Chapter 95 Magma Dragon
It is hard to imagine that in the depths of the blue star ocean, there is such a tribal world built by intelligent life.

In the history of Blue Star, the people of this class have all kinds of understanding of the past, of course, they only stay on the recorded graphic materials or archaeological discoveries.

And a world like the Stingray Star Tribe has never appeared or set foot on land, so naturally it will not be recorded.

As far as the reason is concerned, the Blue Star people actually only have a superficial understanding of the Blue Star they live in.

A scientist once said that on the surface, human beings are the highest level of life form on the blue planet, and they are also the overlord on the blue planet.

However, in fact, there are still countless places on the blue star that humans cannot set foot in, and cannot explore and understand.

The hidden areas of these blue stars and other advanced life forms have always been shrouded in a veil of mystery.

Perhaps after entering the extraordinary era, the sense of superiority of Blue Star humans will decrease little by little.

After all, the appearance of superhumans and mutated creatures, as well as opponents of the gray realm, and even the Zentraedi of the Earth Demon Star, would inevitably slap the blue star's original arrogant thoughts.

Who is the boss of Blue Star? Who else would dare to say when the time comes?

Lin Feng, the official representative of the mecha, asked, "Where is the current Earth Demon Horseshoe crab?"

The patriarch of the devil fish replied: "The last time we fought, the two earth devil horseshoe crabs were attacked by our venom. They should have hidden themselves to recuperate."

The stingray has a venomous stinger that sprays a deadly biotoxin.

This is enough to drink a pot of Earth Demon Horseshoe crab.

Lin Feng had a certain fondness for the big fish patriarch from the very beginning.

Low-key, stable, and even more humble when talking about poisoning the horseshoe crab.

This fish is good.

I just don't know if all the people in the Stingray Star Tribe are in the shape of a big fish with an amazing wingspan.

Enter to know.

Lin Feng wasn't worried if this was a trap.

The Zentraedi Mecha also has its own analysis and judging criteria.

Whether it is an enemy or a friend, you can almost know it by looking at it.

Along with the "mecha mothership" that Lin Feng was riding on, in addition to the mecha teams on the surface, Lin Feng himself and the mecha warehouses of each mecha team also had spare mechas hidden in their warehouses. A troop.

If the situation is not right, Lin Feng can take out the mecha fighters that are huge enough to fill the entire Campos Trench at any time.

If there is a problem with the patriarch of the devil fish, then the bloodbath of the Stingray Star tribe will be directly bloodbathed to see who is the leader of the deep sea.

Lin Feng was still a little hesitant when he saw the patriarch. It was quite difficult to speculate on the other party. Maybe the patriarch was thinking at this moment: Labor and management took a big risk to invite you into the depths of the tribe. You still don’t believe it, and there is a blood bath.

After seven turns and eight turns, it was discovered that the super patriarch leading the way in front also slowly shrunk in size, and finally turned into a small devil fish.

You know, the devil fish already has a human face.

Judging by this size, the patriarch suddenly became a cute and naive image.

But it's still quite chubby, and a little cute.

Lin Feng's mecha submersible also followed the patriarch's shrinking size.

After passing through several long and narrow trenches, the patriarch paused.

In front of it is a smooth stone wall, the light can be seen, like a huge floor-to-ceiling mirror.


The stingray got into the mirror.

The figure disappeared in this sea area immediately.

The mecha followed and entered first, and immediately sent back a signal, reminding the safety inside.

This is the awareness of the little mecha.

You can't let Lin Feng's mothership go in first to see if you are safe.

The mech carrying Lin Feng also entered.

When passing through this mirrored stone wall, it is silky smooth and delicate, without any hindrance.

It turns out that this is the film-penetrating experience of the shielded space.

After entering, Lin Feng and Rowling looked out through the porthole. This is really another world.

From the darkness at the bottom of the deep sea trench, a dazzling light was seen all at once.

Even though both of them are in extraordinary condition, they couldn't help but narrow their eyes slightly and raised their hands to block them, so that they could gradually adapt to this bright environment.

Then, somehow, it's not in the water.

But it is no different from the land.

have air!
Not only is there air, but there are also building complexes similar to those on Blue Star Land.

Although the style is a bit strange, Lin Feng is sure that this is indeed an urban building made by life forms.

Although it is not the scale of a reinforced concrete skyscraper, the low buildings here made of rock and other materials are also unparalleled.

The scene "in the sky" is even more magnificent and incredible.

There is a winding pattern like a giant dragon, and there are loops formed by a large amount of red magma inside.

It is this non-stop burning magma dragon that brings brilliant light to the underwater world of the stingray star tribe.

"This stingray star tribe is not easy!"

After Lin Feng's mech squad came in, they consciously stayed here.

Waiting for further guidance from the patriarch of the devil fish.

And at this moment, the patriarch of the devil fish did not know when he grew two legs.

into an upright form.

With this shape, coupled with a face that resembles a human face, Lin Feng can only sigh, this world is really amazing.

There is the Stingray Star Tribe here, but in other hidden places on the Blue Star, do they also have other different hidden lives, and they have already been building their own civilization.

Perhaps only the Blue Star humans have been kept in the dark, always claiming to be the masters of the planet.

Wanton demands for resources on Blue Star, wanton damage to the environment, and endless battles for profit.

Not sure how superficial it turned out to be.

The Stingray Star Tribe is not an alien, but a native of the star.

This made Lin Feng have a greater feeling for them.

"This is the platform where we left the Stingray Tribe. We call it Leap Plaza."

The patriarch of the devil fish said arrogantly.

Even though his speaking movements and demeanor are somewhat incompatible with his identity, judging from human senses.

But it didn't affect Lin Feng's respect at the moment.

The square is huge.

Standing on this square, through the silhouette of the devil fish guards waiting here, as well as the densely packed buildings outside the square, plus the giant magma dragon in the air.

Lin Feng felt that he had come to a very magical world.

He decided not to hide in the mecha anymore.

In this situation, he can't stay out of it.

The patriarch of the devil fish gave the invitation with full sincerity. He and Rowling, one is the leader of the Mecha Legion, and the other is the queen of the Zenith Star Clan.

It is necessary to give the head of the devil fish and their tribe the most honest and fair communication.

So, he took the queen and walked out from the open mech hatch.

"Hi Patriarch, I am the leader of the Zenith Mecha Corps: Lin Feng!"

(End of this chapter)

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