light is like this

Chapter 169 Penguin also joined the ranks of hating light

Chapter 169 Penguin also joined the ranks of hating light
A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall.

Although Cobett didn't know the phrase, he had heard similar slang.

If the other party really came to make trouble for him, Coppert was a little afraid to go.

He is not afraid of meeting Batman, at worst, he will be released on bail after going to prison.

Whether it's the notorious Black Gate Prison or Arkham Asylum, he has connections.

But when encountering opponents like the clown and Poison Ivy who kill people without blinking an eye, who don't consider the rules of black and white at all, and who are also very difficult to deal with, things will be difficult.

He let out a long breath, stretched out his hand to signal the driver to pull over first, and asked Xia Le.

"What exactly do you want to do?"

Xia Le played with a Glock pistol, took it apart with one hand with skillful movements, and smiled at Cobblepot.

"I heard that Mr. Copperpot is very rich and can enjoy both black and white in Gotham City, so he seeks both money and fame."

Although both the Marvel world and the Godslayer world are providing Xia Le with light energy, he can never have too much of it.

It's time to open up the third piece of fertile land!
Moreover, compared with the world of Marvel and Godslayer, criminals emerge in endlessly in this world, and it is a routine operation for major cases to occur. People's living environment is much worse than that of Marvel world.

Hearing what Xia Le said, Coppert breathed a sigh of relief.

It's better not to be the kind of enemy who has a life-and-death hatred.

Otherwise, if he is targeted by such a ruthless character, he must find a way to kill him first!

But immediately, he felt annoyed again.

There are not many "big bosses" in Gotham City, and there are many rich people.

But since the other party chooses him, does he think he is a soft persimmon?

What a damn guy!
Coppert rolled his eyes, thinking about whether to borrow the power of the police?
The behavior of the other party can be regarded as extortion!

He also knew many people in Baidao.

But soon, he dismissed the idea.

The other party is just asking for money and fame, maybe he can turn an enemy into a friend and take him under his command.

If you call the police, it's a shame.

To do so without knowing the other party's methods involves taking considerable risks.

At least his Iceberg restaurant is in danger.

Isn't it just asking for money?I gave the money!

But there is no need to risk yourself.

What if the other party lied to me and wanted to kill him after he passed?
You must guard against it!
Coppert said to Xia Le warily.

"Give me an account number, and I'll send you the money. A whole $500 million! Even if we become friends."

Xia Le grinned, but said in a helpless tone.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Coppert, I'm new here and I don't have a bank account. I'm here this time to ask you to help me solve the identity problem."

Hearing what Xia Le said, Coppert gritted his teeth angrily.

What do you mean you've got me?

There was a fierce light in his eyes, and he said in an extremely fierce tone.

"I'll ask someone to send you a bank card. I have something to do today, so I'll hang up first."

He hung up the phone in his hand, directly blocked Aibo's number, and was so angry that he hit the soft seat next to him.

This hatred, I remember!

Listening to the blind voice coming from the phone, Xia Le sighed and put away the phone in disappointment.

"It seems that I can't fool Copperpot."

Xia Le originally wanted to kill Cobbot, as his vote to enter Gotham City, so that all parties would know that there was such a person as him.

Looking at it now, Coppert, who is not strong but can be regarded as a brain eater, is really very vigilant.

Anyone who can become a "big boss" in this city without dying has a few brushes in his hands, otherwise he would have been played to death by a clown.

Xia Le waited in the box for a few minutes, and soon several security guards came in.

Tremblingly, they carried away the corpse and the unconscious manager in the box, not daring to look at Xia Le more than once during the whole process.

Not long after, another waiter brought a sumptuous meal, which made Xia Le have a good meal.

When Xia Le left, someone respectfully gave him a bank card and a small note with the password of the bank card written on the note.

At the same time, Coppert also asked people to go to Aibo's place to see the situation and take photos for him.

He wanted to see Xia Le's strength from it, and at the same time tell whether he was a lone ranger or a gang.

Seeing that most of the mobile phones are the corpses of gangsters whose heads were shot, and the gate with a clear footprint of 40 yards, and the door frame was kicked off, Coppert quickly analyzed it.

"Precise shooting ability and power beyond ordinary people, a lone killer?"

A few days later, the steel pipe gangster was found by Copperpot.

After some not-so-good inquiries, Copperpot got some more detailed information.

"Can easily lift an ordinary person weighing hundreds of pounds with one hand, and play him like a basketball. At the same time, he has superb ricochet skills, and can hit the target even if it is almost 90 degrees away from the target? I will believe you if you say this is a dead shooter! "

As a very winking gangster, Coppert quickly gave up his revenge on Xia Le.

It's only 500 million. He doesn't want to be shot in the head by a bullet flying a few kilometers away one day.

But his younger brother was killed, and he himself was blackmailed. This incident must not be regarded as never happened, otherwise his prestige will be greatly reduced.

"This guy actually called himself "Joker" in front of Batman?"

A sinister sneer appeared on Copperpot's face.

"Since he dares to call himself so, then I will come to bring trouble to the east. There are many people in Gotham City who have suffered from Joker. I think someone will weigh your strength for me."

But the plans couldn't keep up with the changes.

Just after Coppert released the news, there was an even more shocking news.

At noon, Xia Le was wandering the bustling streets of Gotham City with two guns on his body, looking for delicious food.

Every world has its own special food, not to mention Gotham, a very distinctive city.

Xia Le managed to find a small restaurant, where he ate special grilled chicken, beef burritos and home-brewed malt beer.

At this moment, the TV program in the tavern, which was broadcasting the ball game, suddenly jumped automatically, revealing a very blurry image.

A man said in the video.

"You are not alone. Earth people, I am General Zod. One of you is from my planet. I came here across the star sea to find him. I hope someone can provide him with information. The future of the earth is In your hands. If you hide him, you do so at your own peril."

Soon, the TV show jumps back.

The customers in the restaurant were stunned, but they didn't take it seriously.

"What new ad is this?"

But Xia Le is different from them.

"General Zod? Kryptonian warriors have invaded Earth?"

He grabbed the burrito in front of him, ate it in two bites, and got up to pay the bill.

"I didn't expect to have something to do within a few days after arriving in this world."

After returning to the hotel and checking out, Xia Le opened the portal and came directly to Metropolis.

This is the first time that Superman has appeared in front of the public, and it is in a way that directly affects the survival of the earth.

Although in the end Superman successfully killed General Zod and destroyed his plan to transform the earth into a new Krypton, the battle between the two caused countless casualties and almost destroyed the metropolis.

Many people thank Superman for saving the world, and some people hate him for provoking General Zod and shouting the slogan "Superman get out of the earth".

This also paved the way for the later battle between Batman and Superman.

In a few years, the body of General Zod was transformed into Doomsday by Lex Luthor, and he beat Superman and Wonder Woman, almost making the earth play GG.

What, you said there is Batman?
OB's camera man on the edge of the battlefield doesn't count!
Superman's adoptive father, Jonathan Kent, knew that his son had great power, and was worried that he would cause great damage to mankind, so he always asked him to suppress his power and not be discovered by others.

Therefore, he didn't resist at first, and surrendered directly to General Zod.

Of course, there is also the reason why he is very curious about his own race and wants to meet them.

Looking for a hotel in the metropolis and opening a room, Xia Le quietly waited for the development of the matter.

As a result, the next day, a huge mechanical device fell from the sky and landed in the metropolis.

This is the world engine, one of the highest technologies on Krypton, which can transform the atmosphere and environment of a living planet, making it a planet suitable for Kryptonians to live in.

Of course, the atmospheric environment of this planet is unacceptable to human beings.

It's like throwing dinosaurs into the current earth, falling from a high-oxygen environment into a low-oxygen environment, and like a deep-sea fish salvaged from the depths of the ocean, it will undoubtedly die.

The World Engine, hundreds of meters high, suddenly fell from the sky, making many people in the metropolis panic.

"What it is?"

"Alien invasion?"


At the same time, the top officials in Washington were also shocked by the dishonesty of the aliens.

Fortunately, they were not unprepared.

Immediately, fighter jets carrying a large number of missiles took off and headed straight for the metropolis.

But Xia Le moved faster than them.

On the roof of the newly built World Trade Center, Xia Le clenched his fists as he watched the World Engine unfold.

"Now that the stage has been laid, it's time to step out. Chaoyang, transform!"

Under the watchful eyes of countless metropolitan people and high-level officials in Washington, the light has come!

A silver radiance shone around the world engine, and a tall giant with a height of more than 50 meters appeared from it!

Xia Le looked up at the World Engine, and hugged it with open arms.

He originally wanted to take the world engine away from the earth, and then blow it up with a ray of Zapelio.

As a result, at this moment, a figure suddenly rushed out from the world engine.

"Go away!"

This figure is wearing a dark green armor, and the voice is a woman.

She punched Xia Le in the chest, making him shake, took a step back, and made a huge footprint on the asphalt with a bang.

Fiora looked at herself punching with all her strength, but it was just a slightly swaying giant, with a very dignified expression.

"It's troublesome."

Although the giants in front of them are aliens just like them at first glance, they have already reserved this planet, Krypton, and no one else can interfere!

What's more, this giant seems to want to destroy the world engine and destroy their dream of rebuilding Krypton!

At the same time, General Zod's orders came from Fiora's armor.

"Fiora hold him back, I'll come over right away and kill him with you!"

"Yes, General!"

Fiora was about to continue attacking, but Xia Le's figure flickered and turned into a miniature giant with the same height as a normal person.

Facing opponents like Superman, the same size is more suitable.

Seeing that Xia Le could change her body shape, Fiora and the senior officials in Washington were surprised.

"Another alien hiding on Earth?"

A general said angrily.

"Is our earth a sieve? Anyone can get involved!"

As it turns out, he was right.

Looking at Fiora in front of her, Xia Le was very clear.

From the perspective of Krypton, they want to rebuild their hometown and continue their nation.

But from the perspective of people on earth, this is a group of terrifying invaders, ruthless executioners, and despicable aliens!
The Giant of Light is a guardian and fights an invader like this!
This is the so-called sympathy, the crime deserves to be punished!
From the comparison with Fiora's punch just now, Xia Le estimates that her strength is about the level of the wild boar beast in the Godslayer.

In the face of high-rise buildings, it can easily penetrate, causing huge damage to the city, and even ordinary missiles cannot kill it.

But even if Xia Le took a punch unprepared, he only took a step back.

Fiora didn't know Xia Le's strength, so she could only go all out on guard, while delaying time, waiting for the arrival of General Zod.

Xia Le didn't intend to waste time with her.

He raised his right hand and gathered the energy of light on it, forming a gleaming hand knife.

Through the detection equipment that came with the armor, Fiora was able to detect the huge energy condensed from this knife, and the intensity was extremely astonishing!

"You must not be hit by this knife!"

This thought just flashed through her mind, when Xia Le swiped her right hand suddenly, and suddenly felt her sight change.

"what happened?"

Fiora looked a little dazed, but soon saw a headless corpse that was bleeding.

"That seems to be me?"

The next moment, her vision turned black, and she was forever plunged into darkness.

Just at that moment, Xia Le swung the hand knife, and at the same time opened a portal silently behind Fiora.

This hand knife was like chopping wood with a big axe. It cut through Fiora's battle armor and her neck neatly, and beheaded her in public.

Looking at Fiora's corpse falling from the sky, Xia Le waved out a piece of light energy, turning her corpse into light spots and dissipating.

With the lessons learned before the destruction, he would not make such a mistake.

After killing Fiora in seconds, Xia Le changed back to a 50-meter figure again.


He picked up the world engine, let out a soft drink, and dragged this extremely heavy mechanical creation soaring into the sky, and soon came outside the earth's atmosphere.


Looking at this scene through the satellite he invaded, General Zod's eyes were tearing.

He drove the spaceship to the highest speed, but still couldn't keep up with Xia Le's movements.

In space, Xia Le opened his hands and released all the absorbed light energy after two seconds of charging.

"Zai Pelio Light!"

In the next second, the world engine exploded instantly under the bombardment of light, turning into a huge firework.

(End of this chapter)

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