Chapter 1081 The Jianghu is pacified
After a fierce battle in Northern Shaolin, the main hall collapsed. Even the pillar of Northern Shaolin, the abbot Lingxu, was seriously injured and on the verge of death. For a while, everyone in the temple couldn't help but feel sad.

"I don't have much time left. You must remember that in order to enlighten the world, Shaolin must not be an enemy of the imperial court or Jin Yiwei. If they make up their mind to ask us to be their swordsmen, you will not refuse."

On the hospital bed, Lingxu was sometimes unconscious and sometimes awake, but every time he woke up, he kept saying these words over and over again. Even though Lingjing and others were unwilling in their hearts, this was Lingxu's request before his death, so they had no choice but to bite him. The teeth should come down.

Lingxu, who finally begged the monks to let go, put down the biggest stone in his heart. He took a strong breath and gave the last instruction: "Summon Brother Lingwu back to the mountain quickly."

The monks sadly agreed. At this time, Lingwu was still traveling around the rivers and lakes with his newly accepted disciples. When he heard the master's call and learned that senior brother Lingxu was on his deathbed, he did not dare to say anything and returned immediately. temple.

On the sick bed, Lingwu saw Lingxu for the last time. He was shocked and said: "Brother, how could this happen?"

"You're here." After seeing Ling Wu, a relieved smile finally appeared on Lingxu's lips. He took the other person's hand and said, "I will leave the heavy responsibility of the master to my junior brother."

"Senior brother?!" Ling Wu held the opponent's hand in shock, and realized something was wrong as soon as he took a pulse: "How could this happen? Senior brother's martial arts has reached the realm of transformation, why do you still use that sword technique?"

Lingxu shook his head and said: "The enemy's martial arts are very strong. If I don't use the blood demon sword technique, I can't defeat him. If he doesn't die, the world will be restless and everything will be fate."

"Even so, senior brother has already penetrated the secrets of the sword technique, how could he hurt himself?" Lingwu asked in confusion.

As soon as he probed the opponent's meridians, he discovered something was wrong. The spirit deficiency was not injured by the unknown master in the rumors, but by the backlash of the Blood Demon Sword Technique.

Lingxu smiled miserably and said: "The Buddha's Sword is compassionate. Our ancestors left this sword technique with the original intention of protecting my mountain gate and not killing. Unfortunately, my heart is full of killing thoughts. Since I want to use this sword technique to kill people, naturally I also He will be harmed by this sword technique, it is God’s will, this is a destiny.”

"Senior brother." Lingwu was speechless for a moment, speechless and choked.

Lingxu held the other person's hand tightly and said: "Junior brother, I know that you have been studying Buddhist scriptures for many years, and your cultivation has long been above mine. It's just that you care about the common people, so your martial arts achievements are limited. But in the current situation, you can only You can hold up the Shaolin Mountain Gate."

"Senior brother." Ling Wu sighed: "Senior brother has orders, and junior brother just obeys them. I hope that senior brother will take more care of his health. In the future, this Shaolin..."

"Junior brother, your words are enough."

Lingxu smiled and let go of Lingwu's hand, lying on the bed for a moment and then passed away. For a while, the whole Shaolin Temple burst into tears. In a miserable atmosphere, Lingwu succeeded to the position of abbot.

After the news came out, Southern Shaolin also sent people to express condolences. At the same time, they also brought another bad news. Abbot Lingkong of Southern Shaolin had no news after leaving a last letter, and he was probably killed.

Buddhism was attacked continuously. Southern Shaolin came to Northern Shaolin to seek help according to the instructions left by Ling Kong. Northern and Southern Shaolin joined forces with FAW. Just when everyone in the world thought that the other party would take advantage of this merger to rush to the throne of the martial arts leader, Ling Kong On behalf of the two factions, Wu did something that shocked the world.

Lingwu went to the capital in person to offer heavy gifts to the court, and expressed that Shaolin would support the new emperor's accession to the throne in the future, and would be willing to serve as a pawn of the Jin Yiwei to clean up injustices in the world.

Shaolin, which was almost the last pillar of the world, suddenly became the number one loser in the world. Everyone in the world couldn't help but feel panic while scolding him.

When Luo Fuzi, who hurried back to the capital, saw this scene, the worry in his heart only expanded a bit. Abbot Lingkong died in his hands, and Shaolin North and South were by no means as timid and timid as they appeared on the surface. The other party must have something. conspiracy.It's a pity that the old master thought for a long time, but he just didn't understand what the other party meant. Shaolin was definitely not a slave to the enemy. After they surrendered, with the attitude of just having fun, Lu Hanjiang, the great grandson, immediately issued an order.

He sent a message to Shaolin, casually naming a few righteous sects in the world who were not subject to the imperial control, and asked them to do it for them. What shocked the people in the world was that after Abbot Lingwu received the news, he led his men to kill them without stopping.

In a short period of time, several sects were wiped out by the masters of Shaolin. The methods were so cruel that it was almost unimaginable that they were the work of monks. Shaolin was infamous for a while, but due to the strong force of Shaolin, everyone only dared to curse. No one dares to come to seek justice.

After this matter was reported back to the capital, Lu Hanjiang was stunned for a while, then just sighed and said nothing more.

Now that the world has been peaceful, the rebels from the north and the south have long since disappeared, and even the rivers and lakes can no longer make any waves. Even though there is still a family that is eyeing it, in the eyes of everyone, Taisun's methods are so powerful and his power is so powerful that it is completely Don't be afraid of them.

On the other hand, the aristocratic family should be worried that their grandson would hold on to them. After all, His Highness had already shown strong dissatisfaction with those old aristocratic families when he was a royal guard.

Don't forget, this grandson also received the words and deeds of Lu Shangshu, the representative figure who opposed the old family. The people of the family wanted to take advantage of the chaos in the world to gain some bargaining chips for themselves, but who would have thought that this rebel would It's like paper, it's gone as soon as you say it's gone.

Now it was the family's turn to be frightened, worried about the butcher's knife coming from their grandson, but their worries could not be conveyed to the court at this moment, because at this moment, everyone was focusing on another thing.

Previously, because of a rebellion, the emperor had to surrender his power. Taisun led the troops to put down the rebellion. Now that the world has been settled, the throne of the emperor cannot be left vacant. According to ancient law, when the late emperor dies, although there are etiquette and laws, the throne cannot be left without an owner for a day. , the new emperor should change the sun to the moon and observe filial piety for 27 days to fulfill his filial piety.

Then the enthronement ceremony will be held on an auspicious day, and then the name will be changed and everything will be on track.

From the moment Lu Hanjiang, the great grandson, appeared to ascending to the throne, the previous 99 steps had been arranged by others. He only needed to follow the established process to become the new master of the world.

Although the enthronement ceremony has not yet taken place, nominally he is still acting as the grandson of the emperor, but the fact is that everyone already treats him as the new emperor.

At this time, Lu Hanjiang came alone to the Fengtian Palace. This is the supreme palace in the imperial city. It is usually only used for major ceremonies, such as the enthronement of a new emperor.

Three days later, Lu Hanjiang will ascend the throne of emperor here and command the world from then on. No one dares to disobey him. Although there is no difference now, this prince is just a legitimate prop to him.

But it was for these four words that the people under him were willing to die. It was not so much that he took the initiative to win this big position, but that everyone pushed him up.

"Your Highness."

The voice of a palace official came from outside the main hall: "The people from the East Palace have replied that the girl you are looking for has left the capital, but she left you something."

After a long silence, Lu Hanjiang said, "Come in."

When the palace man entered the palace, he saw him holding a tray in both hands, with a strange-shaped lamp on it. Lu Hanjiang took the lamp in his hand and waved him away.

(End of this chapter)

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