light is like this

Chapter 179 Turning into a full-time trial, Chen Cun mourns

Chapter 179 Turning into a full-time trial, Chen Cun mourns

As time goes by, Xia Le has saved more and more worlds.

There are worlds where mummies are resurrected, aliens invade, and humans mutate.

During this period, he experienced two more vacation worlds.

One is a world of gourmet food that seems to be drugged. The food is so delicious that people can't wait to swallow their tongues into their stomachs.

The other is a world of elves fighting with cute pets.Mindy desperately got a fire-breathing dragon out and wanted to be a dragon knight.

These are very interesting worlds.

When Xia Le completed the real 20 missions to save the world, Minato Chaoyang told Xia Le two good news.

[The first good news is that after your test, Xia Le, the Giant of Light system has undergone many revisions, and it is finally going online successfully!Next, His Majesty the King of Ultra will launch the Giant of Light System V2.0, so that more human beings can gain the power of light.You won't have to work so hard in the future, you have to run around to save the world. 】

"This is really good news."

Hearing what Chaoyang said, a relaxed smile appeared on Xia Le's face.

Saving the world is not a good job, and the lowest level is tens of thousands of casualties.

Even in some worlds, after Xia Le passed, human beings were forced to a corner, lingering on their last legs, and it is very common for hundreds of millions of billions of people to die.

He ate Aolong King Crab and Scallop Pizza and drank his company's "Giant of Light" special drink, and smiled at Minato Chaoyang.

"And the second piece of good news?"

[The second good news is that after discussion, the King of Ultra agreed to open the Kingdom of Light naturalization mission to you!As long as you pass the test, you will be able to gain full access to the system, join the kingdom of light, and become a true warrior of light! 】

Hearing this news, Xia Le fell silent instead.

It is of course a good thing to have full access to system privileges.

Now Minato Chaoyang and Sola are his monitors, and many system functions must be used by Xia Le through them.

This is not only troublesome, but also means that Kingdom of Light is still in the investigation period for Xia Le.

Moreover, the alignment deflection is also a restriction on Xia Le.

Now, according to Chaoyang, the three-year investigation period is finally coming to an end.

As long as he passes that test, he can completely master the system in his hand.

But if you think about it with your ass, you know, this test is definitely not easy.

Could it still save the world?

He was chewing on the delicious seafood pizza, and asked Minato Chaoyang.

"What is the content of the test?"

【The King of Ultra will seal your memory and system, and throw you into a doomsday-looking world that needs to be saved.It is extremely difficult to save the world, and it is almost impossible to do it without the help of the system.His Majesty the King of Ultra doesn't want you to save the world, but wants to see the means and will you have shown in the process. 】

Hearing what Chaoyang said, Xia Le fell into deep thought.

The King of Ultra wants to seal my memory and take away the system. Is this to observe the real me?
Because of Beria's matter, the King of Ultra may not be at ease in handing over powerful power to people with evil intentions.

[Of course, Xia Le, you can also not participate in this mission and keep the status quo.Sora and I are still happy to be your customer service. 】

"No, I want to participate in this mission."

Xia Le smiled slightly and quickly made up his mind.

Although he doesn't hate Sola and Minato Chaoyang, since there is something that can completely turn the system into his own, and he has the opportunity to turn from a temporary worker to a regular worker, why not?
But there are still some things to ask.

"Chaoyang, what if my mission fails? Will His Majesty the King of Ultra take back the system?"

To Xia Le's question, Cou Chaoyang said in surprise.

【Of course not!If Xia Le fails in your mission, you will just maintain the status quo.Xia Le, you have saved so many worlds, you have done a great job, how could His Majesty the King of Ultra take back the system! 】

"Really? Then there's no problem."

Xia Le nodded slightly.

In case the mission fails, the worst thing is to maintain the status quo.

Even he didn't know what he would do after his memory and system were sealed.

After all, what he pursued in his previous life were old and exciting things.


Chenjia Village, Jinxi Town held a funeral today.

But most of the participants were smiling, and only a few had sad expressions on their faces.

At the gate of the mourning hall, there are many big red wreaths arranged in two rows.

In the mourning hall, red wallpaper was used to cover all the original white walls.If it weren't for the word "Dian" in the center and the family members wearing sackcloth and filial piety, people might think that someone is holding a wedding here.

Beside the stove set up in the yard, the invited chef was cooking a large iron pot in a hurry.

From time to time, someone would come into the yard from outside and present a red envelope to the owner.

When passing by here, Xia Le curiously asked an old man who was squatting beside the door and smoking a cigarette.

"Master, is it the custom here to celebrate funerals?"

"Where. This is Mrs. Chen's family. Mrs. Chen lived to be 99 years old and died without any illness. It's a happy funeral."

The old man looked at Xia Le a few times, and smiled at him in Mandarin with some accents.

"Young student, you are not from our village, are you?"

Xia Le patted the drawing board behind his back, and smiled at the old man.

"I heard that the scenery here is very beautiful, so I came here to sketch."

"Sketching? Just painting!"

There was a wrinkled smile on the old man's face, and there were only five or six teeth left in his mouth, which were still sallow.

He dropped the cigarette butt in his hand and stomped it out, and led Xia Le into the yard.

"Come, come, it's fate to pass by, come and drink a glass of water and wine. Old Chen was hospitable when he was alive, and he must be the same after death."

Xia Le couldn't postpone it, so she had to be dragged into the yard by the old man.

In the mourning hall in the courtyard, Xia Le saw a big red coffin.

This coffin is boxy and looks quite heavy, full of materials.

At this time, the coffin had not been closed yet, and the old man with restrained makeup was lying inside wearing a brown shroud, with withered muscles and closed eyes.

In front of the coffin were placed two white candles as long as forearms, three red incense sticks, and a bowl full of white rice.

As an art student majoring in fine arts, Xia Le wrote down the pictures here, maybe it will be useful in the future.

If it wasn't for someone's funeral, he might have to take out his phone to take pictures.

The old man with missing teeth took Xia Le to sit down on a remote table, but there were only the two of them on the table.

The old man asked Xia Le to wait and said to him.

"Honorable boy, wait, I'll get someone to serve the food."

Xia Le said quickly.

"Thank you uncle."

He took out 200 yuan from his pocket and handed it to the old man.

"This is my share of money."

"Oh, you're welcome. The money is gone."

The old man waved his hand, but when he turned his head, he glanced at the mourning hall, with hesitation and sigh in his eyes.

"Why did this young man come by such a coincidence? Forget it. Whether this is a disaster or a good fortune depends on your luck."

(End of this chapter)

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