light is like this

Chapter 29 Light Knows Many Secrets Secrets

Chapter 29 Light Knows Many Secrets (Drama) Secrets (Love)

Xia Le turned to stare at Mindy.

"Don't interrupt the children when the adults are talking! Go back and do your homework!"

Mindy is not false at all.

She, who has experienced many battles, is not a little girl who will cry when watching a murder torture.

exactly the opposite.With his hands on his hips, Mingdi confronted Xia Le aggressively.

"What's the use of being fierce to me? Do you want to take me away and do that kind of thing with her? The teacher has already taught it in class!"

Xia Le: ...

Bound Fox: ...

That's right, he admitted that Fox is indeed beautiful and has a hot body.

But that's not the point!

The point is her gun fighting skills!
There are many beautiful hot girls, but there are not many assassins who can fight with guns and are easy to be turned by him!

Xia Le scolded Mingdy angrily.

"So do you still want to learn? If you don't want to learn, just say it!"

At this moment, Mingdy also remembered the gun fighting technique, so he reluctantly walked into the next room and closed the door.

Before closing the door, she specifically warned Xia Le.

"Remember what you said, don't lie to me again!"

Watching Mindy slam the door shut, Fox was completely desperate.

If you said in front of her that you were going to do that kind of thing to her, did you really not take her seriously?

If it weren't for biting her tongue and killing herself, she wouldn't actually die, so she would kill herself now for these two people to see!
After driving Mindy away, Xia Le smiled apologetically at Fox.

"Sorry. Children are ignorant, so don't take it to heart."

Fox looked at Xia Le silently, and had to admit that he was a little panicked.

I think she knows everything!
Xia Le picked up a gold coin from the Continental Hotel from the table next to him, and decided to start with simple questions that Fox did not resist, so as to ease the awkward atmosphere just now.

"Where is the Continental Hotel in New York?"

This is no secret, so Fox said it out very happily.

"At 56 Beaver Avenue, Manhattan."

Xia Le continued to ask.

"How long has Bullseye defected from the Brotherhood? How many of you has he killed?"

"It's been more than three years since Bullseye defected, and he killed six of us over the years."

"Who was that assassin with you? The butcher or the repairman?"

"It's a newcomer taught by the butcher."

Having said that, Fox suddenly paused, raised his head with great effort, and looked at Xia Le with some doubts.

Does he know butchers and repairmen?Ever dealt with a fraternity before?

Xia Le found a stool to sit down and asked again.

"Has Cross betrayed the Brotherhood now? Has Sloan found the Son of Cross?"

The news surprised Fox even more.

He even knew about the defection of the cross?
And the cross has a son?

Since Xia Le has already grasped this information, then Fox will honestly say
"Cross betrayed the fraternity three months ago and killed several senior members of the fraternity. Sloan is currently laying out plans against him. But I don't know about him having a son."

So, that unlucky Wesley is still living a hard life of being squeezed by his boss, cuckolded by his girlfriend and his best friend?
Xia Le scratched her chin and pulled off the fake beard.

"So don't you find it strange? If your Destiny Loom is so powerful, why did Bullseye and Cross defect? ​​They betrayed the Brotherhood's faith?"

Fox frowned slightly, not knowing what Xia Le meant by that.

"Is not it?"

"Oh, of course not."

Xia Le laughed very bluntly.

He looked down at Fox, whose hands were bloody and bearing countless blood debts, but was deceived by innocent fairy tales and thought he was the "righteous side", and reminded him.

"Bullseye's defection may be because he felt bored and wanted excitement. The cross's defection should be because he saw his name on the loom, and then secretly figured out Sloan's business, intending to get rid of the Brotherhood, which has become Sloan. A nefarious organization of money-making machines."

"Strictly speaking, now he is the only one who still adheres to the concept of the Brotherhood and is the "righteous" party. You are the "evil" that needs to be cleaned up."

His idea of ​​fighting and fighting for it was denied, and Fox frowned subconsciously.

"You know about Destiny's Loom? So what the hell are you trying to say? How did the Brotherhood become Sloan's moneymaker?"

Xia Le laughed.

"That's not a long story."

Noticing the pity in Xia Le's eyes, Fox felt very uncomfortable, but he didn't interrupt Xia Le's narration.

"More than ten years ago, Sloan accidentally discovered that his name appeared on the Loom of Destiny."

Hearing this sentence, Fox subconsciously denied it loudly.

"This is impossible! We are assassins chosen by the Loom of Destiny, how could our names appear on the loom!"

Facing the excited Fox, Xia Le explained.

"In the beginning, according to the guidance of the Loom of Destiny, the Brotherhood did a good job. But as the Brotherhood killed more and more people, the Brotherhood itself became a factor that needed to be cleaned up."

"Sloan discovered this, so he was disheartened. He no longer abided by the dogma of the fraternity since ancient times, and determined to turn the fraternity into an ordinary killer organization where you pay and I kill. But on the surface it still Follow the directions of destiny."

But Fox caught the loophole in Xia Le's words and retorted loudly.

"The Loom of Destiny is the incarnation of fate! The names it weaves are those designated by fate to cause great harm to mankind, and must be eliminated!"

"No no no. You think too highly of it by saying that."

Xia Le stretched out a finger and shook it gently.

"Although the fate loom contains the word fate, it is just a loom after all, and can be adjusted manually. It's just that Sloan didn't let ordinary assassins like you discover it."

"Although you were kept in the dark, the butcher, the repairman, and several senior members of the fraternity knew about it. But their names also appeared on the loom, so they acquiesced in this matter. Lie flat In the end, they don't have to bother to kill people, and they can get money from Sloan, so why not do it?"

Seeing Fox's getting more and more excited, Xia Le made a bad news for her.

"You don't know, do you? Sloan killed your prosecutor's father and mother more than ten years ago. He killed your family, received a reward from gangsters, and then trained you to be an excellent killer in his hands." , play with your heart and will with the legend of the Loom of Destiny. Killing three birds with one stone is a very clever approach, right?"

"Impossible! It's impossible!"

Faced with the truth that he almost admitted to being his father, and worked hard for his father-killing enemy for more than ten years, Fox's psychological defense collapsed.

Could it be that those people she killed before were actually innocent?
In name, she was doing justice for the heavens, but she was actually a bloody and sinful executioner? !
PS: Thank you "Brother Zazazaza" for the starting point reward.

(End of this chapter)

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