The counterattack of the villains

Chapter 421 The Last High War Mutant

Chapter 421 The Last High War Mutant


Most people showed doubts, but Li Mu, Zhang Qin, Xiao Honglu, and Zhan Lan changed their expressions slightly, as if they had thought of something.

Xiao Honglu swallowed his saliva, and said with a little shortness of breath, "This is...too cruel."

But looking at his implicitly excited eyes, it is clear that he is eager to try.

Zhan Lan said in a shy voice, "You not only have extraordinary wisdom, you also need to have an extraordinary mentality."

Zhang Qin said with a complicated expression: "Isn't your soul gradually being completed? Why do you feel that you are more indifferent than before, and even treat all living beings like ants."

Chu Xuan shook his head and said: "That's not the case, my soul is indeed being completed, but it has become my instinct not to be affected by emotions and personal emotions."

"So when making plans and considering the layout, I will subconsciously block the part of the soul that has been completed, so as to keep myself in an absolutely sane state."

"But no matter what, I have never regarded the reincarnation world as a game copy, and the natives as NPC mentality."

"I know that every aborigine in the reincarnation world is a group of flesh and blood, living people, but the ordinary people in this world do not deserve your sympathy."

Hearing his words, everyone couldn't help being slightly startled, and the field couldn't help but quiet down.

Except for the two newcomers who couldn't figure out the situation for the time being, everyone else was thinking secretly in their hearts.

After a while, Zheng Zha said thoughtfully: "Because the mutants possess great power, ordinary people are afraid of them, and those in power are afraid of them, so they will carry out exterminate massacres against them. This... is too unreasonable ?”

Zhang Qin nodded slowly and said: "It is true that there are mutants who suddenly possessed great power, and they became unscrupulous because of their expanded mentality, causing some damage to society."

"But not all mutants are bad, because some scum, it is really too much to wipe out the entire mutant group."

Zhan Lan hesitated and said, "But it's all the fault of those in power, right? What does it have to do with ordinary people?"

Li Mu shook his head and said, "You're thinking too much, the lighthouse country's national conditions, if there is no support and voice from the citizens, how could the government create such a huge army of sentinels?"

"So ordinary people are not innocent at all. Their preconceived fear and rejection of mutants is the root cause of the end of mutants."

Chu Xuan glanced at everyone, and said calmly: "You can imagine that when people like us leave alive from the space of the Lord God and return to the real world, they are also regarded as a threat by those in power who want to wipe us all out, what will you do? How do you feel?"

These words completely dissipated the last bit of unbearable feeling in some people's hearts, and they no longer resisted Chu Xuan's plan so much.

Wang Xia sighed and shook his head: "Although what Chu Xuan said is just a hypothesis, if this kind of thing is put in our country, the result will be completely different."

"People like us will not be feared by ordinary people, but will be yearned for. Everyone will try their best to become a part of us."

"The first choice of the country will not be to eliminate us, but to win us over, let us work for the country and contribute to the people."

"Even if we can't win over, we will try our best to appease them. As long as we don't take the initiative to do evil, we won't stand on our opposite side. This is the different results that will result from different ideologies."

After listening to Wang Xia's words, Zhan Lan said sarcastically: "I have to say that ordinary people in power in this world are simply stupid."

"Mutants can obviously play an unparalleled role in the development of society, and even become the guardians of the country, but they are turned into endless enemies by them."

This is indeed reasonable, just say that Charles' ability is not better than any satellite radar?
Storm's ability can make the country run smoothly. Sunspot's ability is similar to that of Kryptonians, who can absorb and release solar energy. Isn't this a humanoid infinite energy?
There is also the Iceman, which can even solve the global disaster of melting glaciers in the North and South Poles if used well. Will the ability to flicker help humans to study wormhole technology?
There are too many similar examples.

It's a pity that those in power didn't see the benefits these mutants could bring, only saw the threats they brought.

So ordinary people in this world really don't deserve sympathy.

Seeing that everyone has basically been persuaded by Chu Xuan, Li Mu immediately made a decision and said, "Since everyone has agreed, let's do what Chu Xuan said."

"However, the catastrophe will take some time to brew. We can first assign some people to make preliminary preparations."

After speaking, he looked at Chu Xuan and asked, "How much T virus stock solution did you bring?"

That's right, when Chu Xuan said the "catastrophe", Li Mu had already understood his plan.

Among the resources in their hands, the T-virus is second to none that can cause a "catastrophe" effect.

Chu Xuan said calmly: "A lot, enough to cause a biochemical crisis in the entire Western Hemisphere and the Northern Hemisphere within half a month."

"In addition to the T virus, I also went back to the Alien World during my break and got thousands of alien eggs, which can speed up the formation of the catastrophe."


All the team members gasped, ruthless, so fucking ruthless.

When the co-author knew which world the next reincarnation world would be, he was already preparing for the so-called "catastrophe".

Zombie viruses and aliens are enough for the world to drink a pot.

Li Mu nodded, and then began to nominate people: "Zhang Heng, Zhan Qing, Zhao Lingkong, Qin Zhuyan, Gao Hongtao, Wang Zhen, Zhang Yuan, Zhu Xia."

"Eight of you, each carrying part of the T virus stock solution and alien eggs, centered on Kansas, the lighthouse country, radiated outwards in eight directions, throwing the T virus stock solution."

Kansas City in Kansas is the center of the lighthouse country. From this point of view, it can radiate in eight directions, and the T virus can cover the entire territory of the lighthouse at the fastest speed.

"As for the alien eggs, you are free to choose a suitable place to place them. Try to choose a place where the facehugger can easily find the parasite, but is relatively hidden."

The people Li Mu pointed out should be their own. They are all only Jindan stage cultivation bases, and their combat power is relatively weak. Sending them to do this matter will not have much impact on the Zhongzhou team's combat power.

After Li Mu finished explaining, Chu Xuan took out eight universe bags, and evenly divided the T virus stock solution and alien eggs he had brought into the eight universe bags.

Alien eggs are not considered living beings, and if they enter the Qiankun bag that has no time to pass, they will only stagnate in development and will not cause damage to the alien eggs.

After being released, the development will continue until the facehugger is formed, and then it is truly a living body.

The eight people each received a Qiankun bag, and after casting a hiding spell on themselves, they each sacrificed their magic treasures, fairy swords, and turned into Taoist lights and flew towards the American continent.

After the blessing of the hiding spell, ordinary people will not be able to see the light with the naked eye, and electronic equipment will also be isolated by spiritual power, and it is impossible for satellites to detect them.

Zheng Zha thought of something and asked Chu Xuan, "Have you brought the antidote for the T virus?"

Chu Xuan said: "Of course, without an antidote, how dare I play like this? If this world really becomes doomsday, how can we complete our mission?"

Zheng Zha felt relieved, and Li Mu said to Zhan Lan, "Xiao Lan, find the location of the X-Men."

"Okay." Zhan Lan's incomparably huge mental power that could cover the whole world spread immediately, and the status quo of this world was clearly displayed in front of her.

Because of the war between the mutants and the Sentinels, some cities were destroyed, and the spaceships carrying the Sentinels were flying around, giving it a bit of a cyberpunk feel.

Under the attack of more and more sentinel robots with more and more capabilities, the mutants retreated steadily, and the number fell precipitously.

At the peak of the mutant population, there were 1750 million, but now it is less than 150 million. It can be said that there are not one out of ten.

And this is scattered all over the world, the remaining 150 million mutants are still rapidly decreasing under the suppression of sentinels who can identify mutants.

After all, the superpowers of most mutants are actually not helpful in combat. They may not even be able to defeat human soldiers with weapons, let alone face sentries.

The reality gave Charles a slap in the face. His original intention of creating the X-Men was to devote himself to the peaceful coexistence of mutants and ordinary people.

Even in order to prevent ordinary people from being hostile to them, they once fought to the death with fellow mutants of the Brotherhood.

But in fact, how can those in power allow the existence of special groups of people who have strong personal power enough to threaten them?

To put it in a more fashionable way, such a powerful person is not allowed on the earth.

This is basically the same thing as the relationship between the imperial court in ancient China and martial arts masters.

Martial arts masters hold personal power that threatens those in power, but the court is really determined to eliminate martial arts masters, unless you retreat to the mountains and forests, there is no way out.

In the world of "Fighting Knife in the Snow", the Beiliang cavalry with horses on the rivers and lakes has fully demonstrated this point.

In front of the imperial army, any martial arts master is just a joke.

The court's attitude towards martial arts masters determines whether martial arts masters have the soil to survive.

Speaking of this, I have to emphasize again that ideology determines the outcome.

From ancient times to the present in China, most of the imperial courts have taken the attitude of accepting special groups of people with powerful personal power for their own use.

A civil official who has no power to restrain a chicken can have a large group of martial arts masters under his command.

Few people in power would think about eliminating all martial arts masters, that would be not only stupid, but also worth the candle.

The lighthouse government in this world is just so extreme. After the government has a new generation of sentinel robots, mutants no longer have the soil to survive.

Now, whether it is the Brotherhood or the X-Men, or those mutants, they are all within the range of the Sentinels.

Mutants are being eliminated all over the world at all times, but the new mutants can't keep up with the speed of disappearance.

If this continues for a few years, the mutants will completely disappear from the earth.

After a while, Zhan Lan said to Li Mu and Chu Xuan, "I scanned the whole world, but I couldn't find any trace of the X-Men."

"Either Charles deployed the mental barrier, or their location, there is some device that can block the mental scan."

"However, about 100 kilometers to the north, I saw the ancient building where the X-Men gathered in the original plot."

Li Mu nodded and said, "Since we have found a place, we are not afraid that we will not be found. The Lord God will not put us here for no reason. Let's go, let's go there first."

Chu Xuan looked at Cheng Xiao and Chen Zhiguo, the two newcomers, turned his hand and took out the golden cudgel, threw it into the air, and said, "I love you for ten thousand years."


The golden cudgel immediately extended and became thicker, and then, like a Transformer, after a sound of mechanical friction, it quickly turned into a golden space shuttle about 30 meters long and 4 meters wide with a bullet-shaped head.

The two newcomers stared at this scene dumbfounded. Cheng Xiao even pointed to the shuttle above his head, and kept shouting, "Fuck, shit, this the golden cudgel from The Great Sage of Love?"

Li Mu patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Don't be too surprised, you will get used to it gradually in the future."

While speaking, the bottom of the shuttle cracked, and a golden beam of light was thrown down, covering everyone. The next moment, the beam of light was retracted, and a group of people disappeared in place and appeared inside the shuttle.

The interior of the shuttle is also golden in color. Apart from the cockpit at the front, there are two rows of seats at the back.

Zhang Qin said to Chu Xuan: "Would it be too high-profile if we just fly over like this? Don't we need to enter the invisible state?"

Chu Xuan said calmly: "What we want is a high profile. It's best to attract the sentinels as soon as possible, so that Charles and the others can see our strength."

Everyone suddenly realized that it was true. In the original plot, it took a lot of time for the sentinel to find there, and Wolverine has already gone back to the past to do many things.

They want to establish the main tone as soon as possible, half-coercing and half-persuading Charles, Magneto and others to fight against the Lighthouse Government with them, so the more high-profile they are now, the better.

Chu Xuan walked to the cockpit, controlled the Golden Cudgel Cosmic Shuttle with his spiritual thoughts, and flew towards the north.

The maximum speed of this shuttle is enough to reach tens of thousands of kilometers, but at this time it is only flying at Mach 1224, which is a speed of [-] per hour.

It would take about 5 minutes to fly to the destination in this way, and since Chu Xuan didn't cover the surface of the shuttle with spiritual power, they would be captured by the satellite radar soon.


More than 100 kilometers to the north, on a cliff in the territory of ancient Xixia, there is a temple-style building in the style of ancient Xixia.

This is the last hiding place of Charles and others, where the X-Men and the surviving fighters of the Brotherhood are all concentrated.

It can be said that as long as the mutants in this temple are wiped out, there will be no hope for the mutants in the world.

Present at this time were Professor X, Dr. Charles, Magneto King Eric, Storm Girl Oloro, Wolverine Logan, Iceman Bobby, Burning John, Phantom Cat Katie, Bishop Lucas, Colossus Peter, Blinking Clarice, Jammer James, Sunspot Roberto.

A total of 12 people, this is the only manpower left in the mutant high-end combat force.

(End of this chapter)

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