light is like this

Chapter 168 The First Arrival of Light

Chapter 168 The First Arrival of Light
Gotham City is based on New York City.In addition to its special status as an international economic center, New York operates in the same way as most American cities.

The places where the rich and the middle class live have good law and order, and you can see police patrolling every once in a while.

These policemen will smile at you when they see you, and they will not refuse to ask them for help.

But if the place where the poor live is even a slum, it's embarrassing.

If a policeman can pass by in half a day, he is considered diligent.Even the passing policeman had a sullen face, with his right hand on the holster around his waist, as if everyone in his sight was suspected of assaulting the police, ready to empty the magazine in his pistol at any time.

What's more, the metropolis of this world is the center of the international economy. Gotham City is full of smog. Everyone knows what it looks like, and its status has dropped a lot.

Following the steel pipe gangsters walking through the dilapidated and messy alleys, Xia Le could see two groups of gangsters gathering together from time to time.

Along the way, there are homeless people leaning on corners and using newspapers as quilts, drug addicts sitting around aluminum cans and warming fire, and there are also ragged-looking warblers with heavy makeup on their faces, standing at the entrance of the alley to attract customers.

Xia Le's appearance on this occasion is obviously out of tune with the surroundings.

Along the way, many people cast doubtful and probing eyes on him.

There are also people who directly stop the steel pipe gangster and ask directly.

The steel pipe gangster was also a little quick-witted, saying that Xia Le was a guest of Boss Aibo.

So those probing gazes all of a sudden converged.

Looking at this scene, Xia Le thought deeply.

"It seems that this guy called Aibo is indeed famous in this area, no wonder this bastard thinks that just mentioning Aibo's name can calm me down."

The two turned left and right, and after walking for more than ten minutes, the steel pipe gangster led Xia Le to a dilapidated apartment that looked very inconspicuous.

Instead of going through the front door, the two walked around to a small door at the back of the apartment.

This is a complete and heavy steel door.The steel pipe gangster stepped forward and knocked, and the iron door opened from the inside, revealing two security guards with big arms.

Seeing the security guard at the door, the steel pipe gangster nodded to him.

"Lu Wei, I'll bring someone to play in the arena."

The security guard named Lu Wei glanced at the steel pipe gangster and Xia Le, pointed to the iron cabinet next to him, and warned.

"The ticket is one hundred dollars, put all the guys in, let your people be quiet. You can play, but don't make trouble."

"Of course, I know the rules."

Even so, the steel pipe gangster complained in his heart.

I know the rules are correct, but the uncle behind is not necessarily!

Xia Le picked up two pistols from the back of his waist and put them in the iron cabinet. Another security guard came up and conducted a simple body search on him and the steel pipe gangster.

After confirming that there was no guy on them, after Xia Le paid, the security guard gave Xia Le a piece of paper representing the number of the iron cabinet and smiled at him.

"I hope you have fun in it."

As long as they are willing to pay, they are still easy to talk to.

Entering the small door, the two turned a few corners and came to the underground location through the stairs.

After approaching, he opened a small door, and Xia Le could hear the deafening shouts inside the door.

This is an underground parking lot, but it has been renovated to look like a stage.

It is surrounded by steps and seats from top to bottom like a movie theater. At this time, the seats are already full of audiences, at least hundreds of people.

It's hard to imagine that there is such a secret place hidden under this dilapidated apartment.

At this time, what was performed on the stage in the middle of the parking lot was not singing and dancing, but two big men wearing only shorts engaged in a bloody and violent battle in an iron cage.

There are no rules for their direct battles. Every attack is aimed at the opponent's lower third or the vulnerable places such as eyes and noses, as if they are enemies of life and death, trying to kill each other.

Seeing the blood spattering between the two, the onlookers shouted extremely excitedly.

The more blood bleeds, the happier they are!
"It's an underground fight."

Xia Le glanced at the ring without interest, and the steel pipe gangster whispered in his ear.

"Boss Aibo is in the opposite room."

Xia Le looked intently, it was a small room in the parking lot, locked with a wooden door, and there were two gangsters at the door as guards.

Their waists are bulging, obviously hiding something.

Finding a more valuable target, Xia Le ignored the steel pipe gangsters and walked straight towards the small wooden door.

The two guards at the door saw Xia Le walking towards them undisguised, and immediately stopped them.

"what are you going to do?"

Without saying a word, Xia Le grabbed a doorman's hand, and with the other hand grabbed his belt and lifted him up.

The captured guard showed a terrified expression, and Xia Le slammed him onto another guard.

With a bang, the heads of the two hit each other hard, and they fell to the ground like rolling gourds, and passed out on the spot.

Then, Xia Le turned around and kicked the wooden door in front of him.

His right leg was heavy, like a heavy hammer, and it directly kicked open the lock of the entire wooden door connected to the door frame.

With a bang, the wooden door flew upside down into the room, startling the people inside.


Spouting beautiful American words, the three people inside immediately took out their pistols and aimed at the door.

Xia Le walked up to the two unconscious guards, pulled out a pistol from one of them's waist, and quickly swung it towards the door while firing continuously.

Bang bang bang!
He fired three shots in a row. The bullet in the pistol drew a strange arc after the gunpowder was activated, and shot into the office in a zigzag way, hitting the thighs of the three people and knocking them down to the ground.

Holding an unconscious doorman as a shield, Xia Le walked into this small office.

At this moment, the three fallen people shot at the same time.

Bang bang bang bang!
The bullets fired from the muzzle hit the unconscious guards one after another, killing them directly.

Xia Le took this opportunity to shoot again, and fired three more bang bang bang, hitting the palms of the three people and knocking the pistols in their hands into the air.

He left the dead guard in his hand and asked the three of them.

"Which of you is Aibo?"

Two people subconsciously looked at the other person, and without hesitation, Xia Le fired two more shots, headshotting the two.

When such a big event happened, the younger brothers in the venue reacted one after another and ran towards the small office.

Xia Le emptied the bullets in the pistol at these younger brothers, then picked up a gun from the ground and continued to shoot.

He could kill a gangster with every shot, quickly killed eight people, and killed all the younger brothers in the field.



The sudden shootout caused the audience to run away screaming. Even the two underground boxers who were fighting fiercely in the iron cage stopped their movements and lay on the ground with their heads folded very skillfully.

Looking at Xia Le who was very unfamiliar in his impression, Ai Bo was like a fucking dog!

do i know this guy
"Who are you? What do you want from me?"

Xia Le lowered his head and said to him.

"Who is your boss? Take me to see him."

Although it has fallen to such a miserable state, with injuries to his hands and thighs, but after hearing what Xia Le said, Ai Bo subconsciously refused.

"No! I'll be killed by Mr. Copperpot!"

Xia Le had really heard the name before.

"Mr. Copperpot? Penguin?"

Hearing this nickname, Ai Bo's face suddenly showed a look of horror.

"How dare you, how dare you call out that name!"

Penguin is undoubtedly a derogatory term for Copperpot.

The Copperpot family is a very old gang family in Gotham City, and I run the "Iceberg" restaurant, which is very popular in Gotham City, and even has a lot of fame in the political circle.

Small and fat, with a vertically hooked nose that looked like a cosmetic failure, he looked like a giant penguin.

But except for the "clown", all the guys who dared to call him Penguin were brutally killed by Coppert, and he was a very fearsome gang leader.

Looking at Abona's appearance of preferring death to surrender, Xia Le praised.

"Very well, what I admire most is your toughness."

Without hesitation, he shot Aibo in the head, sent him to hell to meet his little brother, and then searched around.

Soon, Xia Le found Aibo's mobile phone from the table next to him, and there was no password to turn it on.

"So the mobile phone is one of the greatest inventions in the world. It's a modern society, so no one thinks it's enough to be tough enough, right?"

He rummaged through the phone, and soon found the number marked with an asterisk, the name was Mr. Copperpot.

Xia Le took a photo of Aibo's eyes wide open and dying, and sent it to this number, then found a bag around, and put all the knives in it.

He has just arrived and has no small money in his pocket, so he can only ask these good friends to help him.

Harvesting the energy of light and harvesting small money is a win-win situation!
Then Xia Le picked up another bag and put the gun and bullets in it.

While Xia Le was searching, two security guards at the door also ran over.

Xia Le shot one by one, took the two away, and took away their guns and money.

In the arena, even the referee and the host ran away, and the two fighters were locked in an iron cage, weak and helpless.

Xia Le stepped forward to open the iron cage, and they both squeezed out an ugly smile and thanked him with blood on their faces.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

Xia Le looked at the two people in distress, thought for a while, and handed them the bag full of money.

"You should get a bonus for playing a game, right? You can't get any money in this situation, so you can take the money."

If they didn't really need money, how could they come to fight such a deadly underground black boxing.

Xia Le is here, anyway, he will have money again when he meets Copperpot later.

At first, the two dared not ask for it, so they quickly refused.

But under Xia Le's insistence, they still accepted the big bag of money and couldn't stop thanking Xia Le.

"Thank you, thank you so much!"

With a gun bag on his back, Xia Le asked the two fighters for directions, and quickly walked out of the alley.

At this time, the mobile phone in his hand rang.

Xia Le took a look, and the other party was Cobbot.

He connected to the phone and smiled at the other party.

"It's been a long time, Mr. Copperpot. I hope you like my present."

On the other side of the phone, Cobbot said with a sullen face.

"Do you threaten me?"

"Ha ha!"

Facing this kind of bad species that will not cause the camp to be skewed no matter how you play, Xia Le smiled happily.

"No, I just want to do business with Mr. Copperpot. Why don't we go to the Iceberg Restaurant?"

Coppert's face darkened, and he bit the cigar in his mouth hard.

In his view, the other party is a blatant threat - if you don't want to talk, then the Bingshan restaurant will be in trouble.

"Every once in a while, there's this kind of overreaching fool who thinks he can trouble me. I'm going to make you into fodder for my birds!"

He left a few gums on the cigar and laughed cruelly.

"No problem at all."

After hanging up the phone, Xia Le took a taxi to Bingshan Restaurant.

At the entrance of the restaurant, a beautiful blond lady in waiter uniform came over and smiled sweetly at Xia Le.

"Hello, do you have an appointment?"

Xia Le nodded.

"Yes, I have an appointment with Mr. Copperpot. You can call him and ask."

Hearing the name of his boss, the waiter really can't make the decision.

She asked the manager, and the manager rushed over quickly and took Xia Le to a box.

Not long after, lemon tea was delivered to the box.

Xia Le sniffed it lightly. Although it was very faint, there was a smell of sleeping pills and sedatives in it.


A smile appeared on the corner of Xia Le's mouth, and he simply took a few gulps of lemonade.

As long as there is no saliva in it, a little medicine will have no effect on his body.

Slowly, guessing that the time was almost up, Xia Le slowly fell down on the sofa in the box and closed his eyes.

Soon, the manager who watched the scene through the surveillance video walked over with three security guards.

Looking at Xia Le who had passed out, a sneer appeared on his face.

"How dare you provoke Mr. Copperpot just like that? You're really asking for your own death!"

Just as the three security guards were about to carry Xia Le down for cooking, Xia Le's eyes suddenly opened.

He shot out his hands like bullets, with two clicks, directly shattering the Adam's apple and neck bones of the two security guards.

"Ho, ho..."

The two made a sound like a leak from their mouths, and fell to the ground in pain.

After that, Xia Le held a security guard's neck with both hands, twisted it hard, and snapped it off.

Seeing Xia Le killing three people in an instant, the manager was so frightened that his legs trembled and his eyes froze. He didn't know why.

"How is it possible! You obviously drank it!"

In the manager's desperate expression, Xia Le closed the door and punched the other party's head directly.

"If you want me to fall, at least you have to match the dose of the whale!"

With a bang, the manager was knocked out by Xia Le, and fell to the ground without moving.

Throwing the four of them on the sofa, Xia Le took a picture and sent it, and the editor texted.

"Mr. Coppert, the hospitality in your restaurant is very warm. Maybe I should add a fire to help you cheer up? Wouldn't it sound better if the Iceberg Restaurant was renamed the Volcano Restaurant?"

Coppert ordered the manager to move his hands and feet before, but now looking at the photos sent by Xia Le, his face suddenly became extremely ugly.

When did such a ruthless person come to Gotham City?
And why bother with him?

Could it be an old enemy?

(End of this chapter)

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