional crisis awakening, if you deliberately create a crisis and put yourself in a dangerous situation, wouldn't you be an idiot?
According to the current super power awakening ratio.

Among the billions of people in the world, there are only a few thousand superpowers with statistics.

This kind of radical way of super power awakening really shouldn't be exaggerated.

He couldn't bear it, so he stood up and shouted: "Students, don't try this kind of thing randomly, you will die if you try it..."

The students around immediately roared with laughter.

Xu Jinwen also turned her face away with difficulty, trying to restrain her urge to laugh.

"Student Lin Feng is afraid of death!"

This label followed him for a long time after that day.

When the students met him later, they couldn't help laughing.

This is something.

In the era of super power awakening, in fact, some people still have the mentality of taking risks.

Although it is not possible to jump off a building and jump into the sea to simulate a dangerous scene, resulting in life-threatening, but the situation of artificially creating a risk factor abounds.

The keynote speaker on the stage gave a thumbs up in Lin Feng's direction.

He said: "Thanks to this classmate for reminding me. I was too excited just now, so I forgot to remind everyone of a key principle. It is risky to deliberately do it. Please don't try it blindly."

That's right, this is a serious topic. I don't understand why the students are all laughing... Lin Feng received attention, and his originally fair cheeks became hot.

"By the way, this classmate, what's your name?"

"Lin Feng, Class 3 (Senior Grade [-])."


After Lin Feng sat down, he actually heard someone complaining.

"If you're afraid of death, you're still a superpower, so hide at home."

"That's right. If a person with superpowers takes on important responsibilities, defends his home and country, and guards the blue star, if he dares not try anything, then he is not a qualified rebel."

"Life is only once, but the meaningful moment, even if life is like a spark, only blooms for a moment, labor and capital are not afraid."

You are full of passion and pride right now, when you really need you, don't be a coward... Lin Feng also purposely looked around to see which faces were bragging.

Holding the milk tea, Xu Jinwen made a toast gesture:
"I believe you are not a person who is afraid of death, don't care about these classmates."

Hmph, you also wanted to laugh just now, even if it looks so pretty...

Lin Feng reluctantly responded to her gesture of toasting.

"Students, next, we will invite Director Jiang of the XX Institute of Superpowers to simulate a special scene for everyone.

Under normal circumstances, the awakening of superpowers also requires the right time, place and people, that is to say, in some special scene environments, it is more able to stimulate everyone's awakening opportunities. "

After Principal Zhang finished speaking, Jiang Mingjie, director of a super power institute, stood in front of the rostrum, facing everyone.

"Students, please look into my eyes..."

This is obviously a senior ability user!
Simulate special scenarios.

This supernatural being named Jiang Mingjie, his superpower is: Illusion!

The school's auditorium is a space that can accommodate more than 1000 auditoriums.

Once Jiang Mingjie's illusion power was displayed, some of the students present fell for it one after another.

Deliberately creating a real danger, if one is not careful, a real slip will cause eternal hatred, and it will be too late to cry.

Then Jiang Mingjie, through his fantasy power.

It is able to pull the students' consciousness into various simulation scenarios.

Of course, this wasn't a real pull-in, and Jiang Mingjie himself didn't know what kind of scene his classmates would face.

Just booting.

This has a certain degree of danger.

But Jiang Mingjie and the others wanted to take a risk.

In this way, it is possible to stimulate the potential superpowers among the students as early as possible.

They need to recruit more power users.

I hope to strengthen my own unit, to have stronger strength and more right to speak in the future super power business.

Moreover, Jiang Mingjie's super power is still a "group use" skill.

Seeing the eyes of each student sink into a state of sluggishness, all the staff of the XX Institute of Superpowers on the rostrum smiled.

Someone moved a stool and helped Jiang Mingjie sit down.

In the process of using superpowers, Jiang Mingjie was also consuming a huge amount of mental energy.


Lin Feng's body, after being integrated with Brother Xia's command authority, has all kinds of perceptions that are tens or hundreds of times sharper than ordinary people.

Although the King of Peacock Shrimp has the zenith star attribute configuration, Lin Feng is still learning and mastering it.

But now Lin Feng is no longer an ordinary person.

Looking into Jiang Mingjie's eyes from a distance, he would feel that he was attracted, but this feeling of attraction was not too strong.

The wrist of his right hand tightened, it was caught by Xu Jinwen who was beside him.

Hey, squad leader, are you taking advantage of this opportunity?

Lin Feng hadn't been hypnotized into the illusion, so naturally he couldn't feel what a person in the illusion would feel.

At this moment, he felt Xu Jinwen's body transmit it, it was a slight trembling.

A little worried, Lin Feng put down the milk tea in his hand, adjusted it, palm facing up, and held the squad leader's hand in his hand.

Holy crap, the temperature of this palm is scalding hot.

Looking again, Xu Jinwen's forehead and nose tip were covered with dense beads of sweat again.

Then quietly observe the surroundings.

Except that one-third of the students were like me, looking around in a daze and a little panic.

The rest of the students are also in the same state as Xu Jinwen.

This is a manifestation of a serious crisis in the subconscious.

"No, don't come here!"

Some also made slurred sounds.

In this way, the green channel for super energy awakening can be opened?

(End of this chapter)

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