Chapter 180
When Xia Le opened his eyes, he found that there was darkness around him, and he couldn't see his fingers.

He stretched out his hand, and soon came across a hard and solid wooden barrier with a narrow range.

Xia Le panicked a little.

"Where is this place? I remember that I was eating at someone's house, and then I fainted while eating..."

After recalling what happened, Xia Le panicked even more.

"I was drugged by that damn old man? Could it be that he wants to sell me to northern Burma?"

He reached out and tried to push around, only to find that he was firmly blocked up, down, left, and right, back and forth, as if he had been thrown into a closed wooden box.

"Wait, does this box have air holes? In the news, stowaways are often suffocated to death because the vehicle has no air holes!"

"I must escape quickly!"

With an ugly face, Xia Le pressed her back against the bottom of the wooden box, propped her hands and feet on the wooden board above, and tried to push it away.

This method really works!

When his limbs went all out, Xia Le could feel the wooden plank above begin to loosen, and it trembled when pushed by him.

But there seemed to be some heavy object pressing on the wooden board. Although it was a little loose, Xia Le couldn't really push it away.

After several failed attempts, Xia Le gasped in disappointment, thinking of other ways.

"Since I'm going to be locked up here, someone must think I can't escape. I have to think of other ways."

But before Xia Le could think of a solution, he suddenly heard some voices coming from above.

He froze for a moment, his eyes changing for a while.

"Is this done by those who stunned me?"

Xia Le touched his pocket, wanting to see if there was anything he could use.

Like keys and pencils.

In the end, he was surprised to find that the clothes on his body seemed to be different from the original ones, and had been changed.

In Xia Le's dignified expression, there was only a creak, and the wooden board above her was lifted.

The old man he saw in Chenjia Village was wearing a gray shirt and holding an ax for chopping wood in his hand.

At this time, the old man's face did not have the smile he had when he saw Xia Le before, and there was a faint smell of decay on his body, like dirt mixed with dirt.

The old man said to Xia Le expressionlessly.

"Young man, congratulations on surviving. Come up first."

Congrats on surviving?What's the meaning?
Xia Le, who still didn't know the situation, looked at the ax in the old man's hand fearfully, and stood up from the wooden box.

Now many old people are not weaker than young people.He looked like he could be blown down by a gust of wind, and his skull might split open when the ax fell.

Looking around with the light of the sky, Xia Le realized that he was locked in a wooden box just now, and it was clearly placed in a coffin!
The clothes on my body are not the original casual clothes, but the brown shroud that was worn on the body of the Chen family grandfather before!
Xia Le was shocked and angry.

"What the hell does this mean? Is this going to take me to be buried with that dead man?"

Gritting her teeth, Xia Le crawled out of the coffin stepping on the blood-soaked grave.

He looked to the side, and found five rather luxuriously decorated tombs.

Two of them have been sealed, and a photo of Mrs. Chen is hung on a grave.

On another grave was a photograph of a woman in a red wedding gown and a red head covering with no face visible.

In front of these graves are the same as before Mr. Chen died. There is a bowl of rice, three sticks of incense, and two thick and long white candles, which look very haunting.

The other three graves were just shells, and they were still empty inside.

It looks like the ancestral grave of a certain village or town, with black pagoda trees planted on both sides of the road.

The night wind blew, and the leaves of the pagoda tree slammed into each other. The timid people might be scared to cry.

Seeing Xia Le following behind him obediently, the old man said.

"You were unlucky. You stepped into Chenjia Village when you shouldn't have come. You should feel lucky. You are the only one who survived among all the people who participated in the funeral."

Xia Le was taken aback and couldn't help but speak.

"Who are you lying to! This is a society ruled by law! And they are not chickens and ducks, how could they kill so many people! You can't even do it with a submachine gun!"

At that time, there were hundreds of people attending the funeral in Chenjia Village, how could they all die.

The old man didn't argue with Xia Le, but just said in a deep voice.

"They died because they were blood related to Lao Chen. Only you got into it by mistake. Maybe this is God's will. Afterlife, whether it's for the world or yourself, you have to inherit Lao Chen's shop and reopen the bank stand up."

"The bank? Inheritance?"

The more Xia Le heard, the more something was wrong.

Could this old man be mentally ill?

Otherwise, how would you change yourself into such a set of clothes that a dead person would wear?
He is old and mentally ill, so he is not criminally responsible for what he has done!
Following the old man through the gloomy path, the two came to a hut.

The area of ​​this room is very small, you can see the head at a glance, but only about fifty square meters.

At the same time, the room is very clean, and Xia Le hardly sees any modern electrical appliances.

The old man put down the ax in his hand and lit a kerosene lamp.

There was a faint stench from the kerosene lamp.

The old man sat down on the wooden bed and said to Xia Le.

"Sit down. You don't know what's going on, young man, right? It might be more appropriate for you to experience it for yourself than for me to tell you."

Just as he finished speaking, footsteps sounded from outside the door.

Xia Le turned her head, and by the dim light of the oil lamp, she saw a young man with stiff feet and a pale face, who looked like a mummy walked in.

The man's face startled Xia Le.

To what extent does it take kidney deficiency to make the face so white!
After seeing Xia Le, the young man walked straight towards him without blinking his eyes.

Xia Le blinked, and suddenly found that under the light of the oil lamp, there was no shadow under the young man's feet!

Shocked, Xia Le jumped up from the stool.

"What the hell is this?!"

But the young man took a few steps forward, stretched out his hand and grabbed Xia Le's neck.

Xia Le subconsciously slapped the opponent's hand, but a thought suddenly popped up in her heart.

"This thing is worthless, at least two of them can be exchanged for three yuan."

At this moment, Xia Le felt a gloomy force suddenly erupt from his body.

This force spread out along his hand, and the young man caught by him immediately stood still.

But with the consumption of this power, Xia Le's expression became colder and paler.

Xia Le felt that she was very uncomfortable now, and her body temperature dropped rapidly.

At the same time, it seemed that something was slowly crawling out of his body!

(End of this chapter)

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