Chapter 258
Outside the Nantian Gate, Li Mu and Chen Xiang squatted here for several months.

But what bothered them was that none of the monsters under Wutian's command who had occupied the Heavenly Court for the past few months came out, and at the same time, no one went in.

Chen Xiang looked at Li Mu with a tangled face and said, "It doesn't make sense. Could it be that these monsters have no contact with Lingshan at all?"

Li Mu frowned and thought for a long time, then suddenly his expression changed, and he said quietly: "Chen Xiang, do you think we guarded the wrong place?"

Chen Xiang was taken aback when he heard the words, and after being frozen for a few breaths, he slapped his face and said angrily: "I understand."

"Lingshan is in Xiniu Hezhou. Even if the monsters under Wutian's command have contacts, there is a high probability that they will go to the West Heaven Gate. We really guarded the wrong place."

Li Mu smiled wryly. They lived in Nanzhan Buzhou all the year round, and they also used the Nantian Gate to enter and exit the Heavenly Court, so they formed a habit of thinking. Subconsciously, they thought that the Nantian Gate was the common entrance and exit of the Heavenly Court.

Chen Xiang said helplessly: "Then what should we do now? Shall we go to the West Heaven Gate?"

Li Mulue pondered for a while, but his eyes were fixed, and he said in a deep voice: "The reincarnation of the Buddha's reincarnation will be doomed, and Xiaoyu and the others are still powerless, so we don't have time to waste it."

"If we don't guard, let's go straight in. As long as we move fast enough and take the relic before the Heavenly Court's demon soldiers report the incident, there will be no problem."

After finishing speaking, a golden light emerged from behind, and the already golden Tianlong Zhan unfolded with a swish.

Among the magic weapons on his body, Tianlong Zhan is the most suitable for dealing with large groups of minions.

"Okay, I'll open the way."

Chen Xiang has no objection, he feels that if he joins hands with his master, even the Tathagata Buddha may not be able to resist, how can a group of hundreds of thousands of demon soldiers, a group of demons who don't even have a big Luo, stop them?
As long as they are not against the sky, their master and apprentice can run amok in the Three Realms.

Without further ado, he directly sacrificed the Yitian Sword, made a hand trick, and the Yitian Sword began to divide geometrically.

In an instant, the sky outside the Nantianmen was filled with the Yitian sword that covered the sky and the sun.

Exercising Wanjian Jue at the peak of the quasi-sage, the effect is quite terrifying. The sword shadows that are differentiated are not only tens of thousands, but hundreds of thousands or millions.

"Master, let's go."

The infinite sword shadow turned into a river of swords, rushing towards Nantianmen in a violent storm.

Chen Xiang and Li Mu stood side by side in the river of swords, the demon soldiers couldn't see them at all, they could only see the long swords rushing towards him.

Jianhe rushed so fast that the demon soldiers guarding Nantianmen couldn't react at all, and turned into flying ash under the scouring of Jianhe.

After Jianhe poured into the Nantianmen, it became overwhelming, and there was no dog or dog left wherever it passed, and no monsters could survive in Jianhe.

Demons with higher cultivation bases can only resist for a while.

Li Mu's Heavenly Dragon Slashing Flying Knife, mixed in the shadow of infinite swords, is designed to kill big monsters with advanced cultivation.

Even if it is the Taiyi realm, it can't resist ten breaths before it falls, and it is washed away by the sword river, and even the soul of the primordial spirit cannot escape.

Jianhe headed towards the bullfighting palace unstoppably, and the monsters stationed in the heaven couldn't react effectively at all.

Because the speed of Jianhe rushing is too fast, the monsters that have not been seen do not know the situation, so naturally it is impossible to talk about how to deal with it, and when they see Jianhe coming, it is already too late.

Before the monsters understood what was going on, they were submerged by the roaring river of swords.

Li Mu unleashed all the Heavenly Dragon Slashing Flying Knives, beheading those monsters who were outside Jianhe's route and were not affected by Jianhe, but could see Jianhe one by one.

He attached Nanming Lihuo to the flying knife, and all the monsters hit by the knife were wiped out without exception, leaving no bones left.

In this way, the time for the heavenly monsters to figure out the situation and report it to Wutian can be delayed to the greatest extent.

Naturally, Li Mu would not naively think that the only way for the magic soldiers to communicate with Wutian is to send messages manually.

In the prehistoric world, there are countless means of long-distance communication. Li Mu's bet is that the heavenly monsters will not rashly contact Wutian before they understand the situation.

Therefore, the two masters and apprentices beheaded and killed all the monsters they encountered in the places they passed, and beat them all to ashes, leaving no souls.

In this way, no one reports to the high-level, and the high-level does not know what happened.

I don't even know what happened, so I can't ask for help.

The Bullfighting Palace is close to Laojun's Tushita Palace, although Chen Xiang has never been there, but when he went to Tushiita Palace to steal pills, he passed by the Bullfighting Palace, so he is also familiar with the road.

It took less than half a quarter of an hour to rush from the Nantian Gate to the Heavenly Court and fight all the way to the Bullfighting Palace.

After annihilating all the demon soldiers guarding outside the bullfighting palace, Chen Xiang finally retreated, dispersed the sword shadows all over the sky, and recalled the Yitian sword.

Li Mu pushed open the gate of the Bullfighting Palace, spread out and shrunk to an inch, and after a few flashes, he reached the main hall.

Chen Xiang followed closely behind, and when he arrived at the main hall, he turned around and asked, "Master, where do you think the relics will be hidden?"

Without the slightest hesitation, Li Mu strode towards a golden lotus platform, pointed to the lotus platform and said, "This lotus platform is the only place where treasures can be hidden in the Bullfighting Palace."

After speaking, he raised his palm and split the lotus platform into pieces, and three golden relics flew out of it.

Li Mu waved his hand with burning eyes, and took it into his palm. At this point, all the fifteen relics strayed outside were in his hand.

As long as he finds Sun Wukong again and gets the relic of Ran Deng, his chance to prove the Tao is basically complete.

The rest is to wait for 33 years to pass, the arrival of the last day.

"The relics have been obtained, let's withdraw."

The two turned into light, and returned the same way. Until now, the demon soldiers still hadn't reacted, and the two went out faster than when they came in.


In Qiao's Village at the foot of Fengtou Mountain, in a small courtyard on the east side of Qiao's residence, Zhizhu led the people one by one into the hall for medical consultation to the right.

To the left is in another room, to do some acupuncture, massage and other cost-free treatments for patients who have been diagnosed by the right.

After being diagnosed and treated, the patients whose condition improved greatly, bowed to each other one after another, saying "thank you, master, for your kindness" in their mouths.

Because they do not charge money for diagnosis or treatment from the left to the right. As for patients who need medicine, Xiangyou will prescribe a good prescription and ask them to go to the pharmacy to get the medicine according to the prescription.

Although they could have prepared the medicinal materials by themselves, it was nothing to them at all.

But after all, the shopkeeper of the pharmacy and the doctor also have to eat, so they can't completely cut off the family's money.

But even so, the sick people are already very grateful, after all, it saved them a sum of money to find a doctor for consultation.

And for those injuries caused by bruises, or diseases caused by poor Qi channels, even the cost of medicine can be saved.

The acupuncture and massage techniques of the two masters are superb. After a few needles or palms are applied, the whole body will be relieved immediately, and all the ailments will be gone.

The two of them are quite well-known in these ten miles and eight villages. Even the common people dozens of miles away know that there is a pair of twin brothers who are monks in Qiaojiazhuang and have extraordinary medical skills.

The three of them came to Qiao's Village a few months ago to rebuild the ruined temple outside the village, and then came to Qiao's Village for alms.

In an "accidental" situation, I met Mrs. Qiao, and I saw at a glance that he had waist disease and bone numbness, that is, lumbar disc herniation and bone hyperplasia in later generations.

The two immediately used their means to cure his illness.

Qiao's family was originally a good family, and the whole family believed in Buddhism, so they were naturally close to the monks, and they received this kindness, so they are very grateful to them.

When the three of them were invited back home to serve at Zhong Suzhai, the three of them did not eat Qiao's food in vain, and cured people with minor and hidden diseases in Qiao's upper and lower body. Since then, the three of them have become Qiao's family. The guest of honor at the house.

The young master of Qiao Residence, Qiao Ling'er, admired the three of them very much. When he was not studying, he often went to listen to the three of them' lectures, and they were very close.

Later, I heard that the three of them wanted to have a free clinic in Qiao's village.

Mrs. Qiao vacated a courtyard on the east side of Qiao's residence as a free clinic for the three of them.

Since then, not only the three of them have gained fame, but the newly built Mingwang Temple has flourished, and even the Qiao family has been honored.

Three months ago, Qiao Ling'er took the book boy to Guozhou to take the college examination and get the honor of a scholar.

On this day, when he returned from success, he couldn't help returning home like an arrow, and urged his horse again and again.

When the familiar environment appeared in his eyes, the book boy Aaron happily said to Qiao Ling'er: "Master, we will arrive at Qiao's Village in another hour."

Qiao Ling'er was also in a good mood at this time, and said with a smile: "Yes, I am also quite homesick. I don't know how grandpa is. Master Zuo Zuo is still giving free consultations to the villagers."

Aaron looked at Qiao Ling'er with a face full of admiration, and praised: "Young master, I didn't praise you face to face. It's really rare for a person like you to be gentle, kind, and filial to the elders. The family is rich but not ostentatious." great man."

The smile on Qiao Linger's face widened a bit, and she said softly: "People are inherently kind, but in fact, everyone is the same when they are born."

"It's just that the later encounters were different, and the influence of the environment gradually changed, so you will feel that there are good people and bad people in this world."

Aaron suddenly realized, and said sincerely: "The young master is very right, the young master is a good person, because the young master's family are all good people."

"That's why eminent monks like Zuo Zuo are willing to get close to our family."


The two walked and chatted all the way, and they had passed tens of miles without knowing it.

After entering Qiao's Villa, the two slowed down and let the horse walk slowly, but they soon reached the gate of Qiao's residence.

But at this time, there was a long queue at the gate of Qiao's house, and the people were carrying food bags in their hands, and handed them to the servants of Qiao's house one by one.

The Qiao family is a big landlord, and these people are all tenants of the Qiao family. Now it is the autumn harvest season, and they all come to pay rent.

"Three Dou of the Zhang Family...Second Dou of the Liu Family..."

An old man with gray hair said to Qiao's steward with a sad face: "Master, this year's harvest is not good, please be tolerant!"

The manager of the Qiao family comforted: "Don't worry, our old man said that we can give it a few months."

While speaking, he saw a tall, handsome and elegant young man approaching, he couldn't help but his eyes lit up, he stepped forward happily, grabbed the young man's hands and said: "Young master, the young master is back!"

Qiao Ling'er smiled and nodded to the steward, then turned to look at the common people queuing up, and said, "Old Xu, is it time to pay the rent again?"

The steward sighed: "Yes, young master, the year is not good this year, and the tenants can't pay the rent. The steward has reported to the old man, and the old man is kind, saying that he can extend it for a few months."

The old man on the side said to Qiao Ling'er with a sad face: "Master, my son has been ill for half a year and has been unable to work. Although he has improved after the diagnosis and treatment of the masters, he will take medicine for a long time, not for a short time. It will be fine."

"So in the next few days, I'm afraid I won't be able to pay the rent. I hope the young master will show mercy."

After listening to his words, Qiao Ling'er frowned slightly, looked at the disheveled people, and said decisively to the old man: "Then don't pay it this year, when your son recovers and the family has surplus food, then pay it." Bar!"

The old man was overjoyed when he heard the words, he bowed gratefully and said: "Thank you, Master Dong, thank you Young Master."

Qiao Ling'er helped the old man up, then walked to the people waiting in line to pay the rent, and said loudly: "Fellow folks, this year's harvest is not very good, I am the master, all the land rent will be exempted."

After finishing speaking, he said to the old manager Xu: "Old Xu, all the food that has been handed in will be returned to the villagers. Everyone pick up the food and live a good life!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the audience erupted immediately, and everyone knelt down and kowtowed to Qiao Linger.

"Thank you, Young Master."

"Young Master's family are really good people."

"Good people will be rewarded with good rewards. Buddhas and Bodhisattvas will protect the young master's family."

Old Xu anxiously whispered to Qiao Ling'er: "Master, this... this can't be done, if the old master knows..."

Qiao Ling'er smiled and put her hand on Old Xu's shoulder, and said softly, "Old Xu, wrap it on me, don't worry! Grandpa won't blame me."

After speaking, he went to help the people up, and said: "Everyone, as I said earlier, my name is Qiao Ling'er, everyone can call me Ling'er, don't call me Young Master, ah!"

An old man walked up to Qiao Ling'er and sighed: "Ling'er, you are truly a bodhisattva, the rent collected by your family is already very low, and now you waived our rent, this old man is really sorry! "

Qiao Ling'er grabbed his hand, patted the back of his hand, and said in a warm voice: "Old man, this year is not a good year, everyone's life is not easy, if the next year is a bumper harvest, it will not be too late for everyone to pay the rent! "

"Go home, everyone! Oh, go home, everyone!"

"Thank you, Linger."

The tenants left with gratitude, and Qiao Linger couldn't help but feel very happy seeing everyone's smiles fade away.

He was about to go home and ask his grandfather to explain the matter, but when he turned around, he saw Master Zuo Zuo and Master Zhi Zhu standing aside and looking at him with a smile on their faces.

Qiao Ling'er greeted her happily, and said, "Master Zuo, Master Right, and Master Zhizhu, are you still doing free consultations for the villagers?"

Xiang Zuo smiled and said: "As long as Ling'er is still doing good deeds, we will never stop helping the world and helping others."

Xiang You cheerfully said: "As long as Ling'er is still accumulating virtue, we will definitely help you become a Buddha."

Said to the left: "Buddha crosses a predestined person, Amitabha."

Said to the right: "Everyone who is kind has a destiny, goodness is goodness."

Qiao Ling'er had long been accustomed to the one-sentence style of the two of them, but she couldn't help laughing when she heard what they said.

"Two masters, although I believe in Buddhism, my Qiao family is a single descendant. As the only child in the family, I have to pass on incense for the Qiao family. I will not become a monk!"

Xiang Zuo said: "Who said one must become a monk to become a Buddha?"

Xiang You said, "Who said one cannot become a Buddha at home?"

Xiang Zuo said: "There is a Buddha in the heart, and everyone is a Buddha."

Said to the right: "If you have kindness in your heart, you are already a Buddha."

Said to the left: "Amitabha."

Said to the right: "It's good, it's good."

Aaron behind Qiao Linger heard it funny, and couldn't help answering: "Masters, since the young master is already a Buddha, why do you need to come here?"

The two glanced at him, and Qi Qi shook his head.

Xiang Zuo said: "You don't have the roots of wisdom, and you don't understand if you tell me."

Said to the right: "You have nothing to do with Buddha, you are destined to be an ordinary person."

But Aaron didn't mind, he just smiled and said: "I'm just an ordinary person, I don't understand if I don't understand, as long as the young master can become a Buddha."

Qiao Ling'er patted him on the shoulder amusedly, and said: "Okay, master is joking with you, you can lead the horse in, I'll go see grandpa first."

"Two masters, little master Zhizhu, Ling'er excuse me first."

Xiang Zuo smiled and nodded, "Go, your grandpa misses you very much these days."


And when Qiao Ling'er returned home, on Fengtou Mountain, Bai Lianhua and Bai Suzhen, the five daughters, were listening to their subordinates' report.

"My Majesty, the situation of the bully Hu's family has been found out, please make a decision, Your Majesty."

Bai Lianhua raised her cloak, a cold light flashed in her eyes, and said coldly: "Okay, tomorrow we will go down the mountain and get rid of this bully for the people of Qiaojiazhuang."

After speaking, he smiled to Bai Suzhen and the girls: "Our sisters have not gone shopping for a while, let's go down the mountain together tomorrow for a stroll!"

Bai Suzhen smiled sweetly and said, "Okay."

Xiaoqing and the others looked at each other calmly, with a strange look in their eyes.

Isn't Qiao's Village the place where Qiao Ling'er is?Could it be that our king finally moved the red luan star?
(End of this chapter)

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