This Jinyiwei is obviously super strong but draws too much

Chapter 1011 Appointment in the Flower House

Chapter 1011 Appointment in the Flower House
Ten days passed by in a hurry. Unlike the last time Chen Zihua made an appointment with Qianhe Tower in public, only a few people in the Chen family knew about the invitation to meet at Yanchun Tower.

Probably because he confirmed Lu Hanjiang's attitude and wanted to prevent too many people from watching the excitement, Chen Zihua did not reveal the location of the meeting until he came to Yanchun Tower.

Under the guidance of the waiter, Chen Zihua arrived at an elegant room on the third floor. When the waiter opened the door, he immediately saw the young man leaning on the fragrant wood bag.

"Lord Lu?"

Chen Zihua was stunned for a moment, then slowly walked up and sat across from Lu Hanjiang. He said calmly: "It seems that the rumors are true."

No matter how he inquired, everyone in the capital had the impression that Commander Lu Hanjiang was a middle-aged man in his early twenties. Until yesterday, Chen Zihua had never thought that the appearance of the commander was actually the same as that of the man in his early twenties. Youth in general.

"Master Chen, nice to meet you." Lu Hanjiang raised his glass slightly, and there were slight ripples in the crystal clear wine glass, making it difficult to tell whether it was wine or water.

Chen Zihua signaled with his eyes to the two accompanying attendants behind him, who immediately stepped away and sat down at the door, giving the two of them enough space to be alone.

"My lord is willing to go to the appointment, presumably because I have seen my sincerity." Chen Zihua picked up the wine glass on the table, put it to the tip of his nose and smelled it. He raised his eyebrows and said, "Is this white water?"

Lu Hanjiang smiled and raised his glass: "If Mr. Chen wants to drink, he can go outside and order a drink. I don't like drinking when we are discussing things."

Chen Zihua's lips curled up slightly, and he said calmly: "That's just right. I happen to be not good at drinking either."

"I never thought that the head of the Chen family and I would be the same people," Lu Hanjiang said after taking a sip of water and putting the cup back on the table, "In that case, let's not talk nonsense."


Chen Zihua nodded, and then said in a deep voice: "I am very grateful that you are willing to let go of the Fourth Highness's matter. Although he is incompetent, after all, he has the blood of the Chen family in Yun Zhong flowing in his body. I owe you for this matter." It’s just a favor, my lord.”

"It's hard to repay this debt of gratitude," Lu Hanjiang said with a smile: "The Chen family is the richest in the clouds. I'm not worried about the Chen family's lack of money, I'm just worried about the Chen family's stinginess."

Chen Zihua laughed, shook his head and said, "My lord, what you said is really true. Now that I'm here today, I'm not afraid of you being a lion. Whatever you want, just say it."

"Master Chen is so happy."

Lu Hanjiang nodded with satisfaction, and then said: "Although His Highness the Fourth Highness is not destined to be a great king, it would be good to have one more prince to make the Yunzhong Chen family even better. Therefore, I want the head of the Chen family to repay the favor owed by the Fourth Highness. On the East Palace."

Chen Zihua's eyes became slightly serious, his lips touched the white water in the cup and then said: "Although the Crown Princess of the East Palace and His Highness Yu are orthodox, they have no righteousness. It is not difficult for you to deal with them. "

After all, the crown princess and the emperor's grandson have been out of the court's sight for 20 years. In the court today, the number of people who agree with the succession of brothers is far greater than those who think that the father should die and the son should succeed.

"Indeed," Lu Hanjiang did not deny it. He said, "It's just that the Crown Princess is very powerful, and it's unknown how many trump cards the former Crown Prince has left behind. After all, it was the former orthodoxy of the Central Palace."

Lu Hanjiang had already investigated the records about the late empress. Although this woman, the only woman in the harem who was not from a noble family, died young, the inheritance she left to the prince was extraordinary.

Leaving aside the discussion of gold and silver talents, the most precious and terrifying legacy left by the queen to the prince is a complete military system, which is also the prototype of the prince's personal army - the Cefeng Army.The Queen was born into a general family, and her family has been engaged in farming and education for several generations. Once she became successful, she was unstoppable, and she also made indelible contributions in helping His Majesty win the throne.

The queen's family and its supporters, this huge force, were integrated and inherited by the prince after the queen's death, eventually forming the Cefeng Army, the prince's personal army that was free from the Ministry of War system.

It wasn't until the prince was assassinated and the Cefeng Army was disbanded that this terrifying army that kept countless princes and ministers awake at night disappeared from the court's sight.

But Lu Hanjiang knew that what disappeared from the Cefeng Army was only its name. The core of this army, including the former generals, were quietly retained by the prince. After 20 years of baptism, they integrated into the name of this army in the world. Among the Demonic Sect of Xuantian Sect.

Chen Zihua didn't know these secrets in the world, but he knew that what Lu Hanjiang said was true. Although the fact that the princess came from a top family in the world was not worth mentioning, she was a famous disciple of Luo Fuzi. With this important identity That's really scary.

Secondly, after the prince died for more than 20 years, the prince and his grandson entered the court and were still able to accumulate enough power to compete with several other highnesses in a very short period of time. This in itself is a very terrifying thing.

The East Palace is by no means a throwback, they have enough strength to aspire to the top position. Chen Zihua understands this, so he also understands what Lu Hanjiang meant by these words.

"Yunzhong Chen helps the Fourth Highness fight for the throne. This is a matter of affection. But if he helps Mr. Lu deal with the East Palace, this may be over the line. His Majesty in the palace probably doesn't want to see your two families being so close, okay? ?" Chen Zihua didn't seem to mean what he said.

Lu Hanjiang chuckled, with a bit of sarcasm in his eyes: "Master Chen, a wise man doesn't tell secrets. When you and I meet today, you are sure that I will think about the problem from the perspective of the family, isn't it? In this case, you What’s the point of being so pretentious?”

Chen Zihua raised his head and looked into Lu Hanjiang's eyes. After pondering for a moment, he said, "Not enough."

He said solemnly: "If that's the case, I'm sorry that I can't trust you just because of a favor."

Lu Hanjiang leaned back and said calmly: "Master Chen, do you want me to increase my authority?"

Chen Zihua stared at Lu Hanjiang. After a while, he suddenly smiled and said: "It seems that Meng Yuan and Lu Yannian are really not good at teaching people. There are some things in your bones that cannot be changed. I intend to marry Mr. Lu as my son and daughter. I don't know what your Majesty wants. how?"

Lu Hanjiang said curiously: "Does a person like Mr. Chen really believe that a mere woman can stop me?"

"Of course I don't believe it," Chen Zihua said with a smile: "But everyone in the world will believe it, the aristocratic family will believe it, and even if His Majesty doesn't believe it, I'm afraid he will have a grudge in his heart, so a mere woman is enough."

"Master Chen is very calculating."

Lu Hanjiang sighed, and then slowly raised his glass. Chen Zihua had a smile in his eyes. Just as the two of them clinked their glasses, there was a sudden knock on the door.

Chen Zihua was stunned for a moment, then frowned and said, "Your Excellency, did you invite someone else?"

"Oh, I did invite a friend. I didn't inform Master Chen in advance. It's rude of me." Lu Hanjiang smiled apologetically, and then said loudly toward the door: "Please come in."

The door was opened, and a man wearing a hood and a gray cloak appeared in Chen Zihua's sight.

(End of this chapter)

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