Chapter 1010
For Lu Hanjiang, the encounter with the girl from the Chen family was just a small incident to kill time on an idle day. He thought that after a hasty farewell, the two of them would never meet again, but he didn't expect that the next time Coincidences come so quickly.

After having a vegetarian meal at Jinming Temple, Lu Hanjiang asked Laoqian to add some incense money to the temple, which made the welcoming monks smile happily, as if the three of them were reincarnations of the Buddha. Their attitude was respectful.

"Giving one coin is a good deed, and giving ten thousand coins is also a good deed. Money is something external to the body, and there is no distinction between high and low. However, the donor spreads incense and is a great kindness. This kind deed will have repercussions." The elder of Jinming Temple said with a smile.

"What the master said is true," Lu Hanjiang said with a smile, "I think so too."

After saying goodbye to the elder, Lu Hanjiang did not immediately get on the carriage and return home. Instead, he asked Lao Qian and A Yuan to wait in the carriage while he went to the Bodhi Pond.

The obvious explanation is that he felt that this place was full of aura, and he was filled with emotions when he walked down there. Before leaving, he couldn't help but want to go and take a look again.

In private, Lu Hanjiang might as well catch the fish in front of two people. It's not a matter of whether it can be sold at a lower price. Half of the fish's delicacy lies in the joy of doing it.

Besides, Lao Qian actually has a very venomous mouth. If he sees him, he will probably get angry again.

But Lu Hanjiang didn't expect that when he returned to Bodhi Pond, Miss Chen hadn't left yet. To be precise, she didn't leave, but just like him, she left again and again.

"I hope my sister gets what she wants."

Miss Chen seemed to be praying to the spirit fish just now. When she heard Lu Hanjiang's deliberate noise behind her, she turned around subconsciously and said in surprise: "Mr. Lu? Why are you back again?"

"Miss Chen, nice to meet you."

As Lu Hanjiang said that, he placed the basket he brought next to the Bodhi Pond and opened the white cloth to cover it. It was empty inside.

Miss Chen looked puzzled, and then she saw Lu Hanjiang's right hand turned into a claw, and gently held it toward the pool. Then, the Yaohua mirror in the pool seemed to have wings and flew into his hand. in the basket.

Miss Chen was stunned by this scene. When she came to her senses, the other party had already covered the basket with a white cloth and walked past her: "Miss Chen, take your leave."

"Wait-wait, why are you-!"

Miss Chen didn't know how to deal with it for a moment. The dignified figures from the Lu family came to the Bodhi Pond to steal fish. This scene was a bit too abstract.

When she exclaimed, Lu Hanjiang glanced out of the corner of his eye and noticed the movement of someone outside the Bodhi Pond. With a flash of his eyes, he cut off a small piece of white cloth with his palm instead of a knife, rolled up a Yaohua mirror, turned around and threw it to Miss Chen.

"Yeah!" After the latter subconsciously took the fish, the fish started to flap, and the splashing water shocked her so much that she dropped the fish on the ground.

"Thank you." Lu Hanjiang smiled at her and left quickly.

Surprised and uncertain, Ms. Chen lowered her head and glanced at the flapping Yaohua mirror on the ground, then suddenly turned back to look at the monks and pilgrims arriving outside the Bodhi Pond.

After a moment of hesitation, she decisively put the fish into the pond, then threw the white cloth used to wrap the fish in the opposite direction, and ran immediately following Lu Hanjiang's footsteps.

"Miss, what are you doing?" The maid guarding the door felt a gust of wind blowing by, and didn't see Lu Hanjiang's shadow at all. When she came to her senses, she only bumped into her hurried young lady.


Miss Chen gritted her teeth and said, without saying a word, she took the uninformed maid and rushed out of the temple. Along the way, many pilgrims were startled and looked back frequently.

After a moment, there was a burst of exclamation from the Bodhi Pond, and then all the monks from Jinming Temple gathered towards the Bodhi Pond with serious faces.

"Elder! There is only one Yaohua Mirror left!" the monk said with a sad face after checking the Bodhi Pond.


The elder groaned softly, and then the beads in his hand made a terrifying friction sound, and the Kind-Eyebrow Bodhisattva turned into an angry-eyed Vajra in an instant.Under the gaze of the elders, the monks who were gentle and kind a second ago picked up the iron rods and searched in all directions with murderous intent.

At this time, Lu Hanjiang had already driven away. Lao Qian saw that he was empty-handed. Although he was full of doubts, he was relieved at least. His master was already in his 20s after all. He always acted ridiculously all day long. After all, it was inappropriate.

A Yuan drove away. He didn't go far when he looked back and saw that Miss Chen's carriage was following her again.

"Master, they are here again." A Yuan said towards the car.

Lao Qian frowned: "Strange, could it be that Chen Zihua really planned this move, and what Miss Chen said just now was to confuse us?"

Lu Hanjiang touched his nose and said calmly: "Don't worry about them. After entering the city, no matter how brave they are, they won't dare to do anything. Ayuan just drives well."

"Yes." Ah Yuan responded and started to control the carriage, slowly increasing the speed.

Miss Chen's eyes turned red when she saw Lu Mansion's carriage getting farther and farther behind. She said rather unreasonably: "Uncle Bai! If you hurry up, you will not be able to catch up!"

Uncle Bai shook his head and said, "Miss, let's forget it."

"Why!" Miss Chen asked angrily.

"Their cars are better than ours." Uncle Bai said with a wry smile.

"." Miss Chen's eyes widened, and after a long while she snorted heavily. She sat in the car with a straight face and became sulky, her little face bulging like a bun.

As for Uncle Bai, who was smiling bitterly, he suddenly looked back strangely. The originally calm road suddenly became filled with dust, and he saw more than a dozen monks coming toward them menacingly.

Uncle Bai's face changed greatly. Although he didn't understand how his young lady provoked these monks, he couldn't let them catch him, otherwise he might damage the Chen family's reputation. When the time comes for the master to hold him accountable, the young lady would be in trouble.

So he didn't care to explain, whipped his riding whip, and suddenly accelerated. This scene was seen by A Yuan in front, who sneered, whipped the riding whip, and easily got rid of the opponent.

As for the Chen family, who finally got rid of the monks of Jinming Temple, although they could no longer keep up with A Yuan, the stubborn Miss Chen still let the carriage drive to the back door of the Lu Mansion. Unexpectedly, Lu Hanjiang actually arrived early Just staring at her here.

The angry Miss Chen didn't care about everyone's manners at this time. She strode forward to argue with the other party, and neither the maid nor Uncle Bai could stop her.

But Lu Hanjiang stepped forward with a smile, dodged the opponent's green fingers in a flash, then walked to the opponent's carriage and took out a basket from the carriage like a magic trick.

Miss Chen was shocked. Isn't this the basket the other party used to hold the Yaohua mirror? Suddenly, she suddenly looked at the dripping water marks on the carriage, and finally understood why the group of monks were chasing after them like crazy. Got them.

After realizing that she had been tricked again, Ms. Chen felt even more angry and aggrieved. How on earth had she provoked the other party to trick her like this.

"You -" Miss Chen just uttered one word. Lu Hanjiang had already entered the house through the back door with a basket. Before closing the door, he revealed half of his head and said with a smile: "Thank you."

Afterwards, the door of the mansion was closed, leaving only the three members of the Chen family messy in the wind.

In the evening, Lu Hanjiang invited Lao Qian to have dinner with him. Looking at the extra braised fish on the table, Lao Qian was full of praise after tasting it. At the same time, he also wondered: "Master, where did this fish come from? It looks quite expensive, and Not only the appearance, but also the smell seems familiar."

Lu Hanjiang also took a chopstick and put it in his mouth. While eating, he said, "This is a gift from Miss Chen. It comes from a wealthy family. They probably raise fish specifically for giving away. It seems reasonable that it is more expensive."

Lao Qian thought for a while and nodded: "It seems that Miss Chen is quite enthusiastic."

(End of this chapter)

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