"Every time the sentinels come, the halberds will find them. I send the bishop back to before the attack, to warn us, and let Blink find a new hiding place, so that we will not be there before they come."

Katie the Phantom Cat explained to Charles and others how they could escape from the siege of the sentinels every time.

After listening to her, Zhan Ji James added: "Because we have never been here."

Wolverine Logan didn't seem to understand it very well, and asked, "What do you mean 'never been here'?"

Charles looked at Logan and explained: "She asked the bishop to go back to the days before the attack to warn them of future attacks, and then they would immediately shift positions."

"In this way, the past is changed, they are not there at all, and the sentry will naturally not go there again. This is what he called not being there."

Logan understood, looked at the Phantom Cat in amazement and said, "She can let the bishop go back to the past?"

Charles said: "Just let his current consciousness return to his past body, which means that he in the past has predicted the future."

"Oh." Logan raised his eyebrows. The ability of Phantom Cat surprised him a little.

Magneto suddenly said, "It might work, Charles."

Everyone looked at Magneto, with puzzled faces, Phantom Cat asked subconsciously: "What works?"

Charles slowly narrated: "The Sentinel project was first proposed by Dr. Bolivar Trask. He was the world's top weapon design expert in the early 70s."

"Secretly, he is conducting experiments on mutants, using their abilities to complete his research."

"This kind of research is inhumane to mutants, just like the infamous human experiments in Germany during World War II, and a mutant discovered the content of his research."

Just when everyone was wondering who the mutant who discovered his research content was, Magneto said the answer: "This guy can become anyone he wants."

Burning John blurted out, "Mystique?"

A look of sadness flashed in Charles' eyes, and he said with a lonely expression: "The name of her I know is Ruiwen. We have known each other since childhood and grew up together. She is like my sister."

"I tried to help her, but instead I pushed her further and further away."

"After discovering that research, she traveled the world hunting down Trask."

"After the Vietnam War, at the Paris peace conference in 1973, she finally found Trask and killed him. That was the first time she killed anyone."

Logan said lightly, "But it's not the last time."

Charles sighed, and continued: "Tresk's death did not lead to the result she wanted. On the contrary, to a certain extent, it stimulated the government to attach importance to the Sentinel project."

"They caught her on the spot, tortured her by all means, and experimented on her."

"They discovered the secret of her shape-shifting ability in her DNA, and since then they have mastered the key to making weapons that can deal with any mutant ability."

"In less than 50 years, the machine that slaughtered many of our compatriots was born."

Speaking of this, Charles' eyes were slightly lost, and then he said slowly: "Everything... It all started on that day in 1973, the day she killed the first person."

"That day she completely became... Mystique."

After hearing what Charles said, Phantom Cat looked at Charles with disbelief and said, "So you want to go back to that day?"

Charles nodded slightly, and said: "If I can find her, prevent her from killing people, and prevent her from falling into the enemy's hands, I can kill the Sentinel plan in its infancy, and let this war end before it even begins. "

Everyone was a little shocked by his whimsical operation, and the room fell silent for a moment.

However, at this moment, a strange voice suddenly sounded in the room: "Deceive yourself."

Everyone was taken aback. They immediately stood back to back, surrounded by Charles and the Phantom Cat, and watched in all directions.

Charles instantly dissipated his huge mental power, but did not scan any targets in the room.

But he saw the golden shuttle hovering over the temple, and farther away, hordes of spaceships carrying sentries coming in this direction.

Charles' face became very ugly. He had never seen that golden shuttle before, and it was obviously not his own.

A large group of sentinels are rushing to this place, but they have no other hiding places to go.

Seeing that Charles had a gloomy face and never pointed out the other party's trace, everyone couldn't help being shocked. Didn't even the doctor find him?

Logan shouted violently: "Who? Come out for me."

As soon as he finished speaking, a figure appeared straight from the ground in front of all the mutants.

Phantom Cat looked at the man with a handsome oriental face in surprise.

She herself has the ability to transform between reality and reality, so she can also achieve abilities such as passing through walls and escaping from the ground.

But the feeling the other party gave her was completely different from her turning herself into atomic components to pass through any obstacles.

Li Mu, who sneaked into the temple from the ground with the Five Elements Escape Technique, came before the mutants, glanced at everyone, and then fixed his gaze on Charles' face.

He said in a deep voice: "Instead of hoping to change the past with slim chances, it is better to seize the present."

"The sentry is not invincible, and the mutants are not completely hopeless, it depends on whether you are willing to cooperate."

The mutants looked at each other, and Logan didn't dare to relax at all. He stared at Li Mu and asked, "Who are you? What do you want to do?"

Li Mu looked serious, and said slowly: "You can call me Mu, as for my identity..."

Li Mu paused, and suddenly turned around in a circle, and a cloud of mist rose around him, completely covering his figure.

When the clouds dissipated, Li Mu reappeared as an image of an ancient man in a white ancient costume with long flowing hair.

This kind of image of Li Mu looks elegant and full of immortality.

The mutants looked at this scene, quite a bit stunned.

It's not that they haven't seen Huaxia movies, and they are not unfamiliar with Li Mu's appearance and the process of his transformation.

However, if you are not unfamiliar, you are not unfamiliar, but they don't understand the principle of Li Mu's transformation at all.

Li Mu continued: "In words that you can understand better, my partners and I are mutants who have survived from ancient times. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are the ancestors of mutants."

"Originally, we lived in an independent space called Dongtian Paradise, where we were free and uncontested, but it was the war between the sentinels and the mutants that alarmed us."

After listening to Li Mu's words, Phantom Cat said with a strange expression: "You don't need to use Western cognition to describe it. Our knowledge is not as shallow as you think."

"So you want to say that the immortal cultivators in Chinese legends are actually a group of mutants?"

Li Mu smiled when he saw this, turned around again, and changed back into a vibrating gold battle suit, then nodded to the Phantom Cat and said, "You can think so."

"In the eyes of us cultivators, the so-called mutants are just a group of people who have spiritual roots and are suitable for cultivating immortals."

As he spoke, he raised his finger to each of the mutants, and said, "For example, Storm, she has Wind Spirit Root and Thunder Spirit Root, Eric has Gold Spirit Root, Bobby is obviously a branch of Water Spirit Root, Ice Spirit Root, and John has It's the Fire Spirit Root and so on."

"Every mutant has one or more spiritual roots. Of course, there are good and bad spiritual roots."

"Some spiritual roots are very powerful. If you cultivate immortals, you will have extremely high achievements. Some spiritual roots are useless spiritual roots. Although you can also cultivate immortals, you will not have any great achievements."

Wolverine couldn't help asking: "Then what spiritual root am I?"

Li Mu said affirmatively: "The best wood spirit root is characterized by its infinite vitality, no matter how many injuries it suffers, it will recover immediately."

"Among my partners, there is also an extremely high-quality wood spirit root. Through cultivating immortals, she can reach the point where even if there is only one cell left, she can be resurrected and reborn."

Of course Li Mu was talking about Master Bachi, and during their journey here, Master Bachi had already left the team alone, the purpose of which was naturally to complete their history.

After listening to Li Mu's words, the mutants gasped.

Only one cell left can be resurrected and reborn, isn't that true immortality?

Storm asked curiously: "What kind of spiritual root are you?"

Li Mu smiled slightly, spread out his hands, a spherical lightning condensed out of thin air in his left hand, and a fireball condensed in his right hand.

"Obviously, I am the Thunder and Fire Dual Spiritual Root."

Feeling the terrifying energy aura emanating from the thunderball and fireball, all the mutants swallowed one after another.

Pyro John sensed a terrifying energy aura from that fireball. If this fireball explodes, its power might not be weaker than that of a missile. This is a power beyond his reach.

Storm Girl also sensed a huge energy in the thunder ball, and her doubts about Li Mu's identity were basically eliminated.

The other mutants were about to speak, asking what spiritual root they belonged to, but were interrupted by Charles.

"Okay, let's put aside the matter of spiritual roots and cultivating immortals. Then, Mr. Mu from the mysterious East, what is your purpose in coming here to meet us?"

Li Mu said seriously: "It's very simple, I hope you will come forward and gather the few remaining fellow mutants."

"My partners and I will be responsible for solving the Sentinel problem and finding a way out for the mutants."

Speaking of this, he turned around and looked up slightly, looking at the temple roof covered with ancient murals, and sighed: "This world is very complicated, what you see is just the tip of the iceberg."

"Because of the war between the mutants and the Sentinels, some terrifying existences that originally only existed in nightmares were released."

"This world will soon experience a cataclysm. If it is not dealt with properly, the world will even come to an end."

"If mutants can become heroes who protect ordinary people and save the world in this catastrophe, I believe the future of mutants will be completely different."

After hearing Li Mu's words, the glamorous and seductive look flickered and said indignantly: "They slaughtered so many of our compatriots, and we have to protect them instead? Why?"

Burning John echoed: "That's right, they started this war in the first place, and they caused the catastrophe themselves. Even if ordinary people are extinct, what does it have to do with us? We are also victims."

Li Mu turned around, looked at Shining and frowned and said, "Why don't you understand? Saving ordinary people is not for ordinary people themselves, but for ourselves."

"There are less than 150 million mutants left. If ordinary people go extinct, is it really good for us?"

"And you don't know the horror of the catastrophe. If ordinary people are really allowed to go extinct, then the situation we need to face is the enemy of the whole world."

Charles frowned: "What exactly is the cataclysm you are talking about? Why did I scan the world and find no signs?"

Li Mu asked back: "With your mental power scan, can you see the microcosm?"

Charles said, "No."

Li Mudao: "That's right, the main cause of the catastrophe, in the ancient times when technology was underdeveloped, we called it devil energy."

"And according to modern people's cognition, it is actually a virus, a virus that is countless times more terrifying than any virus known on the earth."

"This virus will turn ordinary people into demons, devouring the flesh and blood of living people, and its infectious ability is terrible."

"Even if it's just being scratched by an infected person, it will cause the living person to be infected and transformed into a new demon."

"Once the catastrophe breaks out, the number of demons will increase exponentially. If there is no intervention, within a few years, there will be only demons left on the entire earth."

"What's more, mutants may not be able to resist this virus. When mutants are also infected, they will become more terrifying demons than ordinary people."

Storm frowned and said, "Don't they have sentries? Could it be that even the sentries can't solve the catastrophe?"

Colossus said: "That's right, if the sentry can solve the catastrophe, then the end will never come."

"If the sentinels can't solve the catastrophe, how can we, who have been defeated by the sentries, have the ability to deal with it?"

Li Mudao: "First of all, the Sentinels are just a group of machines after all. Although they have extremely high intelligence, they cannot be compared with humans after all."

"Secondly, we will not allow the thing that has slaughtered more than [-]% of our compatriots to continue to exist."

"So we must eliminate the Sentinels, and even the Lighthouse Government."

"Only by changing a group of people in power who are not hostile to mutants, or even directly letting mutants take power, will mutants really have a way out."

Regarding what Li Mu said, among the mutants present, none had the highest recognition than Magneto.

In fact, he has been trying to do this for many years, but because of the obstruction of Charles and the X-Men, he has been experiencing failures and has never achieved anything.

So after Li Mu finished speaking, Magneto was the first to express his opinion: "I support your approach. If Charles was willing to cooperate with me 30 years earlier, perhaps this goal would have been achieved long ago, and the Sentinels would never have had the chance to appear. .”

After saying this, Magneto looked at Charles with a subtle look, and he said with a blank expression: "If you have to get to the bottom of it, it's not an exaggeration to say that the X-Men are the sinners of the mutants."

Hearing this, Storm, Wolverine, Phantom Cat, Iceman, Colossus, Sunspot and other X-Men all had ugly faces.

But they just can't say any rebuttal words, because all these are facts.

Charles sighed, and said, "Perhaps from the standpoint of mutants, we did make a mistake, but I don't regret it."

"There is a saying in China that people plan things, and God makes things happen. Eric and I are both looking for a way out for mutants, but the methods are different."

"I underestimated ordinary people's fear of mutants. This is the fundamental problem. They are all good boys. They are not wrong. It is me who is wrong."

Li Mu's expression changed, and he suddenly turned his head to look outside the door, and said, "The issue of right and wrong paths is a thing of the past, and there is no need for everyone to pursue it."

"Let's face the present first, maybe you don't know us well enough, and you will have doubts in your heart."

"You don't need to take action in this battle, just watch from the sidelines. When this battle is over, I hope you can give me a clear answer."

Hearing what he said, the others were still unclear, so Charles and Zhan Ji all changed their colors.

The Sentinels are coming, and there are many.

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