I'm actually the king of Pippi shrimp

Chapter 7 Pippi Shrimp Attack

Chapter 7 Pippi Shrimp Attack

Several exits of the auditorium have been guarded by black suits since I don't know when.

In the auditorium, the ignorant students did not pay attention to this situation.

The teachers at the scene, including Principal Zhang, were also in a hallucination at the moment.

Some students who were not hypnotized were shocked when they saw the surrounding situation.

Jiang Mingjie on the stage was displaying super powers. He was sweating profusely at the moment, and his face was actually a bit hideous.

The man in black behind him was also whispering.

"Didn't you say that the first science popularization was first, why did Jiang Suo make such a big move?"

"I think it's because Jiang Suo feels that the situation is urgent and there is no need to delay. After all, people are robbing people outside, and the competition is fierce. Several superpower units are..."

"Although there are many people in our institute, most of them are not superpowers. Jiang Suo is of course impatient."

"Hopefully this time it will pay off."


Lin Feng was in a trance for a moment.

The moment when he reached an agreement with Brother Xia and gained part of King Pippi Shrimp's strength could not help but appear before his eyes.

Armor overlay is starting...


Lin Feng didn't expect that Brother Xia's inheritance actually gave him a pair of Pippi Shrimp's armor first.

Complete armor coverage is able to reach 90% of the body.

This is also the largest range of body protection for the Pippi Shrimp Clan.

After all, "soft tissues" like eyes and facial features cannot be armored.

In the beginning, Lin Feng's armor coverage was less than [-]%.

And this armor, which is completely fitted to the skin, is not conspicuous.

Under normal circumstances, it is invisible, colorless and weightless, and will not cause inconvenience or attract the attention of others.

Only when it is attacked or in danger, it will start to expand the coverage by itself.

Lin Feng has tried it, and even a sharp utility knife can never leave a scratch on the armored body.

He also hacked with a kitchen knife, and the strength he used ranged from light to heavy. Not only was it easily bounced off, but the kitchen knife even had a chipped edge...

Lin Feng felt that he had become invulnerable, as if he had trained a strong iron shirt with a golden bell cover.

Of course, I haven't tried the bullets.

But according to this level, it should be unharmed.

Isn't this special alien armor stronger than those humans who have awakened ordinary superpowers?
Therefore, Lin Feng is not particularly envious of Boss Huang, who sells pork on [-]th Street, and his son Huang Yaohui's awakened fire control superpower.

With such a suit of armor, in this era of superpowers where the aura is revived, I really feel so safe.

In addition to the protective protection of the armor, Lin Feng also obtained some of the exclusive abilities of the Mecha Pipi Shrimp.

This part includes strength, speed, and the ability to attack skills. Of course, it can't be achieved overnight, and Lin Feng needs to work hard to train and upgrade.

Facing the uncertain future of superpowers, Lin Feng possessed part of the means to protect himself.

To protect yourself, what should you do if the people around you are in danger?
Lin Feng was in a daze for more than ten seconds before he made a decision.


The little Pippi shrimp crawled out of Lin Feng's pocket immediately.

It slipped to the ground, and in the blink of an eye, it passed by everyone's feet.

Arriving empty-handed at the edge of the podium in the auditorium, with lightning speed, he popped out his super weapon at Jiang Mingjie's toes!

"Ow! My feet..."

Jiang Mingjie, who was using the illusion to lure the students, yelled, hugged his right foot, and fell backwards with the chair.

The toe of the shiny leather shoe was smoking.

There is an unpleasant smell of burning in the air...

This accident interrupted Wang Mingjie's "casting spell", and the students broke away from the environment one after another.

Most of them were haggard and frightened.

Some vomited to one side, and a few had epileptic seizures, convulsed, foamed at the mouth, and collapsed on the ground.

Kong Kong has already sneaked back into the pocket of its owner, Lin Feng.

"Are you OK?"

Lin Feng let go of Xu Jinwen's hand, and instead supported her arm.

"It's like having a nightmare, thinking that I won't wake up again."

Xu Jinwen's whole body seemed to have just come out of the water, and her face was pale.

They both looked around. It was a scene of chaos.

In the afternoon of this day, the ambulances and police cars of Songhai No. [-] Middle School came in an endless stream.


Wanghai Hotel, late at night.

Inside Suite 1103.

Jiang Mingjie, who had just returned from the police station, gathered together with several members of the research institute with gloomy faces.

Jiang Mingjie was half paralyzed on the sofa, his right foot could no longer wear shoes.

The feet were wrapped in thick gauze.

The entire thumb is almost useless.

After the situation happened in the afternoon, Jiang Mingjie was also rushed to the hospital.

After the hospital's examination, everyone couldn't believe it.

Jiang Mingjie suffered a large area of ​​comminuted fractures on his right foot, especially the thumb bone, which appeared in the form of powder in the film.

The right foot was severely burned, and the burn area reached an astonishing 80% or more.

"Director Jiang, we recommend amputation..."

"No... I don't accept your suggestion!"

As a power user, Jiang Mingjie didn't stay in the hospital too much.

However, he was still invited into the bureau and made a transcript of the inquiry and investigation.

Fortunately, the super power department now has special certificates across the country.

Even if something really happened, it needs to be reviewed by the super power department itself.

There was a little trouble, but he got out smoothly.

"Jiang Suo, what are we going to do next?"

The people below were also cautious, although they really wanted to know what happened, but seeing their leader's gloomy face, being seriously injured and at risk of amputation, they really didn't dare to pluck out the hair.

Some wondered if this was a side effect of Jiang Mingjie's illusion.

Some superpowers need to be exchanged for some damage to one's own body.

Just like the legendary dark magic, it is to hand over the soul to the devil, so that people can have powerful abilities.

I don't know if this is the case, and they dare not ask.

If so, it would be too much work.

Jiang Mingjie, in fact, has been thinking about what happened in the afternoon.

My feet exploded for no reason, as if I had been attacked by some kind, but there was no evidence at the time.

If the opponent is a super power method, there are traces to follow.

If this mystery is not solved, it may become a thorn in my heart.

He pondered for a moment, then looked at his subordinates:

"If the teachers and students of the school don't respond too much, then our superpower lectures will continue as normal, and we will stay in Songhai for the rest of the time, looking for potential locals."

"Not only in schools, I hope you can go deep into the masses. The awakening of many superpowers appears inadvertently."

"In addition, I will make an application, so that all super power matters in Songhai City will be fully taken over by us..."

The crowd was awe-inspiring.

The director's determination this time is really great.

(End of this chapter)

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