The counterattack of the villains

Chapter 257 Entering Fengtou Mountain

Chapter 257 Entering Fengtou Mountain

In the sky above Fengtou Mountain, the five daughters of Bai Suzhen stood on the clouds, observing the bandit village below.

They were surprised to find that the Bandits No. [-] on Fengtou Mountain were all women.

The older ones were three or forty years old, and the younger ones were only twelve or thirteen years old. There was no trace of a man in the entire cottage.

Xiaoqing laughed and said: "This cottage is quite suitable for us. There are no smelly men, so we can avoid many troubles."

The other girls nodded in agreement, and Ding Xiang said eagerly, "Then let's go down now?"

Bai Suzhen said: "Go on, but everyone should be careful to hide your cultivation, and don't act too shocking, so as not to frighten the future White Lotus Bodhisattva."

Xiaoyu stared at the white lotus who was teaching martial arts to the girls in the cottage, and said suspiciously: "This white lotus is just an ordinary person. Although his martial arts are not weak, his skill is equivalent to that of a monk in the Qi training stage. How can he be a Bodhisattva?" ?”

Xiaoxue smiled and said: "Don't underestimate anyone. Didn't Ding Xiang go from a mortal to a Taiyi Golden Immortal in just a few years?"

The hearts of the girls moved, and they suddenly realized, yes, merit.

Seeing King Ming's meaning, this white lotus is probably also a person who should be robbed, just like Xiaoyu Dingxiang back then.

After the people who should be robbed survive the catastrophe, they will gain a lot of merit, and it is normal to take this step to reach the sky.

Thinking of this, the hearts of the girls are also burning. Since the merits of Bai Lianhua are enough for her to attain the Bodhisattva status, then this merit will definitely not be lacking.

By following Bai Lianhua's side, they will definitely gain a lot of merit, and this is all given to them by King Ming.

Namo Dawei Tianlong Mingwang Bodhisattva.

Xiaoqing couldn't wait to say: "Let's go down quickly!"

"Well, let's go."

The five people turned into five escaping lights and landed in a place out of sight in the cottage.

Afterwards, the five people turned around, and the gorgeous skirts on their bodies were all changed into tight-fitting clothes suitable for martial arts, each holding a long sword in their left hands.

Among the five people, Bai Suzhen and Xiaoxue are both dressed in white, Xiaoqing and Ding Xiang are dressed in green clothes, but the style is different, and Xiaoyu is dressed in purple.

The five girls are all stunning in the world, and their temperaments are also different, some are dignified and majestic, some are lively and lively, some are pretty and pleasant, some are as cold as a fairy.

The real one is Chunlan Qiuju, each good at winning.

The identities that the five girls fabricated for themselves were heroines who bonded with Jinlan, traveled the rivers and lakes together, and fought for righteousness.

Bai Suzhen is the eldest sister, Xiaoxue is the second sister, Xiaoqing is the third sister, Xiaoyu is the fourth sister, and Ding Xiang is the fifth sister.

After the five girls were ready, they headed up the mountain with Bai Suzhen as the leader.

We arrived at a pass where a bamboo and wood fence was built as a defensive pass for the cottage.

There are wooden planks above the fence, which can walk back and forth, and there are female bandits guarding with bows and arrows.

On both sides are cliffs that are several feet high, which can play the same role as the city wall, and are even more difficult to climb than the city wall.

Because the ground under the city wall is still flat at any rate, a long ladder can be erected for ants to attach to it.

But under the cliff is a steep slope with an extremely steep slope, and there is no place for a ladder.

If you want to break into the cottage, you can only forcibly attack the checkpoint.

But the pass is narrow, and it is impossible to deploy troops at all. It only needs to send a few people and prepare enough rolling stones and trees on the cliff, and it will be a situation where one man guards the pass and ten thousand men cannot open it.

This Fengtou mountain stronghold was managed by Bai Lianhua to be easy to defend and difficult to attack. In addition, they all had extraordinary skills and strong martial arts, so that the government had repeatedly suppressed them without success. Instead, they lost troops and suffered heavy casualties.

And every time the government launches a campaign of suppression, there will be revenge from the Fengtou Mountain female bandits.

They come and go like ghosts and ghosts, and the government has nothing to do with them.

Gradually, the government stopped thinking about Fengtou Mountain, and instead retreated from it, and just lay down.


When the five girls approached the checkpoint at a distance of tens of feet, there was a sharp piercing sound.

However, none of the five girls moved, allowing an arrow to fly obliquely from top to bottom, piercing the ground in front of them.

The arrow hit the ground four or five inches, and the tail of the arrow was still trembling slightly, which showed that the arrow was full of strength.

The female bandit leader who was shooting arrows on the checkpoint shouted loudly: "Who is coming? Tell us your name."

The five girls stood still in front of the arrow, and Bai Suzhen took two steps forward alone, clasped her fists and said, "Little girl Bai Suzhen, and four sister-in-law are traveling together in the rivers and lakes."

"I've heard that the White Lotus King of Fengtou Mountain robs the rich and helps the poor, punishes rape and eradicates evil. He is really a hero among women. I have admired him for a long time. Today I am here to join you."

Although Bai Suzhen's voice was gentle and graceful, these few words were spoken with the heroic spirit of the sons and daughters of the world.

When all the female bandits on the checkpoint heard this, they all blushed and felt very proud.

But the leader didn't believe it easily, but said: "Wait a minute, I'm reporting to the king."

Bai Suzhen said: "Thank you."

The leader jumped off the fence with a somersault, performed lightness kung fu, and rushed towards the village.

On the martial arts arena in the cottage, Bai Lianhua was teaching the girls how to use swords and correcting their movements. When she heard a "Report", she immediately turned around and walked out of the crowd to meet the leader.

"what's up?"

"Report to Your Majesty, five heroines came from behind closed doors, saying they came to vote for their fame, please Your Majesty to make a decision."

Bai Lianhua asked with interest: "What kind of heroine?"

The leader pondered for a while, and said: "Everyone is as beautiful as a fairy, and they are heroic."

Bai Lianhua laughed dumbly and said, "Is that an exaggeration?"

The leader sighed: "It's not an exaggeration at all, the king will find out after going to see it."

Bai Lianhua was even more curious when she heard the words, she waved her hand and said, "Then go and have a look."

At the closed door, Bai Suzhen and his entourage waited for a cup of tea, and then the door was heavily closed and opened, and a white lotus, also dressed in a clean white dress, strode out.

Behind her were a dozen or so female bandits dressed in red and wearing red scarves. All of them had bright eyes and strong martial arts skills.

When Bai Lianhua saw the five daughters of Bai Suzhen, she secretly marveled, the boss was right, these are really five beautiful women.

She walked up to three zhang in front of the five people and stood still, clasped her fists and said, "I'm laying down the white lotus, everyone please."

The five girls clasped their fists in return, and Bai Suzhen said, "I'm Bai Suzhen, I have seen the King."

Bai Lianhua raised her beautiful eyebrows, and said with a smile: "I never thought that my sister is still from the same family. I don't know where the sisters come from?"

Bai Suzhen pointed to Xiaoqing, and said: "My sister Xiaoqing and I are both from Hangzhou."

Then he pointed to them one by one, and introduced: "This is sister Xiaoxue, from Anyang, Xiangzhou. Sister Xiaoyu and sister Dingxiang came from the same school, and they are both from Gusu."

"The five of us sisters met by chance, and we became friends as soon as we saw each other. We became friends with Jinlan and traveled the rivers and lakes together, fighting for righteousness."

"When I came to Guozhou, I often heard the great king's prestige of robbing the rich and helping the poor, punishing rape and eradicating evil, and knowing that the king is also a chivalrous man of my generation, so I came to join him."

After Bai Suzhen finished speaking, Xiaoqing smiled and said, "Maybe our five sisters will become six sisters?"

After listening to the two girls' words, Bai Lianhua's affection for them rose greatly, and a smile appeared on her face.

But she didn't agree directly, but said: "It's okay to be a sister, but you want to join my cottage..."

"You guys also know that what we do is to lose your head. If you don't have some excellent skills under your hands, I don't recommend you to go up the mountain."

Bai Suzhen smiled and said: "Your Majesty, you might as well think about it carefully. From Jiangnan to Guozhou, we have traveled thousands of miles, fighting for justice and fighting against injustice."

"If your subordinates don't have any skills, how can they stand in front of the king properly?"

All the female bandits suddenly realized that what they said made sense!
Don't say that they are chivalrous, fight against injustice, and provoke troubles on their own initiative.

With the looks of the few of them, if their hands were not strong enough, they would have been eaten up by all kinds of villains long ago.

Bai Lianhua's eyes lit up, obviously also thinking of this section.

She was secretly excited in her heart, but on the surface she maintained the poise of the king of Fengtou Mountain, and said in her mouth: "There is no evidence for what we say, let's see the truth, I am not talented, and I would like to ask a few sisters for advice. "

Bai Suzhen pursed her lips into a smile, turned her head to look at Xiaoyu, and said, "Since that's the case, Xiaoyu is the one with the highest martial arts among us, so it's up to you to compete with the king!"

Xiaoyu is indeed the one with the highest cultivation base and the strongest fighting power among the five girls. Not only does she have the cultivation base of the late Taiyi Golden Immortal, but she has also practiced the Heaven Splitting Palm.

Originally, when she swallowed the wick of the Lotus Lantern, her cultivation level was close to that of Da Luo, and even Monkey King and Yang Jian were no match for her.

But later, when Chen Xiang was united with the lamp, she had returned all the mana that belonged to the wick of the lotus lamp to the lotus lamp, and finally became the mana of Chen Xiang.

Now this body of mana is recovered by the merit of measuring robbery.

Originally, Taiyi Jinxian's cultivation base could not be trained to split the palm of the gods, but Xiaoyu's situation is different.

She first practiced the Heaven Splitting God Palm, and then fell to the realm, so she still made it out, but the power was much weaker.

Hearing Bai Suzhen's words, Xiaoyu walked forward without hesitation, with a sweet smile on her face, said: "Eldest sister is too modest, our sister's skills are between brothers, and younger sister is just taking advantage of the master."

Bai Lianhua looked at Xiaoyu curiously and asked, "Which school did you ask my sister to learn from?"

Xiaoyu said: "I'm ashamed, my little girl's aptitude is ordinary, she's just an outer disciple from the Haoran Sect of Gusu."

Hearing her words, the girls couldn't help laughing. The majestic wife of Haoran Sect Master actually considers herself a disciple of the outer sect. I really don't know how Bai Lianhua will react when she finds out the truth in the future.

At this time, Bai Lianhua really showed shock, Gusu Haoranzong?Isn't that the legendary Sword Immortal sect?

Even if they were only disciples from the outer sect, it would definitely not be easy. It was unexpected that among these five people, there was such a disciple from a famous sect.

Then she became excited again, if such a person would join her cottage and become her good sister, it would be a joy from heaven.

But then Bai Lianhua became dignified, since the opponent is a member of the Haoran sect, his martial arts must not be bad.

If he is defeated by her, not only will he lose face in front of his subordinates, but he may not be able to establish prestige in front of the girls in the future.

Although her family's martial arts from the Bai family is far inferior to Hao Ranzong's unique skills, the grade is not low. After all, the opponent is not an inner sect sword fairy, is he?
This battle has to be won no matter what.

Thinking of this, Bai Lianhua stretched out her hand beside her opponent, and the leader immediately handed over the sword and put the hilt into her palm.

Bai Lianhua drew out her long sword, danced a sword flower, and finally pointed the tip of the sword obliquely at the ground, and said to Xiaoyu: "Please, sister."

The female bandits backed away and gave way to the venue.

Xiaoyu also drew his sword out of its sheath, made a gesture of raising his hand, and said in his mouth: "Please give me your advice, Your Majesty."

After speaking, he touched the ground with his toes, and rushed towards the white lotus. The tip of the sword trembled, making it difficult for people to see where it was going to stab.

Bai Lianhua has a dignified expression, an expert will know if there is one as soon as he makes a move, Xiaoyu is worthy of being from a famous family, this sword technique is very sophisticated.

I don't know where the opponent will stab, so naturally there is no way to crack it, so I can only dodge it.

Bai Lianhua waited until the point of the sword pierced a foot in front of her, then turned to one side, and avoided it when there was no time to move.

Xiaoyu pierced the air with a sword, and immediately slashed horizontally. The long sword in Bai Lianhua's hand was upside down, with the hilt on the top and the tip of the sword facing down, blocking Xiaoyu's long sword.

Then he turned his wrist upwards, turned the long sword, pushed Xiaoyu's sword away, and slashed at Xiaoyu's waist with a backhand sword.

Xiaoyu jumped up, jumped over Bai Lianhua's head in a somersault, and kicked backwards with her slender legs.

Bai Lianhua's reaction was also not slow, when Xiaoyu stood up, she kicked her feet on the ground, and her body suddenly jumped forward, Xiaoyu's kick was naturally missed.

The two tentatively played against each other, evenly matched, and had an intuitive understanding of each other's reflexes and combat experience.

In the eyes of Bai Lianhua, Xiaoyu is undoubtedly a formidable enemy, and she needs to be careful in dealing with it, otherwise she will capsize if she is not careful.

But Xiaoyu was able to know exactly how much strength he should use and what kind of measure he should maintain.

This time, without waiting for Xiaoyu to make a move, Bai Lianhua took the lead, and at the same time leaping forward, stabbed Xiaoyu's left shoulder, collarbone, and right shoulder three times in a row, quickly and urgently.

In the eyes of the female bandits watching, the long sword in Bai Lianhua's hand suddenly turned into three sword lights, and the three swords pierced Xiaoyu almost simultaneously.

Xiaoyu turned her wrist continuously, and the sword light formed three circles, making a move of "Three Rings Surrounding the Moon", to cover the three sword lights respectively.

"Ding Ding Ding"

After three crisp beeps, Bai Lianhua returned in vain, and immediately changed her moves, and then both of them used their "true skills".

The female bandits were dazzled, and they talked a lot.

"This girl Xiaoyu is so powerful, she really deserves to be a disciple of a famous family."

"Our king is not bad, and we are not at a disadvantage."

"To be able to fight the king to this extent, Miss Xiaoyu's martial arts are enough to take the second place in the cottage."

"Didn't you listen to what she said? She just took advantage of being from a famous family and is slightly better at swordsmanship. The skills of the other girls are on par with hers."

"Hey, there are a few girls in our cottage, isn't it a big increase in strength?"

This discussion is not over yet, Xiaoyu has already won the admiration of the five female bandits by virtue of her hard skills.

But Xiaoyu also knew that he couldn't win against Bai Lianhua in this duel.

Otherwise, if you haven't joined the cottage, you will lose face to the king. Even if Bai Lianhua has a big heart and doesn't care about it, it will not be good for you in the future.

Therefore, after fighting for a cup of tea, Xiaoyu saw the right time and ended the match with what seemed like a half-lost but actually a tie.

I saw the long sword of the white lotus in the field, resting on the side of Xiaoyu's neck, and Xiaoyu's long sword pointed at the heart of the white lotus, but the tip of the sword was still half a foot away from her.

According to the point-to-point rule, Xiaoyu lost half of the move.

But Bai Lianhua knew in her heart that although she held Xiaoyu's vitals, if she wanted to kill Xiaoyu, she still had to drag the long sword to wipe her neck.

In the process, she couldn't stop Xiaoyu's sword from piercing her heart.

If this trick is used up, they will end up dying together, so the two are actually a tie.

This result made Bai Lianhua very happy. The other party's martial arts were not as good as her own, but she couldn't beat her.

This means that he has got a subordinate with high martial arts skills, but it will not threaten his status, which is perfect.

"Clap clap clap..."

The girls of Bai Suzhen applauded one after another, and the female bandits under Bai Lianhua also applauded after seeing this, and the applause continued for a while.

Bai Suzhen smiled and said: "Wonderful. Although there are people outside of people, there are mountains beyond mountains, but the five of us have traveled thousands of miles around the world, and we have never met a master who can defeat Xiaoyu. Today we finally met."

Xiaoyu was the first to withdraw the sword when she heard the words, and clasped her fists with a sincere and convincing expression: "The king's martial arts are superb, and the younger sister is willing to bow down, and she is convinced."

Bai Lianhua also took back the long sword, held it upside down in her hand, and said with a smile on her face: "My sister is too modest, and I was only lucky enough to win half of the moves. If it is a life-and-death fight, it is not yet known who will die."

After speaking, he looked at Bai Suzhen and his daughters, and said loudly: "Today, I have five sisters joining Fengtou Mountain, which can be said to be even more powerful. Sisters, please follow me into the village."

"Please, Your Majesty first."

Bai Lianhua smiled sweetly, handed the long sword to her subordinates, and then walked into the mountain gate together with Bai Suzhen in one arm and Xiaoyu in the other.

Since then, the five of them successfully joined Fengtou Mountain and became the five masters under Bai Lianhua's command.

(End of this chapter)

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