Chapter 96

"Fuck, that's why we don't deal with humans anymore, we all like to hide and hide, old..."

This face-to-face complaint is the most deadly.

In front of the Stingray Star people, Lin Feng had no choice but to take on the burden of the Blue Star humans that he shouldn't have suffered at his age.

It's better to just hide all the time, so that you don't have to suffer from the simple and honest Stingray people complaining at this time.

Lin Feng's tender face flushed slightly.

He didn't want to do this either. After all, the heart of fish defense is indispensable. The opponent is a super big fish, and one is as big as a football field. It is impossible not to guard against it.

What's more, this is the territory of big fish, and it would be fatal to come in rashly.

"Haha, the patriarch is just joking. In fact, I also know that most human beings are still very kind. After all, in every ethnic group, the bad guys are only a small part. Now that you have become the leader of the Zentraedi , is enough to show that we have been approved by them, so this patriarch welcomes you again on behalf of the Stingray Star people.”

The head of the Stingray Star family has such a simple appearance, and his words are also quite out of the way.

However, Lin Feng really likes this style.

It is quite interesting to deal with such fish.

The Stingray Star patriarch saw Luo Lin's little bird beside Lin Feng, so he guessed: "Then this one must be the leader's wife?"

Lin Feng was about to say yes, but Rowling obviously didn't want to reveal her identity, so she took the lead and said with a smile: "Hi patriarch, I'm Rowling, and I'm Lin Feng's girlfriend."

Even if it was to hide her identity before, she pretended to be a girlfriend in front of others.

But it really has a different taste when it comes from Rowling's mouth.

"Welcome, welcome. According to you Blue Star humans, the two of you are really talented and beautiful, and you are very good as a husband and wife."

The head of the stingray star has a sweet mouth.

Lin Feng and Rowling were suddenly distracted.

Walk through the unique architecture of the Stingray Tribe.

There are also dotted blocks here, and you can also see various forms of stingrays on the road.

Stingray people are not all in the form of stingrays. Apart from the stingray family, there are other types of underwater creatures.

Some were known by Lin Feng, some had never been seen before, or were not found in the records of the Blue Star humans.

It's like aliens wandering the streets on human territory, passers-by will definitely watch and point and talk.

Some are worried, some are indifferent, and some are in a frenzy.

Lin Feng felt that walking on the streets of the stingrays was similar to this experience.

Apart from keeping a smile and showing your friendliness, you dare not take any extra actions.

From time to time, some small fish and shrimps rushed out, wanting to "witness" Lin Feng and Rowling's demeanor up close.

The head of the Stingray Star family was also cheerful and did not stop it.

"Are you going to eat us?"

Some little boy Yutong said without restraint, and sent such a soul torture to Lin Feng.

"Oh, of course not, you are so cute!"

We Blue Stars don't eat small fish most of the time, unless the small fish can't grow up...

Or, release the small fish and catch them when they grow up...

Really, Lin Feng felt a little uncomfortable in such an environment.

However, the creatures of the Stingray Star Tribe are definitely different from the ordinary fish and sea creatures in the sea outside.

As for the legend of humans eating fish, it is estimated that they are also the images of human demons used by the stingrays to scare children.

Forget it.

Lin Feng smiled and stroked the heads of these little stingrays.

He took out a lot of human snacks from the mecha warehouse and gave them to them.

Of course, none of the small fish snacks, such as dried fish, shredded squid, grilled eel, etc., dared to take out any of them.

The snacks of these Blue Star humans caused a burst of cheers from the Stingray Star children.

The patriarch of Stingray Star is obviously very authoritative. With a gesture from him, the parents arrested their children one by one.

"Here, this is where I live."

The head of Stingray Star actually invited Lin Feng and Luo Lin to his home.

He also introduced his wife and two children to the two.

In Lin Feng's eyes, the patriarch's wife and the two children are exactly the same.

It is impossible to tell who is the mother and who is the child.

But it was soon separated.

Sure enough, Rowling was more liked by the children, and the two stingray star patriarchs held Rowling's hand from left to right.

He said that he would take her to visit his own toy world.


Seeing Rowling asking for his opinion, Lin Feng nodded.

What kind of malice can a child have.

Besides, on Rowling's body, Lin Feng hid at least ten Zentraedi mech squads.

Now that you are here, do as the Romans do.

Everything I saw along the way, and the patriarch's sincere reception.

That says it all.

The patriarch brought Lin Feng to the living room at home.

Stone tables and chairs are no different from human beings.

The patriarch's wife brought a plate and placed it on the stone table.

"The Stingray Star tribe has nothing to entertain, this is our sea blue nectar water, try it."

"Thank you!"

Lin Feng stood up and bowed slightly.

After taking a sip, it is slightly sweet and cool, and after that, I feel refreshed, which is a good thing.

Compared with the synthetic drinking water on the blue star land, it is much more advanced and healthier.

The patriarch of the Stingray Star said seriously: "The Earth Demon Stars have actually been hiding in the depths of the ocean. Under normal circumstances, they are in a hidden state, and they come out regularly to inquire about the traces of the Zenith Stars. Human beings and life like us are not very interested..."

Lin Feng nodded, accepting the teaching with an open mind.

He didn't know much about the Earth Demon Star people.

It happened to be from the stingray man to know some more information.

Apart from the stories about the Earth Demon Stars, Lin Feng was also more interested in what happened on the Blue Star.

The Blue Star humans, their understanding of the Blue Star may really only be on the surface.

This is Lin Feng's understanding after becoming the leader of the Zentraedi Mecha Corps.

I have felt this way more than once.

The ignorant are fearless.

Maybe only when I learned more, I felt how incredible Blue Star was.

Lin Feng asked: "Are there still human beings from the previous generation in ancient times left in the world?"

This is a question that probably won't be answered very well.

The patriarch of Stingray Star thought for a moment, and he replied: "The possibility of this is not ruled out. After all, although human beings are not liked by life forms like us, we have to admit that human beings are the most intelligent creatures on this planet... …This is especially true for the generation of human beings hundreds of millions of years ago. They had the incomparably terrifying ability to even kidnap superstars from the distant interstellar to the orbit of the blue star, which is the moon you can see now. Star..."

"So, if they have people, or people who have passed on to this generation, it's not an accident at all."

(End of this chapter)

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