I'm actually the king of Pippi shrimp

Chapter 66 Expansion and Monitoring【For collection and attention】

Chapter 66 Expansion and Monitoring【For collection and attention】

In Haoyue Villa, Lin Feng also hired workers.

Includes housekeepers, housekeepers and doormen.

At least to deceive people.

The underground base has been perfected and is very secret, so the above ground part can be opened.

The first batch of guests were old classmates like Chen Xing and Hu Jianhong.

Lin Feng said that in the future this place can be the base for everyone to gather.

These classmates and friends have all eaten mutated fish.

Except for Chen Xing, who had already awakened to the extraordinary, the rest of the people also said that the fish meat was very good, and there was a mass of energy in their bodies recently.

Some people said that their girlfriends were very satisfied during this period of time.

Private kitchen dishes with beautiful views of the villa, unlimited supply of mutated fish.

The partners all said yes.

The mutated fish is now packaged by Fatty's Jianhong Trade.

It is already sold by the hundred grams.

Also registered a brand called Lin Kee Deep Sea Fish Meat.

Externally, it is a limited supply.

Each ID card can only buy one piece of this kind of fish per month. I am sorry that there are too many, but I don’t have any.

Lin Feng hopes to use this method to let more ordinary people have the effect of strengthening their bodies.

With luck, it can also promote extraordinary awakening.

This safe way of promoting awakening without sequelae is the most suitable for ordinary people.

The second wave of guests received by Haoyue Villa were Shen Mengqiu and her partners.

Lin Feng has been upgraded from Taihang's partner to Sky's partner, and this level has been greatly improved.

The permissions of the internal system have also been upgraded.

You can browse more information, and even Lin Feng can start to accumulate his own merit points, which can be used to exchange for some good things in their system.

Lin Feng didn't need it himself. He thought that when his parents came back, he could redeem it for them.

After the authority is raised, it means that Lin Feng and the sky are bound more closely.

Haoyue Villa.

The overall layout has not changed much, but the coloring of the exterior walls and green plants, etc., have added some dreamy colors.

It's like it's from another planet.

This made Shen Mengqiu somewhat confused.

She is also very familiar here. She was tied here by Brother Dao and others before, and was rescued by Jinpipi Shrimp.

He also subdued Brother Dao, and then uncovered the entire gene industry chain.

All this seems like a lifetime away.

"Xiaofeng, who owns this place now?"

Naturally, Taihang has also investigated, but it shows in the real estate system that it is an escrow company.

As for the new owner behind the scenes, nothing is really known.

Lin Feng had already thought up his excuse: "Oh, it belongs to a friend of mine, a local tyrant, but he's basically not in Haicheng, so I'll make up my mind. You can come and play often when you have free time."

【I also want to have a friend like this】

Shen Mengqiu couldn't ask any more questions.

Looking at the environment of the villa, she felt that this was the most suitable place for the Taihang branch.

When the time is right, ask Lin Feng how much it costs to rent two villas.

As an extraordinary organization, Taihang is not short of money.


Lin Feng's recent life is actually full and regular.

I live in Haoyue Mountain Villa every day, and go to Linji Seafood on [-]th Street at a fixed time to order the goods, and explain the work of the young lady in the store.

Then go out for a walk.

The little mechas are under the city, and while they are constantly developing, they are also constantly strengthening the infrastructure.

In several different locations, some new air defense areas have also been opened up on the basis of the space and facilities under the urban air defense.

Replaced the center material with Zenith Gold for all air defense zones.

For such air-raid shelters and air-defense underground squares, air defense is only the most basic operation, and it can also defend against nuclear bombs and most supernatural attacks.

As long as the zenith gold is thick enough, even the fireball will not work.

Every few days, Lin Feng would go through the underground passage starting from Haoyue Villa and go directly to the sea.

Then reach the deep sea and take a tour of the construction of the ocean base.

The current ocean expansion has reached the second stage, and the tentacles of the Pipi Shrimp Mech have been extended to the high seas.

The number of activated mechs exceeded one hundred thousand.

From scratch to the current [-] mechas, Lin Feng felt that he could finally take a rest.

But the ocean is infinitely deep, and no amount of mechs is enough.

So there is still a long way to go.

Most places in the ocean belong to "no man's land", that is, places inaccessible to people.

Basically no need to take care of it.

Mechas mainly focus on sea areas with human activities, which are the battlegrounds for military strategists.

And these places often mean various potential conflicts.

In addition to the expansion of the fixed location area on the seabed, the Zentraedi mechs have also locked thousands of ships and submarines of various alliance militaries.

This is not an ordinary radar lock, but a 24-hour companion.

Ships of various types from various alliances, as well as various types of submarines whose whereabouts are uncertain, are currently under Lin Feng's surveillance, and there is nowhere to hide.

This is Lin Feng's trump card.

Although we have now entered the extraordinary era, most of the extraordinary are still not immune to the first-scale thermal weapons.

Therefore, conventional military force is still the main strike and deterrence weapon for the time being.

Lin Feng had secretly included this part of the conventional power of the ocean into the scope of monitoring.

It can be destroyed at any time if necessary.

This is the most basic military guarantee for the Huaxia Alliance.

This is not certain, foreign alliances are engaged in extraordinary disputes, if a certain extraordinary force controls the Guo Jia machine and uses these weapons of mass destruction.

The Zenith Mecha will destroy the opponent's trump card invisibly.

Don't be afraid of [-], just be afraid of what happens.

This has nothing to do with Lin Feng's dog. All reasonable arrangements and layouts are for the sake of not falling into a passive position in the future.

Once war breaks out, no one can use that as an excuse to say we are not ready.

[When we are ready, you will fight again! 】

Can this be done? No!
Lin Feng prefers to be in the ocean, sailing at high speed in the deep sea in a huge monster transformed from a small mecha.

The Zenith Xing Dajiba is not only supersonic stealth, but also has a teleportation skill.

It is this kind of long-distance teleportation that greatly shortens the time limit for Lin Feng to travel around the deep sea.

Otherwise, it will take several months to go on a cruise, and it will be Chinese New Year after going back once.

Go back again, it's the Chinese New Year again.

After the life became more regular, Lin Feng also saw the official news in the Taihang system, that is, the protection work of the Golden Pipi Shrimp in Songhai City is being closely carried out.

He just laughed, you don't know who the golden shrimp is, and how to protect it.

Let me do it myself, I will definitely protect myself.

Sometimes, on the contrary, I hope that those guys from beyond time and space headed by Cao Shuiqing will come and give it a try.

After all, only by participating in more battles can one be more proficient in fighting skills.

Of course, there are more opportunities to pretend to be aggressive, but that's the second...

(End of this chapter)

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