Chapter 1082 Final Chapter
It was not until Lu Hanjiang quelled the rebellion in the north that he came back to the capital that Shan Luo had quietly left. There was even an unexpected helper in this matter, Mr. Meng.

As a true bloodline of the prince, Lu Hanjiang couldn't understand why Shangluo left the capital so easily. According to the old man's habit, he shouldn't see the other party's body directly at this time, right?

He has no chance to know the reason. The old man will not tell unless he goes to find the girl himself.

Looking at the lamp left by the other party, Lu Hanjiang's thoughts inevitably drifted back to his time in Miao territory. Speaking of which, Shangluo seemed to have figured out how to use this strange lamp.

However, the girl was so angry that she was always reluctant to say it out. Although she left the lamp this time, she still didn't leave any corresponding instructions for how to use it.

Lu Hanjiang played with the lamp gently. The dim light that was lit gave people a strange and trance-like feeling. It felt light and airy, as if they were in the clouds.

Lu Hanjiang stared intently at the light. At that moment, it seemed as if everything around him had lost its temperature and fell into boundless darkness. Only this dark light faintly illuminated the small area in front of him.


The sound of dripping water came to his ears, and Lu Hanjiang's distracted gaze refocused. He followed the sound and looked at his feet. Red blood drops dripped from the edge of the lamp drop by drop. His feet turned into a pool of blood.

Lu Hanjiang blinked lightly. The moment he stood up, the throne under him was slowly swallowed up by the darkness and disappeared. He looked up and saw that he was back in the East Palace Hall that day.

"Dream?" Lu Hanjiang murmured.

"It's slightly inaccurate. If there is no boundary between dreams and reality, then no matter which side is on the other side, it is reality for you."

A familiar voice sounded behind Lu Hanjiang. It was a person who would never appear in front of him again, the Crown Princess—Huangfu Ling'er.

The Crown Princess was as before, wearing gorgeous palace clothes, with an elegant but false smile on her face, standing there gracefully, everything was no different from her memory.

Lu Hanjiang turned around and looked at the other person with a strange expression. After a moment of silence, he closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose gently, then sighed: "You are really haunted."

The princess' ambiguous laughter rang in Lu Hanjiang's ears. When he opened his eyes again, he saw a sword wound on his lower abdomen, and the palace clothes were covered in blood.

Lu Hanjiang saw this in his eyes and said after a long silence: "It's a pity that Abbot Lingxu is dead. Otherwise, he must come here to recite sutras for you, so that you don't have to be lonely down there and come up to seek bad luck from above."

"Haha," the Crown Princess chuckled and shook her head: "Is this what you are like? You know everything, but you still say stupid things to make people unhappy."

"Let's liven up the atmosphere. You may not care that you are dead, but I am alive and well. If it were you who had several dead people appear in your dreams every day, would you still be in a good mood to deal with them?"

Lu Hanjiang curled his lips, then bent down to pick up the strange lamp that shone with strange light: "It must be this thing. Isn't it the reason why the flowers of life and death in the Valley of Death and Farewell appeared?"


The Crown Princess nodded slightly, raised her hand and waved lightly, and the strange lamp suddenly turned into a pile of sand, seeping through Lu Hanjiang's fingertips and flowing into the boundless darkness at his feet.

Lu Hanjiang shook off the remaining quicksand in his hand, and then looked around. The main hall of the East Palace became extremely dilapidated in the blink of an eye. The originally gorgeous palace suddenly seemed to have withstood a hundred years of wind and frost, and instantly turned into broken bricks everywhere. watt.

The originally bright space gradually became dim, and the broken lights turned into twisted rock walls, decorating the palace like a cave.

This is also the place where Lu Hanjiang has been, it is the cave that has been closed for thousands of years where Xu Fu's treasure is buried.

Lu Hanjiang looked up and saw that the lights shining with strange light could still be seen at the top of the cave. Everything was the same as in his memory.

He looked down at his hands, and then said curiously: "Something seems wrong."

"What's wrong?" When the Crown Princess spoke again, her appearance suddenly changed. It was like a human figure sculpted by clay. Another face appeared in the distortion, which was Caiwei.

The Miao saint's face was in her face, but her voice was still that of a princess. Such a weird scene made Lu Hanjiang couldn't help but laugh: "This is really interesting. Is this what they saw originally?"

By now, there was nothing he didn't understand. Lu Hanjiang's mind was far superior to others. Even though he could confuse dreams with reality, he could still tell at a glance that this was not reality.

But this is also the saddest part. He cannot sink into the real illusion like other people affected by this strange lamp. He is out of tune here.

But there was one thing he was curious about: "Why does it affect me?"

Lu Hanjiang raised it and shook it, and the disappeared lamp appeared in his hand again. This scene surprised "Caiwei".

Although the illusion of the Netherworld Lantern is very real, it is still essentially like a dream. It is a world built by one's own memory and spirit. Therefore, as long as the mind is strong enough, one can do whatever one wants in this dream.

Re-lighting the disappeared lamp, Lu Hanjiang held the lamp and asked curiously: "Last time I clearly remembered that it was just a lighting tool for me, why did it have such a strange effect on me this time? "

"Caiwei"'s face changed again, this time it looked like Shangluo, with a hint of mischievous cunning in its cuteness. She only heard her say: "Except for the heirs of the seven major bloodlines, the Nether Lamp can influence Everyone in this world, no matter how high your martial arts skills are, you will not be exempt from vulgarity."

Lu Hanjiang raised his head and glanced at it, only to see "Shang Luo" with crescent-shaped eyebrows, and said quite proudly: "The reason why I was useless to you in Miao territory is because you are not from this world, and the Nether Lamp cannot control it." You, a person from outside the world, have been dragged into a dream, but now—"

With a joking chuckle, it changed its appearance again. This time it turned into the appearance of Huangfu Xiaoyuan, who was very similar to the Crown Princess. It said with the same solemn face: "You are no longer. He is an outsider."

"Oh?" Lu Hanjiang raised his eyebrows, thoughtfully. He did not try to understand these mysterious sayings. He tightened his grip, and after a crisp shattering sound, the Netherworld Lamp shattered into fragments on the ground.

But after the lights went out, the cave remained motionless. Lu Hanjiang tilted his head and said, "It seems that you can't leave by destroying this thing."

"Isn't this natural?" It once again changed back to the appearance of the princess. Holding the Netherworld Lantern in its hand, it slowly came to Lu Hanjiang and said, "After all, it is the last resort left by the child. If he is so easily defeated by you, Wouldn’t it be so disappointing to crack it?”

"Oh?" Lu Hanjiang said with great interest, "Did that girl do this on purpose?"

"Shouldn't it be?"

The "Crown Princess" said with a smile: "If it weren't for Jin Yiwei's intervention, how could the Huangfu family have forced Li Guishou to death? You killed her adoptive father, wouldn't it be right for her to hate you? Or do you really think that? Can she let go of all this, just like Huangfu Xiaoyuan?"

Lu Hanjiang narrowed his eyes: "So, His Highness was still lying until the end, and that girl Shangluo has actually met her a long time ago?"

"Perhaps," the "Crown Princess" shook her head helplessly: "The illusions created by the Nether Lamp are all based on people's original memories. Therefore, it is impossible for me to know things that even you don't know."

"That's a pity."

Lu Hanjiang sighed, and then slowly turned around. From just now, he had been aware of a strange aura approaching behind him. Sure enough, a dark sand shadow was like a mold filled with molten iron. , slowly taking shape over time.

"Although there are some surprises, you are the person closest to this road in thousands of years. I still have to remind you of something."

The "Crown Princess" said authentically: "The illusion created by the Netherworld Lamp is no ordinary dream. Everything here comes from your memory. Even sporadic flaws will be infinitely magnified here. If it were you martial arts practitioners, It’s the inner demon.”

The words fell, and when Lu Hanjiang saw the true appearance of the black figure, he couldn't help but complain: "Hey, you didn't mean this, right? If it had been anyone else, he could be considered mine. Inner demon?"

The "Crown Princess" smiled and said lightly: "The illusions that the Netherworld Lantern can show all come from you. But I have already said that this place is not an ordinary dream or fantasy. If you can't get out, you will have no choice but to live forever. Stay. After all, this is the ladder leading to immortality. You are no longer an outsider, no more special than others."

A subtle sound broke through the air, and a big hole suddenly appeared in the chest of the "Crown Princess". The next moment, her body turned into sand and was swallowed by darkness.

A pebble was tossed up and down in Lu Hanjiang's hand. He slowly turned his head back and looked at the person in front of him seriously.

It was a young master dressed in black Taoist robes and holding a long sword. When he first appeared, he was a noble young man with beautiful trees in the wind. Unfortunately, in the blink of an eye, he turned into a crazy man with disheveled hair and blood stains all over his body.

This man is Chi Cangping, the son of Chi Yiming, the seventh son of Wudang "Taiwu".

"Yue Lifeng! You killed my father, and made me rejected by my master and hunted by the righteous people! It was obviously you who did it! Why don't they believe me! Why!"

Chi Cangping roared unwillingly, his anger seemed to have turned into substance, and monster shadows with fangs and claws clung to his shoulders, like wings, and like twisted white bones.

"Brother Chi, isn't that right?"

Lu Hanjiang spread his hands and said: "When we went to Wuyue to cause trouble together, you also agreed. Why did you turn your back and deny me? You are responsible for at least [-]% of your father's death. It is difficult to calculate the remaining [-]%. It’s your master’s fault, he has great martial arts skills but just watched your father die, I’m very helpless.”

"Chi Cangping" looked stunned, and then said angrily: "You fart!"

Lu Hanjiang was stunned for a moment, then faced the boundless darkness behind him and said speechlessly: "Hey, are you serious? Does my inner demon have such a personality? Why do I feel like he can understand my yin and yang?"

There were bursts of chuckles in the darkness, and the rolling black mist seemed to feel happy, and the voice of "Crown Princess" was heard again——

"No need to be surprised, the Netherworld Lamp is a miraculous object of heaven. The illusion it creates is completely different from the ordinary dream. The people and things here are all extraordinary, and they are only a thin line away from the reality. The red dust lamp is bright, and it can last for hundreds of years. , how many people have been lost here and experienced their whole lives without knowing it, you have to be careful."

Lu Hanjiang was thoughtful. When the "Crown Princess" finished speaking, "Chi Cangping" was already roaring and killing with a sword. But as soon as he took a step forward, his head disappeared and his headless body froze. The spot, a moment later, turned into sand and returned to darkness.

Lu Hanjiang bent down and fished out a few more stones from the darkness that engulfed his heels. When he stood up, he heard the roar of a dragon in the distance.

Looking up, he suddenly saw two golden dragons rising into the sky. With earth-shaking power, the heroic man with a determined face and the drunken old man attacked him from the left and the right.

"Boy! You have caused the Beggar Clan to suffer a great fate. I have nothing to say today. Let's take a slap from the old man first!" said Liang Benlang, the old leader of the Beggar Clan, and struck out with a powerful palm that caused the entire cave walls to collapse. Become cheerful and bright under his palm.

Lu Hanjiang squinted his eyes. He seemed to be able to see green leaves flying in the sky, the scorching sun hanging high above his head, and the fragrance of the Shengli flower seemed to be smelling in the air of the Valley of Death.

"Lu Shiqi! It was you who killed Zijing! You also killed Linglong! Someone is going to demand your life today!" Yan Fengyun, the deputy leader of the Beggar Clan, shouted, and the golden dragon shot out of his palm roared loudly, filled with the red aura of hatred.

Lu Hanjiang curled his lips and said: "Xuehua Palace is a disaster for the martial arts world, but you call me a demonic disciple. I am doing justice for heaven. You just don't appreciate it, but you actually beat me up and take [-] steps back to say - Gu Zijin committed suicide, right?" , didn’t Linglong die because you failed to save her?”

"I'll kill you!" Yan Fengyun's eyes were red and he smacked his palm in anger.

Seeing this, Lu Hanjiang turned his palms into claws, and his Dragon Capturing Skill instantly became powerful. Yan Fengyun and the red dragon he shot turned into a puppet on the strings in Lu Hanjiang's hands. He suddenly turned in the air and collided with Liang Benlang. Got a piece.

The two dragon palms were slapped together. After all, Yan Fengyun was half weaker. He was beaten until blood spurted out and he flew backwards. He stared with a pair of hateful eyes: "I want to kill -"


Lu Hanjiang clenched his palms, and the giant emerald claws condensed from the Dragon Capturing Skill crushed Yan Fengyun in an instant. Blood rain flew everywhere, but soon turned into gray dust and merged into the boundless darkness.

On the other side, the golden dragon under Liang Benlang's palm also dissipated with a mournful cry.

It's just that the old gang leader has strong martial arts skills and regained his balance in an instant. He mobilized his true energy again, and his rags made a rustling sound. A palm strike left an afterimage in the air, and the dragon's roar penetrated the sky and the earth in the blink of an eye. In the blink of an eye, 18 afterimages merged into one, the golden dragon came out against the current, the sky and the earth were eclipsed, and the roar of the thunderbolt dragon was deafening.

"Boy! Take the move—"

"No time."

Lu Hanjiang rolled his eyes. He held his right hand in vain. The sand under his feet was like hundreds of rivers flowing into the sea. It merged into his palm and turned into a specious long sword. He swung out the sword and the sword suddenly turned into a long whip. The monstrous golden dragon was tied up.

"What?" Liang Benlang was shocked. He raised his head and watched helplessly as the long sand whip turned into a chain, strangled the golden dragon under his hand and broke its neck alive, turning it into a golden rain of light all over the sky.

The old gang leader looked up to the sky and spat out a mouthful of blood. He fell backwards into the mud and became one with the darkness.

After just finishing off the two masters of the Beggar Clan, Lu Hanjiang blinked, and all the flying flowers and fallen leaves and the deep valley disappeared, replaced by ruins.

The dilapidated courtyard gave people a feeling of déjà vu. While Lu Hanjiang was thinking, a silver light flashed, and the next second the fatal silver hook came to him.

"Evil thief, I'm going to die!" Dongfang Yuan fell from the sky holding a silver hook, staring at Lu Hanjiang with a pair of murderous eyes.

"Girl Dongfang, long time no see, you look good."

Lu Hanjiang flicked his fingers to make one of the silver hooks break. Then he pinched the other silver hook firmly on his fingertips: "We are rare to see each other today. Aren't you going to thank me?"

"Evil thief, what are you talking nonsense!" Dongfang Yuan struggled for a while and found that the silver hook was not moving at all. He gritted his teeth and abandoned the weapon, and struck it with a palm.

"Of course you are thanking me for making you a sensible person," Lu Hanjiang pressed hard with his fingertips, and the silver hook immediately broke into several pieces, and the broken fragments turned into a sharp light, which flashed across the swan-like neck in an instant.

Dongfang Yuan fell unwillingly, and at this moment, another figure flashed out. The footsteps were chaotic and strange, and the figure was hard to see clearly during the rise and fall.

"Lu Hanjiang, today I ask you to atone for the sins of those who died in my Dongfang family!"

Dongfang Huang stepped on his feet, and Fuyao Jiutian's movements seemed to transform into three human shapes in an instant. It was so strange and strange that people couldn't tell the real thing from the fake one.

Lu Hanjiang sneered, and raised his legs and feet to push back a few grains of sand. The pebbles were as tiny as dust, but when they landed in front of Dongfang Huang, they had already turned into meteors.

No matter how high Dongfang Huang's Qing Gong was, no matter how many shapes he transformed into, the meteors flying by would cause him to burst into blood mist all over the sky in an instant, without even leaving a complete sentence behind.

"Your whole family was blinded and killed by your own eyes. What does it have to do with me?"

Lu Hanjiang said angrily, then lowered his head and looked again. The strange black mist had already submerged half of his calves, like a rising tide.

This inconspicuous scene made Lu Hanjiang slightly concerned, until another figure appeared, interrupting his meditation.

Lu Hanjiang saw a palm strike coming towards him. Lu Hanjiang dodged sideways and looked up to see a group of two people. It was Xi Qiu, a disciple of Xiaoyao Sect, and his old friend Qiao Shifang from Qianhu.

Xi Qiu never spoke, and was as taciturn as he remembered. However, the palms in his hands were merciless. When he saw that one move missed, he struck with another palm.

Qiao Shifang, on the other hand, sneered and drew his sword to kill: "Everyone can find and punish the rebellious ministers and traitors."

Lu Hanjiang walked lightly with his feet, easily dodging the majestic swordsmanship, and said playfully: "Oh? Who are you calling the treacherous ministers and traitors?"

"The treacherous ministers and thieves are scolding you." After the words fell, Qiao Shifang's sword skills paused, and he said with an embarrassed expression: "A sharp-tongued guy!"

Lu Hanjiang laughed and struck with his left hand. Bai Hong's palm power instantly caused the two of them to vomit blood and retreat violently. In just a moment, they turned into fly ash and merged into the boundless darkness.

Where the two people fell, two more shadows slowly emerged. One of them was filled with anger, pointing at Lu Hanjiang and cursing: "You pretended to be my disciple and killed me! Ruined my Xiaoyao Sect's arrangements for many years! I want you today." Blood debts must be repaid with blood!" This person was Shuo Xuan, and beside him, there was another person wearing a Taoist robe and holding a magic weapon. At first glance, he seemed to be in a daze, but unfortunately the other person's face was covered with a layer of fog. Can't see clearly.

But Lu Hanjiang knew that this person should be his cheap master whom he had never met before - Bei Mingzi. The phantom of the Netherworld Lantern could only reproduce things in his memory, and he had never met Bei Mingzi, so he was In this illusion, the other party's appearance cannot be clearly seen.

After Shuo Xuan finished cursing, the master and the disciple came at each other one after another. Lu Hanjiang stepped forward and grabbed the secret with his hands. Then he swiped his sword horizontally and the two men suddenly stagnated. A blood flower fell down, and they fell one after another. In the black mist at the soles of my feet.

As soon as the two fell down, the machine in Lu Hanjiang's hand slowly lost its luster, and finally turned into a handful of dust, passing through his fingers.

The sword disappeared, and another sword struck. Lu Hanjiang felt the movement of the wind. The black mist under his feet turned into flowing clouds on the horizon. The low mountains in the distance were intertwined. He looked back and saw that he had reached the top of Huashan Mountain. .

The leaders of the Five Sacred Mountains surrounded him. Tianfeng and Shang Jidao were the first to kill him. Tianfeng swung his sword out, and saw a hanging phantom blade above his head flying towards him and slashing down towards him. Shang Jidao followed him one by one. The sword tears through the wind, and 13 lights and shadows flicker.

Lu Hanjiang raised his hand and flicked it, and his true energy was like a raging wave, sweeping up all the wind and waves on the mountain top, like a wall of wind, blocking all the sword lights and sword shadows from outside.

"The trouble in the world is yours alone. If I don't kill you today, how can I rectify the name of my Five Sacred Mountains!" Tianfeng shouted.

"Everyone take action together!" Shi Jiuning said.

The leaders of the Five Sacred Mountains drew their swords together, and for a moment the golden snakes were scurrying around. The light of the sword was like a thunderbolt, making the top of the cloud mountain seem like lightning and thunder. Lu Hanjiang swept away the five people in front of him, then lowered his head to look at the sea of ​​clouds at his feet, and immediately stepped on the ground. Cracks spread like lightning from his feet to the entire high platform.

With a loud noise, the high platform on the mountain collapsed instantly, and all the heads of the Five Sacred Mountains fell into the sea of ​​clouds. Lu Hanjiang held a pine branch on the broken wall with one hand to stabilize his falling figure.

Looking down, I saw the figures of the five people disappearing. In an instant, the sea of ​​clouds turned into a whirlpool, as dark as an abyss.

Lu Hanjiang lowered his eyes and stared at the abyss, as if something inside was watching him. He was silent, and suddenly let go of his head holding the pine branch, and wanted to jump into the whirlpool.

But at this moment, the clouds disappeared, the mountains disappeared, and the steam appeared in front of him with a pair of huge red eyes. On top of the mecha humanoid several feet tall, three seniors of the Xiaoyao Sect stood impressively.

It was the Taoist Taiwei who died at his hands, the Taoist Taixuan who changed his name to Yanshi, and another person who was as elusive as the mist. He must be the Taoist Taixuan who had never had a chance to meet him.

"Since you have entered my door, why don't you bow?" Taixuan's voice, mixed with silence and nothingness, sounded high above the mecha.

Lu Hanjiang raised his eyes and looked up. He raised his hand with a smile and struck out with his palm. The golden light condensed into a seal. After a roar, the mecha turned into a tattered frame and Xiaoyao and the other three disappeared into smoke.

"Xiaoyao Vigorous Vajra Palm, I accept." Lu Hanjiang withdrew his palm and heard the noisy shouts of killing in a daze. He blinked and the destruction of the machine turned into raised mounds. On the plain in the distance, there were countless The figures are fighting.

A gust of wind blew by, and Lu Hanjiang saw clearly the flags of the men and horses in the distance. It turned out that this was the territory of Wan Dao Clan. The sounds of killings got closer and closer, but when they came to the front, those people were no longer the remnants of Wan Dao Clan. , but became the knights of Jiangnan Zhengdao.

"Damn Jin Yiwei! You killed me and others, and you still slap a hat on me. I have no sworn relationship with you!"

A knight shouted and swung his sword to kill him. Lu Hanjiang lowered his head and looked at his attire. After a long absence, he was wearing the clothes of the general flag again.

At that moment, Lu Hanjiang seemed to have thought of something and looked around. Sure enough, among the familiar faces, he saw Tianquan, Gongsun Cheng, and many familiar people.

The eyes of these people were filled with hatred, like a tidal wave, surging forward. Lu Hanjiang walked lightly in the sea of ​​people, taking away a few fresh lives with the raising of his hands.

Along the way, there was a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood behind him, until he found Huangfu Xiaoyuan in the crowd. A murderous intent suddenly appeared on her cold face, and she stabbed him in the face with a sword.

Lu Hanjiang frowned, his hand rose and fell, and there was a bang - the sword was broken and the man fell, and the beauty died. Suddenly, the sound of killing, the corpses, hatred, and the cold murderous intention all disappeared. , in the dead darkness, crisp laughter suddenly sounded.

"I really don't know how to pity her. Don't you ever have any feelings for her?"

The figure of the Crown Princess emerged from the darkness again, holding up the cold bones with her hands. Huangfu Xiaoyuan was lovingly held by her like a soulless puppet.

Lu Hanjiang looked at her and lightly shrugged: "Your acting skills are good, but it's a pity that the flaw in this hand is still too obvious. Xiaoyuan is different from Shangluo. It is impossible for her to draw a sword against me."

"Even if you killed the person closest to you?" The Crown Princess smiled: "You are really confident, but this is indeed the case. That is really a pity. They are all her children."

"What the hell are you?"

Lu Hanjiang's raised hand seemed to be holding up the breeze, but when the wind fell on the Crown Princess, it turned into violent air waves. Her body was once broken and reorganized under the ravages of the wind, turning into mud. The sand reshaped itself into a human form again.

Lu Hanjiang watched this process indifferently, and then said calmly: "If it is true as you said, the illusion of the Netherworld Lantern all comes from my memory, then things like you should not exist in the first place, so, who are you? who?"

"The answer is obvious, isn't it?"

The Crown Princess covered her mouth and smiled softly. At that moment, this body that was supposed to have no soul seemed to have suddenly retrieved its already cold heart from hell, and the whole person suddenly became alive.

"The Nether Lamp has been instinctively affecting everything around it since its birth. This is why the Valley of Farewell and the Flower of Life and Death appear. The Nether Lamp provides the soil for the flower of Life and Death to exist, and the Flower of Life and Death, in turn, uses mortal flesh and blood Provide nutrients to the Nether Lamp."

The Crown Princess lowered her eyes: "And your appearance has destroyed this beautiful cycle. The Nether Lamp has lost its nutrients. If no one continues to provide it with enough power to light it, it will be cruelly extinguished. At this time, That girl discovered a way to manipulate the lamp."

After the words fell, a blood flower bloomed at the feet of the two people. Among the blooming blood flowers, the Nether Lamp slowly emerged. The posture it showed at this moment was noble and mysterious, and its strange and coquettish light made everything around it dark. Everything was boiling, like a large mass of squirming flesh, and they all began to become excited.

"Blood" Lu Hanjiang said with a firm tone: "The means to drive the Netherworld Lantern is blood, the blood of the Huangfu family."

"That's right." The Crown Princess nodded slightly: "That child is indeed very lucky. She discovered this not long after we first came into contact with him."

"I just came into contact not long ago," Lu Hanjiang narrowed his eyes slightly: "So, my luck is not bad."

"Indeed," the Crown Princess shook her head in distress: "That child has never let go of the hatred in his heart for a day, even if you were acting like each other, it was really like that. She was the first to discover this secret. I have used it on you, but unfortunately at that time, you were still an outsider, so the Nether Lamp could not have any impact on you, and because of this, you did not find anything wrong."

"Really?" An expression of interest slowly appeared on Lu Hanjiang's face: "This is right. If she really becomes like Xiaoyuan, it will be really no fun at all. After all, she is your child. , right, Your Highness?”

Although the figure in front of her had always been wearing the face of the Crown Princess, it was not until this moment that she revealed her true self, those eyes that were bored with everything in the world, those eyes that were filled with love for everything in the world. Malicious eyes.

"In the past, I never believed in the so-called secret treasure of immortality. I only thought it was a myth, but now -"

The Crown Princess smiled slightly and said: "The person who kept the Nether Lamp from extinguishing was the child, but the person who allowed his final power to affect you was me. However, I didn't expect that he would be in such a place. See you again."

"Unfortunately, you are dead." Lu Hanjiang shrugged.

"Indeed, I am already dead, so that's why you find it amazing, isn't it? A dead person can actually continue to talk to you in a place like this while still alive."

The Crown Princess held the Nether Lamp in her hand and stroked it with such gentleness. She continued: "The bloodline of the Huangfu family is a curse, but it also has such a strange effect. It is completely ignited with the blood of this palace." The lights of the palace can actually allow this palace to continue to exist in this posture. It is indeed very reasonable to say that it is a curse."

Looking at the Crown Princess in silence, Lu Hanjiang suddenly said: "That day in the East Palace, before you died, you told me that we were the same person. To this day, I still feel that we are nothing alike."

"Really? It's a pity that I feel exactly the opposite to you."

The Crown Princess lowered her eyes and murmured as if in a trance: "You and I have both seen people close to us die in front of our eyes, but we have both been indifferent. What we have gained and lost have not caused any waves in our hearts. , power, status, money, and martial arts, all seem to be useless to us. Even if we are just observing an ant nest under a tree in the countryside, you and I can stay there for half a day and still not feel tired."

As she spoke, the Crown Princess gently tapped her heart and said, "I am the same person as you. This place is empty, but that day, you were angry."

The Crown Princess's always cheerful expression suddenly became stagnant for a moment, and she showed a sad expression for the first time: "You are right. Now you and I are indeed no longer the same person, because in your heart There is already concern, you are no longer incompatible with this world, and you no longer hate everything in the world. The inexplicable flames in your heart have now been extinguished."

Lu Hanjiang opened his mouth to say something, but suddenly thought that this was a world transformed by the Nether Lamp with his own inner demons, so he shut up again.

"I thought you would be the one left behind, but who would have thought that I am the only one left alone," the Crown Princess complained with some distress, "Isn't this betrayal?"

As she spoke, two figures slowly emerged from the darkness behind her. In just a moment, the terrifying sword intent rising into the sky made the entire space tremble.

The two elders of Wudang, Qi Yunzi and Shang Yangzi, appeared behind the Crown Princess like bodyguards. The Tianji and Zhenwu in their hands respectively stirred up violent waves.

Lu Hanjiang lowered his eyes and took just a step forward. The wind direction suddenly changed, like a surging tsunami. In an instant, the sword intent of the two old men was completely submerged. Those who came from the darkness fell into darkness in an instant.

The Crown Princess's face was full of surprise: "These are the two strongest people that have ever existed in your memory."

"Indeed," Lu Hanjiang nodded and said, "I have imagined how powerful they are countless times, and the battle at Wudang Mountain lived up to my expectations. They are indeed the strongest people in the world."

The Crown Princess bent down and picked up a piece of sand: "Then why are you able to do it so easily -"

"Unfortunately, I can imagine how powerful they are, but I still can't imagine how far my own martial arts has reached."

Lu Hanjiang tilted his head and said, "Even if there is a ghost like you in the Nether Lamp causing mischief, you can't make things that I can't imagine come out, right?"

The Crown Princess smiled and said: "It turns out that your martial arts has already reached the point where you can ignore everything in this world, but that's not surprising. After all, like you and me, martial arts has become something external to you."

"So, what you want me to see, have I finished showing my 'inner demon'?" Lu Hanjiang thought, and the Tianji Sword that had been scattered into sand regrouped and appeared in his hand.

"If even these two can't do anything to you, then I really have nothing to do."

As the Crown Princess spoke, she suddenly stepped aside and said slowly: "But, after all, we have come to this point, don't you want to see the real road to immortality?"

As the words fell, everything suddenly became clear. The sticky black mist turned into colorful auspicious clouds, the ugly sand turned into petals and cranes, and a gilded staircase slowly emerged from behind the princess, reaching into the sky.

The Netherworld Lamp held by the Crown Princess turned into a wine vessel, and she poured a glass of emerald-colored wine. She offered it leisurely and said: "You have already held all the things needed for immortality in your hands. The road to immortality." , right here.”

Lu Hanjiang stepped forward, looked down at the glass of wine, and suddenly asked: "When you were a child, did you coax Xiaoyuan to sleep?"

This irrelevant question made the Crown Princess stunned for a moment, and then she burst into laughter: "So you were eavesdropping outside the door that day. Your Majesty, Your Highness, is still so stingy in your behavior."

As she spoke, the smile on the Crown Princess's face slowly widened: "That's not a lullaby. It's a Buddhist practice from the Western Regions. Using sound to enter the Taoism can confuse people's minds and stir up painful memories in their hearts."

The Crown Princess blinked at Lu Hanjiang and said quite innocently: "After all, I was really bored when I was at Huangfu's house. Watching Xiaoyuan practice martial arts hard every day out of hatred is quite interesting. .”

Lu Hanjiang suddenly said: "So, you wanted to provoke Xiaoyuan to attack me that day?"

The Crown Princess nodded, and then sighed: "What a pity, that child really fell in love with you, and he was able to hold back the hatred in his heart that day and didn't do anything."

With another sigh, the Crown Princess shook her head, then raised the wine glass in her hand and said, "Do you have any other questions?"

"No more." Lu Hanjiang reached out to take the wine glass, but poured the drink directly on the ground.

The Crown Princess said amusingly: "This is a world transformed by the Netherworld Lantern. You don't think that such a place can be poisoned, do you?"

"Of course not."

Lu Hanjiang said: "But why are you so sure that I will be interested in this method of immortality?"

"Aren't you interested?" the princess asked in return: "Since the day you and I met, the wonderful destiny added to you by this world has constantly led you to the secret of immortality. Now that things have happened, are you really Can you say that you are not interested in this at all?"

Lu Hanjiang was silent. He took a deep breath, and then the Crown Princess saw that the Tianji Sword in his hand had pointed its edge towards the sky at some point.

"Huh?" The Crown Princess looked at the sand slowly flowing down from her body in surprise. Looking back, she saw that the gilded ladder to immortality was now covered with various cracks. When she looked up, she saw that the sky was completely cracked, leaving A deep sword mark was left, causing the world to lose its voice.


Late explosions came one after another, the ladder to the immortal collapsed, and the world with its infinite brilliance returned to the dark chaos again.

His eyes met the Crown Princess whose body gradually turned into sand and disappeared. Lu Hanjiang smiled and said: "Your Highness guessed it right, I am indeed very interested, but you also know my personality. I have never been the lovable type. , so rather than having you deliver it to my door, I prefer to grab it myself."

When the shadow of the Crown Princess completely disappeared from this space, Lu Hanjiang lowered his head and looked at the black mist that had reached his waist. The broken Tianji in his hand once again regained its sharp edge. With just one strike, the world changed.

The black mist under his feet was split into two. Lu Hanjiang stepped forward step by step on the blood river of corpses that had not yet dried up. The secret in his hand was unparalleled. Until the black mist could no longer cover everything in the dark, he finally arrived. The end of fantasy.

The door, which smelled of decay, was bound by countless chains, but a glimmer of light could be seen through the cracks, as if waiting for him to break it.

The world began to tremble, as if in fear, and as if expecting something. The trembling black mist kept churning, and the ultimate answer to all questions pointed to this door with eternal marks.

Lu Hanjiang slashed out with his sword without hesitation, and the door shattered. Then a bright light suddenly shot out. In the dazzling light, he could barely see the world behind it.

It is a place full of all kinds of strange existences, mysterious, twisted, weird, and full of fascinating things. All desires in the world seem so pale and tasteless in front of it.

That was just a simple glance, and it was difficult for Lu Hanjiang to look away. He subconsciously reached out his hand, wanting to explore everything in it. At this moment, the restless black mist suddenly burst out with extremely strong emotions. It was unwillingness, That's anger.

Amidst the silent roar of the black mist, Lu Hanjiang suddenly stopped extending his hand and turned back because he heard someone calling his name there——

"Your Majesty, His Majesty's Consort Lu Hanjiang!!"

A blood flower bloomed in his hand, and Lu Hanjiang woke up suddenly. He saw a pair of worried eyes, that was Princess Yongle.

Lu Hanjiang followed the other person's gaze and looked down. He didn't know when the Nether Lamp had been broken. He held the broken fragment in his hand. The sharp tip was pressed against his wrist, and drops of blood flowed from it. The wrist slipped.

"You're too careless." Yongle complained as he carefully treated Lu Hanjiang's wounds.

Lu Hanjiang lowered his head and looked at Yongle silently. After a long time, he said, "Not anymore."

As the sighing voice fell, the light in the broken ghost lamp on the ground that had persisted for thousands of years was finally completely extinguished.

The whole book is finished.

(End of this chapter)

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