I'm actually the king of Pippi shrimp

Chapter 65 Celestial Star Vest【For collection and attention】

Chapter 65 Celestial Star Vest【For collection and attention】

"Wow, my ears are so itchy! Who's missing me..."

Lin Feng dug his ears and sneezed.

This double acidity is really sudden.

With the sky, the battle scenes in Songhai City are revealed to the world.

Songhai City became the first place in China where the conflict between the sky and the hyperspace broke out.

At a joint meeting of Kung Qiong's Hyperspace Committee, there was a complete face-off among the leaders of Kung Qung.

At the meeting, they argued with each other at the beginning, then yelled at each other, and then started fighting, as if it had been planned for a long time.

What should come will always come.

Do it, and put all the disputes and dissatisfaction on the surface.

Extraordinary boss, if you don't move, you will be fine, and if you move, the sky will shake.

On this day, the Cangqiong headquarters building, above the third floor, was completely razed to the ground.

If all the staff in the building hadn't been emptied early, the loss would have been immeasurable.

In the end, Cao Shuiqing, the mastermind behind the time-lapse and Cang Qiong's second-in-command, dragged half of his blood-drenched body, angrily cutting off his robe and sleeves.

And he left a shocking rant: "If you don't stay here, you will have your own place. In the future, you should be careful with labor and management!"

He raised his arms and shouted, and also took away some of the original people in the sky.

There are differences in moral beliefs, and there are various differences and ideas among extraordinary people.

Everyone can't go the same way.

Then, from this day on, Chaos Time and Space may take a wild path that is different from most Chinese transcendents.

The threat is already obvious.

This situation, in fact, has already happened in other leagues, and it is also happening now.

But this is in China, and General Fade Chen, the leader of the sky, is not a vegetarian.

Now that the face has been torn, let's start to liquidate what has been done in the super dimension.

The order to kill was officially issued, to thoroughly hunt down these extraordinary criminals headed by Cao Shuiqing!

This approach is undoubtedly correct.

If the other party is allowed to continue to develop, the Huaxia Alliance will definitely be torn apart by then, and the people will be devastated.

General Fade Chen also gave instructions, hoping that the transcendents in the sky of Songhai City and the Taihang branch should pay attention to protecting the golden pippi shrimp.

This transcendent in the shape of a golden shrimp is now the representative image of the Huaxia Alliance.

Cao Shuiqing and his like will definitely regard the golden pippi shrimp as a thorn in their eyes, and get rid of it quickly.

After Shen Mengqiu of Songhai City received this order, she was also very distressed. Most of the Golden Shrimp did not leave any contact information, contact address... I don't know anything, how to protect it.

But that's fine, at least it's also difficult for the enemy to find the whereabouts of the golden shrimp.

As long as Huang Da didn't bubble up casually, it must be safe.

[The liaison officers of each liaison office cheered up and used twelve times their efforts to carefully screen the strange transcendents who came to Songhai City...]

Next, Songhai City must be very lively.

The layout and manpower of Chaos in Songhai City are all desperate.

At present, it is all the forces of the sky.

Then if a superhuman came to Songhai City next, it would be a suspicious target.

So Shen Mengqiu and her partners now have an even greater workload.

As Chen Xing had the experience of fighting side by side with Golden Shrimp, he was arranged to stay in Songhai City by the organization.

His Zenith Gold material vest, named the Sky Star Vest, was recommended to the sky system with Lin Feng's approval.

After several trials and tests, it was warmly welcomed by the firmament organization.

Every vest needs Chen Xing to make it.

However, under the influence of his extraordinary ability, mass production is also effortless.

In the exchange system of the sky.

Mutated fish meat is marked as 1000 contribution points exchanged for 2.5 kg.

The current Sky Star vest requires 5000 contribution points to be exchanged for.

Except for the redemption points marked, the materials and sources of the Skystar vest are all blank.

This is Lin Feng's consideration of keeping it secret.

Chen Xing also understood very well.

He would never disclose the fact that he had to betray his brother after gaining benefits.

As for Chen Xing himself, under Lin Feng's encouragement, he is not only satisfied with the Zenith Gold Armor, but wants to wrap his whole body, just like the Pippi Shrimp Mecha Armor.

Lin Feng had previously made the Pippi Shrimp mecha fighters combine with the human body like an exoskeleton to form absolute protection.

But considering that was really a waste of his mecha.

If everyone needs the Pippi Shrimp Mecha for protection, why not let the Mecha fight by itself.


As for the exoskeleton mode combined with the human body, it can only be used occasionally when it is necessary to take people to move quickly.

Therefore, Chen Xing and the others needed to have a set of top armor.

Lin Feng encouraged Chen Xing to use his extraordinary ability to conquer the Zenith Gold material and achieve personal comprehensive protection.

Maybe when the time comes, the gold will be big, and there will be two of them.

One is the golden Pipi shrimp, and the other is Chen Xing wrapped in golden armor.

[Lin Feng: I really don't want Chen Xing to be my substitute or take the blame. I really want to increase personal security protection for him, which is conducive to improving the overall strength of the battle. 】

Once the Skystar Vest was launched, it was very popular among the sky fighters, and there was a run on it, resulting in a situation where the supply exceeded the demand.

【Chen Xing: I don't want to work overtime. 】

Many of those who were sent to Songhai City by the extraordinary superiors were battle extraordinary with outstanding merits and high contribution points.

They who have successfully exchanged for the Skystar vest like to wear this armor outside.

The golden vest quickly walked carelessly in the streets and alleys of Songhai City.

People who don't know, think they are the uniforms of some food delivery or courier company.

However, this is also due to the fact that Songhai City is now fully taken over by Cang Qiong.

Therefore, the extraordinary people in the sky don't need to hide, but need to show up to give the greatest shock to the destroyers hiding in the dark.

At first, Shen Mengqiu was quite speechless, and expressed disdain for his colleagues' behavior of "showing off their wealth".

But later I heard them say that wearing this golden star vest is a kind of admiration and tribute to the golden pippi shrimp. Although it puts itself in danger, it can confuse the outside world.

Chrono Breaker might make it harder to find out who the real Golden Shrimp is.

When Shen Mengqiu heard it, she felt quite reasonable and moved.

Yes, no one wants the real golden pippi shrimp to be targeted by vandals.

Shen Mengqiu also secretly used points to order a star vest, and the system has arranged women's vests.

When Chen Xing was making this women's Tianxing vest, Lin Feng was also present.

Nearly finished, fine-tuning the unique size.

Lin Feng jumped out and corrected:

"No, no, it's bigger here, so that sister Qiuqiu can fit well..."

That's where the vest sits on the chest.

The vest is obviously much smaller, and Shen Mengqiu...

Chen Xing immediately lashed out: "Fengzi, Fengzi, it's fine if you know me, sister Qiuqiu, but I didn't expect you to know this much?"

Lin Feng was taken aback: "Nonsense!"

Isn't this an obvious fact?
(End of this chapter)

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