Chapter 1083: Chapter Turn

"The late emperor died suddenly and returned to the Five Elements. In accordance with the order of Emperor Daxing, I entered the ancestral hall in accordance with the ethical order. All the civil and military officials at home and abroad, as well as the senior soldiers and civilians, combined their words to persuade us to advance. As for the repeated refusals, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to you. At this time, I only tell heaven and earth that I am the emperor."

In the Fengtian Palace, it was probably the first time in his life that Lu Hanjiang appeared in front of everyone in such a serious manner. All civil and military officials, as well as the gods of heaven and earth, witnessed the moment when he ascended the throne.

When the imperial edict of enthronement is read out, all the ministers pay their respects, and the mountains shout long live. From this moment on, the dynasty will enter a new chapter.

As those who followed the new emperor step by step until today, this dragon's merit is naturally the most jealous, but Lu Hanjiang's actions made these people red-eyed, and the regrets in their hearts were even more overwhelming.

Almost everyone who stood in the Jinyiwei camp received a reward from the new emperor, either an official position or power. Among this group of people, the most shocking thing was the reward from the former commander Meng Yuanmeng. .

Meng Yuan was trusted by the late emperor and was granted the title of Handan Bo in his early years. Later, because the late emperor was obsessed with the path of immortality and seeking immortality, he was afraid that the previous dynasty would be unstable, so he had his title elevated to the title of Marquis of Huai'an. The previous title was not even taken back. Instead, the title was given to Meng Yuan's second son.

In other words, as early as the time of the late emperor, the Meng family was a dual-noble family. The eldest son would inherit the title of Marquis of Huai'an, and the second son would inherit the title of Handan Count. This was truly the only example in the Manchu Dynasty, and for a time Unparalleled in the limelight.

But this time, the new emperor went a step further. Meng Yuan's own title was raised to a higher level, and he was granted the title of Duke of Lu. In addition, the title of Marquis of Huai'an was transferred to his second son, which meant that the future Meng family would have one duke and one marquis.

That's not all. It is said that the new emperor also intended to give rewards to Meng Yuan's other children. Unfortunately, Lu Shangshu and Master Luo jointly persuaded them to stop it. Going too far was not enough. Now, not only are there people outside who criticize the new emperor for praising and killing them, but they also These people are a little worried.

The new emperor seemed to want to calm the hearts of the people in the world. He used all the life-saving means that the emperor could use. He prepared all the elixirs, iron coupons, and death-free gold medals for Meng Yuan.

Now everyone really lamented how well the new emperor treated Meng Yuan. Although the emperor's promises were little different from nonsense, and there were many examples of him drinking from the golden cup and showing no mercy, but in the end, he was going to slap himself in the face.

The new emperor was able to block all his escape routes just for the sake of Lord An Meng, and he was benevolent enough. All the ministers believed that at least at this moment the emperor was sincerely grateful to Meng Yuan.

It's just Meng Yuan's reaction that everyone couldn't understand. When the emperor's decree to insure him fell on him, he was stunned in the main hall and even forgot to thank him.

Fortunately, Lu Shangshu came to the rescue and said that Meng Yuan was inexplicably moved by His Majesty's great favor, so he acted disrespectfully in front of the palace and thanked him for it. Otherwise, the scene would have been remembered by those who were interested, and it would have been another storm.

After receiving the emperor's gift and all the guarantees, Meng Yuan returned home without a trace. Unlike his family members who were celebrating together, he kept his dull expression from beginning to end.

Meng Yuan's wife, Mrs. Liu, noticed something was wrong with her husband, but she didn't pay attention. She just asked the housekeeper to take care of him. As the hostess of Meng's mansion, she still had to worry about the banquet to celebrate the title.

Meng Yuan was sent back to the study by the housekeeper with a worried look on his face. He suddenly closed the door tightly and was alone in there looking at the decree in his hand in confusion.

By some strange coincidence, Meng Yuan looked up and saw that the decree given to him by the late emperor was still stored in the corner of the table. Suddenly, he didn't know what he thought of, and he suddenly laughed out loud.

First he chuckled deeply, then laughed loudly. Meng Yuan's laughter attracted the attention of the Meng family. At that time, everyone just thought that the old man was too happy and could not restrain himself, which was not surprising.

But in the next few days, Meng Yuan still locked himself in the room and did not go to court in the morning. The worried family members stood in front of the study door, listening to the laughter coming from inside from time to time, and they all felt chills down their spines.

Finally, old friend Lu Shangshu came to the door and asked someone to break in without any explanation. Then the two old friends talked deeply in the house for a day and night, and finally Meng Yuan reappeared in front of them.

But his drastic change was jaw-dropping. Meng Yuan was over fifty, but because he was a martial arts practitioner, his body was still strong, especially his jet-black hair, which was originally just mixed with scattered white strands. Now, At first sight, he had a head full of white hair.

Meng Yuan, who seemed to have aged ten years overnight, appeared in the court. The first thing he did was to resign. Naturally, the new emperor refused. Seeing Meng Yuan like this, he himself was very surprised. But later in Lu He still agreed to Shangshu's persuasion.

Mr. Meng retired bravely. Apart from the title of Duke, he had no other official positions. After he returned home, nothing changed, and he still lived the same life where he rarely saw foreigners.

Anyone who is familiar with him can see that Meng Yuan now has an air of twilight in his body, as if he is a dying old man who still has the aura he had when he was the commander of the Jinyi Guards.

But this is the best result. After Lu Shangshu learned what happened from Qiu Qingyun, he already understood why his old friend became like this. After being silent for a long time, he just sighed, Things are unpredictable.

As for the concubine in the palace, she should now be called Concubine Meng. As Meng Yuan's sister, she finally could no longer remain silent.

The reason why they didn't meet before was because of dissatisfaction with her brother's insistence on going his own way. Now Meng Yuan's situation is obviously not right anymore, and she can no longer turn a blind eye.

Qiu Qingyun, who was called into the palace for questioning, said: "Mr. Meng, Brother Meng, I am afraid that his spirit is almost gone now. I see that he is feeling groggy every day. Alas."

Concubine Meng Gui's eyes were slightly red: "What should we do? The late emperor just left, and now he has become like this again."

Qiu Qingyun opened his mouth, looking like he was hesitating to speak. His eyes quietly turned around the palace. He didn't find the person he was looking for, so he just sighed helplessly.

The person Qiu Qingyun wanted to find was Axiu. With Meng Yuan looking so depressed now, I am afraid that only by asking this girl to come forward can he cheer up again.

As a good friend, Qiu Qingyun knew everything about what happened back then. Meng Yuan's current situation can only be said to be his own fault.

At the beginning, Meng Yuan gave up Axiu for power and chose a woman from an aristocratic family who was more helpful to his career. As a result, the two of them had similar interests and lived in harmony with each other.

Meng Yuan's wife Liu perfectly played the role of a lady from an aristocratic family. She took care of the family for Meng Yuan and raised his children well. Her natal family also provided help to Meng Yuan, but that was all.

Everything Liu did was to help the person in the position of the head of the Meng family as Mrs. Meng. As for the person in this position being replaced by someone else one day, she didn't care.

She and Meng Yuan didn't have much affection at all. Women from aristocratic families rarely had the love of children. Their two families had a combination of interests, and she had found out that Meng Yuan had a crush on her long before they got married, which made it even more important. Don't expect anything more.

Now that Meng Yuan had resigned from all his posts and stayed at home, Mrs. Liu naturally transferred all her energy to her son.

She is a smart woman. Since her husband cannot bring more help to the family, and the Meng family is already glorious enough, it is better to retreat bravely than to cook oil. Now there is no need for Meng Yuan to continue to fight for the family.

For Gong, as long as Meng Yuan lives well for one day, it will be the greatest contribution to the family. For private matters, there is no affection at all between husband and wife. Therefore, since Meng Yuan was idle, Mrs. Liu, apart from asking about each other's diet, did not talk about He doesn't care at all anymore.

Others in the family did not have any objections to this. Meng Yuan's status was still respected, and his words were still as important as Mount Tai in the clan, but he was now alone.

I can't blame others for Han Liang, but Meng Yuan suddenly gave up. The power in the family immediately needed to be reshuffled. Those who used to follow him now have to get along with his son again. This all requires time and energy. He Who else has the time to care about an old guy who has half his feet in the ground and doesn't care about anything.

The lintel of the Meng family is still prominent. Living in the crowded Meng Mansion, Meng Yuan seems to be a transparent person. He does not care about things and does not appear in front of others. Anyone who comes to visit him is driven away. Over time, no one wants to come. Let’s take a look at this old man who is getting more and more erratic.

These changes are very uncomfortable in the eyes of old friends like Qiu Qingyun. Unfortunately, even if they know the reasons, they can't do anything. Everything is just like Lu Shangshu once said, everything is unpredictable.

And at this moment, they, these old friends, each have their own things to worry about. Lu Shangshu has entered the cabinet, and many people are speculating that based on his close relationship with the new emperor, he will be the absolute next leader of the cabinet. Candidate.

Qiu Qingyun continued to return to the Jinyi Guards to take charge of affairs, but he would leave soon. The new emperor intended to promote him to the military department, and the person who took over as the commander of the Jinyi Guards was Wu Qiming.

This is something that everyone expected. Although the new emperor was originally from Jinyiwei, even when he served as the commander, these Jinyiwei brothers were close to each other.

Although Qiu Qingyun and others are also colleagues with the new emperor, after all, they are all members of the team that Meng Yuan once led. Even Wu Qiming was also promoted by Meng Yuan.

Wu Qiming knew this himself, so after he took over the position of commander, he went to Ying Wushang to explain the matter: "I am a commander who was rewarded by His Majesty. Sooner or later he will have to be replaced."

Ying Wushang smiled and said: "My lord, why should you belittle yourself? No one in the government or the public knows how much you took care of His Majesty back then. From what I see, you can relax and spend your old age in this position."

"Retirement care? Ha," Wu Qiming laughed meaningfully, and then said: "You are right. Your Majesty does treat me very favorably, so it won't be long before I make room for you." "Sir? "Ying Wushang looked at him puzzled.

"I'm here to ask you, what has bothered Your Majesty the most since he ascended the throne?" Wu Qiming asked.

Ying Wushang thought for a while and said, "Aristocratic family?"

"Yes," Wu Qiming nodded, and then asked: "Then let me ask you again, where is my background?"

"Aristocratic family." Ying Wushang frowned, and then said: "But, sir, that Lord Shangshu is also from a distinguished family, why did he—"

"That's different," Wu Qiming shook his head and said; "Lu Yannian has great ambitions in his heart. He doesn't care about the Lu family behind him at all, and he doesn't look down on the family's origins. But I am different. I am an ordinary person after all, and the family behind him is even more important. I have many connections with many aristocratic families. I can't bear to be so cruel. Your Majesty is considerate and doesn't want to embarrass me, so I am just a transitional commander."

"That's it." Ying Wushang suddenly said.

"Since the post of commander is bound to be vacant -" Wu Qiming looked at Ying Wushang seriously and said, "I intend to recommend you to take over the position."


Ying Wushang was stunned for a moment, then his expression became excited, and then he quickly calmed down: "My lord, although I was once taken by your Majesty, your Majesty has many close confidants. Although Bian Guang He left, but Jiang Xian is still there, why not Jiang Xian?"

"Because His Majesty needs someone who will not be biased against the noble family under any circumstances. You come from a world of martial arts, so you are just right."

Wu Qiming said, pondered for a moment, and then said: "Of course this is only one of the reasons. Another reason is that I heard that Ying Qianhu has not married yet?"

Ying Wushang was stunned for a moment, and then said quickly: "Exactly, I am concentrating on official duties and starting a family. I think it is too early."

"This is not possible," Wu Qiming stroked his beard and said, "Confucianism says that one should cultivate one's moral integrity, manage one's family, govern the country, and bring peace to the world. You are still alone in middle age, I'm afraid it will attract criticism. I happen to have a niece who has just reached the age of hairpins and does not know how to respond to thousands of households. Are you interested?"

Ying Wushang was stunned for a moment, and then immediately bowed down: "My lord, I will never forget your kindness in supporting me."

Wu Qiming nodded. He smiled and said to Wu Shang, "Get up quickly. I will be transferred to the Ministry of War in the future. You will have to worry more about the Jinyi Guards."

"Don't worry, sir." Ying Wushang and Wu Qiming looked at each other and smiled. Some words did not need to be explained clearly.

Wu Qiming said with satisfaction: "My niece's parents died young. She grew up in my home. I regard her as my own daughter. We have official business outside, but it's better to get closer in private."

Ying Wushang understood the idea and immediately bowed: "Father-in-law, don't worry, my son-in-law understands."

Seeing that Ying Wushang was so smart, Wu Qiming's smile became more kind. He helped him up and said, "Get up quickly. Between you and me, there is no need to perform such a grand ceremony."

That night, Ying Wushang was invited to a banquet at Wu Qiming's home. The next day, Wu Qiming went to the palace to see the new emperor. The two had a deep talk, and then Ying Wushang was promoted and became the governor of Fusi in Beizhen. Envoy.

In the days that followed, everyone in Jinyiwei could find that Ying Wushang was getting more and more attention. The new commander Wu Qi clearly planned to train him as his successor. Now everyone understood it. It seems that the governor will soon I will take over Master Wu’s class later.

As the saying goes, some people are happy and some are sad. Just when Ying Wushang had a smooth road ahead, another person broke his guard, and that was Shangguan Shaoqin.

As a member of the Conglong Zhigong camp, the new emperor must have remembered this friendship when he complained about the injustice and filed a lawsuit. The Shangguan family has indeed received the new emperor's gift. Not only Shangguan Shaoqin himself The merits and demerits were balanced, he was exempted from the death penalty, and he was also rewarded by the official position.

But the problem is that not only Shangguan Shaoqin was exempted from death penalty, but his beloved son Shangguan Beicang was also exempted from death.

In this way, the position of the Shangguan family is awkward. The balance of merits and demerits does not mean forgetting the past. Shangguan Shaoqin is a poor person who was "blinded" by his beloved wife, so he can win some understanding, but Shangguan Beicang is different.

In the records of Shangguan Shaoqin's custody, it is clearly stated that his wife and son made the mistake together, so Shangguan Beicang is actually guilty.

However, due to Qi Yunzhou, the vice-president of the academy, who tried his best to plead for mercy, the Shangguan family would not be able to succeed, so Shangguan Beicang was specially spared his life.

As a result, the Shangguan family had to accept a tainted heir. The embarrassing thing was that they had no way to replace this heir, because one of the reasons why Shangguan Shaoqin was able to escape guilt was that he deeply loved this misguided wife. Only then did he end up committing a small crime of negligence.

After Shangguan Shaoqin was released, he immediately found the academy. This time he and his senior brother Qi Yunzhou sat across from each other to drink tea, and the atmosphere was not as harmonious.

"Elder brother is so scheming," Shangguan Shaoqin's eyes were a little cold: "The Shangguan family's accumulated wealth over the years was just given away."

Shangguan Shaoqin already understood that from the day he was plotted by Qi Yunzhou, the Shangguan family was doomed. This heir who was destined to be nailed to the pillar of shame could never be "accidentally".

So whether he accepts it or not, the son he dislikes most will inherit the Shangguan family in the future, and then the entire family is destined to disappear from everyone.

"Junior brother, don't forget that I am the teacher's eldest disciple. The teacher's lifelong wish is to hope that the court will no longer be constrained by aristocratic families. You want to be the second Chen family and the second Wang family. How can I turn a blind eye to this kind of thing? Yeah." Qi Yunzhou said with a smile.

"Senior brother, you are a great talent. Junior brother, I'm leaving." Shangguan Shaoqin didn't want to say any more, so he said goodbye and turned around to leave.

After Qi Yunzhou sent Shangguan Shaoqin away, he went to pay a visit to Master Luo. He had a rest today and he happened to come to the academy to give lectures. However, looking at the trembling expressions of the students, it seemed that the old master was not in a good mood.

"That's it for today."

Seeing Qi Yunzhou outside the door, the old master stood up calmly, and the students below all breathed a sigh of relief.

"Come with me," the old master took Qi Yunzhou into the study and said, "Has Shaoqin come?"

"Yes," Qi Yunzhou said with a smile: "The Shangguan family has been irreparable. Junior brother must be a little unwilling to do so."

Luo Fuzi pondered for a moment and shook his head: "The success is too serious, God will punish you."

After saying that, he looked at Qi Yunzhou intently: "Same for you."

Qi Yunzhou bowed down to receive the teaching: "The teacher's kind words will be remembered by the students."

Luo Fuzi nodded, and then said: "His Majesty mentioned you the day before yesterday. With your ability, it is appropriate to serve as an official in the court. I am here today to ask your opinion."

Qi Yunzhou smiled and refused: "I also asked the teacher to convey His Majesty's kindness to the students. The students are grateful, but the students' abilities are limited and they are not enough to share His Majesty's worries."

Luo Fuzi stroked his beard and said: "You have to know that I am now the Grand Tutor and bear the title of Emperor's Master. After I resigned before I entered the court, all the disciples who claim to be me can get countless benefits, but now -"

"Students know," Qi Yunzhou said after bowing seriously: "Students are not waiting for a price, but there are so many talents in the court now. Students joining the court are just the icing on the cake. I hope the teacher can fulfill them."

"Never mind."

When Luo Fuzi saw that he persisted, he stopped trying to persuade him. Although Qi Yunzhou was his disciple, his spirit was never low, and he was not willing to appear in front of others as a Baimei disciple for the rest of his life. He had his own ambitions.

(End of this chapter)

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