Chapter 28
Fox, Mindy and Bullseye can see that Xia Le is mocking him, but they have no idea what the point of this ridicule is because they haven't read Three Kingdoms.

Bullseye moved his mouth, but his expression froze.

"Are you looking for this?"

Xia Le picked up a small sharp blade from the table next to it, the edge was very sharp.

This is found from under Bullseye's tongue.

Bull's eyes were slightly cold, and he immediately spit on Xia Le's face.


He is so rigid!

Xia Le raised her hand and used her arm to block the saliva spit out by Bullseye.

But his face sank visibly to the naked eye.

Xia Le took a large piece of adhesive tape and stuck it to Bullseye's mouth to seal his mouth.

Then he brought another bat to Mindy and turned his head toward the bullseye.

"It's the Damon he injured. Now there is revenge, and there is resentment. Since Bullseye is proud of accurate shooting, let's break his hand."

Hearing what Xia Le said, Bullseye's eyes changed, as if he wanted to scold someone.

But his mouth was gagged, and he could only make whimpers of unknown meaning.

Mindy also remembered this incident, and his face also pulled down.

She took the bat from Xia Le, stared at Bullseye, held the handle tightly with both hands, and hit him more than a dozen times in a row.

Bang, bang, bang!
The clubs, powerful enough to break bricks, rained down on Bullseye's arms and stomach, almost every time there was a sound of broken bones.

"No! No!"

Bullseye let out a muffled scream, and was beaten so hard that he writhed on the ground, and the bones in his arm were broken into dozens of pieces.

Panting slightly, Mindy hit Bullseye on the collarbone with the last blow.

The wooden baseball bat as thick as an arm broke into two halves with a click, which shows how much strength Mindy used.

At the same time, Bullseye's collarbone was also recessed, revealing an unnatural break in the middle, and ended up in the same fate as a baseball bat.

Mindy got angry and dropped the baseball bat that was only half in his hand.

And Xia Le picked up an industrial pliers placed beside him.

It is the kind of large pliers specially used to cut steel bars on the construction site.

Next, there is a famous scene that can be seen in many movies, which makes the scalp tingle.

Xia Le took off Bullseye's shoes and smelly socks, and put one of his big toes into the opening of the industrial pliers.

Bullseye was dizzy from being beaten by Mindy before, and he didn't realize that a more tragic experience would befall him next.

Fox even couldn't bear to close his eyes.


The next moment, Bullseye's body trembled violently.


His eyes were bulging, as if they were about to pop out of their sockets, but his mouth was sealed with tape, and he could only scream in silence, blocking the pain in his throat.

A profuse amount of cold sweat seeped from Bullseye's body, soaking his clothes.

This is what Xia Le said before, only a wound that is painful enough but not fatal can cause this pig-killing scream.

In order to ensure the secrecy of the stronghold, Damon put plastic seals on the doors and windows here.

So Bullseye can yell as much as he wants, without worrying about disturbing the neighbors who have to get up for work early tomorrow morning.

However, his mouth was sealed with tape, so it was difficult to scream.

After cutting the pliers, Xia Le deliberately shook the industrial pliers in his hand, and asked Bullseye with a smile.

"Do you believe in light?"


Bullseye, whose mouth is taped shut, would love to talk, but can't.

"Don't talk? You are such a tough guy! My favorite is a tough guy!"

Seeing that he didn't answer, Xia Le clamped his other big toe with industrial pliers and clicked.

"Woo! Woo!!!"

Again, Bullseye's whole body trembled violently.

He rolled on the ground in pain like a caterpillar that had been roasted by flames.

Blood flowed from his feet, dripped all over the ground, and splashed everywhere.

Seeing Bullseye suffering, Mindy took two steps back and muttered.

"You have sealed his mouth, it's no wonder he can answer."

Xia Le is as good as others.

"Sealed? Then open it."

He put down the pliers in his hand and took out a knife.

But Xia Le didn't cut the tape on Bullseye's mouth. Instead, he clasped Bullseye's chin tightly with his left hand, and slowly slashed at his cheeks on both sides.

"How about we put him in a clown makeup? Why so serious?"

Xia Le used the knife in his hand to cut Bullseye's cheek little by little, but still didn't cut the tape on his mouth.

At this moment, Bullseye was so painful that he could only roll his eyes, and he could hardly even scream.

He was probably looking forward to passing out now.

Fox on the side looked very timid and gasped.

Although this man wears Batman's clothes, his personality is more like a clown.

Even though she and Bullseye were mortal enemies, she couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness in her heart.

Bullseye's pain is now her future, right?

At this point, Mindy finally couldn't stand it anymore.

"Give him a good time."

Anyway, it's the last thing.

Damon will forgive him if he vents his anger to this extent.

"Okay, you have the final say."

Now that Mingdy has spoken, Xia Le throws away the butterfly knife in his hand.

Bullseye almost begged Xia Le to kill him quickly.

This painful ordeal is finally coming to an end.

Xia Le stretched out his hands and released a hundred units of light energy to Bullseye.

Countless lights swarmed up, erasing Bullseye's body, the parts that fell to the ground, and the blood splattered around it, turning them into spots of light.

It's as if nothing happened just now, only the broken bat seems to be telling something.

[The user kills Bullseye and gains 226 points of light energy. 】

"Bullseye is worth so much? I almost lost money!"

Hearing the system prompt, Xia Le never expected it.

How could a professional killer be worth such a little energy of light?

Jin Bing is more than ten times his size!
Xia Le turned his head and looked at Fox.

"Then how much is she worth?"

Being watched by Xia Le's eyes, the big beauty's heart skipped a beat, and her back was sweating.

Her pupils dilated slightly, and her heart beat involuntarily.

This is an expression of fear.

Although she has received anti-beating and anti-torture training, the fear in her heart cannot be eliminated at all!

And what happened to the light just now?

Is this man really human?

Xia Le played with the knife in his hand, and gave Fox a commercial smile.

"Do you believe in light?"

Fox nodded without hesitation, for fear that Xia Le might be suspicious.

"I believe."

This is a lunatic, a psychopath!

Now people are fighting for the knife and I am the fish, it is best to follow the other party's wishes.

Otherwise, bullseye is a lesson for others.

Although Fox said so, Xia Le's system did not respond, indicating that she did not believe in light.

Xia Le also wanted Fox to teach him gun fighting skills, and comforted him when he saw this.

"You don't need to be so afraid, Miss Fox. There is a light deep in each of us, but some of us may not realize it."

But Mindy who was standing behind him said in a low voice.

"So you're going to cut her heart out and see?"

She also felt that Xia Le's mental state seemed a little abnormal.

(End of this chapter)

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